
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Fossil Party

The episode starts with Jessie and her friends walking and heading towards the end of the docks.

"Now that Jessie has managed to beat the Cinnabar Gym Leader, Blaine, and won a Volcano Badge, our heroes are ready to leave the island and head to their next location. Although, something is about to shock them."

Jessie is not paying attention and just looking at her Volcano Badge that she won. "What a beautiful badge for my badge case!"

"Jessie, I advise you to look where you're walking or you might trip and fall into the water," Domino warned.

Meowth chuckles. "Please do it, because it'll be hilarious!"

Jessie glares at her talking Pokémon. "I'll make sure I'll drag you down with me!"

"Ah!" Meowth hides behind James from Jessie's threat.

"Hey! I don't want to be dragged. Stop hiding behind me!" James ordered the talking Pokémon.

The gang heard a familiar feminine voice from the end of the docks. "We can't leave?! Why?!"

This sparked the gang's confusion as they all looked at each other. "Huh?!" They all said while looking at each other.

As soon as Jessie puts the Volcano Badge in her badge case, she and her friends sprint towards the end of the docks. They see Leaf talking with Officer Jenny.

"Why can't no one leave Cinnabar Island?! I'm trying to head to my next Gym!" Leaf asked the officer with a frustrated tone.

"Ma'am, I highly advise you to calm down when you're speaking to a police officer." Officer Jenny responded.

"Leaf, what's happening?" Jessie asked her as she and her friends arrived at the scene.

Leaf turns around to notice Jessie and immediately responds to her questions. "Officer Jenny here says we can't leave Cinnabar Island at the moment."

This caused the gang to gasp and their jaws dropped. "WHAT?!"

The title screen shows.

"Fossil Party."

"But Officer Jenny, why can't we leave?" Domino asked.

Officer Jenny starts explaining the reason. "The reason why no one can leave Cinnabar Island at the moment is because deadly whirlpools have completely surrounded the entire island."

The scene cuts to the sky for a little bit to show whirlpools surrounding Cinnabar Island, then it cuts back to Officer Jenny explaining the reason.

"Whirlpools are extremely dangerous and too risky to let anyone sail on these seas. So you kids should stay on Cinnabar Island for a little while and wait for the whirlpools to go away before leaving."

"How long is it going to take for the whirlpools to end?" James asked.

"I'll say about maybe five days or more." Officer Jenny answered once more.

"FIVE DAYS?!" Leaf exclaimed. "That's it, I'm out of here!" She turns around and leaves the scene, frustrated.

"Like I said, it's best for you kids to stay here on this island, besides we are enforcing it anyway. So if we catch you trying to escape, we will arrest you and put you in jail." Officer Jenny says with a glare.

The gang all sweat behind their heads as they back away from the docks and then they turn to each other.

"Well… now what?" Domino asked.

"Looks like we're gonna be stuck here on Cinnabar Island for a while. I guess you can count this as our vacation from traveling." James chuckles.

Jessie starts pouting. "I don't want to have a vacation! I want to go to the next Gym and win my final eight Gym Badge for the League Tournament!"

Domino rolls her eyes. "Well, there's nothing we can do Jessie. We just have to wait till the whirlpools go away."

"Besides, the way you're training me and your other Pokémon, I deserve two vacations!" Meowth said.

Jessie groans before acceptance. "Okay. Let's just go to the beach and build sandcastles."

James perks up from joy. "That sounds like a great idea!"

Meowth nods. "As long as I'm far away from the ocean, I'm up with that idea too."

"Let's go to the beach then!" Domino says.

It cuts to the gang on the shore of Cinnabar Island, where they are seen digging in the sand and building sandcastles.

"Isn't this fun, Jess?" Domino asked, smiling at Jessie.

Jessie chuckles before looking back at Domino to answer. "Yeah, it is kinda fun. I guess I will make the best of it and enjoy this vacation while it lasts!"

She continues digging in the sand until she sees three things sticking out. "What?"

"What is it, Jessie?" James asked.

Jessie calls over her friends. "Guys, look at this!"

Meowth, Domino, and James all go over to where Jessie is and notices the three objects sticking out of the sand from the hole that Jessie dug with her hands.

Domino looks at the three objects in confusion. "What are those?"

"Maybe if I just-" Jessie begins digging the sand out, revealing more of the three objects.

The three objects that Jessie dug up are two shells, both cast in rocks, one is the shape of a helix-spiral shell, and one is a shell shaped of a dome, and there's also a brownish-yellowish gem.

