
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

In the Safari Zone

The episode starts with Jessie and Co. outside and looking at a building that says 'Safari Zone' on it.

"Our heroes have arrived outside of the great Safari Zone after Jessie won her fifth badge. She looks to enter the Safari Zone to catch some new Pokémon!"

"So this is the famous Safari Zone!" Jessie says, looking at the sign.

"I heard the Safari Zone has a bunch of rare Pokémon inside. Pokémon that you can't find in the wild." James also says.

Domino starts fantasizing about water Pokémon. "I heard the Safari Zone has such wonderful water-type Pokémon to catch!"

Meowth grins. "I also heard it has bug Pokémon too!"

Domino's eyes widened in horror and immediately hid behind James. "I hate bug Pokémon!"

Jessie groans. "Meowth, can you not?"

"What? It's fun to do that!" Meowth admitted.

Domino growls. "No, it's not! You're literally taking advantage of my phobia for your stupid entertainment!"

"Yeah Meowth, that's kinda not cool," James admitted.

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, geez!"

Domino slowly stops hiding behind James, still shaking a little in fear.

"Are you guys ready to go in? Because I am." Jessie asked her friends.

James nods. "Yeah, I'm ready!"

Meowth also nods as well. "Ready as ever!"

"Umm… yeah?" Domino says, secretly not sure at all.

"Alright! To the Safari Zone, we go!"

Jessie and Co. all head towards the door and head into the building hosting the Safari Zone.

The title screen appears.

"In the Safari Zone"

The scene cuts to Jessie and her friends inside the building and looking around the Warden's office. Jessie and the gang look around the building, observing the place.

"Eh, the place could be worse," Meowth says.

"Hello, welcome to the Safari Zone!" There was a man with glasses on, and a mustache wearing a suit behind the counter as he greets the gang.

The gang starts introducing themselves to the man.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jessie!" "I'm Domino!" "James is the name!"

"I'm Baoba!" Baoba introduces himself. "I'm the owner of the Safari Zone, the very well-known warden!"

"Wow, that's so cool!" Jessie says.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Baoba!" Domino says with a smile.

"We're just heading to the Safari Zone, that's all," James says.

Jessie and the gang were about to enter until Baoba stopped them.

"Hold on there fellas, you can't get in the Safari Zone without paying a fee here," Baoba explained to the gang.

"Aww, man!" Jessie pouted. "I thought the entry was free?!"

"Well, I have to find a way to pay the bills somehow." Baoba chuckles while rubbing the back of his head.

"Okay, how much is the entry fee?" Domino asked.

"$500 per person!" Baoba answered. "So for the three of you to enter, that will be $1,500 in total!"

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth all immediately look at James. "James!"

James groans as he pulls out his wallet in his pocket then proceeds to pull out his debit card and tries to give it to the Safari Zone warden. "Here."

Baoba shakes his head no in a sad expression. "I'm so sorry, but I'm only accepting cash."

"WHAT?!" The gang said all in shock.

"Do we even have enough in cash?!" Jessie immediately asked.

"Well… only one way to find out," Domino responded.

It cuts to Jessie and her friends finishing counting up the amount of cash they were carrying with them.

$499…" Domino counts the final dollar bill they have. "$500. We're only $1,000 behind." She groans.

"Well… we have enough for at least one person to enter," James says.

"I shall take the sacrifice and go on ahead." Jessie was about to sprint off when Domino grabbed her.

"Hold it! Why should you be the one to enter the Safari Zone?" Domino questioned. "I'm the one with the least Pokémon and I want to actually catch some water Pokémon for once!"

"Well I had the most money out of this $500, so I deserve to go!" James countered.

The gang continues arguing about who should be the one to enter the Safari Zone as the warden just stares in an awkward position.

"Another argument…" Meowth quietly says to himself.

Baoba decides to finally end the arguing. "Alright, alright, that's enough you three! I have a solution!"

That's enough for Jessie and her friends to stop arguing and pay attention.

