
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Rocketing an Invasion

The episode starts with the Team Rocket trio with Archer on the streets of Saffron City, all still dressed in long black trench coats with sunglasses, continuing to discuss their plan.

"So, we're going to Silph Co. with a stealth approach?" Cassidy asked.

Archer nods in agreement. "Bingo. Until we reach the room where the Vice-President of Silph Co. is and that's where we will reveal our true identities."

"Question. How are we going to get past the front door without raising any alarms?" Butch asked.

"Oh, that's simple. A Team Rocket executive always comes prepared." Archer reaches into his pocket and pulls out three fake worker passes. And hands them to Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo separately.

Mondo gasped, looking at his fake work pass. "Wow, you really thought everything through!"

"Cassidy here will probably suggest we bust in by breaking a window and then we be arrested right there on the spot," Butch says with a chuckle.

"SHUT UP!" Cassidy yelled a Butch in frustration. While Cassidy was yelling.

"I sometimes both love and hate to be in this trio…" Mondo says to himself, quietly.

The title screen shows.

"Rocketing an Invasion."

"Okay, imbeciles, enough talking and just look at your fake worker passes!" Archer commanded.

The Team Rocket trio all look at their fake worker passes and notice the names that were given.

"Are you serious? Why is my fake name Hannah? That's just stupid." Cassidy says with a frown.

"Why is my fucking name Dough? That sounds like a name you're asking to be picked on." Butch added.

"Albert… really?" Mondo asked while turning to Archer.

Archer growls in frustration. "Look, the main objective here is to get the Master Ball for Giovanni. Picking the right names for your fake worker passes is the least of my concerns! Let's go!" Archer begins heading towards the Silph Co. building with the Team Rocket trio following him.

While they were walking, from the corner of their eye, Cassidy spots the gang, standing outside of Saffron Gym with the talking Meowth they're interested in from a distance.

Jessie takes a big breath. "Okay, I can do this. I can beat Sabrina."

"We're by your side, Jessie!" James says.

"Yeah, teach Sabrina a lesson!" Domino added.

"You're gonna have to because something happens when you lose to her three times." Meowth also added.

"Hey! That's the twerps with the talking Meowth!" Cassidy is about to sprint off to confront them, but Archer holds her back.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Archer asked in disbelief.

Cassidy points at the gang from a long distance. "Those annoying twerps over there have a very special talking Pokémon. Their Meowth over there that can bark up a storm. It's very rare and valuable!"

"Well first off, cats don't even bark and second, there's no such thing as a talking Pokémon," Archer replied.

"I'm being honest, those twerps over there have a talking Pokémon!" Cassidy says, pointing at the gang now speaking to someone else with pink hair. She turns to her partners-in-crime. "Come on guys, back me up here!"

Butch and Mondo just look at each other then they pretend Cassidy is making things up.

"We have no idea what she's talking about, Archer." Butch lied.

Mondo nods, agreeing with the lie. "Yep! Zero clue."

Cassidy's jaw drops in disbelief. "Guys, what are you doing?!"

"Enough horse playing! Follow me to the Silph Co. building and stop getting so easily distracted!" Archer continues walking on the streets of Saffron, heading towards the Silph Co. building with the Team Rocket trio following behind.

Cassidy sees the gang head into Saffron Gym, then turns her attention to her partner-in-crimes and whispers at them. "Guys, why did you lie?! You know that Meowth talks!"

"It's because this guy is a Team Rocket executive," Butch answered. "If we start acting crazy like saying a talking Pokémon is in the twerp's possession, Archer will not give us a good review with the boss."

Mondo nods. "I agree. We have to be at our best with this mission."

Cassidy rolls her eyes. "Well, thanks for letting me act like I'm crazy."

Butch shrugs. "That's your fault."

Cassidy grumbles but keeps quiet. It cuts to Archer and the Team Rocket trio arriving at the Silph Co. from afar, as we see a guard standing outside the doors as well.

"Are you sure these fake work passes will work?" Mondo asked.

"Trust me, I was extremely careful when making these. There is no way in hell they can prove these are fake, we're good with them." Archer responded.

Team Rocket walks more near the Silph Co. building as the guard spots them.