"Whoa!" James picks up the brownish-yellowish gem. "This feels like… Amber!"

"Amber? Well, that does make sense, but…" Domino picks up the rock with the shape of a helix-spiral shell on it. "What are these?"

Jessie picked up the rock with the dome-shaped shell in it. "I don't know, but they look interesting. Maybe we should tell someone about these?"

Meowth also notices some paper sticking out in the sand and points it out to the gang. "Hey guys, there's some paper sticking out!"

The gang looks in the sand-dug hole as Jessie grabs the paper sticking out and notices there are words on it.

"It's a… note?" Jessie stated, confused.

"Read it," James says.

Jessie looks at the note and begins reading it. "'I can't take them with me anymore. They know that I have these fossils with me and they're after me. That's why I decided to bury them deep in the sand so that no one, like an evil corruption or organization, will try to sell them for a profit. To any lucky soul who has found these fossils, if you want to find out more about them, please visit the Pokémon Lab.'" Jessie looks at her friends, signaling that she's done reading.

James, Domino, and Meowth's eyes widened in shock. James and Domino look down at the fossils they have in their hands.

"So these are fossils?!" Domino exclaimed.

"Jessie, does the note say who it's from?" James asked.

Jessie looks at the bottom of the note and it doesn't say who it's from as she shakes her head. "No, it doesn't at all."

"Maybe we should head to the Pokémon Lab. Isn't that basically Martin's home?" Domino says, rhetorically.

James agrees with Domino's idea. "I rather trust Martin knowing about these fossils than anyone else on this island, so I agree that we should head to Cinnabar Island."

"Then let's go before anyone else sees us," Jessie suggested to her friends and they nodded in response.

The gang all stood up and started walking off the beach to go to the Pokémon Lab. Oblivious of them, the Team Rocket trio was spying on them from afar with binoculars.

Cassidy laughs. "Looks like they're too late for that!"

"Just think, when we steal those fossils, we will be rich!" Butch says, having dollar signs for eyes for a little bit.

"Get ready guys, we are about to have a fossil party here!" Mondo says with a chuckle.

As Team Rocket leaves the area, it cuts to the gang outside of the Pokémon Lab, hiding the fossils that they found on the beach. Jessie walks up to the door and knocks on it. A few seconds pass and Martin answers the door.

"Hello?" Martin immediately recognizes the gang. "Oh, it's you guys!"

"Hey, Martin!" Jessie looks to her left and right side before coming closer to whisper. "Can we enter your lab for a bit?"

Martin raises an eyebrow for a bit from being confused by Jessie's whisper but accepts her offer. "Sure, come in."

Jessie and her friends enter the lab as Martin closes the door. The gang and Martin walk around for a bit before the programmer turns towards them.

"So what can I help you guys with?" Martin asked.

The gang all looked at each other before they all responded. "Well…"

Jessie pulls out her fossil from her purse, Domino pulls out her fossil from her handbag, and James slightly exposes the amber that he is hiding inside his leather jacket.

Martin's jaw immediately drops once seeing the three fossils in the gang's possession. "Wha- I-I'm speechless. H-how did you find these fossils?!"

"Well, I found them by the beach. We were building sandcastles and I stumbled upon them in the sand when I was digging." Jessie explained.

"You found them on the beach?" Martin questioned.

Jessie nods and explains more. "There was a note that I guess explains why they were hidden under the beach. To hide them from evil people that want to sell them."

Martin begins to think. "That would make perfect sense… Can I have a quick look at these fossils to make sure they're real?"

Jessie and her friends all pulled out the three fossils and handed them over to Martin who gladly accepted them.

Martin bows. "Thank you. I'll be right back with the results." He takes the fossils to the resurrection room to research them.

Time skips to Jessie and her friends waiting in the main room of the Pokémon Lab, waiting for Martin to finish researching their fossils until they hear Martin's voice. "Whoa! I can't believe this!"

Martin's voice immediately grabs the gang's attention from the main room.

"Come on, let's go!" Jessie starts running towards the resurrection room with the gang following her from behind.

Once the gang enters the room, they immediately yell out in shock at what they just saw. "NO WAY!"

What they saw was three Pokémon they hadn't seen before. A Pokémon with a sky blue body with ten tentacles, a Pokémon with a flat brown shell covering its body, and a reptilian Pokémon who's flying all over the room and roaring, which the gang covered their ears.

