
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

A King and a Queen

The episode starts with the narrator explaining the previous episode. "Jessie was hyped and ready for her first-ever league tournament match, however, while she was hanging out with Leaf, her first opponent, Isaac, added something to Jessie's drink to make her stay up all night and sleep through the entire day. Jessie woke up from the sounds of Team Rocket trying to steal her Meowth as always, but after doing so, she realized that she was going to be late and potentially disqualify her, so Jessie rushed back to the hotel to grab her three Pokémon for her match and then at the league tournament while still in her pajamas. Jessie managed to arrive just in time, but now she only has one Pokémon down to Isaac's three. Can she make a comeback, or is this the end already for Jessie?"

The title screen shows.

"A King and a Queen"

Isaac scoffs from seeing Jessie gritting her teeth in frustration. "Why so mad, darling? Just think of the positive side, when you lose to me, you get to go on a date with me, so turn that frown upside down!"

It pans to both Leaf and Annie, who look mad in the crowd. "I hope Jessie tears this guy to shreds," Leaf says.

Jessie is seen holding a Poké Ball, containing her last Pokémon she can use in this league battle. "You all that I have, I know you can do it. Gyarados, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Gyarados into battle.

As Gyarados materializes, it roars and makes a big splash after diving into the water of the water field. This causes Isaac's Tangela to shake a little from looking at the monster.

Meowth scoffs. "You're done now!" He says, directing towards Isaac.

Domino and James both have happy expressions on their faces. "Jessie brought her Gyarados onto the field!" Domino says as James nods. "She hasn't used Gyarados in a long time, but it's a powerful Pokémon, I know this because I have experience," James says, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Azurill!" Azurill cries out in joy in Domino's arms.

Isaac's smirk goes to a frustrated expression. "This big ass fish dragon doesn't scare me! My Tangela will still knock it out cold like the rest of your pathetic Pokémon!"

Jessie raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Watch this, Gyarados, use Hyper Beam!"

Gyarados roars as the Pokémon shoots out a yellow-orange beam of energy from its mouth right at Tangela, as the vine Pokémon gets hit, a little explosion happens, and as the smoke clears, Tangela is revealed to have instantly fainted.

The referee declares the round, holding up the green flag. "Tangela is unable to battle, the victor of this round is the green!"

As the crowd explodes in cheers, Tangela's icon fades into a silhouette on the board.

"Do you think Jessie can come back and win this battle?" Domino asked James.

"I believe Jessie can with Gyarados, just look at that powerful Hyper Beam," James responded.

Isaac was gritting his teeth as he recalled his Tangela. "Tangela, return!" He pulls out a different Poké Ball. "Machoke, I choose you!" Isaac sends Machoke into battle.

Machoke materializes onto the platform. "Machoke!"

Gyarados stares at Machoke and roars at the Pokémon as the Pokémon waits to recharge.

"My Gyarados is recharging from that Hyper Beam, your turn!" Jessie stated.

Isaac smirks. "That's all I need! Machoke, use Karate Chop!"

"Machoke!" Machoke's hand glows white as it jumps from platform to platform at Gyarados and strikes the Pokémon with a chop, however, Gyarados barely looks affected by it. "Machoke…" Machoke backs away a little bit from looking scared.

"The move barely did damage! What the hell?!" Isaac yelled out in disbelief.

Jessie points at Machoke, signaling Gyarados to end the round. "Dragon Rage!"

Gyarados fires a ball of fire from its mouth at Machoke, sending the Pokémon back to its side of the battlefield and fainting once landing on the platform.

The referee declares the round, holding up the green flag. "Machoke is unable to battle, this round goes to green!"

Once more, the crowd erupts in cheers from Jessie winning the round, with Leaf and Annie cheering the loudest of them all.

Isaac is gritting his teeth, speaking inside his mind. "I can't lose to this pajama girl! My reputation as a handsome and strong man is on the line!" He recalls Machoke back into its Poké Ball and scoffs while pulling out a different one. "I hope you know, as a gentleman, I was simply just going easy on you, Jessie. I'm still going to win and get that date."

"Oh yeah? You know you shouldn't really go easy on opponents during league battles, everyone should know that." Jessie smirks while crossing her arms.

Isaac growls and sends out his next Pokémon. "Gyarados, I choose you!" He also sends out Gyarados onto the battlefield.

Isaac's Gyarados roars once materialized as it has a stare down with Jessie's Gyarados and her Gyarados roars back.

Jessie's eyes widened from seeing Isaac's Gyarados. "You have a Gyarados too?!"

Isaac laughs. "You bet, sweetheart! We have something in common, huh?"

Jessie shivers from being called sweetheart. "Don't call me that, we're not dating!"

"But we will be after this battle! Gyarados, Dragon Rage!" Isaac commanded.

"You use Dragon Rage too, Gyarados!" Jessie countered.

Both Gyarados open their mouths and release a ball of fire toward each other. As both moves collide, it causes an explosion around the battlefield as smoke starts to surround it.

"Gyarados, go underwater and use Bite!" Jessie quickly commanded.

