
AU Kingdom Hearts: Transmigration In A MIx World

Boy transmigration into a mixed world of a Different universe of Kingdom Hearts Worlds: Indigo Demon Slayer Naruto(Current) update 1-2 chapters a week so I don't get burned out I don't own any already made characters, Only my original characters

YuYu_230 · Video Games
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36 Chs

Ch.7 Vs. Rui

2 hours later,

"Man Just three more hits and I would have won that fight," Sakura said with a straight face.

"it took your own attack to defeat you but at the end of the fight my speed has increased by a lot so thank you for fighting me," I said.

'It seems that I gain abilities by fighting opponents the system like to call 'bosses.'

"Hey guys I think Our masters are coming," Zen said.

We get up and see our masters coming.

"Welcome our students to your exam, this is to test you if you have what it takes to be a full-fledged Keyblade wielder," Nux said while smirking.

"In the regular exam, you would have to fight 10 weak heartless to pass but in this exam, you have to fight a strong enemy to pass the exam," Noble said with a smile.

"The enemy you be fighting is a demon name Rui in a different world, you must save a boy named tanjiro and his sister nezuko hahaha," Fefe Laughed.

"Do you know any weakness we can use on this Rui demon," Zen asked.

"Sunlight burns him," Nux said.

"So my fire magic should be his weakness," I replied.

"Yep, you are correct speedy flames," Fefe said with a thump up.

Master Noble opens a portal behind us to our destination.

"This will take you where you need to go, Good luck guys, we believe in you," Noble said as we go into the portal.

Demon Slayer World

"Concentrate! Control your breathing! Unleash the most precise, final form! Total Concentration...," Tanjiro(Lv25) said as he rushed toward Rui(Lv30).

"You still don't realize how futile it is?" Rui questioned Tanjiro as he pulls Threads to him.

Tanjiro cut the Threads to Rui surprised and said, "Water breathing, Tenth form, Constant Flux!"

'I slashed them, I was able to slash the threads!' Tanjiro thought.

'Gathering Force with each rotation... This could be trouble' Rui thought.

'I can do it If I can keep closing the distance between us, I can defeat him!' Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro keeps getting closer to Rui but Rui said something "Hey, you don't think these threads are at maximum strength, do you?", Rui's threads turn blood red.

"Blood Demon art: Cutting Thread Cage, I have no more use for you, Goodbye," Rui said as Red threads make a cage trapping Tanjiro inside and getting closer to him.

'No good, I can't slash these threads, I'm still not getting enough spin, these are giving off a totally different scent than the other threads, but I can't afford to lose no matter what... I'm gonna die, I'm gonna lose... I'm' Tanjiro thought.

"Fire Strike(397/445)," I said as I cut all the threads with my flaming Keyblade. 'What, who is this boy and how did he cut my threads!?' Rui thought surprised.

"Cure," Zen said as Tanjiro wounds were mostly healed.

"Who are you guys?" Tanjiro asked.

"Not enough time, Power kill him!" Zen shouted as he take tanjiro away.

At this time Sakura cut the threads that were holding nezuko and bring her to Tanjiro.

"Got it," I replied activating Dragon aura(277/445Mp) to kill this guy and running towards Rui.

"I won't let you kill me, you bastard," Rui Shouted as he shoots red threads at me.

Too bad they are weak as hell, I cut the threads with ease(50 seconds).

Rui keeps running away from me but I'm faster than him "I won't let you get away Rui!" I yelled as I'm in front of him now pointing my keyblade at him(40 seconds).

"No, I'm not ready to Die!" Rui shouted as he shoot more red threads at me again.

"Go to hell Spider-Boy, Dragon Fire(229/445Mp)!" I yelled(30 seconds).


The pure red fire engulfs Rui turning him into ash. I was knocked out of my dragon aura and slammed into multiple trees rendering me unconscious.

[Magic: Fire Strike: Constant Flux has been learned]

[Magic: Fire Strike: Constant Flux was added]


Lv24 (3.6%)







Abilities: Fire Mp decreased(20%), Sonic Slash(25Mp) Adaptability(gain 0.1% of exp from blocking and carrying attacks)

Dragon Aura(increased Str, Def, Mag, and Spd by x2 for 1 min: 120Mp) Magical Prodigy(+5 Mag) Summon: Eeveelutions(Summon all 9 eevee species to in an element attack that deals x3 damage in your Mag stats: 90Mp) Speeder(+5 Spd)

Magic: Fire(32Mp) Fire strike(48Mp) Dragon Fire:(1.5 damage than normal Fire:48Mp) Fire Strike: Constant Flux(64Mp) Cure(Heal 80Hp:60Mp)

Weapon: Lily The Eevee Keyblade(10+ Str, 15+Mag)


Familiars:Zero(Lv18), Malinda(Lv21)

"Who is this kid," Giyu said as he had seen the kid kill Rui fast.


"Nezuko thank Kami you are okay," Tanjiro said happily hugging his sister.

"Hmm," She responds to Tanjiro with a Hug of her own.

"Zen should Power be done by now?" Sakura asked.

"I think he should be done by-" Zen didn't get the chance to finish as he felt an attack coming for Nezuko. He summons his Keyblade and blocked the attack.

"Who the hell are you?" Zen asked.

"The question is who are you," Shinobu replied with a smile.

End of chapter