"I'll happily let you three in, it's just that you guys just have to share the items that you received for the Safari Zone!" Baoba explained.

"Items?" The gang all questioned.

It cuts to the gang receiving a basket full of Poké Balls but with a camouflage pattern on the top. A fishing pole, Pokémon bait, and rocks.

"Are these… Poké Balls?" Jessie asked, confused.

Baoba nods. "Right, but they're called Safari Balls. They're a special type of Poké Ball for the Safari Zone because you can't use a regular or any other type of Poké Ball except these." The warden looks at Meowth on Jessie's shoulder. "I'm also going to have to ask you to put your Meowth inside their Poké Ball as well."

"Hey, now wait just a minute, Buster!" Meowth says.

Baobab's eyes widened, seeing Meowth talk. "Your Meowth can talk?"

"Yes, he can talk. Why does Meowth have to be in a Poké Ball?" Jessie asked.

Baoba starts explaining why. "Well, the other rule for the Safari Zone is that there are no Pokémon battles, which is why we highly prefer your Meowth to be in its Poké Ball."

"So we just have to throw a Safari Ball and hope for a successful catch?" James questioned.

"That's what makes it more fun, right? All based on luck!" Baoba says.

"Well, the problem here is that my Meowth hates going inside his Poké Ball. Can he still be on my shoulder? I promise I won't do any Pokémon battling." Jessie begged.

"Hmm…" Baoba thinks for a little bit and then nods. "Okay, you have my trust!"

"Alright gang, let's go!" Jessie says.

Jessie and her friends were about to enter the Safari Zone when a familiar feminine voice was heard that caught their attention.

"We three like to enter the Safari Zone, please."

"That voice…" Jessie says.

The gang slowly turns around to see Team Rocket right there, but without their Team Rocket uniforms as they are just dressed in regular clothing.

"IT'S TEAM ROCKET!" The gang shouted.

"WHERE?!" Cassidy immediately looks behind her.

"Team Rocket?" Baobo questioned.

"They're a group of bad guys that try to steal other people's Pokémon!" Domino answered.

"And these three are always following us around and trying to steal me!" Meowth added.

Butch shrugs. "What are you talking about? We're just three regular people trying to enter the Safari Zone, that's all."

"You must be confused for another trio," Mondo added.

"Well, they don't look like they're from Team Rocket," Baoba says with a smile.

"Yeah, you see? We're not from whatever dumb organization you're mentioning." Cassidy also lies too.

The gang can just look on and grit their teeth.

"What are they up to this time?" James whispered to the gang as they shrugged in response.

"I don't know, but something suspicious is going on," Jessie responded.

"So you three also like to enter the Safari Zone?" Baoba asked the three.

"That's correct, my good man!" Mondo says with a smile.

"Okay, that will be $500 for each person!" Baoba reaches out his hand for cash.

Team Rocket's eyes widened.

"Uhh, can you please excuse us for a moment?" Cassidy asked.

The Team Rocket trio all huddle together.

"What the hell, Butch?! You didn't say it was $500 for EACH person!" Cassidy says to Butch, frustrated.

"Do not blame me! It's a simple mistake!" Butch defended himself.

"I'd punch you right now!" Cassidy was about to punch Butch until Mondo held her back.

"Let's not give away our cover with violence!" Mondo explained.

Team Rocket breaks the huddle as they walk towards the warden.

"Um… we only have $500. I'm assuming only one of us can enter?" Cassidy asked.

Baoba laughs in response. "It's fine, just like these three, I'll give you a basket for you three to share!" The warden hands Team Rocket a basket filled with Safari Balls, bait, rocks, and a fishing pole, exactly like the same basket Baoba gave to the gang as he takes the $500 off Cassidy's hands.

"Oh wow, thank you!" Cassidy says with a smile.

It cuts to the gang and Team Rocket arriving at the gate of the Safari Zone as it opens for them.

