
Auctioned Off

In a world where people's futures are shaped by their status, a life-changing moment occurs at an auction. Dante Blackwood, the alpha of Voss Pack goes to an auction and sees his mate being bided on Mia Crest an ignored illegitimate child, claimed at an auction and gets swept into a new reality. As their connection grows, her absent father returns, not because of genuine care but because she's now linked to a powerful alpha.

peacegeorge · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Five

I think I could successfully say that I knew exactly what it felt like to have a heart attack after having stared at Dante's shocked face for a good 10 seconds while he stood paralysed in front of me. My wrist was still firmly clasped in his hand but I was doing everything I could to not let my fingers make contact with the skin of his neck which I was holding till just a few seconds ago.

"Do you want to die?!" Those words rang in my head

"He won't kill me for not bowing to him" I told my self but he was an Alpha just like my father who

I had experienced several attempts of him strangling me regardless of the fact that i was daughter . Truth is I wouldn't be surprised if he killed me and no one cared. Heck, I would readily kill myself right about now! But my mother was the only person that made me hold on

Cole cleared his throat loudly and that shook both me and the Dante out of our respective thoughts.He smiled smugly and continued to stare at the Dante . I knew they were having a mental conversion through eye-contact alone.

Suddenly Dante's head jerked back to look at me. He immediately let go of my hand and backed away as though I had some kind of contagious disease. The loss of his touch immediately sent a wave of longing through me and I was puzzled at that feeling.

Dante turned away from me so that his back was facing me. He put a hand to his forehead, fisting his hair in exasperation and my expression immediately turned into a worried one.

Was he okay?

Instinctively I took a step toward towards him and his back stiffened visibly. My body urged me to go to him and I took another step forward. It was as if my feet were moving on their own. My mind couldn't understand a thing of what was going on, all I knew was that I had an overwhelming urge to comfort him, no, not an urge but a need!

I took another step towards him and he straightened his back, standing to his full height. He was still turned away from me and I found myself wanting to see his face.

But the minute I opened my mouth to say God knows what to him, he swiftly turned around to face me and the expression on his face made my mouth go dry.

His eyes glowed with such a terrifying fury that I felt like I was being burnt by the flames of hell itself. He towered over my frame, with his fists clenched and face darkened by what I could only describe, as hatred!

I had felt what hatred meant but getting it from your mate was an entirely different feeling. It was rolling off of him in ginormous waves, ready to devastate anyone who crossed their path, which in this particular situation, was me.

"How dare you", he whispered in a deep husky voice filled with detest, " who the hell let you in here?"

I opened my mouth, but just like earlier no sound came out. I struggled to think straight but my brain felt like spaghetti.

"Did you not hear me girl? ANSWER ME!" he roared and I nearly fell backwards at the authority that radiated off his words.

My hands trembled spilling some of the water from the glass on the ground as my knees gave way and the glass broke while my knees stood on it pricking my skin.

" I am sorry I said with my head on the ground. I came here to beg you not to return me to my father. You can reject me all you want, anything except going back to him" I said with tears filled in my eyes and I sniffed.

The skin on my knees began to hurt badly as I saw my own blood run and my instinct he pulled from the floor with his hand.

His gaze flickered to my knees and I went stiff. I couldn't feel the pain radiating from my knees anymore for a moment. He stood an inch apart from me and I staggered but he carried me in his arms just like the night before and looked over to Jack who left the office almost immediately.

He squeezed my hand and I looked into his eyes which clammed shut suddenly. He opened his eyes and I saw longing.

The mate bond . No one was above it. I was not surprised he wanted his.

But as suddenly as that longing had appeared, it disappeared again and was replaced with determination. And for some strange reason this expression of his chilled me to the bone. I felt it deep inside of me, something bad was going to happen. Something incredibly bad.

He dropped my hand but held my gaze with his own unwavering one as he squared his shoulders.

He looked intimidating.

"No Cole", he spoke calmy, too calmly," I don't need her"

His words sent a wave of hurt through my veins. From my peripheral vision I saw Cole and stiffen.

"And I'll prove it to you, once and for all!" Dante's said with finalty in his voice.

He looked determined.

Dante stood facing me, the power and authority flowing out of his aura made it hard for me to even breathe, but somehow I managed to hold his gaze.

"I", he began and I felt a strange dread fall over me.

"Dante Voss Blackwood-

But he looked like he wanted to forget.

"No! Please don't sir!"

I knew what was coming next.'Rejection, the word that feared werewolves no matter how strong they were it caused pain that could never heal but

he looked like he wanted to reject me anytime from now and I was mentally preparing myself for it.

I held on to the fact that I wasn't a wolf so it won't be as bad as it to wolves

"reject you-", pain welled up from deep inside of me. Searing, slashing, unbearable pain.

He too looked like he was is pain.

"Mia Silver Crest", it was the first time he said my name, it was like music to my ears. I could have cried tears of joy were it not for the dreadful circumstances.

He too looked like he wanted to cry...

Suddenly the world around me blurred and the only person I could see was him. Time seemed to stop yet again. A sense of foreboding lingered around

He gulped and his jaw clenched. His every movement was strained. Somehow I could hear his heartbeat. It was slow, unsteady, faint, almost as though his heart was breaking.

I needed to help him. I wanted to help him.

And he looked like he wanted me to...no. Wanted me. Period.

At that moment I wanted nothing more than to take all his pain away no matter what the cost! I would embrace it with open arms if it meant I could see him happy, unburdened, free! I would do anything for this stranger, whom my heart had deemed important.

He opened his mouth with finalty and I knew this was it, the moment that would decide everything to come.My vision became darker and darker and I struggled to stay awake

"as my-"

Everywhere went pitch black.