He holds his hand out to them. "Work passes, please. I need to know if you four work here."

They hand over their work passes to the guard as they look at them very closely. "Hmm…" he looks at Archer. "Caleb?" Then at Mondo. "Albert?" Then at Cassidy. "Hannah?" Then finally at Butch. "Doug?"


The three immediately cover Butch's mouth, quickly saving them from Butch exposing him and them to the guard.

"Yep, he's Doug! That's our name alright." Cassidy says with a chuckle, still covering Butch's mouth.

The guard looks at the four covering Butch's month, then at the 'work passes.' "Well, I can't prove these are fake, so go on ahead." The guard gives them their 'work passes' back and steps aside so that they can enter.

As Team Rocket enters the Silph Co. building, and out of view from the guard, they uncover Butch's mouth as Archer glares at him.

"You imbecile. You almost exposed us right there!" Archer flicks Butch's nose out of frustration.

"OW!" Butch holds his nose from being flicked on. "Well, it's not my fault. People keep getting my name wrong, so it's a force of habit!"

Archer rolls his eyes. "Whatever, I got a call to make with the boss." Archer looks at his watch and starts dialing on it and a few seconds past, Giovanni is projected onto the watch.

"Sir, we are in the Silph Co. building," Archer confirmed to the boss.

"Excellent." Giovanni begins telling them what to do. "Find the President's room immediately. The room should be on the top floor of this eleven-floor skyscraper and do not get caught red-handed before you reach the President's room. Once you and the other three are there, I will signal our grunts to take over the whole building as you hold the President hostage and demand the location of the Master Ball."

Team Rocket all nods. "Yes, sir!"

"Good. Do not let me down." Giovanni says.

The watch stops projecting Giovanni as the Team Rocket trio and Archer begin making their way up to the elevator, but unfortunately for them, it won't open.

"What?" Archer questioned, then he looked at the Card Key scanner.

"Why isn't it opening?!" Butch questioned.

"We need a Card Key," Archer says. "Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for that. So it looks like we're taking the stairs."

The Team Rocket trio immediately groaned from frustration.

"That's stupid!" Cassidy complained.

"I hate walking stairs!" Mondo added.

Archer facepalms in disbelief, starting to get angry. "Of all the Team Rocket agents in the world, why did Giovanni pair me up with them?" He says to himself while grumbling.

Team Rocket starts heading to the stairs, as they enter the second floor of the Silph Co. building.

Cassidy's eyes widened from the layout of the building. "What is this layout?! It looks like a maze!"

"Luckily they didn't put the stairs in a random location. Let's just head up to the third floor." Archer commanded.

"Aye aye, sir…" Butch says.

Team Rocket continued walking upstairs to the fourth floor, and then they reached the fifth floor, where the Team Rocket trio started getting tired.

"Hey mini boss, can we have a break or something? These stairs are making me tired!" Mondo complained.

"Yeah! Let's have lunch or something! I'm starving!" Butch suggested.

Archer starts getting frustrated but keeps his cool. "We will have lunch after we take over the building, okay?"

One of the Silph Co. workers walked towards the group. "Hello there. Aren't you all workers here? Why can't you just use your personal Card Key and use the elevator?"

Team Rocket's eyes widened, thinking they were about to be caught, but Archer immediately thought of an excuse.

Archer tells the Silph Co. worker. "We are watching our weight and using the stairs to burn a few calories. That's all."

"Oh… okay then." The worker turns his back around and goes back to his place.

Archer blindsides them by hitting them in the back of the head, knocking the worker out, and immediately starting pickpocketing the worker while knocked out. "Come you three, help me out here and look for their Card Key!"

The trio helps Archer pickpocketing the unconscious worker once they were told and then Butch finds the worker's Card Key.

"Found it!" Butch confirmed, holding it up towards their partners.

"Excellent. Let's hide the unconscious body before any other worker stumbles upon it." Archer commanded the trio.

The Team Rocket trio nods as they and Archer begin carrying the worker's unconscious body. It cuts to Team Rocket in a restroom as they open a stall and place the unconscious body onto the toilet. Archer proceeds to lock the stall before they leave and closes it as well, then proceeds to leave the restroom and start walking like nothing happened.