"Once you use all thirty Safari Balls, please report back here! Okay, you six have a good time now in the Safari Zone!" Baoba says waving goodbye to the gang and Team Rocket.

The gang and Team Rocket enter the center area of the Safari Zone as the gate closes behind them. The gang and Team Rocket immediately look at each other and take a step back as all six of them start glaring at each other.

"Alright Team Rocket, what's your plan this time!" Jessie asked the trio with an angry expression.

"Before we tell you annoying twerps our plan, it's motto time!" Cassidy says with a grin.

"Can we skip that part-"

Cassidy ignores James. "Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!" Butch followed.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people within every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"and Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now you will surely lose the fight!"

Mondo jumps in front of Cassidy and Butch to say his line. "I'm Mondo alright!"

Team Rocket looks on to see the gang all on their phones during their motto and isn't paying attention at all.

"Jessie, I just sent you a cute picture of me and my Clefairy together," Domino says.

"Aww, cute indeed!" Jessie responded with a smile.

"YOU TWERPS!" Team Rocket yelled at the gang.

"You weren't even paying attention to our motto!" Cassidy says.

"Yeah, we listened to that like a million times already. You just say the same thing over and over." Jessie responded. "Just tell us your plan already."

"Hmph, fine, since it requires you to know, we will get your talking Meowth today with a fair fight and a bet!" Cassidy says.

"Hmm… 'A bet' you say?" Domino questioned.

"'Fair' too," James added.

"Right, a fair bet!" Mondo starts explaining. "You see, three of us versus you three in a Safari Zone battle! If you catch more Pokémon than us out of all the thirty Safari Balls you have, we three agree to officially leave you three twerps alone!"

Jessie smiles. "Hey, that's great! About time!"

"But…" Butch decides to continue explaining the bet. "If we catch more Pokémon in the Safari Zone with the thirty Safari Balls we have, we officially take all of your Pokémon, including your talking Meowth!"

"You're on!" Jessie immediately responds.

"Are you dumb?!" Meowth insulted his trainer. "This is a trick, Jessie!"

"Trick or not, a step towards becoming a Pokémon master is never back down to a challenge!" Jessie responded, pumping her fist in the air.

"HOLD ON!" James yells out. "If we lose Jessie, all of our Pokémon will be taken!"

"Yeah Jessie, and it's against Team Rocket after all! The bad guys!" Domino added.

"But if we win, those three will finally leave us alone for good!" Jessie countered. "We accept your offer!"

Cassidy grins. "Very well then, twerp! The bet starts… NOW!"

The gang and Team Rocket immediately split off from different areas of the Safari Zone. It first cuts to the gang hiding in the bushes.

"Okay, we three have thirty Safari Balls, which means that's ten for us each," Domino says.

"Okay, so what's our strategy here?" James asked. "We can't lose that bet!"

"Yeah! I don't want to be stolen!" Meowth added.

"Maybe splitting up is the best strategy? That way, we three can cover more areas and catch more Pokémon that way." Jessie suggested.

"That sounds like a plan." James agreed.

The gang was about to split up before they saw a Pinsir in the distance, minding its own business.

Domino starts to shiver in fear. "B-bug Pokémon."

Jessie grins and pulls out a Safari Ball. "I'll catch it!" She starts running towards the Pinsir. "Pinsir, you're mine! Safari Ball, go!" Jessie throws a Safari Ball towards the Pinsir.

"Pinsir?" The wild Pinsir cries in confusion.

The Safari Ball hits Pinsir as the Pokémon goes in. The Safari shakes three times, but the Pokémon breaks out of the Safari Ball.

Jessie groans in frustration. "I almost had it!"

The Pinsir starts glaring at Jessie as the Pokémon looks angry.

Um, Jess… that Pinsir doesn't look happy." Meowth says while on her shoulder.

"Well… I guess I better start-" Jessie starts running away. "RUNNING!"

"PINSIR!" The wild Pokémon starts chasing Jessie.

Domino and James look at each other with a weirded-out expression.

"Ready to split up?" James asked.

