
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

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Moon Stone Hunt

"Last episode, Jessie beat the sub-gym leader, now a new companion, James. Jessie just earned her first-ever badge to compete in the Kanto Pokémon League Tournament! What else will be in store for our heroes?"

The gang is seen walking on a rockish path.

James stops for a quick second. "Oh hey guys, I forgot to introduce my Koffing!"

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth also stop and look at James. "Koffing?" Jessie asked, curiously.

James nods and pulls out a Poké Ball. "Koffing, go!"

James sends out Koffing, a purplish and spherical Pokémon with a skull and crossbones on the lower parts of its body. It has openings that allow gases to escape.

Koffing starts floating around James, happily. "Koffing!" James starts chuckling.

Domino looks at Koffing with a smile. "Aw, it's so cute!"

"Yeah!" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex to find more information about Koffing.

"Koffing, the poison Pokémon. Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning."

Domino's smile goes to worriedness. "Now it's not that cute anymore…"

"Oh don't worry. My Koffing doesn't explode as much anymore. I trained it not to." James explained.

Meowth notices a different Pokémon right next to James "That's also a nice snake Pokémon you got there too, Jimmy!"

James' expression goes from happy to confused. "Snake Pokémon?" James looks down and sees some purple snake Pokémon wrapping around him. "EEP!" Jame stays perfectly still.


"Oh, what's that Pokémon?" Jessie shifts her Pokédex to the purple snake-like Pokémon.

"Ekans, the poisonous snake Pokémon. It always hides in the grass. When first born, it has no poison, so its bite is painful but harmless."

"I don't think this Ekans is first born…" James says, a little worried.

"Just stay still James, I'll get it! Alright Pikachu, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Pikachu. "Alright Pikachu, Thunderbolt on Ekans!"

Pikachu doesn't listen to Jessie's command at all, just ignores her and yawns.

Jessie sighs. "Pikachu…"

James raises an eyebrow. "Hm? Why is your Pikachu just standing there? Come on, use Thunderbolt on that Ekans!"

Pikachu looks at James and obeys his command and uses Thunderbolt on James, as Ekans gets electrocuted, however, James forgot the Ekans is still wrapped around him and he ends up getting electrocuted too.

James starts screaming in pain. "AHHHHHHHH I FORGOT!"

The title screen shows.

"Moon Stone Hunt!"

After getting electrocuted, James starts coughing up smoke as one of James' Poké Balls slips out of his pocket and hits Ekans. Ekans goes in and the Poké Ball shakes three times before clicking, signaling a successful catch.

James looks shocked as he picks up the Poké Ball containing Ekans. "Whoa!"

"So I guess James caught an Ekans?" Domino says, a little confused about the capture.

"Yeah, I guess I did!" James says, happily.

Jessie crosses her arms in anger. "No fair, I was gonna catch that Ekans!"

"Too bad, so sad! Hahaha!" Meowth laughed.

Pikachu hops onto James' shoulder and starts relaxing on his shoulder as Jessie starts growling at this.

James looks at Pikachu and rubs his head in embarrassment. "Please don't shock me again."

"Chu." Pikachu nods and continues relaxing on James' shoulder.

Jessie finally had enough of this. "Pikachu, return NOW!" Jessie returns Pikachu to its Poké Ball.

"Aw… It seems to me that your Pikachu appreciates my company more than yours." James pointed out Pikachu's behavior to Jessie.

"So, Pikachu is still my Pokémon, I caught it with my Poké Ball. Therefore it's my Pokémon." Jessie responds to James' comment as Domino starts looking kinda concerned.

James just shakes his head. "But your Pikachu didn't even listen to you."

Jessie looks at Pikachu's Poké Ball before putting it away. "Don't worry, I'll get it to listen."

"Let's see," James responded.

Something can be heard rattling in the bushes that catch our heroes' attention.