Jessie's Gyarados goes under the water of the battlefield, seeing Isaac's Gyarados lower body sticking out, Jessie's Gyarados dashes towards the other Gyarados, biting its lower body with its jaws and having a grasp on the lower part. Jessie's Gyarados jumps out of the water as the crowd gets a good look at Jessie's Gyarados having a grasp on the lower part of Isaac's Gyarados with its jaws if Isaac's Gyarados roaring in pain. After some time in the air, both Gyarados fall back into the water, making a huge splash.

"AH!" Meowth yelled from the splash, quickly hiding behind his trainer's leg to avoid getting splashed on a lot by the water.

Soon both Gyarados surfaced from the water with Isaac's Gyarados looking tired. Isaac is sweating a little as Jessie still has a confident look on her face. "Rain Dance!" She commanded.

Jessie's Gyarados looks up in the sky and roars, a few seconds later, it starts raining all over the battlefield as the water field starts getting filled up with more water.

Isaac smirks. "Thanks for commanding Rain Dance so that water moves are more powerful. Gyarados, Hydro Pump!"

"Gyarados, dive underwater quickly!" Jessie countered.

Isaac's Gyarados opens its mouth and jets of water flow out, aiming at Jessie's Gyarados, but it quickly dives underwater to dodge the Hydro Pump as Jessie's Gyarados is now underwater.

Isaac starts getting frustrated that he hasn't taken down Jessie yet. "You want an underwater battle?! You're gonna get one! Gyarados, follow her Gyarados underwater!"

Isaac's Gyarados also quickly dive underwater to follow Jessie's Gyarados as both Gyarados are now underwater. Luckily, the scoreboard switches to the hidden camera underwater to capture the action.

Jessie commands her next move. "Bite!"

"Try to dodge it!" Isaac countered.

Jessie's Gyarados swims fast right at Isaac's Gyarados, but it tries to swim away to dodge the move as it becomes a chasing game, Jessie's Gyarados manages to catch Isaac's Gyarados by chomping down with its jaws on its neck, and Isaac's Gyarados starts feeling pain.

Isaac screams out in frustration. "DAMMIT! WHY IS YOUR GYARADOS FASTER THAN MINE?!"

Jessie chuckles and decides to poke fun at Isaac. "Frustrated, are we? You know I don't like a man who has a big temper, if we do end up going on a date, I expect you to change that."

Isaac grits his teeth before calling his next move with a frustrated yell. "HYDRO PUMP!"

Isaac's Gyarados tries to open its mouth to send out jets of water, but Jessie's Gyarados grip on its neck prevents Isaac's Gyarados from doing the move.

"WHAT?!" Isaac yelled out in disbelief.

Jessie smirks. "That was the plan all along, that's why I used Rain Dance so that I can get you to waste your move! Gyarados, Hyper Beam!"

Jessie's Gyarados shoots out a powerful yellow-orange beam of energy from its mouth at Isaac's Gyarados, causing another huge splash from the water field. A few seconds pass and Isaac's Gyarados slowly resurfaces from fainting as Jessie's Gyarados also resurfaces and roars out in victory. The rain stops and the sky becomes clearer after the battle is over.

"And just like that, the battle is over!" Meowth says with a smirk.

The referee declares the match by holding out the green flag. "Isaac's Gyarados is unable to battle, which means victor goes to the green team and Jessie moves on!"

The crowd erupts in cheers, but they are louder than before because of Jessie coming back into the battle, Domino and James are cheering so loudly and clapping for Jessie. "She did it! Jessie came back!" Domino says with a huge smile. "Not a lot of people know it but Jessie's Gyarados is really powerful," James adds, also with a smile on his face.

Jessie's Gyarados swims up to Jessie as she rubs her Gyarados' neck with a smile. "You did fantastic Gyarados, thank you so much." She recalls her Gyarados back in its Poké Ball.

Isaac was in disbelief after losing to Jessie, recalling his fainted Gyarados back. "I-I can't believe it… I lost to a girl in her pajamas?! This can't be happening to me! No! No! No!" He starts stomping his foot in frustration.

It cuts to the main league building where Jessie and Meowth arrive, Jessie is now in her usual outfit. Domino and James immediately hug Jessie to congratulate her. "Congrats on your first-ever league victory, Jessie!" Domino says.

"Well…" Jessie embarrassingly rubs her head. "I can't get all the credit, Gyarados was just so awesome and I think I taught Mr. Charm a little lesson." She turns around to see Isaac.

Isaac is trying to talk to girls and begging them. "Please girls, I will go out with my beautiful fans who ask me first!"

However, all the girls turn their hands with disappointed looks. "Why should we go out with a person who lost to a girl in pajamas?" One of the girls stated. "Yeah! You went from awesome to lame, Isaac!" A different girl added. "And we all know that you like that girl anyway!" Another different girl also added.

As all the girls walk away from Isaac, he drops down to his knees in defeat. "My life is ruined!"

It pans back to the gang with Jessie turning her head back to her friends and chuckling. "Yep, I did!"

"Jessie, if you don't mind me asking, why were you almost late from your battle?" Domino asked. "You almost got yourself disqualified."

"Azurill?" Azurill cries out in confusion.