Domino nods. "Yes, but I'm taking the fishing pole with me." She says as Domino grabs the fishing pole and starts heading to a different area of the Safari Zone.

"Time to catch some rare Pokémon!" James heads in the exact opposite direction that Domino went to, another different area of the Safari Zone.

It cuts to where Team Rocket is, walking around in a different area and looking around.

"See any Pokémon?" Cassidy asked.

"No! My goodness, it's like a complete fucking ghost town!" Butch says, frustrated.

"Well, maybe your attitude is scaring the Pokémon away," Mondo says with a chuckle.

Butch shoots a glare at Mondo. "I don't think I won't strangle you, Mondo, because I will!"

Cassidy spots a Pokémon and shushes her partners-in-crime. "Shh! I see a Pokémon. Look!" She pointed out.

Cassidy points at Chansey walking around the area as Team Rocket quickly hides.

"Chansey!" The Pokémon cries out in happiness.

"A Chansey, really? Such a stupid Pokémon!" Butch complained.

"Hey! A Chansey could be useful for us!" Cassidy countered.

Butch raises an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Cassidy starts explaining her reasons. "Well, we will have a Pokémon that can easily heal our Pokémon back into battle with those twerps, and what if I want to disguise as Nurse Joy one day? Also, we need to beat those twerps in this bet."

Butch rolls his eyes. "Fine, but only because we need it to win the bet."

"Then I'll happily accept catching this Chansey for Team Rocket!" Mondo declared.

"Hold on, who said you're catching that Chansey?! I'm the one who spotted it first!" Cassidy argued.

"Who cares who gets to catch it?! Can someone throw a Safari Ball before it escapes?!" Butch pointed out.

Cassidy quickly pulls out a Safari Ball. "Safari Ball, go!" She throws the Safari Ball toward where Chansey is, but unfortunately for Team Rocket, Chansey is gone when Team Rocket is arguing, so Cassidy throws one of her Safari Balls toward the air.

"Morons!" Butch says with an angered expression.

Cassidy turns to Mondo, angry. "Way to go, Mondo! You made me waste one of my Safari Balls!"

"You could've easily looked to see if the Chansey was there before throwing a Safari Ball, I'm just saying," Mondo says while shrugging.

"You're lucky I'm more focused on winning this bet than on beating you up right now! Let's just find a new Pokémon!" Cassidy says.

Team Rocket goes back to looking for a Pokémon to catch. It cuts to a different area where Jessie and Meowth are running from a Pinsir.

Jessie spots a tree. "Behind that tree!"

Jessie and Meowth quickly run towards and hide behind a tree. Meowth quickly hides under Jessie's pink hat. The Pinsir that was chasing the duo flies by as Jessie and Meowth fully escape from it.

Jessie sighs in relief and then looks up at her pink hat. "Okay, the Pinsir is gone."

Meowth quietly peeks out and then jumps onto the ground from Jessie's head. "What a fantastic start Jessie. You really don't want Team Rocket to take me." He says, sarcastically.

"Way to have faith in your trainer." Jessie rolls her eyes as she responds to her Pokémon with sarcasm as well. "You're not the only one who can be sarcastic."

Meowth crosses his arms and looks away. "Whatever." As he looks away, he spots a wild Pokémon. "Jess, look!"

Jessie looks where Meowth is pointing and also notices the wild Pokémon, a wild Nidorino.

"Sweet, a wild Nidorino! I have a Nidorina, so why not get a Nidorino!" Jessie pulls out a Safari Ball and prepares herself.

"How about you use one of your baits or rocks?" Meowth suggested. "Doesn't that help you with catching a Pokémon?"

"Right!" Jessie pulls out a rock with her other hand, holding Safari Ball in her right hand and a rock on her left. "Let's do this!" She comes out from hiding to face the wild Nidorino.

"Rino!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Rock, go!" Jessie throws a rock toward the Nidorino.

Nidorino gets hit with the rock and is now livid. "Rino!"