"Bah. Another Pokémon, for sure. Might as well catch this new Ekans, Jessie." Meowth says.

"This one is mine!" Jessie declared.

Something jumps out of the bushes and it is indeed a Pokémon, but it's not an Ekans. The ears of this Pokémon are big and spiny; the front teeth that are too big; red eyes; as well as two whiskers on each cheek. It is a light blue with several spots of a darker blue. Each of its paws has two white claws. It has a small horn on its forehead and small toxic spines covering its back.

"Whoa, what's that Pokémon?!" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse.

"Nidoran, female version, the poisonous Pokémon. Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. There are two versions of this Pokémon. A male version, which is purple. A female version, which is blue. The female has smaller horns."

"Huh? So there's a male version of a Nidoran?" Jessie asked in curiosity.

Meowth nods. "I guess so."

James is looking at Meowth. "I'm still impressed your Meowth can talk."

Domino joins the conversation. "I didn't really question it, to be honest. I was just too mad about my bike."

"I've been practicing speaking like a year ago," Meowth says, confirming how long he was able to speak.

"How old are you?" James asked, curious.

"15 in human years," Meowth answered.

James was surprised at this. "Oh."

"Alright time to send out my electric-type Pokémon-" Jessie looks at Pikachu's Poké Ball. "That actually respects and is nice to me! Elekid, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Elekid as it busts out of its Poké Ball.


James looks at Elekid, curiously. "That spark plug Pokémon looks a bit familiar… Hm."

"Use Thunder Punch on Nidoran!" Jessie commanded.

Elekid uses Thunder Punch at Nidoran, but it dodges and uses Scratch.

Jessie immediately responds to the attack. "Quick Elekid, dodge!"

Elekid manages to dodge Nidoran's Scratch by quickly sliding to the right.

Jessie commands Elekid once more. "Use Swift!"

Elekid uses Swift and the move automatically strikes Nidoran as it gets hit and takes damage. Jessie quickly pulls out an empty Poké Ball from her purse and throws it toward the Nidoran. The Nidoran gets hit and goes in. The Poké Ball shakes three times before clicking, signaling a successful catch.

"I caught Nidoran!" Jessie poses in excitement as Elekid hops around. "I'm so happy Elekid, I'm so happy you actually listen to me!"


Jessie hugs her Elekid as it electrocutes Jessie out of love. "I love you too…" Jessie falls to the ground.

Meowth nods at Elekid. "Man this kid is well on its way to becoming evolved soon."

Soon the Poké Ball containing Nidoran gets transported to Professor Oak's lab.

Jessie gets up and pulls out her Pokèdex and presses the white buttons on it. "Which Pokémon should get sent to Oak's lab?"

"Shouldn't it be obvious that you should send Pikachu there? I mean it doesn't listen to you, so let it be Professor Oak's problem." Domino suggested.

"Yeah. Just get rid of the dumb rat." Meowth agreed.

"Well that may be true, but Gyarados destroyed an entire gym." Jessie pointed out.

"And hurt me," James added.

Jessie nods. "Almost killed all of us."

"Mostly me." James also added in.

"Unlike Gyarados, Pikachu didn't win you a badge and actually listens to you!" Domino countered back.

"Gyarados is a tough fish! I can't even eat one," Meowth added in.

Jessie thinks for a bit. "Hmm… I guess you're right, Domino." Jessie is close to sending Pikachu back to Professor Oak's lab.

James starts sweating until he gets an idea. "WAIT!"

Jessie immediately stops what she was doing. "What is it, James?"

"The nearest city with a gym from Pewter City is Cerulean City-"

"C-Cerulean City?!" Domino shouted out, cutting off James' sentence.

James raises an eyebrow. "Yes? Anyways, Cerulean City's gym leader is a water-type specialist and electric-types have the advantage over water-types. Which means that Pikachu would be much more helpful than Gyarados for your next gym battle!"