"Okay, that's enough of you!" Martin snaps his fingers as the reptilian Pokémon stops yelling. "Well… those fossils are, in fact, real." He embarrassingly chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

The gang uncovers their ears once the reptilian Pokémon stops roaring across the resurrection room.

"Wh-what did you do?" Jessie asked in disbelief to

"Well…" Martin walks up to a machine. "I used my resurrection machine here to revive the three fossils and make them alive again."

"Couldn't you just research to confirm that they're real?" James also asked.

"I could but…" Martin shrugs. "This was easier!"

Meowth walks up to the brown-shelled Pokémon and taps its shell out of curiosity. "Wow, that's a really hard shell!"

"Kabuto!" Kabuto gets angry and tries to scratch Meowth.

"AH!" Meowth immediately hides behind Jessie's leg from the fossil Pokémon that tries to scratch him. "I don't like that Pokémon because they look scary with those red eyes!"

"Hmm…" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and aims it at the brown-shelled fossil Pokémon.

"Kabuto, The Shellfish Pokémon. A rock and water type. A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago."

"Okay, now you." Jessie aims her Pokédex at the spiral helix-shelled fossil Pokémon.

"Omanyte, The Spiral Pokémon. A rock and water type. Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils."

"And finally you." Jessie aims her Pokédex lastly at the reptilian Pokémon.

"Aerodactyl, the Fossil Pokémon. A rock and flying type. A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs."

"So they're all part rock type?" James says with an interesting look on his face. "I guess it makes sense since they're fossil Pokémon."

"But these two-" Domino picks up Kabuto and Omanyte. "Are also part water type and I love it!" She hugs the two fossil Pokémon out of affection, but Kabuto and Omanyte have annoyed expressions.

Martin tried to warn Domino. "Domino I wouldn't-"

Both Kabuto and Omanyte blast jets of water right onto Domino's face as she immediately drops the fossil Pokémon down and starts coughing up water.

Martin awkwardly finishes his sentence even after what occurred. "Do that if I were you…"

Jessie, James, and Meowth all cover their mouths to hide their giggling, but Domino can tell that they are giggling and get frustrated.

"DON'T YOU LAUGH AT ME!" Domino yelled out in frustration.

Domino's yell causes the fossil Pokêmon to spiral out of control, completely moving around the room with Aerodactyl roaring while flying throughout the room.

"Domino, you can't yell like that! Loud noises will startle these fossil Pokémon after minutes of being revived!" Martin explained, trying to get the three fossil Pokémon.

Domino just crosses her arms. "Hmph, well it's my annoying friends' fault, not mine."

"Hey!" Jessie, James, and Meowth both responded to her from being called annoying.

All of a sudden, the gang and Martin hear the sounds of a weapon being fired from outside. "What was-" An explosion happens, interrupting Jessie's question, as part of the wall of the Pokémon Lab is now destroyed with smoke around the destroyed area.

Martin falls to his knees in disbelief, seeing his wall destroyed. "My wall! My beautiful wall!"

As the smoke slowly clears, three outlines of silhouettes are seen in the smoke as laughter is heard and the gang immediately recognizes the voices.

"Oh no, it's them!" James exclaimed.

"You better believe it twerp and prepare for trouble!" Cassidy begins the motto.

Butch follows up. "And you can make that double!"

The smoke fully fades away, revealing Team Rocket in sight as they continue their motto.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people within our nation!"

Before Team Rocket could finish their motto, the three fossil Pokémon immediately ran out of the building from the hole that Team Rocket made, being startled by the explosion. Aerodactyl bumps into Team Rocket while flying out, causing them to blast off.


Meowth shakes his head. "Morons."


Martin immediately gets up and heads to his cabinet, opening it. "There's no time! Do you three have a free slot on your team?"

Jessie, James, and Domino all nodded in response to Martin's question.

"Good. Here take these, you three." Martin hands over three unfamiliar Poké Balls to the gang. The top is an orange color with a symbol of a spiral fossil shell on the front.

"What are these, Martin?" Jessie asked.

Martin starts explaining. "These Poké Balls are 'Fossil Balls.' They can capture any fossil Pokémon without fail. Just fossil Pokémon though. I programmed them a few months ago. Now I need you three to quickly go out and catch the three roaming fossil Pokémon before anyone on Cinnabar Island sees them! They can't see extinct Pokémon roaming around."

"But what about your wall?" Domino asked.

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of that. Just go!" Martin ordered.

The gang immediately nodded in response as they sprinted out of the building through the big hole in the wall.

"Okay, three fossil Pokémon out there, which means we three should split up and search for them," Jessie explained.