Jessie gulps. "Safari Ball, go!" She throws the Safari Ball right at the Nidorino.

The Safari Ball hits the wild Pokémon as he goes in. The Safari Ball shakes three times before the Nidorino bursts out from the Safari Ball.

Jessie grits her teeth. "Dang it!"

Nidorino starts slowly approaching Jessie, extremely angry at the trainer for throwing a rock toward him and trying to catch him. "Rino!" He cries angrily.

"Uh oh…" Jessie slowly backs up. "Nice Nidorino… is that a Nidorina in the distance?!" Jessie lied, pointing in a random direction.

"Rino?!" Nidorino immediately falls for it and looks to where Jessie is pointing. After realizing he has been tricked, he looks back to Jessie, only to realize she's not there, and escapes from the distraction.

"Jess, wait up!" Meowth runs after his trainer.

It cuts to the area where Domino is. She's right next to a lake with the fishing pole cast, waiting to catch a Pokémon.

"I'm waiting. I'm waiting. I am waiting for a water Pokémon!" Domino sang out.

The fishing pole starts moving in the water and Domino quickly notices.

"Yes! I can't wait to catch a new water Pokémon!" Domino yank on the fishing pole.

The Pokémon comes flying out of the lake and lands on the ground as it starts splashing. "Karp. Karp. Karp." It was a Magikarp that Domino caught.

Domino has an annoyed expression on her face and sighs. "Anything but a Magikarp…" She picks up the Magikarp and throws it back in the lake.

"Karp!" The Magikarp makes a big splash from landing in the lake, drenching Domino in water.

"Aw, I'm soaked! You dumb fish!" Domino insulted the wild Magikarp in anger.

Meanwhile, in the lake, the Magikarp begins glowing white, signaling that it's evolving. As it was evolving, the Pokémon began slowly ascending out of the water now as a Gyarados.

Domino's eyes widened as she froze in fear. "D-did I say dumb fish? I-I meant smart fish." She chuckles awkwardly.

The Gyarados roar in anger right at Domino.

"AH!" In a panic, Domino throws a Safari Ball right at the Gyarados.

The Gyarados roars once more before getting hit by the Safari Ball as the Pokémon goes in and the Safari Ball sinks at the bottom of the lake.

"I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" Domino quickly starts running away from the lake.

At the bottom of the lake, the Safari Ball only shakes once before breaking out, ascending Gyarados back at the surface. The wild Gyarados roar while Domino shrieks before continuing to run away from the wild Pokémon. It cuts to the area where James is at.

James is walking and looking around for a Pokémon to catch. "What Pokémon would I want to catch?" He asked himself.

While walking, James spots a rhinoceros-like Pokémon, with a body covered in gray, rocky plates nearby, eating grass. He quickly hides out of view from the Pokémon.

"That's a Rhyhorn, right?" James says to himself. "Maybe I can attract it with some bait?" He pulls out some bait and throws it right next to the Rhyhorn.

The wild Rhyhorn was still eating the grass until it noticed the bait and roared in confusion.

"Come on… take the bait," James says quietly.

The Rhyhorn slowly approaches the bait, sniffs it, and then starts eating it.

James grins and pulls out a Safari Ball. "Now I got you." She quickly comes out of hiding and starts sprinting towards the Rhyhorn. "SAFARI BALL, GO!" James quickly throws one of his Safari Balls at the wild Rhyhorn.

The wild Rhyhorn roars before the Safari Ball hits the Pokémon and goes inside. The Safari Ball lands on the ground and shakes three times before breaking out of the Safari Ball.

"Aw, man!" James groaned. "Maybe I can try another one?"

The Rhyhorn immediately starts running away to avoid getting captured.

"Hey, come back!" James was about to chase after that until he heard the sound of wild Pokémon running. "Huh? What's that noise?"

James looks behind him to see a bunch of bovine Pokémon covered in light brown fur, apparently chasing him.