"Even if I hate the rat, James makes a point there," Meowth added in, agreeing with James' explanation.

"B-but- ugh fine, I can't argue with that. Although going to Cerulean City would be a big mistake." Domino crosses her arms in annoyance.

"Oh, so I'll get the advantage next gym if I keep Pikachu? Alright, I'll switch Gyarados for Nidoran then!" Jessie switches out Gyarados for Nidoran with her Pokédex.

James returns Koffing, pulls out his map, and looks at it. "It looks like we're heading to a place called Mt. Moon."

Domino gets an idea. "Hey Jessie, you just caught a Nidoran right? Why don't we head to Mt. Moon and look for a Moon Stone!"

"Oh yeah, it should be really easy to find one there." Meowth assumed.

Jessie looks at Domino in confusion. "Why do we need to find a Moon Stone?"

Everyone, except Jessie, falls in disbelief.

"Jessie, I swear you need to get caught up with your Pokémon knowledge. Once Nidoran evolves into Nidorina, it'll need a Moon Stone to evolve into Nidoqueen!" Domino explained.

"Ohhhhh, I see now! Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!" Jessie sprints off, heading to Mt. Moon.

"Wait up!" Domino sprints off as well, following Jessie.

"Eep!" James also sprints off, trying to keep up with the two and so do Meowth and Elekid.

The scene zones into a tree and hiding behind it is the Team Rocket trio, spying on our heroes with binoculars.

"Did you hear that? The twerps are gonna look for a Moon Stone." Cassidy pointed out.

Butch groans in frustration. "Of course, they're the ones heading there, which means they could foil our plans!"

"We can't let that happen!" Mondo added in.

Team Rocket soon gets a FaceTime call from someone.

Cassidy checks her phone. "It's the boss!"

"Most likely to check on how we're doing!" Butch assumed.

"Answer it then!" Mondo demanded.

Team Rocket accepts the call from their boss. It's a man in a brownish suit. It looks like he's sitting on a chair and his face is completely hidden in the shadows.

"Hello, sir!" Team Rocket all greet the boss.

"Just checking up on things. How's Operation Moon Stone coming along?" The Team Rocket boss asked.

"It's going great, sir. We have put mind-controlling devices on every Clefairy we have seen in Mt. Moon." Cassidy says.

"They're all currently finding and mining out every Moon Stone and putting them in our sacks," Butch added in.

"We're gonna make a lot of money with them for Team Rocket!" Mondo also added in.

Their boss nods in approval. "Excellent. It seems Operation Moon Stone is currently succeeding expectations."

Cassidy starts telling the boss about the gang heading there. "However, sir. We have spotted three unwelcome pests heading to Mt. Moon."

"Deal with them immediately. I'm putting you three with a whole lot of trust in this operation. They can't foil our plans!" Their boss responds.

Team Rocket nods. "Yes, sir!"

The boss ends their call with them.

"Wouldn't it be great if not only we mine out every single Moon Stone, but steal that talking Meowth and spark plug for the boss as well? We will definitely get a promotion!" Cassidy explained.

"FUCK YEAH!" Butch shouted out, hyped up.

Mondo starts daydreaming. "And it'll be my very first step toward becoming a top agent for Team Rocket. Something that I wanted for a long time!"

"I know a shortcut in the cave. Just follow me!" Cassidy explained.

Butch rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Knowing you, this will be a long shortcut."

Cassidy growls in anger. "Biff, I'm gonna punch you in the face if you don't shut up. Let's go!" Cassidy starts to head to the shortcut.

"THE NAME IS BUTCH!" Butch yelled out and started following Cassidy, angrily. Mondo follows as well.

The scene cuts to our heroes arriving at the entrance of the cave of Mt. Moon.

Jessie raises an eyebrow. "This is it?"

"Looks like it," Domino confirmed.

James starts shaking a little in fear. "Looks really dark."

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Cause it's a cave ya moron."

"Anyone got a light?" Jessie asked.