"Good idea, Archer." Cassidy complimented. "Now we can use the elevator!"

"I just want this mission to be quick and fast," Archer replied. "The faster we get up to the eleventh floor and get the Master Ball, the more Giovanni will be satisfied."

"We always want to impress the boss, always!" Butch says with a grin.

Mondo points at himself. "And I will be a top Team Rocket agent one day and satisfying the boss is my number one priority!"

Archer scoffs. "Good luck with that, you're gonna need it."

"See Mondo? Now even Archer believes you can be a top agent," Cassidy says.

Mondo looks down, expressing sadness. "You guys are mean."

Team Rocket arrives at the elevator as Archer scans the worker's Card Key on the scanner. It turns green and the elevator opens for them. They step inside, Archer presses the eleventh floor as the elevator closes and starts ascending to the floor that Archer pressed. Once the elevator reaches the desired floor, it opens, Team Rocket steps out and then continues walking, but all they see is nothing but a wall and no entrance.

"What the actual fuck is this?" Butch questioned in disbelief from seeing nothing but a wall.

"Where's the entrance?! All I see is a wall!" Cassidy added.

"Of course, they didn't make it easy to get to the President's office." Archer pulls out a Poké Ball and turns his attention to the trio. "Everyone get back."

The Team Rocket trio does what Archer says and steps back.

Archer sends out one of his Pokémon. "Electrode, use Explosion to blow up the wall!"

Electrode materializes from its Poké Ball. "Electrode!" The Pokémon glows white and then explodes, destroying the wall completely.

There was the President of Silph Co. on the other side of the wall in his office, sitting in his chair, and just experienced the wall blowing up. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Archer returns his Electrode to its Poké Ball as he and the trio run into the President's office. Archer immediately pulls out a gun and aims it at the President, who immediately puts his hands up.

"H-hey take it easy buddy." The President said, getting worried from the gun pointed at him.

"Just stay right there and don't move, Mr. President. I have to make a quick call." Archer starts dialing on his watch.

"This guy is serious…" Cassidy said, whispering to her partners-in-crime, they both nodded in response.

"Giovanni, sir… I'm in." Archer said while looking at his watch which was showing Giovanni.

"Sending in the grunts," Giovanni responded and closed the call.

It cuts to the gang walking on the streets of Saffron City, as we see Jessie holding the Marsh Badge that she won from beating Sabrina.

"Another badge and I just need two more to enter the Kanto Pokémon League now!" Jessie says with a smile on her face.

"And you can thank Scyther!" Domino pointed out

"Or you would've been a doll forever," James adds with a chuckle as well.

"Being a doll would suck," Meowth says.

Jessie also chuckles and proceeds to rub her head in embarrassment. "You got that right."

Jessie and her friends are seen walking beside a TV store with Televisions being displayed outside and protected by glass.


Jessie and her friends out of curiosity turn to the new anchor on the television screen to see what's going on.

The news shows a picture of the Silph Co. building "Team Rocket have invaded the Silph Co. headquarters in Saffron City and are holding the President hostage!"

The gang immediately looked at each other after hearing those two familiar words put together. "TEAM ROCKET!"

"Come on, let's go over there immediately!" Jessie commanded with the rest nodding in agreement and proceeded to sprint off towards the Silph Co. building.

It cuts back to the Silph Co. building in the President's room where still being held hostage with his hands in the air as more of Team Rocket grunts are now in the building, looking around and trying to find the Master Ball.

The President starts sweating from being nervous. "Please, you all are wasting your time! The Master Ball is nothing but pure fiction! I-I don't know where you all got this information!"

"Shut it, Mr. President. I'm not afraid to shoot you." Archer threatened, still holding the gun towards him. "Now, you can finally admit that you have the Master Ball in your possession and give it to me, even if you don't, my boys are looking through the building every nook and cranny, and leaving no stone unturned."

The scene shows every single floor being completely occupied by Team Rocket grunts looking through the whole building before going back to the President's room.

"Now… tell me Mr. President, where is the Master Ball?" Archer said as he pointed the gun at the President's head.

The President gulps, expressing his worries.

"That's okay if you don't want to tell us, I'm sure one of our grunts will find it eventually," Archer said with an evil grin.