"I would also like to know why, if you don't mind my curiosity," James added.

Jessie starts explaining what happened to her friends. "It was yesterday last night. After partying with Leaf at the opening ceremony, when I headed back to the hotel, I couldn't sleep that very night, which caused me to wake up late in the day to Team Rocket trying to steal Meowth for good. I accidentally left my Pokémon back at my place and I thought Team Rocket would get away, but luckily, some trainer with a Dragonite stopped Team Rocket and saved my Meowth, I got my Pokémon from the hotel and rushed to the battlefield."

"So that's how you ended up battling in your pajamas." Domino chuckles. "Well, I'm glad that Dragonite trainer saved your Meowth from Team Rocket and he is okay."

Meowth nods. "Yeah, it was a scary experience alright."

"Did you get his name?" James asked.

Jessie shakes her head no. "I was in such a rush that I didn't ask for his name, but I'll ask when I see him again."

The P.A. announcements turn on throughout the Indigo Plateau. "League tournament competitors, if you have won your last battle, please head to the central league building, because in a few minutes, your next challenger and field will be today at 6:00 PM and posted here!"

"Another battle already today? Man, the last one made me so exhausted." Jessie complained.

"Well you can't be tired now unless you don't want to win, a future Pokémon Champion never gets tired of any battle!" Domino says.

"Azurill!" Azurill cries out in joy once more.

Jessie rolls her eyes. "Oh come on, that's just completely not true."

"So Jessie, what Pokémon are you going to use next? Can I go next?" Meowth asked.

Jessie chuckled before petting her Meowth. "No, I'm saving you for the tougher battles along the road."

"Are you going to use different Pokémon? I still don't think it's a smart strategy, Jessie. Remember, you almost lost the last league tournament battle and almost already eliminated yourself right there." James stated with a concerned expression.

Jessie starts explaining. "Okay, first off, I had to deal with Team Rocket again, second, after catching my breath, my mind wasn't in the battle at the start after almost being disqualified for being late! But this time, I'm ready for the next challenge! Let's just head to the central league building."

As Jessie and her friends head off to the central building to find out who Jessie is battling next, it cuts to the area where the Team Rocket trio is, walking on the streets, but Cassidy stops for some reason as she clutches her fist. "This is so frustrating!"

"What, walking? Well Cass, if you want to get from Point A to Point B, then you gotta walk." Butch answered, assuming that's what she meant.

"No, it's not walking!" Cassidy replied. "It's the fact that many times we get close to stealing whatever Pokémon from those twerps, at the final moment when we're about to win, some random thing or person stops us at the very last second!"

"Oh, yeah that could get annoying after the last three times," Mondo responded with a nod. "Maybe we should try to attempt to steal Meowth away from the public or something."

Cassidy gets an idea from what Mondo just said. "Mondo, you just gave me an idea!"

"Uh oh… that normally means something bad," Butch says.

It cuts to an alley where Team Rocket is hiding in the three trash cans. "This… sucks! It smells worse than your Muk, Cassidy!" Butch complained.

"Shut up!" Cassidy starts explaining her plan. "The plan is simple: once we hear and see the three twerps passing through, we will jump out, surprise them, and we will steal Meowth! Since we're in an alley away from the public, no one isn't helping them this time!"

"I hope the twerps will come early…" Mondo says with a not-so-confident look. "How would we know the twerps are coming? We can't see them in these trash cans."

"We will hear them coming, duh! Now keep quiet!" Cassidy ordered.

The Team Rocket trio continued to be quiet to wait for the gang to arrive, after a few seconds passed, they heard footsteps of a person and they were getting louder. "You think that's the twerpette?" Butch asked.

Cassidy shushes Butch. "Shut up, Butch."

It focuses on the surface and it isn't Jessie, it is Samantha, who looks around for anyone near her before pulling out her phone and dialing someone. She holds her phone towards her ear and a few seconds pass and it seems like she's talking to someone. "Hello, boss, it's Samantha."

An unknown voice answers from the other line. "Samantha, how's the progress of finding those two trainers that defeated Giovanni?"

"I am still searching around, sir. I'm currently at the Indigo Plateau and haven't found anyone, but I do have my suspicions of potential candidates." Samantha responded.

"Good. Remember your mission, find the two trainers that beat Giovanni, take them out, and steal their Pokémon for M.A.R.S, understood?"

Samantha nods as she understands. "Understood, sir. I will continue looking and won't stop until I find the two. Once I do, I will make you proud, boss. I will call you back and give you the usual update."

"Very well. Keep up the good work, Agent S."

Samantha hangs up her phone before suspiciously looking around again and leaving. After a few seconds of silence, the Team Rocket trio pops up from the trash can. "So… that wasn't our twerpette obviously." Mondo pointed out.

"That sounded like the girl that tricked us by giving us an empty Poké Ball instead of her Persian!" Butch added.

"Seems like she's secretly a part of a criminal organization and is after the two trainers who defeated our boss." Cassidy also added.

The Team Rocket trio thought for a little bit before realizing it as the three all shouted together. "AND ONE OF THEM IS THE TWERPETTE!"