James starts scrambling around for a flashlight in his trench coat's pockets.

"Before we go in there, does anyone have a phobia of the dark?" Domino asked, making sure.

Meowth shakes his head. "Nah."

"I'm a little scared… Especially if there are g-ghosts and Zubats!" James stuttered from being afraid.

"You sound like the type to be scared of haunted houses," Meowth says to James.

"TH-THAT'S BECAUSE I AM! THEY GIVE ME THE HEEBIE JEEBIES!" James responded to Meowth by yelling.

"This should be a breeze." Jessie slowly takes one little step into the cave and then she immediately gets swarmed with bat-like Pokémon that are blue.

James immediately screams seeing them. "THOSE ARE THE ZUBATS I WAS TALKING ABOUT!"

Jessie was also screaming too from getting swarmed by the Zubat. "ELEKID USE THUNDERBOLT!"

Elekid hesitated for a bit before using Thunderbolt as all the Zubat including Jessie got electrocuted as the Zubat flew off.

Jessie starts coughing up black smoke. "Ow…"

"Jessie are you alright?!" Domino immediately asked, looking concerned.

Jessie slowly gets up and dusts herself off. "I just took one little step…" Jessie takes another step into the cave and gets swarmed by Zubat again.

James immediately screams out again. "JESSIE!"

Elekid uses Thunderbolt again and electrocutes the Zubats once again, including Jessie, as the Zubat flies off with Jessie coughing up more smoke.

James starts sweating a lot. "Careful Jessie. Careful Jessie. Careful Jessie. Careful Jessie!"

Jessie takes one tiny little step and once again gets swarmed by Zubat as Elekid electrocutes them and Jessie for the third time as the Zubat flies away.


James screams back. "I DON'T KNOW!"

Domino sprays something on her before entering the cave and No Zubat hasn't swarmed her at all.

"How are you not getting swarmed by Zubat?!" Jessie immediately questioned Domino.

"Oh that's easy, I sprayed myself with some Repel. It keeps you from encountering annoying wild Pokémon like Zubat." Domino answered.

James groans, realizing he didn't bring any Repels. "I knew I should have bought some Repels!"

Domino reaches into her pocket and pulls out 3 more Repels. "I got some for you guys."

"Give me some, now!" Jessie demanded.

Domino hands over the Repels to them and they sprayed it on themselves as Jessie returns Elekid to its Poké Ball.

James thanks Domino for the Repel. "Oh thank you!"

"Thanks." Meowth also thanked Domino.

Our heroes enter the cave and they start looking around for a Moon Stone.

"Do you guys see anything?" Jessie asked.

James continues looking around but still doesn't see anything. "I don't think so."

Domino shakes her head while looking. "No for me as well."

"Can't see," Meowth said, as the cave is pitched black.

Jessie continues looking around for a Moon Stone, but no luck. "It's gotta be here somewhere."

"I hope it's there," James adds.

Domino lights up a match. "We should just keep moving."

Meowth nods. "Of course."

The scene cuts to a part of the cave where Team Rocket is at. A bunch of Pokémon with devices on their head are seen. They're pink Pokémon with chubby, vaguely star-shaped bodies. They also have a small, pointed tooth protruding from the upper left corner of their mouth. A lot of them have Moon Stones in their hands and are putting them in a sack.

Cassidy starts laughing. "We're gonna make Team Rocket really rich in no time! I can just smell the promotions!"

Butch also starts laughing. "Look at all these Clefairy, making Team Rocket richer!"

"Mind-controlling devices are so awesome!" Mondo added in.

Team Rocket gets a call from their boss.

Cassidy pulls out her phone. "It's the boss again!"

"Answer it!" Butch demanded.

Cassidy answers the call. "Hello, sir."

"Have you dealt with those intruders, yet?" The boss asked, curious.

"We haven't spotted them in the cave yet, sir. We're on the lookout." Cassidy responded.