"I say we three go after the fossil Pokémon that was in our possession before we gave it to Martin. So that means I got Aerodactyl." James explained.

"So I got Omanyte if I remember correctly," Domino added.

"Then I have Kabuto." Jessie looks at her Meowth. "Ready, Meowth?"

Meowth hops onto Jessie's shoulder. "Ready as ever!"

"Alright. Split up happens… now!" Jessie commanded.

The gang all split up in different directions to find the fossil Pokémon that they assigned themselves to. It cuts to the Team Rocket trio at a beach with their heads in the sand from landing after getting blasted off. A Krabby was seen crab-walking towards the face-buried trio.

"Coo kee! Coo kee!" Krabby pinches the trio as they all immediately burst up from the sand and Cassidy immediately grabs the Krabby.

"Now I got you, fossil Pokémon!" Cassidy exclaimed in excitement, before realizing what she grabbed.

"Cassidy… that's a Krabby." Mondo awkwardly stated.

Butch facepalms. "You dumbass…"

Krabby pinches Cassidy's nose, causing her to yell out in pain and throw the river crab Pokémon into the ocean.

Cassidy immediately stands up. "Come on, we can't let those twerps have those fossil Pokémon, our tickets to a rich and wealthy life!"

Mondo and Butch immediately stand up as well, agreeing with her. "Right!" They both said.

"Okay, three fossils, the three of us, those fossil Pokémon are scattered around Cinnabar Island, which means that we need to split up for each fossil Pokémon," Cassidy explained.

Butch immediately decides. "I call the big bird flying fossil Pokémon, I ain't scared of it."

"I'll go for that fossil Pokémon with the spiral shell." Mondo followed up.

"Then I guess I'll go for the one with that brown shell," Cassidy concludes. "Okay, now split up!"

Team Rocket immediately started sprinting in different directions, splitting up as the gang did. It cuts to Jessie in the central area of Cinnabar Island, looking around for Kabuto.

"Come on! Where's Kabuto?" Jessie said while still walking and looking around.

"Well, it isn't gonna show up with you asking it," Meowth replied.

Jessie looks at Meowth with an annoyed expression. "Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious. Now focus and help me find Kabuto!" She goes back to looking around for the fossil Pokémon as Meowth does as well.

Meowth spots something in the distance and it is Kabuto crawling on the streets. "Hey Jess, I think I see it!" He points in the direction where Kabuto is for Jessie.

"Oh no! What's it doing in the streets of Cinnabar?! I hope no one spotted it." Jessie sprints towards Kabuto.

"Kabuto!" Kabuto gets into a defensive position.

"I don't need to battle you when I have this!" Jessie holds up the Fossil Ball. "Fossil Ball, go!" She throws the Fossil Ball toward Kabuto.

Kabuto jumps aside and dodges the Fossil Ball heading towards it. "Kabuto!" The fossil Pokémon starts running away.

Meowth looks at Jessie with an annoyed expression. "Maybe you do need to battle it so that it won't run away when you weaken it…"

Jessie rubs her head in embarrassment. "Oops…" She picks up the Fossil Ball on the ground, she was about to go after it until a little girl stopped her.

"Excuse me miss, but was that a never-seen Pokémon you tried to catch?" The little girl asked.

Jessie sheds a sweat on the back of her head. "Um… no, that was just a… robot! Yeah, a robot that I invented!"

The little girl tilts her head at Jessie. "Then why did you try to catch it?"

Jessie starts sweating more as she thinks of another lie. "To play pretend with! You see, I'm training on how to catch Pokémon better. So I invented this robot shaped of a never seen before Pokémon to improve my Pokémon catching skills?"

The little girl stares at Jessie and sees her sweating a lot, but puts a smile on her face with a nod. "Okay!" She turns around and runs out of view.

Jessie sighs in relief, before looking down. "I can't believe I had to lie to a little girl."

Meowth pats his trainer on the back. "It was for the best."

Jessie nods. "Come on, let's go after that Kabuto!"

Jessie and Meowth start sprinting toward the direction where Kabuto went, oblivious that Cassidy was watching them from a view with a grin on her face. It cuts to Domino looking around in the forest for Omanyte and still can't find it.

Domino begins talking to herself. "I hope Omanyte is in the forest. I looked around in the streets, but couldn't find it."

A bush starts rattling, which immediately gets Domino's attention as she smiles.

"I got you." Domino jumps into the rattling bush but immediately screams.

It was a Rattata which was scratching Domino. The Pokémon immediately flees the scene, as Domino is now covered in scratch marks.