"We have to warn the twerpette!" Mondo exclaimed. "No one steals her Meowth except for us!"

"Before we do, we should change into a disguise first," Cassidy suggested. "I don't think the twerpette is going to believe us in our Team Rocket uniforms."

"Well before I change into my disguise, I'm taking a shower first, stupid disgusting trash cans!" Butch complained.

It cuts back to the gang inside the central building of the Indigo Plateau. The next matchups are all posted on the screens as Jessie starts looking around for her name. "Well, I don't see my name on the ice field…"

A random little girl with hazel eyes and blonde hair appears right next to Jessie with a smile on her face. "You don't have to look anymore, because your next opponent is me on the grass field!"

The blonde-haired little girl has a Nidorino next to her who cries out in joy. "Nido!"

"The grass field?" Jessie looks at the screen of matchups on the grass field and sees her icon matchup against the blonde-haired little girl in front of her. "Oh, I see now! Nice to meet you, I'm your next opponent, Jessie!"

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Holly, your next opponent!" Holly introduces herself as well.

Domino and James both introduce themselves to Holly too. "I'm Domino!" "And I'm James!"

Holly notices Azurill in Domino's arms and immediately falls in love with the baby blue mouse Pokémon. "AWW, that's one of the cutest Pokémon I've seen!" She runs to the Azurill and begins petting it.

Azurill likes the pets from Holly as the baby blue mouse Pokémon cries out in joy. "Azurill!"

Domino chuckles. "I see that you like Azurill, Holly."

"Yep!" Holly responded with a nod. "One of the cutest Pokémon I have ever seen!"

"Say, Holly, I have to say, despite that you're quite young, you still managed to require yourself eight tough badges and made it to the Kanto League Tournament!" James stated.

"Yeah! I might be young, but that doesn't mean that I'm no threat of winning this competition! Besides, I couldn't get here without my Pokémon and especially my Nidorina!" Holly picks up Nidorino and hugs him.

Nidorino cries out in joy. "Nido!"

The gang all looked on with confused looks, realizing that Holly mispronounced her Pokémon's name. "Umm… am I the only one that heard Nidorina and not Nidorino?" Meowth asked while whispering to the gang.

"You're not the only one, Meowth," James whispered back. "Maybe it was just an accident."

Holly continues talking about her Nidorino. "My dream Pokémon is to have a Nidoqueen one day and once I find a Moon Stone for my Nidorina, I will finally have one on my team!"

"She did it again," Meowth whispered.

"Umm… Holly, can you excuse us for a few seconds?" Domino asked.

Holly nods. "Oh, sure!"

The gang all walk a little further away from Holly as they huddle up together. "Okay, so Holly thinks that her Nidorino is a Nidorina," James says.

Jessie nods. "It's purple, not blue, so yeah a Nidorino."

Domino frowns. "Poor girl… Her dream Pokémon is a Nidoqueen and once she finds and uses a Moon Stone on that Nidorino, it'll evolve into a Nidoking. She's going to have her heart shattered right there."

Meowth starts snickering until he is met with glares from the gang before he stops. "Sorry…"

"Should we tell her that her Pokémon is a Nidorino?" Jessie suggested. "I mean it's the right thing to do but… it feels wrong at the same time."

James slowly nods. "Unfortunately we have to."

"Very well. Let's head back to her." Domino says.

The gang breaks up their huddle and goes back to where Holly and her Nidorino are. "Oh, welcome back guys!" She greeted them back.

James rubs his head from awkwardness. "Um, Holly… we have something to tell you."

Domino continues. "Your 'Nidorina' isn't a Nidorina, it's a Nidorino."

Then Jessie also continues as well. "So if you use a Moon Stone, it's going to evolve into a Nidoking, not a Nidoqueen like you wanted."

Holly pauses for a few seconds, looking at her Nidorino, then back at the gang, and laughs. "You guys are so funny! I know my Pokémon and this is my little Nidorina!" She hugs Nidorino once more.

"Nido!" Nidorino cries out in joy.

"Well me and Nidorina are going to train for our match against you, Jessie, on the grass field. I'll see you there!" Holly waves goodbye to the gang before leaving with Nidorino.

Domino looks at Jessie. "Jessie, you need to give her a wake-up call during your battle with her."

James nods. "Yeah, she does need one, unfortunately."

"Don't worry guys, I know how to and I'm going to do it on the grass field." Jessie declared.

Time cuts to Jessie's second-round league tournament battle about to begin, focusing on the grass field stadium and then the crowd as Domino looks to see Meowth is next to her and James. "Jessie isn't using you for this battle too, huh?" She asked.

Meowth sadly shakes his head no. "No, unfortunately."

James pats Meowth's back to comfort him. "I'm sure you will be alright."

Azurill also tries to make Meowth happy by crying out in joy. "Azurill!"

It cuts to the locker room where Jessie is, getting ready for her league tournament battle against Holly, until three unknown strangers walk up to her. It was Team Rocket in disguise, trying to warn her. "Hey, kid!" Butch said to Jessie, getting her attention.

"Yes? Who are you three and what are you doing here?" Jessie asked.