"Very well. I suppose you three need help dealing with them, which is why I'm sending some of our members to Mt. Moon. Do not let me down." The Team Rocket boss demanded.

"Yes, Giovanni, sir," Cassidy says, revealing the Team Rocket boss' name.

Giovanni hangs up as Team Rocket starts celebrating.

"No way those twerps are gonna get to us at all!" Cassidy says with a laugh.

"Our members are gonna fuck them up!" Butch declared, really confident.

"Once our buddies take care of them, we can swoop in and steal that talking Meowth and spark plug right under their noses!" Mondo also declared as well.

Team Rocket all start laughing evilly until they notice one of their mind-controlled Clefairy taking a quick break.

Cassidy cracks a whip. "Get back to work, you don't get breaks!"

Clefairy, in shock, immediately gets up and goes back to work as Team Rocket goes back to laughing.

The scene cuts back to our heroes in some other part of the cave, still looking for a Moon Stone, but still no luck at all.

Jessie sighs, annoyed. "I don't get it, we should've found a Moon Stone by now! I thought you guys said you can find Moon Stones here?"

"You can Jessie, that's why this cave is called 'Mt. Moon.'" Domino said.

Jessie looks at Domino in confusion. "Then why haven't we spotted a Moon Stone then?"

Domino just thinks for a bit and even she's confused. "I… don't know."

"This is pretty strange. It's like all the Moon Stones were already founded by other trainers. Is that the case?" James questioned in suspicion.

Meowth shakes his head no. "No way, Jimmy! It is possible but very unlikely."

"Maybe they're just buried underground?" Jessie asked, thinking all the Moon Stone could be there.

"We don't know any Pokémon that can learn Dig and have no shovels with us, unfortunately." Domino pointed out. "It looks like we just have to find one on the surface."

As our heroes continue walking in the cave, a Clefairy, with a mind-controlling device, walks past our heroes. It's also holding something in its hands. Our heroes stop and notice the Clefairy.

Domino raises an eyebrow. "Was that a Clefairy with something on its head?"

Jessie perks up with excitement. "It must be some kind of special Clefairy!"

James shakes his head no. "I don't think any Clefairy has anything on its head at all."

Domino grabs the Clefairy, the Pokémon starts struggling to get out of Domino's grasp. "Clefairy it's okay, we're only here to help, that's all."

Jessie points out the object in Clefairy's hand. "What's that in its hand?"

James immediately recognizes the object. "Hey, that's a Moon Stone!"

Meowth perks up. "Great, now we can take it and get out of here!"

"Slow your roll Meowth. Something is not right here. Jessie, can you open up your Pokédex on the Clefairy real quick?" Domino asked.

"Sure." Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse.

"Clefairy, the fairy Pokémon. Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas."

Domino looks at the picture of Clefairy displayed in the Pokédex. "Nothing is on its head at all. What is this device?"

Jessie pulls out an empty Pokémon from her purse. "Rare Pokémon huh? A Pokémon that I should catch. Poké Ball go!" As Jessie throws her Poké Ball at the Clefairy, the mind-controlling device on its head deflects the Poké Ball back to Jessie's hand. "What?!"

"This device on its head prevents captures?" Domino tries to remove the mind-controlling device from Clefairy's head with her hands, but can't. "I need one of my Pokémon's help." Domino puts Clefairy down. "Stay still Clefairy, I'm gonna help you."

Clefairy, hearing Domino's voice, stays still. Like Domino commanded.

Domino pulls out a Poké Ball from her pocket. "Go Starmie! Use Swift on that device on Clefairy's head!"

Starmie was sent out and uses Swift on the mind-controlling device on Clefairy, but it doesn't break.

"Well, that didn't work," James says.

"I heard it crack, I just have to use a stronger move. Power Gem, Starmie!" Domino commanded.

Starmie uses Power Gem on the mind-controlling device and it breaks as Clefairy is freed.