It cuts to the outside of the Silph Co. building, with people surrounding the entire building and Officer Jenny standing in front of the door. The gang arrives at the scene.

Jessie looks at the crowd of people and assumes this must be the Silph Co. building. "This must be it!"

"Let's go then!" Domino says.

Jessie and her friends enter the crowd as they head up front where Officer Jenny is.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What do you think you three are doing?" Officer Jenny asked the gang.

"Officer Jenny, you have to let us in the Silph Co. building!" Jessie demanded.

"Trust us, we dealt with Team Rocket plenty of times before, you have to!" James added.

Officer Jenny explains why they can't. "Sorry, but I can't let people in the Silph Co. building. The place is flooded with Team Rocket grunts on every floor and the President is being held hostage. It's too dangerous for you all."

"It's okay… let them in." A familiar feminine voice is heard by everyone. They all looked to see that it was Sabrina, holding hands with Daniel and everyone gasped from seeing the Gym Leader.

"S-Sabrina!" Officer Jenny stuttered in shock.

"I believe that they can get the President here safe and sound. Trust them and let them in the building." Sabrina said.

Daniel nods in agreement. "I believe in them too."

Officer Jenny is expressing wordiness until she sighs and finally gives in. "Okay, I'll let you three enter the building."

"Yes!" The gang all shouted.

Jessie turns to Sabrina and Daniel. "Thank you, Sabrina and Daniel."

Sabrina nods. "Of course…"

"Not a problem, just make sure the President of Silph Co. comes out of the building alive," Daniel says, giving them a thumbs up.

The gang all nodded in response as they entered the Silph Co. building. Once inside, Jessie was about to head up the stairs to the next floor above.

James stops her. "What are you doing?"

"Entering the next floor?" Jessie answered in confusion.

"There are a bunch of members of Team Rocket up there! We can let them spot us!" Meowth says.

"Meowth is right. We have to find a different way to enter the next floor so that we don't get spotted." Domino says.

Jessie stops what she is doing and faces her friends. "Okay, any ideas?"

James starts to think until he sees a vent cover on the wall. "Maybe we can enter through the vents?"

"Maybe, if we don't cause any noise while we're up there," Domino says.

Jessie turns to Meowth. "Meowth, you think you can break that vent cover with your claws?"

Meowth expresses confidence. "Just leave it to Meowth!" The talking Pokémon jumps onto Jessie's pink hat to give himself a boost to jump near the vent cover and uses a scratch to break it open.

Meowth lands on his feet and poses. "Tada!"

"Woo! Good job, Meowth!" James complimented.

Domino looks at the vent opening on the wall, out of reach from her and the rest. "Now how are we supposed to get up there?"

Jessie pulls out her Safari Ball from her purse. "Leave that to me. Scyther, carry us to the vents with your wings!" She sends out Scyther.

Scyther materializes. "Scyther!"

It shows Scyther carrying Jessie to the vent opening by flying with its wings, then Meowth, then Domino, and finally James.

"Thanks, Scyther!" Jessie recalls Scyther back into its Safari Ball.

Jessie and her friends are now crawling into the vents, they soon reach a passageway above them as the gang reaches the second floor, they keep crawling in the vents and going up to each passageway until they reach the fifth floor. The gang keeps searching for an upward passageway, but they keep finding dead end after dead end.

"Great, another dead end. Nice work, Jessie." Domino said, sarcastically.

"I'm trying my best here, okay? Like you can do any better." Jessie replied while rolling her eyes.

Domino growls. "I'm getting tired of looking at your ass every time while we're crawling in these vents!"

"Why are you even looking at it then?" Jessie asked, being rhetorical.

"Because my point of view in this crowded area isn't helping!" Domino replied.

"Hey girls, can we not fight right now?" James says.

"Yeah, cut it out!" Meowth added.

It cuts to two Team Rocket grunts right below them, just minding their own business. One of the grunts is holding an onigiri.

"You think we're ever gonna find that Master Ball?" One of the grunts asked the other grunt.

The other grunt shrugs. "I don't know, but I don't care because I'm on my break." The grunt takes a bite out of their onigiri.