"Not important." Cassidy starts explaining to her. "Listen, we come to warn you that a huge threat is secretly lurking beneath you and you should be more aware of your surroundings."

"Is Team Rocket up to something again?" Jessie assumed. "Thanks but don't worry, I always take care of them, they're not much of a threat."

Disguised Team Rocket quickly turns around to let their anger out by gritting their teeth before turning back around to face Jessie, now all calmed. "The threat isn't Team Rocket, but something more threatening than them."

Jessie scoffs. "A Magikarp is more threatening than Team Rocket because they always end up failing-"


Disguised Team Rocket immediately leaves the building, leaving Jessie completely confused. "That's odd… a huge threat?

The announcer starts announcing the two competitors. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another matchup in the second round of the Kanto League Tournament!" The announcer points to their left. "In the first corner, from Pallet Town, please welcome Jessie!"

The crowd erupts in cheers as Jessie walks to the stadium from the locker room, waving at the crowd with a smile on her face. "Thank you all for cheering me on!"

The announcer then continues to introduce the next person. "And in the other corner, Jessie's opponent for this round, she's from Cerulean City, please welcome Holly!"

The crowd erupts into cheers as well for Holly as she also appears on the battlefield from her side, waving at the crowd happily. "I dedicate this win to all of my fans!"

The referee holds out a coin. "Jessie has heads and Holly has tails." They flip the coin and catch it, the coin displays a symbol of a Poké Ball, signaling it is tails. "It is tails, which means Jessie will send her first Pokémon out first." The referee raises both green and red flags in the air. "Let the battle begin!"

Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball. "Butterfree, I choose you!" She sends out Butterfree into battle.

Butterfree materializes. "Free!"

"Wow, it's been some time since Jessie used her Butterfree!" Domino says with a smile.

"Let's see if it's still got it!" James added.

"Azurill!" Azurill cries out in joy.

"A Butterfree huh? I got the perfect Pokémon for it!" Holly pulls out a Poké Ball. "Pidgeot, I choose you!"

Pidgeot materializes. "Pidgeot!"

"Butterfree may have the disadvantage, but that still doesn't mean it's an automatic loss! Butterfree, use Stun Spore!" Jessie commanded.

"Free!" Butterfree flies over Pidgeot and flaps its wings, releasing an orange powder from them.

"Pidgeot, dodge that Stun Spore with your Agility!" Holly countered.

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot flies out of the way to dodge Butterfree's Stun Spore from its fast speed.

Jessie grits her teeth and commands the same move. "Butterfree, use Stun Spore again!"

"Dodge it again, Pidgeot!" Holly countered once more.

Butterfree flaps its wings once more to release the orange powder, but Pidgeot dodges it again from flying out of the way.

"Now use Mirror Move!" Holly commanded.

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot flaps its wings as orange powder comes out, using its own Stun Spore and sending it directly toward Butterfree.

"Oh no you don't!" Jessie immediately commands her next move. "Butterfree, use Safeguard before that Stun Spore hits you!"

Butterfree summons and becomes surrounded by a blue barrier as it deflects the Stun Spore, preventing the butterfly Pokémon from getting paralyzed.

"Wing Attack!" Holly commanded.

"Dodge it, Butterfree!" Jessie countered.

Pidgeot dashes at Butterfree and manages to strike the butterfly Pokémon with one of its wings, sending Butterfree crashing to the ground as Pidgeot was too fast for Butterfree to dodge.

"Butterfree, are you okay?!" Jessie called out

Butterfree slowly ascends from the ground, still able to battle. "Free!"

"Holly's Pidgeot is too fast, Jessie needs to think of something quick. I don't think Butterfree can take another flying-type move." James says.

Domino nods. "I hate bugs but Butterfree doesn't deserve this."

"Surprised you care about Butterfree," Meowth says with an annoyed tone.

"I need to paralyze that Pidgeot to slow it down." Jessie thought to herself before commanding her next move out loud. "Butterfree, Stun Spore some more!"

Butterfree flaps its wings to release more orange powder, but Pidgeot dodges the move again with its incredible speed.

"Wing Attack again!" Holly commanded.

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot starts dashing towards Butterfree, about to attack the Pokémon again with one of its wings, hoping to put Butterfree away with time.

"I don't think so! Butterfree, Whirlwind!" Jessie commanded.

"Free!" Butterfree starts flapping its wings the fastest that it can, creating a strong gust of wind, completely blowing Pidgeot away before it can attack and crash into the wall.

"Oh no, Pidgeot, get up quick!" Holly called out.

Jessie clutches her fist. "Now use Stun Spore!"

"Free!" Butterfree starts flapping its wings above Pidgeot, releasing orange powder and this time the move hits and paralyzes Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot, try to fly and use Quick Attack!" Holly commanded.

Pidgeot slowly gets up after crashing into the wall and tries to fly, but the paralysis affects Pidgeot and the bird Pokémon remains on the ground.

"Now use Psybeam!" Jessie commanded.

Butterfree's eyes glow purple and it releases a purple beam from them at Pidgeot, hitting the bird Pokémon, causing a little explosion as Pidgeot faints from the battle.