"Clefairy, Clefairy, Clefairy!" Clefairy jumps into Domino's arms, happily.

Domino chuckles. "You're welcome, Clefairy."

"Hey Clefairy, can you tell me why you had that device on your head?" Jessie asked, curiously. "Meowth, get ready to translate."

Meowth nods in agreement. "Gotcha!"

"Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy!"

(Translation) "That device on my head was mind-controlling. A trio of really bad people with red letter Rs on their shirts put mind-controlling devices on a bunch of Clefairy to help them find Moon Stones. I'm thinking they're gonna sell them once they're done!"

As Meowth translates what Clefairy said to the gang, Jessie and Domino immediately gasp in shock.

Jessie clutches her fist. "So Team Rocket is behind this!"

"Those crooks!" Domino added.

However, James just raises an eyebrow. "Team Rocket?"

"They're a group of good-for-nothing criminals that steal Pokémon or rare objects to make a profit!" Jessie explained.

James then now gasps in shock after Jessie's explanation. "We got to stop them!"

"I'm afraid that's not happening." A mysterious voice said, getting our heroes' attention as three Team Rocket grunts reveal themselves.

"Stop whatever you're planning now!" Jessie demanded at the Team Rocket grunts.

The three grunts just laugh at Jessie. "Like if we would listen to a little runt like you." "The only way you're stopping us is with a Pokémon match!"

James pulls out a Poké Ball. "Go Koffing!" James sends out Koffing.

Domino looks at Starmie. "Starmie, I choose you!"

"Alright Meowth, I choose you!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth sharpens his claws. "Time to mess you three up!"

The three Team Rocket grunts gasped at Meowth. "So that Meowth can talk!" "They weren't joking!" "I can't believe what I'm hearing!" The three grunts pull out a Poké Ball. "Go Zubat!"

"Get them Sandshrew!"

"Let's show them, Machop!" The three Team Rocket grunts send out their Pokémon.

"Koffing, Sludge on Sandshrew!" James commanded.

Koffing uses Sludge on Sandshrew as the move lands and deals damage to Sandshrew.

"Zubat, Astonish on Meowth!"

Meowth closes his eyes as Zubat uses Astonish on Meowth, but no damage has been dealt as Meowth slowly opens his eyes. "I'm fine?"

The Team Rocket Grunt with the Sandshrew growls at the Grunt with the Zubat. "You idiot, Ghost-type moves can't affect Normal-type Pokémon!"


"Meowth, Thunderbolt on Zubat!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth charges up and uses Thunderbolt on Zubat as the move lands a direct hit and Zubat faints.

"No, Zubat!" The Team Rocket Grunt returns Zubat.

"Machop, Low Kick on Starmie!"

Machop delivers a Low Kick on Starmie as it gets flung to a wall.

"Starmie!" Domino shouted in concern.

Starmie hops back onto the battlefield.

"That's the spirit, Starmie! Hang in there and use Water Gun at Machop!"

Starmie uses Water Gun and aims it directly at Machop as the move hits and it takes damage.

"Sandshrew, use Take Down on that Meowth!"

"Dodge it, Meowth!"

Sandshrew goes in for a Take Down at Meowth, but Meowth was able to dodge the move.

"Koffing, Tackle at Sandshrew!"

Koffing comes flying directly at Sandshrew and Tackles the Pokémon. Sandshrew takes even more damage.

"Meowth, you follow up with a Bite at Sandshrew!"

Meowth uses Bite at Sandshrew as the move hits. Sandshrew goes down and doesn't get back up, signaling it fainted.

Sandshrew's Team Rocket trainer returns it in frustration.

"Karate Chop at that Koffing, Machop!"

Machop Karate Chops at Koffing as the move hits and Koffing takes damage.


"Starmie, Another Water Gun!"

"Koffing, Sludge Attack!"

"And Meowth, end it with a Scratch!"