The vent above the two Team Rocket grunts couldn't hold the gang's weight as it gave out and out came them, landing on and knocking the two Team Rocket grunts out.

"I told you that you two shouldn't have been arguing!" Meowth groans.

"No time to waste, we have to go before Team Rocket investigates the noise. Let's go!" Domino commanded.

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth all get up and flee the scene, James is about to until he spots something on the floor near one of Team Rocket's grunts.

"Hm, what's this?" James crouches down and picks up the item, it is a Card Key as he places it in his pocket and quickly flees to catch up with his friends.

A few minutes pass and two more Team Rocket grunts arrive at the scene to investigate the noise. They see their two co-workers knocked out and the vent above them broken.

"Looks like we have some intruders." One of the Team Rocket grunts stated.

"I'll call Archer." The other Team Rocket grunt starts dialing and calling Archer.

Meanwhile, in the President's room. Archer is still holding the President of Silph Co. hostage with a gun pointed directly at him.

"I'm telling you the last time, just tell us where the Master Ball is and I'll let you live, promise," Archer smirked.

"And how do I know that you're telling the truth?" The President replied while raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Archer shrugs in response. "I guess you have to trust my word, huh?"

Archer's watch on his wrist starts vibrating, as Archer growls.

"What now? Someone please accept this call for me, so I can still have this gun pointed at him!" Archer demanded.

One of the Team Rocket grunts taps Archer's watch for him and then goes back to searching. The Team Rocket grunt on the fifth floor that is called by Archer appears on the screen of Archer's watch.

"Archer, it appears there are some intruders in the Silph Co. building." The Team Rocket grunt stated.

"Of course!" Archer growls. "Some group of people think they can be the hero!"

Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio were discussing.

"You don't think the intruders are the twerps, are they?" Cassidy questioned.

Mondo shrugs. "But with our luck, I'll say they are the twerps!"

"You three, take care of those intruders now!" Archer commanded the trio while still staring completely at the President, making sure to not lose eye contact.

"Let's take care of them once and for all!" Butch declared.

"Right!" Butch's partners-in-crime responded as they left the President's room to deal with the intruders.

It cuts back to the gang in the stairwell of the building, they're going up until they start hearing footsteps about them.

"Team Rocket members are about us, we should head down!" Jessie suggested.

"But how are we going to get to the President's office?" Domino questioned.

"There has to be another way to get there, don't you think the way we're going is heavily guarded with Team Rocket members everywhere?"

"Jimmy's got a point." Meowth agreed. "We need to find another way up there!"

Jessie starts hearing the footsteps louder. "The footsteps are becoming louder. Let's go!"

Jessie's friends nod as the gang quickly turns around and starts heading down the stairwell until they reach and enter the third floor. They sneak down the hallway stealthy, not getting detected by any Team Rocket grunts who are searching for the Master Ball. The gang soon stumbled upon a closed door that wouldn't open.

"This door isn't opening." Jessie starts thinking. "Maybe this room is another way in the President's room?"

"How are we going to get in? The door is locked and it isn't opening." Domino says.

Meowth noticed the Card Key scanner next to the shut door. "Hey guys, check this out!" The talking Pokémon points at the scanner as everyone else looks where Meowth is pointing.

"That looks like some sort of scanner," Jessie stated.

"I'm guessing you have to be an employee to get one." Domino frowns. "Looks like we have to head up the other way to get to the President's office."

James looks at the scanner and thinks for a little bit. "Hold on, Domino." He pulls out the Card Key and presses it against the scanner. It turns green and the door slowly opens for Jessie and her friends. Jessie, Domino, and Meowth look at James.

"How did you do that?" Jessie spoke up with a question.

"With this." James holds up and shows the Card Key to his friends. "I found it on the floor when we fell onto those Team Rocket members. I guess it must've fallen out of one of those pockets."

The gang all looked inside the room, but they only saw a table with a laptop on it.

"I see nothing! This is a complete waste of time." Meowth complains while crossing his arms.

"Hold on, Meowth, maybe the laptop will tell us another way to get into the President's office," Domino says.

As the gang headed to the laptop, they stepped on the yellow platform below them and they started glowing white the moment they stepped on it.