The referee holds up the green flag. "Pidgeot is unable to battle, the winner of this round goes to Jessie, the green team!"

The crowd erupts in cheers after Jessie wins the round. "Wow! Jessie managed to win despite the disadvantage!" Domino says.

James chuckles. "Never underestimate Jessie."

"Azurill!" Azurill cries out in joy.

"Good job Pidgeot, I know you did your best." Holly smiles while recalling her Pidgeot before turning to Jessie. "Wow Jessie, I guess you're more experienced than I thought."

Jessie shrugs with a smirk. "You could say that."

"Then I hope you're ready for my next Pokémon!" Holly pulls out a different Poké Ball. "Victreebel, you're up next!" She sends Victreebel next into battle.

Victreebel materializes and lets out a scream once doing so.

James starts crying in the crowd while seeing Victreebel. "Reminds me of my own Victreebel at home!"

Domino and Meowth both facepalm in disbelief seeing James cry as Azurill looks confused from seeing him crying. "Azurill?"

"Now I have the advantage, but something tells me that this isn't going to be easy," Jessie says to herself before commanding her first move of the round. "Alright Butterfree, use Stun Spore!"

"I don't think so! Victreebel, use Vine Whip and grab Butterfree's wings!" Holly commanded.

Victreebel lets out a scream before sending out two light-green vines from underneath the large leaves on its lower body and the vines grab Butterfree's wings before the butterfly Pokémon could use Stun Spore.

"Free?!" Butterfree cries out in shock and confusion.

"AH!" Jessie shrieks. "Butterfree, try to free yourself!"

"F-Free!" Butterfree starts struggling trying to free itself, but can't.

"Looks like your Butterfree isn't so free anymore!" Holly chuckles. "Victreebel, pull Butterfree closer with your vines and use Sweet Scent!"

Victreebel lets out a scream before pulling Butterfree closer and once doing so, the flycatcher Pokémon releases a pink powder from its mouth right at Butterfree, making the butterfly Pokémon more relaxed and in a trance-like state.

"Butterfree, use Psybeam!" Jessie commanded.

Butterfree doesn't use Psybeam like Jessie commanded as it's too relaxed from the Sweet Scent to use any move at the moment.

"Wh-what?!" Jessie says in confusion.

"Your Butterfree is in a trance from the Sweet Scent, Jessie! It can't use any moves at the moment until it wears off!" Holly explained with a grin. "Victreebel, Razor Leaf!"

Victreebel lets out a scream before launching razor-sharp leaves from the two large leaves on the sides of its body right at Butterfree, hitting the butterfly Pokémon multiple times. Victreebel withdraws its vines as Butterfree falls to the ground and doesn't get back up this time.

The referee holds up the red flag. "Butterfree is unable to battle. The winner of this round is Holly, the red team!"

The crowd once more erupts in cheers after a conclusive round as Holly jumps up and down in excitement. "Thank you all so much!" She says at the crowd cheering for her.

"Now it's back to even," Domino says while petting Azurill.

"At least Jessie isn't down three to one this time," James says.

"Butterfree, you did fantastic, take a deep rest!" Jessie recalls her Butterfree before pulling out a different Poké Ball. "Kakuna, I choose you!" Jessie sends Kakuna into battle.

Kakuna materializes and stays completely silent.

Holly starts laughing. "A Kakuna?! You couldn't at least evolve it?"

"Laugh all you want, but it's going to be hard trying to beat my Kakuna," Jessie responded while crossing her arms.

"If you say so! Victreebel, use Razor Leaf and end this round early!" Holly commanded.

Victreebel lets out a scream before sending multiple razor-sharp leaves right at Kakuna from the two large leaves.

"Kakuna, use Harden!" Jessie commanded.

Kakuna glows a white color, becoming hard as steel as the razor-sharp leaves get deflected off of Kakuna, barely affecting the cocoon Pokémon.

"What? Razor Leaf barely affected Kakuna!" Holly shouted.

Jessie chuckles. "I told you!"

Holly grits her teeth. "Oh yeah?! Now use Vine Whip!"

Victreebel lets out a scream as it sends light-green vines from its large leaves from its lower body at Kakuna.

"Kakuna, use Harden again!" Jessie commanded.

Kakuna glows white and becomes hard as steel once more. Victreebel's vines strike Kakuna, but once more the cocoon Pokémon is barely affected by it as Victreebel withdraws its vines.

"Looks like I have to think of another strategy. Victreebel, use Sweet Scent!" Holly commanded.

"Oh no you don't! Kakuna, use String Shot and wrap Victreebel into a web ball!" Jessie countered.

Victreebel lets out a scream and is about to release pink powder from its mouth, but Kakuna quickly shoots white strings from the hole right below its head at the opponent, tying Victreebel up with white string and preventing the flycatcher Pokémon using Sweet Scent.

Holly squeals. "Oh no Victreebel, try to roll towards Kakuna!"

Victreebel lets out a powerful scream before it starts rolling toward Kakuna from being typed up in a ball of string.

"KAKUNA, HARDEN!" Jessie quickly countered with a scream.