"Stupid dumb Rattata!" Domino punches the nearest tree in frustration.

When Domino punches the tree, Omanyte hits Domino in the head from above, revealing it was in the tree that Domino punched.

"OW!" Domino immediately sets up and rubs her head from getting hit, but immediately recognizes the fossil Pokémon. "Omanyte! Now's my chance! Rock and water so this is the obvious choice!" She pulls out a Poké Ball.

"Bulbasaur, I choose you!" Domino sends Bulbasaur into battle.

Bulbasaur materializes. "Bulba!"

Omanyte battle cries back. "Omanyte!"

"Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf!" Domino commanded.

Bulbasaur starts throwing razor-sharp leaves under its bulb to Omanyte, but the fossil Pokémon can move in different directions to avoid them, dodging them.

"Omanyte!" Omanyte turns around and starts fleeing from the battle.

"Hey! Come back here!" Domino starts chasing the fossil Pokémon with Bulbasaur following from behind.

Omanyte is seen running towards the Pokémon Mansion that the fossil Pokémon stumbled upon and went inside.

Domino sees this from a distance and groans in annoyance. "Great… the Pokémon Mansion." She also proceeds to enter the building with Bulbasaur by her side.

It cuts to Mondo who was spying from the distance, showing an expression of interest. It cuts to James walking on the flank of the Cinnabar Island volcano.

James has an annoyed expression on his face. "Of course, Aerodactyl would be near the volcano. Maybe I shouldn't have suggested we should go after the fossil Pokémon that we had."

It cuts to Aerodactyl flying around near the crater of the volcano and roaring while doing so as James finally makes it to the crater of the volcano.

James is on the ground catching his breath but soon gets up to face Aerodactyl. "Finally! Aerodactyl, you're mine!" He pulls out a Poké Ball.

Aerodactyl roars at James in response, showing anger and frustration while doing so and looking ready to battle.

"Charmeleon, go!" James sends Charmeleon to battle against the Aerodactyl.

Charmeleon materializes. "Charmeleon!"

"Fire Spin, let's go!"

Charmeleon opens its mouth and a spinning flame is released, sending right to Aerodactyl, but the fossil Pokémon flies out of the way to dodge the move. Aerodactyl comes flying in and attacks Charmeleon with its wing and hits the Pokémon.

"Charmeleon!" The Pokémon cries out in pain from getting hit and is sent back flying from the move. Charmeleon almost fell into the volcano, but-

"CHARMELEON!" James immediately manages to save his Pokémon by grabbing it right in time.

It cuts to Butch watching the battle from the Team Rocket hot air balloon from afar with binoculars while showing a grin. It cuts back to Jessie and Meowth running in the main area of Cinnabar Island, chasing Kabuto.

"Meowth, Thunderbolt!" Jessie commanded.

"I got this!" Electricity begins surrounding Meowth as the Pokémon sends it right at Kabuto.

"Kabuto!" The fossil Pokémon cries in pain as it stops, being surrounded by static electricity as it is now paralyzed from the Thunderbolt.

Jessie smiles. "Awesome Meowth, use paralyzed it!"

Meowth smirks. "It was nothing!"

Jessie has the Fossil Ball in her hands, ready to throw it. "Fossil Ball-"

Jessie was cut off by the sound of Cassidy's voice. "I don't think so, twerpette!" She appears right in the way between Jessie and the wild Kabuto. "If anyone is getting this fossil Pokémon, it's me!"

Jessie holds her fire from throwing the Fossil Ball and growls in frustration. "You Team Rocket members are so annoying, you know that?"

Cassidy laughs in response. "Like if we care about what you twerps think of us." She pulls out a Poké Ball. "Raticate, crush this twerpette!" The Team Rocket member sends Raticate into battle.

Raticate materializes. "Raticate!"

Jessie turns to Meowth. "Alright Meowth, I need you for this!"

Meowth chuckles. "I dealt with this losing rat many times!" The talking Pokémon hops into battle with the Raticate.

It cuts inside the Pokémon Mansion where Domino is, looking for Omanyte.

"Omanyte has to be here. It can't run forever." Domini looks down at her Bulbasaur. "Right, Bulbasaur?"

Bulbasaur nods with a delighted expression on its face. "Bulbasaur!"

Mondo is seen hiding from Domino's point of view with his Ditto already being sent out. The Team Rocket member looks at his Ditto and starts telling it the plan.