"What is happening?!" Jessie questioned.

"I think we're being warped!" Domino answered.

The gang soon disappeared, being warped to a completely different room on the seventh floor.

"Was that some sort of warp tile?" James questioned.

"I-I guess so, yeah!" Jessie spots another yellow warp tile on the other side of the table. "Look, another one! Could this take us to the President's office?"

"You would be correct, twerp!" A familiar feminine voice was heard, causing the gang to gasp as the Team Rocket trio revealed themselves.

Cassidy started the motto as always. "Prepare for trouble!" Cassidy started.

Then Butch follows up, "Make it double!"

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people within every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"and Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now you will surely lose the fight!"

Mondo appears right in front of Cassidy and Butch. "I'm Mondo, alright!"

"These three losers again!" Jessie stated.

"Your organization better stop whatever you're planning right now!" James demanded.

Cassidy laughs. "Do you think we're going to do that?"

"And ruin our good Team Rocket name?" Butch followed up with a laugh of his own.

"You all must be dumb! Now hand over your talking Meowth and you twerps stop talking!" Mondo says, pulling out a Poké Ball along with Cassidy and Butch as well.

Domino turns to Jessie. "Jessie, you get to the President's office and make sure they're safe. We will take care of them."

"Take me with you so that they won't steal me!" Meowth demanded.

"Take this Card Key too, Jessie!" James hands her the Card Key.

Jessie nods as she accepts the Card Key from James, and she grabs her Meowth. Meowth quickly hides under Jessie's pink hat as she jumps over the table to make it to the other warp tile as she warps to a different location.

"HEY!" Team Rocket shouted, they tried to make it to the warp tile to chase after Jessie, but James and Domino got in front of them, cutting them off with Poké Balls in their hands.

"You're not going anywhere until you deal with us!" James stated to the trio.

Cassidy growls. "Looks like we have no choice but a Pokémon battle."

"Raticate, Primeape, and Marowak go!" Team Rocket all send out their Pokémok to battle against James and Domino.

"Pikachu and Charmeleon, I choose both of you!" "Bulbasaur, deal with them!" James and Domino both send out their Pokémon to battle with the trio's Pokémon.

Everyone's Pokémon materializes into existence and cries out their battle cry. It cuts to the President's office with Archer becoming impatient.

"That's it, tell me where the Master Ball is right now, or I will shoot you!" Archer demanded, with his finger close to the trigger, ready to pull it.

The President starts sweating in fear, before finally giving in. "Okay! Okay! Here, just don't shoot me!" The President reaches into his pocket, pulls out the one Master Ball, and hands it to Archer.

Archer grins, grabs it, and puts the Master Ball in his pocket. "Thank you for your cooperation! Time for you to die!" Archer continues to aim the gun at the President, about to fire it.


"Make this a note once you're in the afterlife. Always never trust a Team Rocket member!" Archer is close to pulling the trigger.

The President's closes his eyes, preparing for the worst, until-


"WHAT?!" Archer looked where that voice came from and then Rapidash was charging towards him and was slammed with its whole body. "ARGH!" Archer immediately drops the gun and is sent back and crashes into the wall as he gets up, he looks to see Jessie standing right there with her Rapidash. "YOU!" Archer immediately recognizes who it is. "You're the same person who I bumped into earlier on the streets!"

"Hand over whatever you received from the President, now!" Jessie demanded.

"Oh, I don't think that's gonna happen," Archer says.

Two Team Rocket grunts appear beside Archer. "Archer, do you want us to take care of her?"

"No. I got this." Archer turns to Jessie and pulls out a Poké Ball. "Just notify the boss that the Master Ball is in my hands and I need an escape helicopter."

"Yes, sir!" The grunts exit the office to do what Archer commanded them.

"Magmar, go!" Archer sends out his Pokémon against Jessie's Rapidash, ready to battle.

"Magmar!" The Pokémon cries out.

"Ready, Rapidash?" Jessie asked her Pokémon who nodded in response. "Alright, Take Down!"

"Neigh!" Rapidash starts dashing towards Magmar.

"Fire Punch, Magmar!" Archer countered.