Starmie uses Water Gun and lands the hit on Machop, Koffing follows up with Sludge which also lands. Machop looks really hurt. Meowth comes in and lands Scratch. Machop falls to the ground and faints.

"AH, MACHOP!" One of the Team Rocket Grunts shouts and immediately returns Machop.

"We have to retreat immediately!" The Team Rocket Grunts run away from the gang to retreat.

Domino looks at Clefairy. "Clefairy, can you lead us to where other mind-controlled Clefairy at?"

Clefairy nods and starts heading towards the direction where the main Team Rocket trio and the other Clefairy are at.

"Let's go, guys!" Domino tells them, as Jessie, James, and Meowth nod as the gang and their Pokémon that are already sent out, start following Clefairy.

The scene cuts to the main Team Rocket trio and the mind-controlled Clefairy at some other part of the cave.

Mondo notices more Clefairy is starting to get empty-handed. "Hey guys, I think we're close to gathering every Moon Stoon possible in this cave!"

"I guess they better rename this cave to 'Mt. Nothing!'" Cassidy jokes as Butch and Mondo both laugh at it.

"Good one, Cass!" Butch said.

A Clefairy without a mind-controlled device shows up, which caught Team Rocket's attention.

Cassidy raises an eyebrow. "I thought we got every Clefairy mind-controlled?"

"Looks like we missed one." Butch assumed.

Mondo grabs another mind-controlling device. "Don't worry, I got one right here for this one. Now stand still!"

Mondo slowly approaches the Clefairy and it looks really scared.

"STOP, YOU CRIMINALS!" A familiar female voice caught Team Rocket's attention. As Jessie and her friends arrive.

"You're not going to get away with this, Team Rocket!" Domino yelled out.

"The twerps! Ugh, some grunts!" Cassidy said, annoyed that three grunts from earlier failed to take care of them.

"Looks like we got to take care of them," Mondo says.

Butch raises his fist. "Let's do this!"

"We're gonna stop whatever your evil plan is!" James declared.

"Let's welcome this new guy with open arms," Cassidy suggested. "They should prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!" Butch added.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

"I'm Mondo alright!"

Jessie rolls her eyes. "You three keep saying the same thing over and over. Are you gonna get tired of doing that?"

Cassidy scoffs. "Oh please, the motto is one of the greatest things about Team Rocket!"

"That's right, something you three bozos can't come up with!" Butch added in.

"Enough talking, let's battle!" Domino yelled!

Cassidy laughs and snaps her fingers as all the mind-controlled Clefairy turns to the gang.

Jessie, Domino, Meowth, James, and their Pokémon slowly back up.

"What's this?" Meowth questioned.

"These Clefairy are mind-controlled, which means they will listen to Team Rocket!" Domino explained.

Cassidy laughs once more. "You're right twerpette. Clefairy attack!"

All the mind-controlled Clefairy start getting prepared for an attack.

James is sweating in fear. "WHAT DO WE DO?!"

Domino sees the mind-controlling devices on the Clefairy and remembers what she did earlier. "We have to break those mind-control devices! Starmie, Power Gem!"

Starmie uses Power Gem and starts breaking mind-controlled devices one by one.

"Meowth Thunderbolt and Elekid, you use it too!" Jessie pulls out Elekid's Poké Ball and sends him out.

Both Meowth and Elekid use Thunderbolt on the mind-controlling devices, as they start breaking them off the Clefairy one by one.

"Sludge, Koffing!" James commanded.

Koffing starts using Sludge and also breaking the mind-controlled devices as well.

Team Rocket starts panicking.

"HEY, they're breaking the devices!"

"Rattata, go!" "Go get them, Mankey!" "Destroy them, Cubone!" Team Rocket sends out their Pokémon to go attack them.

The Clefairy from earlier uses Sing and puts Team Rocket's Pokémon to sleep before they could even attack.