"Okay Ditto, here's the plan. I want you to transform into Omanyte and distract Domino while I go and try to find the real one. You got it?" Mondo asked.

"Ditto!" Ditto nods, the transformed Pokémon glows white and then it transforms into an Omanyte. The transformed-Ditto Omanyte soon makes its appearance well-known to Domino as it starts running around in circles.

Domino sees it and immediately assumes it's the real Omanyte. "Omanyte, stop running away!" She begins chasing the 'Omanyte' with her Bulbasaur following, oblivious to her that it's Ditto.

Mondo sees Domino chasing his Ditto and chuckles silently. "Okay, now to find the real deal." The Team Rocket member begins the search for the real Omanyte.

It cuts to the top of the volcano near the crater where James is, battling Aerodactyl with his Charmeleon.

"Use Flamethrower, Charmeleon!" James commanded.

"Charmeleon!" Charmeleon opens its mouth and fire is sent out and lands the hit on Aerodactyl, which roars in pain.

James pumps his fist up in the air and pulls out a Fossil Ball. "Now's my chance!"

Before James could even throw the Fossil Ball, a net comes out of nowhere and traps the Aerodactyl inside which roars in shock.

"What?!" James exclaimed before looking up and seeing the Team Rocket balloon with Butch in it. "Oh no! It's Biff!"

"THE NAME IS BUTCH!" Butch clears his throat and laughs. "Sorry sunglasses twerp, but this Aerodactyl is mine now for me and Team Rocket!"

"Not if I can help it! Charmeleon, use Scratch!" James ordered.

Butch immediately pulls out a Poké Ball. "Primeape, Low Kick!" He sends Primeape out.

Charmeleon jumps to the Team Rocket balloon, ready to scratch it with its claws, but Primeape manages to low kick the Pokémon in the gut, sending it back to where James is.

Primeape hops down on the balloon and lands on the volcano with James and Charmeleon, looking ready to fight. "Primeape!"

It cuts to Cassidy and Jessie's battle in the main area of Cinnabar Island. Meowth and Raticate use moves on each other, but they keep dodging them.

Cassidy stomps her foot in frustration. "Stop dodging every move I throw at you!"

"Just give it up already. You with your pals always lose to me, Domino, and James every single time and it won't be different here!" Jessie stated.

Cassidy wags her finger. "I don't think so, twerp. Today's gonna be different here! Raticate, Hyper Fang!"

"Dodge it and use Fury Swipes!" Jessie countered.

Raticate tried to bite Meowth hard with its fangs, but the talking Pokémon was able to dodge out of the way. Meowth sharpens its claws and tries to scratch Raticate multiple times, but the Pokémon can dodge it as well. However, oblivious to Jessie and Cassidy, the Kabuto behind Cassidy begins glowing white. It cuts to the Pokémon Mansion with Domino still chasing the Ditto-transformed Omanyte all around the mansion as Mondo is trying to look for the real Omanyte.

"Come on, where is that dumb fossil Pokémon?!" Mondo starts getting frustrated but soon sees the real Omanyte down the hall. "There you are!"

"Omanyte!" The fossil Pokémon cries out from getting startled.

Mondo quickly pulls out an empty Poké Ball "Poké Ball, go!" Then throws it at the Omanyte.

Omanyte quickly dodges the empty Poké Ball out of the way and starts running away.

"Hey! Come back here!" Mondo starts chasing the fossil Pokémon.

Domino is chasing the Ditto-transformed Omanyte and Mondo is chasing the real Omanyte throughout the mansion, until the two bump into each other and fall.

"OW! HEY WATCH IT!" Both Domino and Mondo yelled out at each other until they both gasped realizing who they were yelling at. "YOU!"

It cuts to the top of the volcano where James and Butch are battling and Aerodactyl is still trapped in the net.

"Bufford, just give up already and let the Aerodactyl go!" James ordered.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, MY NAME IS BUTCH!" Butch yelled out in frustration. "No one gets my name right, ever!" Butch looks like he was going to shed a tear. "I keep telling, but they won't listen! Cassidy and Mondo even get it wrong sometimes. It's so frustrating!"

James looks at Butch and feels bad for the Team Rocket member. "You're right. Your name is Butch, my apologies."

"Yeah… That's what I thought." Butch looks away and crosses his arms.

James tries to persuade Butch. "Look, Butch, just let the Aerodactyl go and I will promise that I will always get your name right."

Butch turns a little. "Y-you… promise?"

James nods. "Just think about it. Cassidy and Mondo get your name wrong and that frustrates you, right? Get revenge on them by handing Aerodactyl to me."