"Magmar!" Both of Magmar's fists become surrounded by pale red fire and then proceed to punch Rapidash, flinging the Pokémok back and crashing towards the wall, stopping the Take Down as well. Rapidash took some major damage.

"What?!" Jessie was in disbelief. "But that's a fire-type move! It shouldn't have done that much damage to Rapidash!"

Archer grins. "You have no idea how strong my Magmar is, little girl."

Rapidash slowly gets up and starts to stare down the Magmar in anger. "Neigh!" Its flame starts glowing more aggressively.

Jessie decided to copy Archer's strategy. "We'll counter with our fire move! Fire Spin!"

Rapidash opens its mouth as a spiral flame is released from it, and heads toward Magmar, but it seems Magmar isn't affecting it at all. The Pokémon seems to be absorbing the move.

Jessie was in disbelief once more. "It didn't affect it one bit!"

Archer chuckles. "Thank you so much for making my Magmar even more powerful, you silly, silly girl! Magmar, Fire Punch once more!"

"Magmar!" Both of Magmar's fists become surrounded once more by flames and proceed to punch Rapidash again, only it is an even more powerful punch than last time. Sending Rapidash back to collide against the wall and make a hole, completely fainting the Pokémon.

"RAPIDASH, NO!" Jessie immediately sprints towards her Rapidash.

Archer starts grinning evilly, until hearing what sounds like the sound of a helicopter outside. "Hm?"

All of a sudden, a huge explosion happened right there in front of them as Jessie, Archer, and the President covered their ears. A huge wall was created on the side of the building, as the Team Rocket helicopter was right there for Archer to escape.

"I guess this is where I make my escape! Magmar, return!" Archer recalls his Magmar and jumps out of the building, landing in the helicopter. "Mr. President, be lucky this girl showed up, otherwise you would be dead right now! Bye-bye!" Archer waves goodbye to Jessie and the President.

Jessie recalls her Rapidash and grits her teeth in anger as she and the rest of the crowd below outside the building, including Sabrina and Daniel, can only watch the helicopter start flying away from the Silph Co. building with Archer on board, fully escaping.

"The President is not at gunpoint anymore. Move! Move! Move!" Officer Jenny commanded the police officers as they rushed into the building and she followed behind.

It cuts to the gang, with Meowth not inside Jessie's hat anymore, and the President now outside of the Silph Co. as we see police officers coming out of the building. They guide the handcuffed Team Rocket grunts to the police cruisers and are sent to jail.

Officer Jenny salutes the gang. "Thank you three for making sure the President of Silph Co. is safe and sound. Especially you, Jessie!"

"Of course!" Jessie turns to Domino and James. "Did you take care of the trio?"

As on cue, a police officer walks out of the building, guiding Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo who are handcuffed as the gang looks on.

"This is bullshit!" Butch grumbles.

"Shut up, Butch!" Cassidy growls at him.

"Let me go, I'm too young to be in jail!" Mondo says, worried.

"Tell that to the judge." The police officer shoves the trio into the back of the police vehicle and drives off.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" The trio yelled out, as the vehicle drove out of the gang's point of view.

"Does that answer your question, Jessie?" Domino chuckles,

"Looks like we won't be dealing with those three for a long time," Meowth says, as he and James laugh.

The President clears his throat as he walks toward Jessie. "As for thanks for saving my life, I present you a gift." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Poké Ball, but it is black and has a yellow stripe formed of the letter "H."

"Whoa, a… Poké Ball?" Jessie questioned.

The President nods. "Correct, but this is called an Ultra Ball. It doubles the catch rate of a regular Poké Ball and has a higher success rate to catch a Pokémon."

Jessie gladly accepts the Ultra Ball. "I got… an Ultra Ball!" She poses with James, Domino, and Meowth clapping for her.

It cuts to the helicopter where Archer is, who's on the call with Giovanni.

"Do you have the Master Ball in your possession?" Giovanni asked.

Archer reaches into his pocket and pulls the Master Ball out. "I do, sir."

"Excellent, what about your partners?" Giovanni raises an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid they have been caught by the police and put behind bars," Archer answered.

Giovanni growls. "Of course, those three will end up screwing it up, but whatever. We have the Master Ball, send it to me, immediately."

Archer nods. "Yes, sir…"