"EEP, A HORDE OF TAUROS!" James shrieked and immediately started running away from the horde of Tauros. "This is so uncool!" He yelled out while continuing to run away.

It shows a montage of Jessie, Domino, James, and Team Rocket all trying to capture Pokémon in the Safari Zone in different areas, but failing one after one. Both Domino and James have used up all of their ten Safari Balls that they had with them as Jessie just has one left and it cuts to her with Meowth.

Jessie is sadly walking. "I can't believe I only have one Safari Ball left and still haven't caught any Pokémon yet!"

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a part of Team Rocket now," Meowth says while sadly walking with his trainer.

"Cheer up Meowth, I'm sure Domino and James caught many Pokémon to make up for my lack of Pokémon. Besides-" Jessie pulls out her last Safari Ball. "I still have my last Safari Ball left."

"You better make it good then!" Meowth demanded.

"I will! I just have to find a Pokémon!" Jessie responded.

Jessie and Meowth are walking near a lake and the water starts bubbling, as a yellow-duck Pokémon pops out of the water and lands on the grass.

"Psyduck!" The wild Pokémon cries out.

"What about that Pokémon?" Meowth asked.

"Hmm…" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex to gather information on the wild Psyduck.

"Psyduck, the Duck Pokémon. Water type. While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers."

"No thanks, I already caught enough water-type Pokémon anyway," Jessie says.

"Psy!" The wild Psyduck falls in disbelief.

"Besides, maybe Domino can catch it." Jessie continues walking with Meowth following her.

"Psy…" The Psyduck looks down and has a sad expression before jumping back into the lake.

"Well, you have to catch a Pokémon, Jess!" Meowth says.

"Since it's my last Safari Ball, this Pokémon has to be special!" Jessie responded with determination in her eyes.

Meowth rolls her eyes. "Of course."

Jessie and Meowth both hear flying about them as they look up. They see a green-insectoid Pokémon with wings and land right near a tree.

"Whoa! What's that Pokémon?" Jessie quickly pulls out her Pokédex.

"Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. A bug and flying type. With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one. This Pokémon can only be found in the Safari Zone in Kanto."

"A Pokémon that can only be found in this specific Safari Zone?" Jessie smirks. "That sounds very rare to me!"

"Don't waste this opportunity, Jessie," Meowth says.

"I'll try and I won't." Jessie pulls out some bait and throws it right near the Scyther.

The wild Scyther notices the bait and looks at it. "Scyther?" The Pokémon slowly approaches the bait and starts eating it.

Jessie pulls out her last Safari Ball and takes a big sigh. "Alright Safari Ball, don't let me down." She slowly comes out of hiding and starts approaching the Scyther.

The wild Scyther looks up and notices Jessie approaching it. "Scyther?"

"SAFARI BALL, GO!" Jessie quickly throws her last Safari Ball towards the Scyther.

"Scyther!" The Pokémon cried out before getting hit by the Safari Ball.

The Safari Ball lands on the ground and starts shaking. Jessie and Meowth both wait patiently and after a couple of shakes, the Safari Ball finally clicks, signaling a successful catch.

Jessie immediately pumps her fist up in excitement and walks over to pick up her Safari Ball containing her newly caught Pokémon.

"Yes, I caught a Scyther!" Jessie poses in victory.

Meowth soon comes out of hiding to clap to graduate his trainer. "Congrats, Jess!"

Soon Jessie is looking at her Safari Ball and scratches her head in confusion. "That's odd."

"What's odd?" Meowth asked.

"The Safari Ball hasn't been transported to Professor Oak's lab yet, despite the fact I already have six Pokémon." Jessie pointed out.

"Maybe because you're still in the Safari Zone? After the game is over, maybe then it will be transported?" Meowth answered.

Jessie nods. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go find Domino and James."

It cuts to the area where the Team Rocket trio is, still looking for a Pokémon.

"See any Pokémon yet?" Mondo asked.

Cassidy groans in annoyance and shakes her head. "Again Mondo, no I haven't yet!"