Butch thinks about it for a little bit, before he smirks. "Okay, then I will!"

James cheers. "Yes!"

As Butch was about to press the button on the hot air balloon to release Aerodactyl from the net, his smirk turns into an evil grin. "PRIMEAPE, NOW!"

Out of nowhere, Primeape low kicks James, and James goes flying back and ends up falling into the volcano while screaming.

"CHARMELEON!" Charmeleon immediately heads after his trainer and jumps into the volcano.

Butch starts laughing and then recalls his Primeape. "You really think I'll betray Team Rocket like that? Later, twerp!"

As the hot air balloon begins floating away from the volcano with Aerodactyl still trapped in the net, it cuts to inside the volcano with James holding onto Charmeleon.

"Well, I guess this is it for me… I'm so sorry I wasn't a better trainer, Charmeleon." James slowly closes his eyes.

Charmeleon looks at its trainer with sparkles in its eyes. "Charmeleon…" Charmeleon closes its eyes and begins glowing white. The Pokémon begins growing taller and then a pair of wings, once it finishes evolving, James' newly evolved Pokémon barely saves him from hitting the lava with its wings and flies out of the volcano.

James slowly opens his eyes and sees that he's fine. "I'm not dead?" He looks down and then gasps as he notices Charmeleon evolved and is flying with him riding on its back. "Charmeleon… y-you evolved into Charizard to save me from death!"

Charizard roars in response and gives his trainer a thumbs up.

James sheds a tear and sniffles before focusing back on the task at hand. "Let's go save that Aerodactyl!"

Charizard zooms through the air as it cuts back to the main area with Jessie, Cassidy, and their Pokémon.

"I'm not giving up until this Kabuto is mine!" Cassidy declared.

However, Jessie notices behind Cassidy that Kabuto changed and evolved. "Uhh Cass-"

Cassidy interrupts Jessie and continues rambling, oblivious that Kabuto evolved and staring at her. "This time, I will have my well-deserved victory over you, twerpette, that I have been craving ever since-"

The newly evolved fossil Pokémon sends Cassidy and Raticate blasting off by Hydro Pump as Jessie and Meowth look up to hear her screaming.

"Well… I tried to warn her." Jessie then looks at the fossil Pokémon in front of her that evolved.

"Kabutops!" It cries out.

"Did Kabuto evolve?!" Jessie takes out her Pokédex.

"Kabutops, the Shellfish Pokémon. A rock and water type and the evolved form of Kabuto. Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids."

"That's cool!" Jessie feels a tug on her knee and sees Meowth is the one tugging her knee. "What is it, Meowth?"

Meowth points all around her and Jessie notices a whole crowd of people in the main area staring at her. "Oh…" she immediately stands right in front of Kabutops, trying to hide it. "Nothing to see here folks, just a robot I have!"

The crowd of people immediately began asking questions in suspicion. "Then why did it evolve?" "It certainly looks real." "There's no way it's a robot."

Jessie begins sweating. "Oh no! Th-they're not buying it!"

All of a sudden, Jigglypuff hops into view "Jigglypuff!"

The crowd questioned in confusion from seeing Jigglypuff. "A Jigglypuff?"

"Wait… the same Jigglypuff from that island?! OH CRAP!" Jessie immediately starts digging into her purse to dig for earplugs.

Jigglypuff opens its mouth to start singing, then it cuts to the Pokémon Mansion with Domino and Mondo looking at the two Omanyte in front of them.

"So you're telling me that one is the real deal and the other is just your Ditto?" Domino questioned before getting mad. "Oh I see now, you were trying to distract me with your Ditto transformed as Omanyte!"

Mondo rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever, it's not like you know which is which anyway."

Then the Omanyte on the right starts glowing white to Domino and Mondo's shock as it slowly evolves into a different Pokémon.

"Omastar!" It cries out.

Dominos looks at Mondo and crosses her arms. "Yeah, that's the real Omanyte."

Mondo stomps his foot out of frustration. "Dang it!"

"Bulbasaur, Solar Beam him away!" Domino commanded.

"AH!" Mondo grabs his Ditto and starts running away in the hall.

"Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur starts gathering light in its bulb which glows yellow and then fires a blue beam at Mondo, sending the Team Rocket member blasting off through the roof.

Dominos looks at the Omastar and pulls out cards with Pokémon from her handbag. "Let's see here…" she begins flipping through them until landing on the one she was looking for as she smiles. "You evolved into an Omastar! That's so awesome! Can I please catch you?"