Kakuna glows white and becomes hard as steel once more, but Victreebel manages to fling Kakuna hard enough to crash into a wall from rolling so fast, but causes Victreebel to faint, but it also takes down Kakuna as well from making it crash into the wall very hard.

The referee holds up both green and red flags. "Both Kakuna and Victreebel are unable to battle, which means this round is a draw!"

The crowd once more erupts in cheers as the board shows Kakuna's and Victreebel's icons disappearing into silhouettes. "And it's all tied up, it all comes this round with both trainers having one Pokémon left," Domino stated.

"I wonder how Jessie will make Holly understand that it's a Nidorino, assuming Holly is sending it out next," James says.

"Probably from beating her, that's how," Meowth answered.

Both Jessie and Holly recall their fainted Pokémon. "Kakuna, return!" "Victreebel, return!" Both trainers also pull out a different Poké Ball and shout out the same Pokémon name before sending them out. "Nidorina, I choose you!"

Both of their Pokémon, Jessie's Nidorina and Holly's Nidorino materialize on the battlefield and shout out their cry at the same time. "Nido!"

"Wow! Nice Nidorino, Jessie!" Holly complimented, also pronouncing Jessie's Nidorina wrong as well.

Jessie groans and tries to correct Holly. "Holly, this is my Nidorina! The one you have is a Nidorino!"

Holly scoffs. "Whatever you say. Nidorina, use Double Kick!"

Jessie sighs. "I guess I have to beat her to open her eyes up. Nidorina, use Double Kick too!"

Both Nidorino and Nidorina dash towards each other and both double kick each other, making the two moves collide as they jump back with no damage dealt.

"Nidorina, use Fury Attack!" Holly commanded.

"Nidorina, use Fury Swipes!" Jessie countered.

Once more, both Nidorino and Nidorina dash towards each other with Nidorino's horn glowing white and Nidorina's claws also glowing white. Nidorino starts striking Nidorina with his horn repeatedly while Nidorina strikes Nidorino also repeatedly but with her claws. Both Pokémon soon dashed back toward their side of the battlefield after dealing damage to each other.

Holly looks in delight. "Wow, your Nidorino is sharing the same level as my Nidorina! That's so cool!"

"For crying out loud, Holly! That's it, if this can't wake you up, then I don't what will!" Jessie opens her bag and pulls out the Moon Stone that she has been keeping all these times. "Are you ready, Nidorina?"

Nidorina looks back at her trainer and nods. "Nido!"

"A-a Moon Stone?!" Holly exclaimed.

"Touch the Moon Stone!" Jessie tosses the Moon Stone into the air in the middle of the battlefield.

"Nidorina, touch the Moon Stone before Jessie's Nidorino does!" Holly commanded.

Jessie realizes her mistake by throwing it directly in the middle of the air on the battlefield. "Shit! Nidorina, touch the Moon Stone before Nidorino does!"

As the Moon Stone is descending in the air, both Nidorina and Nidorino dash towards the Moon Stone, jumping in the air and extending their paws out. Both Pokémon end up touching the Moon Stone at the same time, causing both Nidorina and Nidorino to glow white which also causes both Jessie and Holly to gasp in shock.

"No way, a double evolution?!" Domino exclaimed.

"What a rare phenomenon. I guess Nidorina and Nidorino both ended up touching the Moon Stone at the same time, causing both of them to evolve!" James explained with excitement.

Azurill starts crying out in excitement. "Azurill! Azurill!"

Both Nidorina and Nidorino slowly started evolving as the glow slowly faded away, revealing now Nidoqueen and Nidoking as both Pokémon roared out loud.

Holly closes her eyes in excitement. "I can't believe I finally have a-" Her excitement immediately ends once opening her eyes and realizes it's Nidoking on her side of the battlefield and then Nidoqueen on her side. "Um… Jessie, why is my Nidoqueen on your side of the battlefield and your Nidoking on my side?"

Jessie shouts at Holly to try to make her understand. "Holly, I have been trying to tell you before! You had a Nidorino and I had a Nidorina! This is my Nidoqueen and that's your Nidoking!"

Holly realizes all this time and looks down in sadness. "Oh… so all this time, I had a Nidorino and… not a Nidorina?"

"Yes, you did!" Jessie confirmed.

"I see…" Holly then looks at the referee. "Referee, I'd like to forfeit the match."

Nidoking looks back at his trainer in disbelief and roars in confusion.

"Holly's going to forfeit the battle?!" Domino exclaimed in shock.

"And this battle was getting so good! Talk about a perfect beginning to a disappointing ending!" Meowth added.

The referee immediately looks at Holly with sweat on the back of their head. "A-are you sure?! There's no turning back if you do!"

"What are you doing Holly?! Why are you forfeiting?! We were having an awesome battle!" Jessie says.

Holly looks at Jessie with tears in her eyes. "Because what's the point of battling when all this time I thought I could finally live my dream of battling a Nidoqueen, but only getting my dreams crushed after finding out at the last second that I caught the wrong Nidoran at the start!"