"We're down to our last Safari Ball, yet we haven't caught any Pokémon at all!" Butch pointed out.

Mondo growls in anger. "I can't believe we had the perfect opportunity to fairly steal that talking Meowth, yet we choked like we usually do!"

"Stop complaining and start finding you two!" Cassidy says in anger.

The Team Rocket trio continued to look for a Pokémon to catch and then they stumbled upon a Kangaskhan as the trio quickly hid.

Cassidy grins. "A Kangaskhan! Perfect!"

"Didn't we try to steal one yesterday from the zoo and completely fail?" Butch pointed out.

"Only because that sunglasses twerp was in the way!" Cassidy responded. "But now that he's not here foiling our plans, we can catch this one!" She soon pulls out a Poké Ball. "Let's weaken it by battling it!"

"Hold on here! Isn't batting Pokémon here against the rules?" Mondo says.

"We're Team Rocket, we don't play by the rules and we're down to our last Safari Ball," Cassidy explained.

"Good point," Mondo admitted.

Soon, Mondo and Butch also pull out a Poké Ball to battle the wild Kangaskhan.

"Raticate, go!" "Go get 'em, Primeape!" "You can do it, Marowak!" Team Rocket all send out their Pokémon to battle the Kangaskhan.

"Raticate!" "Primeape!" "Marowak!" Team Rocket's Pokémon cries out in battle.

"Kangaskhan!" The wild Pokémon cries in battle as it's in battle stance.

Raticate, Primeape, and Marowak all go and try to attack the wild Kangaskhan, but the wild Pokémon bats Team Rocket's Pokémon away with its arm, instantly fainting them.

Team Rocket's eyes widened in shock.

"Cassidy, throw the Safari Ball now!" Butch commanded.

"Safari Ball, go!" Cassidy throws her last Safari Ball at Kangaskhan.

The Safari Ball hits the Kangaskhan and it goes in, but immediately breaks out of it.

"OH NO!" Team Rocket yelled in disbelief.

"Kangaskhan!" The Pokémon cried out in anger.

Team Rocket immediately recalls their Pokémon and runs away in fear as it cuts to them catching their breath after running away.

The speakers throughout the Safari Zone turned on and Baoba's voice was heard. "Hello! This is your Safari Warden speaking, everyone has used up all of their Safari Balls. Please meet me at the gate entrance!"

"Now what are we going to do?! We didn't catch one single Pokémon!" Butch growls in anger.

"Relax, I got another idea. Mondo, get the hot air balloon." Cassidy commanded.

Mondo nods. "On it!"

It cuts to the gang and Team Rocket, without Mondo, at the gate entrance of the Safari Zone with Baoba.

"Wow, you guys kinda struggled huh?" Baoba chuckles.

The gang and Team Rocket all stay silent, glaring at the Warden.

"Sorry… but with only one Pokémon, the winners are Jessie, James, and Domino!" Baobo declared.

"YES!" The gang all cheered in celebration and soon turned to Team Rocket, smirking.

"Guess you have to leave us alone and not steal Meowth anymore now, huh?" Jessie says, still smirking at them.

Cassidy shrugs. "Yep, I guess so. Come on Butch, let's go."

Cassidy and Butch start walking towards the exit, but soon evilly grin as they quickly turn around and Cassidy shoots out a grabber which grabs Meowth from Jessie.

"HEY!" Meowth yelled out.

The gang and Baoba all gasped in shock.

"YOU MADE A DEAL!" Jessie screamed out.

"Boohoo. You trusted Team Rocket to follow a stupid deal?" Butch says, rhetorically.

Cassidy and Butch both rip off their regular clothes to reveal their Team Rocket uniforms. They look up to see their hot air balloon and Mondo, who is also in his Team Rocket uniform, in the sky as they pull out their grappling hooks and shoot their way up to their hot air balloon with Meowth still in their possession.

"Get me out of here! Meowth says while struggling.