"Omastar!" The Pokémon replied.

Bulbasaur nods in response to its trainer, to translate Omastar's response. "Bulba!"

"Awesome! Fossil Ball, go!" Domino throws her Fossil Ball at Omestar.

Once the Fossil Ball makes contact with Omestar the capturing process begins and automatically catches the fossil Pokémon.

Domino goes to pick up the Fossil Ball in delight then turns to her Bulbasaur. "Come on, let's go back to Martin's lab!"

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur cries out in delight.

It cuts to Team Rocket's hot air balloon in the air with just Butch in it and a trapped Aerodactyl in a big net below, letting out a roar.

"Roaring isn't gonna set you free!" Butch laughs.

Out of nowhere, Charizard, with James, comes flying in and cuts the rope supporting the net with one of its wings and frees Aerodactyl as it roars from being freed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Butch yelled out in disbelief.

Charizard flies in front of the hot air balloon so that James can face Butch.

"I didn't want to do this, Billy, but you left me with no choice. Charizard, Wing Attack the balloon!" James ordered.

Charizard and Aerodactyl both roar as both Pokémon fly up and cut a hole in the hot air balloon with their wings, causing Team Rocket's hot air balloon to spiral out of control with Butch screaming.

Meanwhile in the air, Butch meets up with Mondo and Cassidy who got blasted off as well, hitting the hot air balloon and sending them farther up in the air, but together this time. "LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Ding!

"We did it, Charizard!" James cheered and patted his newly evolved Pokémon on the head, but then he looked at Aerodactyl who was staring at him. "I saved you from Team Rocket, is it okay if I capture you, Aerodactyl?"

Aerodactyl roars at James, but it doesn't leave and stays, signaling that it agrees.

"I'm gonna assume that's a yes…" James pulls out his Fossil Ball. "Fossil Ball, go!" He throws it towards Aerodactyl.

The Fossil Ball makes contact with Aerodactyl as the fossil Pokémon goes in and then the Fossil Ball retracts to James' hand, signaling a successful catch.

"Yes! I caught Aerodactyl!" James looks at Charizard. "Come on Charizard, let's go back to the Pokémon Lab!"

Charizard roars and starts flying to the Pokémon Lab. It cuts to the main area of Cinnabar Island. Everyone around, including the Kabutops, fell asleep from listening to Jigglypuff's song that fled the area, except for Jessie and Meowth as they slowly removed the earplugs in their ears that blocked off them from listening to the song.

"That was a close one… we got those earplugs in time, Jess," Meowth says.

Jessie nods. "Yeah, thank goodness I had a spare with me in my purse." She looks to see everyone around them is asleep, including the Kabutops. "Hey! Once these people wake up and see Kabutops and me not there, they will assume that seeing Kabutops was just all a dream!"

Meowth smirks. "And Kabutops is sleeping as well, which means an easy capture!"

"Right!" Jessie pulls out her Fossil Ball. "Fossil Ball, go!" She throws the Fossil Ball toward the sleeping Kabutops.

Kabutops goes in once the Fossil Ball makes contact and then it retracts to Jessie's hand, signaling a successful catch. "Too easy! Let's get back to the lab before these people wake up!"

Meowth nods. "Yeah!"

It cuts inside the Pokémon Lab, with the broken wall now fixed. Jessie, Domino, and James all hand their Fossil Balls containing the Fossil Pokémon inside them to Martin.

"Thank you so much you three!" Martin bows to them. "Now I can research these Pokémon and discover more information about them. Is it okay for you three if you can leave the fossil Pokémon here in my lab so I can do that?"

Jessie, Domino, and James all nodded in response, allowing and primarily releasing their just-caught fossil Pokémon to stay here. "We don't mind," Jessie spoke up.

"One more question, did anyone see them at all?" Martin asked.

James and Domino proudly shake their heads, as Jessie has her eyes widened.

"Not for me!" Domino says.

"Yep! Clear over here as well!" James added.

Martin looks at Jessie. "What about you, Jessie?"

Jessie looks at her Meowth, who just shrugs in response and then she looks at Martin with a sweat on the back of her head. "No one didn't see anything over here either." She chuckles nervously.

It cuts to the gang and Martin, with the Fossil Balls in the programmer's hand, waving goodbye to each other.

"As our heroes managed to save and successfully capture the Fossil Pokémon before Team Rocket could. Jessie, Meowth, Domino, and James will continue their crazy adventures while on their vacation in Cinnabar Island as the journey continues!"