
Attribute Development System

The story centers around a young man who discovers a mysterious and powerful system that grants him the ability to enhance his attributes. As he explores this system, he becomes determined to use his newfound abilities to create the life he wants to live and leave behind his current circumstances. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery, utilizing his enhanced attributes to overcome obstacles and achieve his aspirations.

BAD_WRITER04 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

In this world where martial arts hold immense power and influence over society, martial arts masters are considered the elite of the elite, with many young people aspiring to reach their level of skill and prestige.

However, becoming a martial arts master is no easy feat. It requires not only a deep understanding of martial arts but also a natural aptitude for it and the potential to master its techniques.

The odds of becoming a martial arts master are incredibly slim, with only a minuscule percentage of the population possessing the necessary potential and skill to reach this elite level of proficiency.

Out of a population of ten thousand individuals, it is estimated that only one person may have the ability to become a martial arts master, highlighting just how rare and exceptional this level of mastery truly is. The path to becoming a martial arts master is long and arduous, requiring not only immense physical and mental dedication but also a natural aptitude for the art. This makes the achievement of becoming a martial arts master an exceptionally rare and coveted one.

Somewhere in this world, in the countryside there exist a big city called Blue leaf which is approximately populated by around a million people. In the heart of this idyllic community stands a grand and opulent villa, a true testament to wealth and luxury. This magnificent structure is surrounded by lush greenery and verdant trees, that create an ambiance of serenity and tranquility.

The villa is encased by a towering stone wall, that serves as the barrier between the city and the private sanctuary within. The wall is guarded by a vigilant skilled warriors ensuring the safety of the villa. The villa boasts elegant architecture, with grand columns, sprawling lawns, and ornate balconies that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

This grandiose abode belongs to the monarch of the city, Thiago Blueleaf, a powerful and feared martial arts master known for his formidable strength and deadly abilities. His reputation precedes him, as it is said that he possesses the power to level a city with a single strike.

Despite his reputation for tyranny and mercilessness towards his enemies, the people of Blue Leaf find themselves content with their ruler, Thiago Blueleaf. He may be known for his tyrannical behavior, but he is equally known for his kindness and generosity toward his subjects.

This has led to a sense of stability and prosperity in Blue Leaf, as the city is known for its peacefulness and security. The city's strategic location has also attracted many merchants and traders, who are drawn to the city's bustling markets and thriving economy. The citizens of the Blue leaf are satisfied with their monarch as they live in peace and prosperity.

Thiago Blueleaf, the ruler of Blue Leaf, is blessed with three children: Thera Blueleaf, his eldest daughter; Diego Blueleaf, his second son; and Eric Blueleaf, his youngest son.

Among them, Diego Blueleaf is particularly renowned within the city for his prodigious martial arts abilities. At the mere age of 10, he was able to attain the level of a martial artist and is widely believed to possess even greater potential than his father.

On the other hand, Thiago's eldest daughter, Thera Blueleaf, is a brilliant businesswoman. At the youthful age of 15, she has already taken charge of managing the entirety of her father's business empire, including the highly successful Blueleaf Auction House, which brings immense wealth to their family. She is considered a prodigy in the field of business.

Despite the Blueleaf family's facade of perfection, there is one member who seems to be a black sheep among them, Thiago's youngest son, Eric. He is unfortunately known for his lack of talents and abilities, and his father has invested a great deal of time and resources in trying to discover some hidden aptitude within him, but to no avail.

Eric is not only poor at martial arts; he easily gets knocked out after just one session of training. Also, Eric lacks proficiency in any other skill or trade despite his best efforts. Despite his father's efforts to help Eric, it seems that Eric is simply not cut out for any particular talent or ability, and is deemed by many as a disappointment.

In one of the dimly lit chambers of the Blueleaf family's luxurious villa, we find Eric Blueleaf, lying on his bed, lost in thought as he gazes up at the grand and ornate ceiling above him. His expression is one of disappointment and frustration, as he is not originally from this world.

He was reincarnated into this body from his previous life on Earth, where he had given up on life, feeling that the world was unjust to him. But upon his death, he found himself awakened in this new body, filled with hope for a fresh start.

At first, he was overjoyed at the prospect of starting anew but soon discovered that his new body is weak and frail, unable to even perform the simplest of tasks without becoming winded. He is disappointed that his new life is not as good as he thought, and he is unable to utilize his new life to the fullest because of his weak body.

Eric had often contemplated ending his life once more, believing that this new existence was no different from his previous one. However, he eventually decided against it, due to a revelation he had years ago. He remembered that when he was five years old, a voice spoke to him from within his head, warning him that a mysterious system would awaken within him when he turned ten years old.

This knowledge gave him a glimmer of hope, a belief that perhaps this system would provide him with the means to improve his life and overcome his weaknesses. Despite his current struggles, he holds onto this hope and continues to wait for the system to awaken, in the hope that it will change his life for the better.

"Will tomorrow truly mark the day when I will finally awaken this mysterious system, as the voice had promised me all those years ago?" Eric wondered to himself, as he remained in a state of contemplation while lying in bed. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and uncertainty as his birthday approached.

As Eric contemplated what would happen tomorrow, he fell asleep in his bed.