
AU Kingdom Hearts: Transmigration In A MIx World

Boy transmigration into a mixed world of a Different universe of Kingdom Hearts Worlds: Indigo Demon Slayer Naruto(Current) update 1-2 chapters a week so I don't get burned out I don't own any already made characters, Only my original characters

YuYu_230 · Video Games
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36 Chs

Ch. 15 The Original Power's Origin

3rd Pov,

"What do you mean not like the-" Power couldn't finish his sentence by a beam of light going through him as his heart came out of his body.

"My heart... Why?" Power asked lowly in his voice, dropping to the ground unconscious.

His heart flows through the air going to the Amalee clone's left hand.

"It is said that the hearts of those from our world contain our emotions, memories, and the light and darkness of the person. While one can forget things the heart will always keep the memories within, Let's see what your heart holds," Amalee said as Power's heart shine a gold color.

Flashback story,

A 13 years old red-haired boy(Lv5) can be seen sleeping in a room with a lot of beds in it. A door opened revealing a girl(Lv18) with blue hair that is in a ponytail, wearing long sleeves white dress also having Cat ears and a tail. she was holding a bucket of cold water going to the boy and splashing it on the boy's face.

"Ahh, it's so cold," the boy said waking up.

"Of course it's cold, Come on Power it's time to eat breakfast," the girl replied leaving the room.

"Let me get dressed first, man why does Wisdom have to be a pain in the butt," Power said.

He put on his red shirt that has an X mark on the front, a black short sleeve hoodie,

Black cargo shorts with a red belt, and red and black checkered pattern boots.

Power grew up with no parents as he was abandoned as a baby living in the orphanage. Not many children like Power due to the orphanage being all Beastkin, Demons, and Fallen angels while he was the only human in the orphanage. The orphanage that Power was in Radiant Country near the border of Radiant country and Twilight country. The Radiant country in Power's timeline has a belief that Humans are inferior creatures to them, leading to conflict between Twilight and Radiant for many years. Power was bullied by many of the children there the main one being a Fallen angel child named Bastatrro(Lv25). Bastatrro is considered by many people to be blessed by fate herself due to being born strong and talented. One time Power almost lost his left arm because Bastatrro was pissed that Power ate the last cookie but the Mothers of the orphanage save him. No one knows why the mothers keep Power at the orphanage the only theory that the kids can make up is that they like to see him get hurt by the children of the orphanage. Power thought this too but one night when Power wanted something to eat, he got out of bed and went to the kitchen, as he got there he heard two Mothers talking whose names were Lucy and Stella. He is only them talking about protecting a boy from someone. Power was confused about why someone needed protection, so he went back to bed not caring to ask about what they are talking thinking it just might be Bastatrro targeting someone they are talking about. Power was not alone in the Orphanage though he had two friends that were named Wisdom and Courage(Lv16). Being the weakest in the orphanage they got along well, the Trio has been friends for 7 years still going strong.

Power makes his way to the cafeteria to eat with Wisdom and Courage, Today they are eating baked red potatoes and the children love Red potatoes. When Power got his food and sit next to Wisdom, A boy that was a demon came sitting next to them with long medium green hair that was slick back with two black horns on each side of his head, A big dark green trench coat with a hoodie, dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and black shoes this being the lazy boy Courage himself.

"I see that you are wet as well," Power said to Courage.

"Yeah the blue cat threw cold water at me I can't even get my beauty sleep," Courage replied with a lazy tone.

"Hey it's not my fault for you two being lazy boys, mhm," Wisdom said as she started to stuff her face with the potatoes.

The three friends ate their food and talk for a few minutes until Bastatrro arrive near them

'Not Him again', all three of them thought while Power was shaking from fear.

Bastatrro goes to Courage and picks him up by the shirt saying "You lazy green loser why are you messing with my girl".

"Man chill I wasn't messing with Lilith besides she is too much energy draining to be around," Courage replied.

"You talking smack about my girl green bug," Bastatrro said with anger ready to punch.

Power and Wisdom got up from where they were sitting and took a fighting stance.

"Get your hand off Courage Bird-brain!" Wisdom yelled.

Power still trying to fight off his fear but years of bullying can never go away in an instant.

"And why would I do that little kitten when your friend here was trying to make move on my girl," Bastatrro replied cocking his fist back to punch Courage in the face.

"That is enough!" A voice yelled with a serious tone.

Everyone turns around to see Mother Stella looking at them with the eyes of a hunter.

"Um... Mother Stella, what are you doing here?" Bastatrro asked nervously.

"What do you mean by what are you doing here, I see that you are bullying these three again," she said with killer intent.

Bastatrro tried to explain himself but she wasn't having it as she took out a Slipper.

Bastatrro seeing this ran for his life leaving the cafeteria while Mother Stella chase him. Power sighs a relief sitting back down to eat

'That was too scary' Power thought

Wisdom goes to Courage and hits him on the head.

"Ouch... why did you hit me?" Courage asked with confusion.

"Dummy you could have got a black eye if Mother Stella didn't show up," Wisdom said.

"I don't care about what he does to me but I care about what he will do to you," Courage replied.


"I feel like I am reading a love story in my very eyes if you guys keep going at this paste," Power said trying not to laugh.

"H-Hey is not like that," Wisdom said stuttering a little.

"Y-Yeah, we are just friends," Courage replied stuttering like Wisdom.

"Whatever you guys say," Power said with a smirk.

All three went back to eating their potatoes and continue the conversation earlier. Unknown to anyone a figure of a woman stands behind the Orphanage with Neoshadows at her side.

"I think I found my two targets," the woman said looking at the window and seeing Courage and Wisdom talking with Power.

End of Chapter