
AU:Omega- Tales of the Astral Spider-Man

Wyatt Miller, an orphan who becomes a spider totem faces down the classic villains of Marvel's Spiderman and other heroes and villains in his own way, on his own unique path!

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2 Chs

Knowledge of the spider

I awakened in the infirmary now rubbing my head as two voices were in my head of two adult males.

"Who's calling me kid…?"

I looked around and saw two other people beside me.

"Hey kid how are ya?" a youthful male asked, floating 

"For Pete's sake…" said the more gruff-appearing man

"Ummm who are you?" I asked the two who seemed to be covered in some sort of faint light.

"Well...I'm Peter, Peter Parker but from a different dimension" said the teenage male

"Hm. I am also Peter Parker. From this timeline." Said the old man

"Confusing..." I got out of bed and jumped away. 

"Well that it is kid, you gotta listen to me kid, You're now the new Spiderman!"

"What!?" I yelled out promoting the nurse to burst into the room

"Oh, you're awake!" She sighed in relief. "You can leave if you like, you seem to be in good condition but please do come back if you don't feel well for any reason!"

"Thanks...Will do.." I clutched my chest, both scared and relieved at the same time as I walked out of the office, I grabbed a face mask and made my way to my next class.

"So when you two said I'm the new Spider Man why are you guys here then?" I asked

"Are you sure you want the answer to that kid?" The Old man asked me.

"Positive," I said

"Weeeee're..well..." The more youthful Peter said he tried to say.

"We're dead, no easy way of saying this and I guess along with our power, you're also haunted by us." the old Peter said, crossing his arms

Right after that a large crack formed near the wall I was walking from before a large Mech suit crashed through the cracked wall.

"Scorpion!" The three of us said in unison as I jumped back as the tail swayed and cracked like a whip.

"I'm not Spider-Man. H-Hell...Are you sure?" I stuttered with sweat dripping down my face.

"We're sure of it, and being here is proof enough. You're more prepared than we were, So Fight kid!" The old man had uncrossed his arms, and his eyes seemed to have a fire in them.

"Here we go!" I flipped up my hood, put on the face mask that had been crushed in my hand, and ran toward the giant mech suit giving it a punch with all my power.

"CLANG!" The punch connected and sent the suit flying however I doubled over holding my hand and screamed in pain.

"AGGGGHHHHH!!!" The pain stings my hand as I clutch it and keep it close to my stomach.

"You're strong, not indestructible." The younger Peter said as I managed to get up

"Come on, you got a fight win! Dodge!" The old Peter said as the suit started to charge at me, then the sound of a helicopter blared into my ears.

"KIIID!!" The old Peter screamed, prompting me to dodge, I jumped as high as possible, sticking to the ceiling.

"Nice!" The young Peter said. "Now try to get down."

I tried to get down and failed. I tugged at my hand with everything until part of the ceiling came off with my hand.

"Stop sticking! Please stop sticking!!" I yelled as the Scorpion got up and was now charging at me, again.

"Hey, you!" The Scorpion yelled to me.

"The suit talked?" I asked it.

"There it is hahaha!" Young Peter said. Every Spider-Man's Spidey sense of humor!

"Wait! What! Do! You! Mean! By! That!?" I asked managing to dodge the tail of the Scorpion.

"Hmph He's lying, however, every Spider is prone to making Jokes during fights, I don't make the rules, that's just how it is sadly," said Old Peter

"Al! Right!" I said finally managing to get off the ceiling. 

"You should be able to make natural webs for a bit! Use em!" Young Peter told me.

"Thanks!" I made a fist that put pressure on my palms, managing to shoot a thick web that covered the Scorpion's visor.

"Good! He's struggling! Run!" Young Peter said as my body delayed before I sprinted out of the hallway, looking anywhere and Everywhere to hide. "Guys! I could use some guidance!" 

"Relax! Do you have a science classroom?"

"I don't know!"

"Press your fingers against your palm and pull!"

"AHHHH!!!" A web shot out my wrist and a web stuck to the wall then pulled my arm back and went flying, and kept repeating with both arms until I passed by a classroom with chemistry bottles.

"There! Go in there!"

I tried to open the door "It's locked!"

"Break in kid."


"It's for the greater kid. Or do you feel like death is an option?"

At that moment Scorpion charged in, looked me in the eyes, and made a mad dash and my mouth moved before my thoughts.

"I...I thought that rhinos were supposed to be docile animals! Or at least not attack humans!" I dodged his mad charge by jumping but my eyes focused on the door, the Scorpion only grazed the door and the hinges were about to break off the wall!

"I always knew the big ones hit harder!" I taunted Scorpion, and that seemed to make him mad because he started charging again, bumping from wall to wall, I hoped to god someone or someTHING came from that helicopter soon. I ran into the classroom.

"Grab that green bottle!" The youthful Peter said as I grabbed it.

"What next!?" I yelled.

"Yellow bottle!"

I grabbed the yellow bottle and an empty bottle and started to mix them. 

"Quickly! Cover and shake it!"

"uh huh!!" I frantically covered the bottle with my palm and shook it as the bottle started to overflow and bubble over, and again the Scorpion burst through the wall and I dropped the glass beaker, shattering it.

"Where are you!!?" the deranged voice yelled out. "Fight me like a man!!"

"Nuh-uh! I'm the Spectacular Slippery Skedaddler!" My mouth said again as I kept running out of the classroom the room filled with smoke, I heard the voice of a deranged man again.

"Come out! stop running like a rat!" He screamed as he burst out the door, but I ran in the direction of the hole in the ceiling.

"Who the hell is that big body, furry body suit, animal cosplayer?" I asked both Spidermen as I crawled out of the hole and lay there on the roof or ceiling. I don't know what that place was called but there was a ledge and I just relaxed.

"He's called the Scorpion, and that furry cosplayer suit is a suit that works like a humanoid Scorpion. That tail is no joke. Don't let it hit-

The tail burst through the hole and I immediately got up, my head tingling to the point it was painful.

"Why does my head hurt...Peter?"

"Ah now it's started to kick in, it's always a bit slow." the more youthful Peter said

"What's always a bit slow!?" I yelled

"The spider-sense." both Peters said 

"The spider what!?" I flinched

"Yeah, think of it like precognition," he explained

"Okay..." I reluctantly said

"I have to know how are both here?" I asked

"Don't know, don't have time to figure that out!" the older Peter said, pointing to Scorpion who was yelling obscenities at me.

"Hey, kid! Cmere! you keep talking to yourself! I jus' wanna hurt you!" He yelled, salivating as I saw him attempt to make the hole bigger so I just kept running where I heard even more helicopters and soldiers dressed in black as Scorpion burst through the wall.

"Yo kid! Are you alright?" a woman in a suit with a strange sigil on her shoulder asked as I got onto the ground.

"Hey kid, act afraid." the older Peter said

I nodded to the woman wordlessly, panting and breathing slower as if I were calming down.

"Okay kid, you're doing great..." the woman took off her helmet to reveal a woman with dark skin and curly hair dropping to her shoulder.

"come on kid, I'll take you home after me and my team deal with this...animal psychopath" She looked disgusted as she spoke her words, her eyes piercing my soul, while I admit she was attractive, her eyes looked as if she could hear all the thoughts of relief entering my mind and feel like she could look into my past present and future. I think she might have terrified me more than the Scorpion.