Jessie tries to explain to Holly. "Look, I know you wanted to battle with a Nidoqueen all these months, but after all this love and care you spent with your Nidoking, you're just going to give it all up like that? Look at Nidoking, he wants to battle for you and you're going to disappoint him if you give up like that in the middle of the battle!"

Holly slowly looks at her Nidoking, he's looking back at his trainer with a sad expression. Holly starts talking to herself quietly. "Jessie's right… People make mistakes, but spending all this time raising my Nidoking when he was just a Nidoran. I can't forfeit just like that, maybe I'll enjoy battling with Nidoking more!" Holly looks at the referee. "Referee, I change my mind, I'm not forfeiting!"

The crowd all erupts in cheers after Holly changes her mind. Jessie looks at Holly and nods in approval. "That's the spirit, Holly."

The referee holds up both red and green flags in the air. "Alright, may the battle resume!"

"Nidoking, Horn Attack, let's go!" Holly commanded.

Nidoking roars and starts dashing towards Nidoqueen with its horn sticking out.

"Double Kick, Nidoqueen!" Jessie commanded.

Nidoqueen quickly kicks Nidoking right in the face before Nidoking strikes the Pokémon with its horn right in the chest. Nidoqueen roars in pain before being able to deliver another kick right in the face of Nidoking, sending the Pokémon to his side of the battlefield.

"Nidoking, use Thrash!" Holly commanded.

Nidoking slowly gets back up and roars extremely loud and angry, before running towards Nidoqueen and starts punching and kicking her all over.

"AH, NIDOQUEEN!" Jessie shouted in shock.

Nidoking sends one more powerful punch right to Nidoqueen, sending her to the ground. After a moment, she slowly gets up and roars out loud, still able to battle but breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Holly starts jumping up and down in excitement. "Battling with Nidoking is so fun!"

"Use Growl, Nidoqueen!" Jessie commanded.

Nidoqueen roars at Nidoking in anger, causing his defense to lower, but Nidoking responds by running towards Nidoqueen with anger in its eyes, about to use Thrash again.

"NIDOQUEEN, USE FURY SWIPES!" Jessie countered quickly with a yell,

As Nidoking is dashing towards Nidoqueen, her claws glow white and become sharper. Nidoking starts punching and kicking all around on Nidoqueen, as Nidoqueen is scratching Nidoking over and over. Soon, both Pokémon stop as Nidoking retreats to his side of the battlefield. Both Nidoqueen and Nidoking are staring each other down, breathing heavily. Jessie and Holly both stare as well, waiting for something to happen and so is the crowd. Nidoqueen closes her eyes, about to fall to the ground, but stays up as Nidoking falls to the ground and faints from the battle.

The referee holds the green flag up in the air. "Nidoking is unable to battle, which means the winner and moving on to the tournament is Jessie!"

The crowd erupts in very loud cheers after the battle between Jessie and Holly, giving both of them a round of applause. "Nidoqueen, you did it!" Jessie rushes towards her Nidoqueen and hugs her.

Holly sighs and she smiles, recalling her Nidoking. "You did very well Nidoking, I'm so proud of you."

Jessie walks up to Holly and offers her a handshake. "You did so well, Holly. That was an awesome battle between us!"

Holly looks at Jessie's hand and smiles, accepting and shaking it. "You did awesome too, Jessie!"

The scene cuts inside the Pokémon Center as Nurse Joy hands Jessie and Holly their now fully healed Pokémon. "Thank you both so much for waiting. Your Pokémon are all now fully healed!"

"Thanks, Nurse Joy!" Both Jessie and Holly said.

As both Jessie and Holly grab their three Poké Balls, Jessie looks down at the Poké Ball containing her Nidoqueen, before looking at Holly. "Holly… there's something I want to propose to you."

"Yeah, Jessie what is it?" Holly asked.

Jessie extends her Poké Ball, containing Nidoqueen, to Holly. "I know how much you want a Nidoqueen, so how about a trade? My Nidoqueen for your Nidoking? What do you say?"

Holly has sparkles in her eyes. "J-Jessie, I-I…" she looks at her Poké Ball containing Nidoking before looking back at the Poké Ball containing Nidoqueen that Jessie is holding before she shakes her head no. "Sorry Jessie, but I'm keeping Nidoking!"

Jessie's eyes widened in shock. "Wh-what, but you said you always wanted to battle with a Nidoqueen?"

"I know but… I can find my own female Nidoran and raise her as I did with my Nidoking. You made me open my eyes and realize the times that I trained my Nidoking with love and passion. For that I say, thank you so much." Holly bows to show gratefulness.

Jessie's expression goes happily as she nods in agreement. "Any time, Holly."

Holly looks back up after bowing. "Well, since you beat me, I guess I better go back home to Cerulean City with my mom and dad. I'll be watching you and cheering you on during the tournament. Good luck, Jessie!"

"Thank you so much, Holly! I hope we see each other again in the future!" Jessie says back.

Both Jessie and Holly wave goodbye to each other before Holly leaves the Pokémon with Jessie having a satisfying look on her face.

"Well, Jessie made it past the second battlefield and made a friend along the way! What more exciting adventures will Jessie have while in the league? Find out as the journey continues!"