Baoba growls. "You guys were actually part of Team Rocket!"

"Cry about it, gramps!" Mondo responded.

"Bye-bye!" Team Rocket says as their hot balloon starts floating away.

Jessie was about to send out a Pokémon, but Scyther burst out of the Safari Ball to everyone's shock and started flying toward Team Rocket with fast speed.

Team Rocket's eyes widened.

"Th-that Pokémon is fast," Mondo says, worried.

Scyther pops a hole in Team Rocket's balloon by flying through it, sending them descending to the ground. The grabber lets go of Meowth by the result, as Team Rocket and Meowth both start screaming.

"MEOWTH!" The gang yelled out.

Scyther immediately comes to the rescue by catching Meowth with its back from flying towards him.

Meowth sighs in relief. "Thanks, newbie!"

Scyther flies down to Jessie and the gang, as Meowth hops off and hugs his trainer.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" Jessie turns to her new Pokémon. "Thanks, Scyther!"

"Scyther!" The Pokémon cries in joy.

Domino starts shaking in fear and quickly hides behind James in fear.

James groans. "Domino…"

Team Rocket's balloon crashes right in front of the gang and Warden. Team Rocket crawls out of their balloon.

"This sucks…" Cassidy says.

"Just like your plans," Butch responded.

"Meowth, send them away with your Thunderbolt!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth uses Thunderbolt right at Team Rocket as the trio hug each other in fear before getting electrocuted, screaming in pain. Then their balloon explodes from the electricity, sending them blasting off.


It cuts to Jessie and her friends with Baoba back in the warden's office.

Baoba apologizes. "Sorry that I didn't believe you guys at first. I should've known they were from Team Rocket."

Domino chuckles. "You're fine!"

James gives him a thumbs up. "Yep, you're good!"

"Hey Baoba, may I use your phone?" Jessie asked. "I have to call and send a Pokémon to Professor Oak."

"Oh right! There's one right next to the transfer machine." Baoba points out.

It cuts to Jessie and Co. on the phone, as Jessie just dialed Professor Oak and the professor immediately picks up.

"Hello, Jessie! It's nice to see you again." Professor Oak says with a smile.

"Hey, Professor Oak!" Jessie greeted the professor back. "I just finished competing in the Safari Zone!"

"Oh lovely! I bet you caught a lot of Pokémon there like Leaf did!" Professor Oak says. "She caught thirty Pokémon with her Safari Balls!"

Jessie blushes in embarrassment. "Umm… not exactly. I just caught one Pokémon there."

Professor Oak falls in disbelief but quickly gets back up. "Well, one is better than zero. Just transport the Pokémon you caught to my lab!"

"Actually…" Jessie starts looking at her Safari Ball containing her Scyther. "I'm going to keep it."

"Oh really now? So you're going to switch one of your Pokémon out?" Professor Oak asked.

Jessie nods. "That's the plan."

"Jessie, which Pokémon are you planning on switching?" Domino asked.

Jessie soon pulls out her Poké Ball containing Pidgeotto, and she sighs. "I'm so sorry, Pidgeotto. Thank you so much for your dedication." She then turns to the professor. "Professor Oak, I would like to switch my Pidgeotto out."

Professor Oak nods. "Very well, please insert Pidgeotto's Poké Ball in the transfer machine."

Jessie inserts Pidgeotto's Poké Ball into the machine. The Poké Ball disappears and soon arrives at Professor Oak.

Professor Oak grabs Pidgeotto's Poké Ball. "Received! I'll take care of Pidgeotto, Jessie."

Jessie nods. "Thank you."

It cuts to the gang walking on the streets of Fuchsia City as they arrive at the entrance to Route 18.

"This Route will get us to Saffron City faster?" Jessie asked.

James nods while looking at the map. "Yep, but we need to get through Celadon City first, of course."

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Oh great, that place again."

"Well, no time to waste. Let's go!" Domino says.

The gang all enter Route 18, as the road back to Saffron City begins.