
Attribute Development System

The story centers around a young man who discovers a mysterious and powerful system that grants him the ability to enhance his attributes. As he explores this system, he becomes determined to use his newfound abilities to create the life he wants to live and leave behind his current circumstances. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery, utilizing his enhanced attributes to overcome obstacles and achieve his aspirations.

BAD_WRITER04 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

Eric made his way to his father's chamber, his heart beating with anticipation. As he arrived, he immediately knocks on the door, the sound resonating through the halls.

"Knock… Knock..."

"What is the reason for your visit?'" his father's voice boomed from within.

"Father, I wish to discuss some matter with you," Eric replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Come in," his father's voice softened.

Eric opened the door and stepped inside, he approached his father as he bowed, and said.

"Greetings father, I come to discuss with you my future plans as I have reached adulthood."

His father nodded, "Very well speak, your mind"

Eric took a deep breath and began to explain his desire to leave the villa and explore the world, to gain more knowledge.

"Very well, I understand that you are bored here and that your siblings are not dwelling in the villa anymore, and I understand that you are eager to explore the world. But you are still weak, how can you explore the world without strength? You will be bullied, and it might even cost you your life. You already know that I will not provide any help if you decide to go, just like I did not provide any help to your siblings. But if you stay here, you will be safe, and you can do what you want" as he spoke, his father emitted a powerful aura that made Eric feel suffocated.

He knew that his father was testing him, if he was not resolute enough he would succumb to this feeling and lose his chance to go. Eric took a deep breath and replied.

"Father, I am resolute enough, I have planned this for a very long time now. I plan to explore the world even though it might cost me my life. I also want to discover my path and create a name for myself." He spoke with determination, enduring the pain caused by his father's aura.

As Eric spoke, his father listened intently, his expression was unreadable. But as he finished his words, a loud boisterous laugh echoed throughout the chamber as the pressure disappear. The laugh was deep and hearty, it was a laugh of approval, it was as if his father was saying "this is my son, strong and determined. He will soon make a name for himself." The laugh was contagious, it filled the room with warmth, and it made Eric feel relieved and happy.

"Although I do not have the right to stop you. But you must understand, that once you leave the boundaries of the city, I will not provide any support and assistance, even I f it might cost you your life." His father said firmly.

"I understand, Father," Eric replied, bowing respectfully. "I will make sure to be prepared and to take all necessary precautions before venturing out into the world."

His father nodded, "Good, I will trust in your abilities this time, and I believe that you will make a name for yourself. But remember before leaving make sure to visit me and your mother."

After a long while of conversation, Eric excuse himself and leave the chamber.

As Thiago watched his son leave, he vanished from the chamber and instantly appeared in an underground room. The room was dimly lit, with candles flickering on the walls, casting long shadows on the ground. The room was vast and spacious, with a high ceiling and stone walls that were adorned with intricate carvings and symbols.

In the center of the room, there were various swords displayed, each one unique and ancient-looking. They were arranged in a circle around a large stone altar, which was covered in dust and cobwebs. Thiago walked towards the center of the room and approached the altar, where he picked up a sword.

This sword was ancient, it was forged from an unknown metal, and it has a dark aura that surrounds it. He had found this sword when he was young, in a secret ruin, he believes that this sword was once wielded by powerful beings. He knew that this sword would be of great use to his son in his journey. Thiago carefully wrapped the sword in a cloth and placed it in a chest, he then proceeds to lock the chest and put it in a storage ring.

"This sword should be suitable for my son. Its rusty appearance will conceal its true value and power, it will not draw attention to itself, and it will serve him well in his journey." Thiago muttered to himself as he examined the sword.

Meanwhile, after leaving his father's chamber, Eric knew that it was time for him to gather some information about the world. He decided to visit the library to gather knowledge about the places and to plan his first destination.

As Eric arrived at the library, he was greeted by the same two guards who had welcomed him on his first visit. They remembered him and greeted him warmly, asking him how he had been and if he needed any help. Eric thanked them and proceeded to enter the library, the guards opened the doors for him and he walked inside.

The library was the same as he remembered it, the shelves were filled with books, the tables were cluttered with scrolls and maps, and the windows let in the warm light of the sun.

Eric spent hours reading the books he deemed important, he studied maps, read stories and legends, and learned about the different cultures and customs of the different regions.

Soon, Eric discovered that his city was only a vassal of a much more powerful kingdom, which in turn, was only a vassal of a powerful empire. The empire was called The Verdant Leaf Empire, it was known for its vast territories and its abundant natural resources. The empire was divided into five vassal kingdoms, each of which was ruled by powerful kings. Each of these kingdoms had five cities under its jurisdiction, and each of these cities had hundreds of towns, villages, and hamlets under its control.

"My brother should be in one of these kingdoms' academies, I hope I'll get to see him soon in my journey. he must have also grown stronger, with all the resources and fierce competition in the academy." Eric thought to himself, determination and resolve clear in his eyes.

After some reading, Eric had already made a decision on where he should plan to go.

"I should go to Evergreen city. Although this city is in another kingdom, the food here is great and is well known throughout the empire to serve the best food, I should make this the place as my first destination." he thought.

Evergreen City is located within the Spade Royal Kingdom, which is one of the vassal kingdoms of the Verdant Leaf Empire. Meanwhile, Blueleaf City is located within the Five Leaf Royal Kingdom.

Eric also discovers that the martial artists in this world are also ranked by levels, similar to the ranking system in his own attribute system.

As Eric had already decided on his destination and also learn some knowledge, he knew that there was no need for him to stay in the library any longer. He had already gathered all the important information he needed, he had studied maps, read about the different cultures, and learned about the resources and opportunities in the area. He was satisfied with the knowledge he had acquired and felt confident in his decision to go to Evergreen City.

Soon, Eric arrived at his room, and as it was already late, he requested dinner. The maids immediately delivered the food to his room, the dinner was a feast fit for a king.

The centerpiece of the meal was a slice of succulent roast meat, slow-cooked to perfection. The meat was tender and juicy, and the aroma was mouthwatering. The meat was accompanied by a variety of dishes, such as a hearty stew made with fresh vegetables and a rich gravy, a salad made with crisp greens and a tangy dressing, and a loaf of warm bread, still steaming.

He also had a bowl of creamy mashed potatoes, a plate of roasted vegetables, and a jug of cold mead to wash it all down. Eric took his time to savor the meal, relishing each bite and appreciating the flavors and textures of the food. He was glad to taste a good meal.

After his meal, Eric prepared his bed and decided to get some rest. He knew that he needed to be well-rested and in good shape for his new adventure. He had planned to leave tomorrow, as he lay down on his bed, feeling the softness of the mattress and the warmth of the blankets. He closed his eyes, letting his mind wander and his thoughts drift as he slowly drifted off to sleep.