"WAKE UP, RATTATA!" Cassidy yelled in frustration.

"MANKEY, COME ON!" Butch also yelled in frustration.

Mondo looks worried. "This isn't good…"

Our heroes manage to break every single mind-controlling device off of the Clefairy.

"I think that's all of them!" Domino confirms to the gang.

All the Clefairy look at Team Rocket as the trio hug each other in fear. They start moving their fingers back and forth and repeating their name.

"Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy. Clefairy-"

The gang and Team Rocket start moving their heads back and forth, flowing the Clefairy's fingers.

"What is happening?" Jessie asked in confusion.

"This is Metronome, Clefairy's ultimate attack. A random move is chosen from nearly all existing moves, even if the Pokémon can't learn it." Domino explained.

"I wonder what move it will be!" Meowth says.

"I hope it isn't something scary…" James added.

Cassidy looks worried. "Th-this can't be good."

Butch rolls her eyes and pushes Cassidy off of him. "There's like so many moves. What move can they possibly use?"

All the Clefairy start glowing white and they explode, sending Team Rocket through the roof of the cave and blasting off.

"Well, it looks like Team Rocket is…"

Butch finishes Cassidy's sentence. "Blasting off again!"

"So that was Metronome!" Mondo says.

"I give it two thumbs down!" Cassidy yelled out.

Butch agrees, also yelling out. "SAME!"

"I would give it three if it were possible!" Mondo says as Team Rocket fully blasted off with a ding sound.

Jessie pulls out her phone from her purse. "We should call Officer Jenny and put all the Moon Stones back in the cave."

Domino, James, and Meowth all nod at the suggestion.

"It's the right thing to do." Domino added.

The scene cuts to a bunch of police surrounding Mt. Moon as we see multiple police officers opening up Team Rocket's sacks containing bunches of Moon Stones and putting them all back.

Officer Jenny salutes to the gang. "We couldn't thank you all enough for stopping Team Rocket's evil plans."

Domino nods. "Of course, Officer Jenny."

"We're just happy they didn't steal all the Moon Stones and sold them." Jessie added.

"They ended up with nothing at the end!" James laughs.

Meowth also laughs with him. "Good one, Jimmy!"

"I'm assuming you guys are heading to Cerulean City? Just follow this path and you should get there in no time!" Officer Jenny points at a path in the cave that will lead to Cerulean City.

The scene cuts to our heroes now outside and walking on a path. Jessie stops for a second and notices a Cerulean City sign. "Cerulean City is near!"

Domino crosses her arms in annoyance. "Just great…"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Meowth demanded.

As the gang continues walking to the city, they hear Clefairy's cry and they stop.

"Did you guys hear that?" James asked.

The gang looks behind them and sees Clefairy hopping toward them. Clefairy gives Domino the Moon Stone it was holding from earlier and hops into Domino's arm.

Domino smiles and chuckles. She also accepts the Moon Stone. "Hey, Clefairy! Thank you!"


(Translation) "Can you catch me, please?"

"It wants you to catch them." Meowth translated to Domino.

"You… want me to catch you?" Domino asked, looking shocked.

Clefairy nods in agreement.

Domino happily pulls out a Poké Ball. "Well… if you say so!" Domino taps Clefairy with the Poké Ball as Clefairy allows itself to be caught. "I caught a Clefairy!" Domino posed.

Jessie, Meowth, and James all started clapping at Domino's capture.

"Congratulations, Domino!" James says.

"Yeah, congrats Domino!" Jessie added!

Meowth rolls his eyes while clapping. "Yeah yeah, congratulations."

Domino looks at her Poké Ball containing Clefairy. "Welcome to the team, Clefairy!"

"And so Domino has a new friend along her side. Our heroes are getting closer to Cerulean City, can Jessie win her second badge or will the Cerulean Gym be another tough obstacle for Jessie to overcome? No one knows for sure, but find out when the journey continues!"