
Attribute Development System

The story centers around a young man who discovers a mysterious and powerful system that grants him the ability to enhance his attributes. As he explores this system, he becomes determined to use his newfound abilities to create the life he wants to live and leave behind his current circumstances. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery, utilizing his enhanced attributes to overcome obstacles and achieve his aspirations.

BAD_WRITER04 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

As Athena and Eric waited outside, they were accompanied by an attendant who helped them register their names for the upcoming match. Athena, a novice warrior, was filled with excitement as this was her first match as a novice. On the other hand, Eric, who was still unranked, was more focused on increasing his rank in order to attract some worthy opponents.

After a while, the attendant informed them that their matches had been processed and their opponents had been determined. Athena would be the first to enter the arena, followed by Eric. As Athena prepared herself for her match, she couldn't help but feel excited as this is his first match as a novice. "I hope to encounter a genius today hehe," Athena muttered smiling.

"Huh? You're really confident, I hope you won't be beaten badly later." Eric teased Athena. "You just watch; I am not some beginner like you," Athena replied angrily.

After some time and some battles in the arena, it was now Athena's turn to fight. "Hey, Athena! Good luck," Eric shouted as Athena walked into the ring.

At the ring, Athena arrived and so did her opponent. What Athena did not expect was that her opponent was Aiden Blaze.

"Oh, a lady. I hope you are strong," Aiden Blaze said to Athena. Upon hearing this, Athena couldn't be bothered with Aiden. She had already seen his match earlier and she knew that this would be a boring match. "What a disappointing match. I really hope someone strong is my opponent today," Athena couldn't help but sigh.

"It's okay, don't hold back your strength," Athena replied calmly.

Noticing that Athena did not seem to bother with him, Aiden thought to himself, "What an arrogant lady. I will not hold back my strength just because you're a lady."

The audience at the top of the ring couldn't help but be amused that there was actually a lady who appeared in the arena, and the girl was also a novice at that. They couldn't help but cheer and anticipate the results of this match.

"Huh? That girl seems too familiar to me. I should have seen her somewhere before," a stranger said.

"Yeah, I think so too," another stranger added. Soon many people started to discuss, and finally, someone remembered Athena.

"Oh shit, that's the young lady of the Greenlief Family, and also the one and only granddaughter of General BlueShield of the empire, one of the guardians," a stranger shouted.

"What? It's actually Athena? One of the most talented genius of the entire empire and also a member of the Golden List," another stranger said.

"What is the golden list?" a stranger asked

"I heard all of the individuals who listed there are all very powerful individuals they are the focus of the empire to groom as they are the future foundation of the empire." a stranger replied.

"Miss Athena should be very powerful I hope Aiden can give her a good fight to show those at the empire that there are also many talented individuals at the kingdoms." A stranger added.

The audience at the top couldn't help but get excited as they would see Athena in action today. They had heard of her reputation and her accomplishments, and they couldn't wait to see her skills in action.

Eric on the other hand heard all of the conversation, cheers, and shouts of the audience. "So she is one of the most talented individuals in this empire a combat awareness of a level 12 warrior at the age of 12 should already be amazing. What will happen if I tell them that I am already a level 30 combat awareness warrior." As Eric thought and pondered.

At the arena, Aiden also hears all of the discussion of the audience above as he also learns Athena's identity.

"So you're the young lady of the Greenlief Family, I've heard a lot about you," Clyde said as he looked at Athena with a predatory glint in his eyes. "I hope your reputation is all true, as I'm eager to defeat someone like you." He knew that defeating Athena would bring him instant fame and recognition in the arena, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As the match began, Aiden immediately summoned his sword and charged toward Athena with a fierce determination in his eyes. Athena, on the other hand, remained composed and calmly summoned her sword as well. As Aiden's sword came crashing down toward her, Athena skillfully parried his attack with a swift and precise movement. Aiden couldn't believe that her strength was much greater than his, as he was caught off guard by the display of power and skill shown by Athena. His sword flew out of his hand as Athena's sword pointed toward his neck.

Aiden couldn't help but surrender immediately as the sword was pointed at him. The audience above was left in shock as the battle had ended so quickly, it only took seconds for Athena to emerge victorious. They couldn't help but turn silent as they tried to process what they had just witnessed.

"The reputation of the young lady is truly well-deserved. Both fighters are the same age, but there is a huge gap in their strength," one of the audience members said, expressing their amazement. Many of them couldn't believe that a young girl could be so skilled and powerful.

After the battle, Athena left the ring and made her way to where Eric was waiting. "You see it right? I am strong, and you might also already know my real identity, hahaha," Athena said to Eric, her voice filled with pride.

Eric smiled and replied, "Congratulations, I thought I need to carry you when you finish the battle I never thought you were very strong. "Eric Also added, "I didn't know that you came from such a prestigious background. You should treat me to some food later since you're a rich lady."

The audience couldn't help but wonder who this young man was that Athena approached after the fight. He looked weak and unassuming, and they couldn't believe that someone like Athena would associate with someone like him. They couldn't understand how Athena, a young lady from a powerful and wealthy family, could be friends with someone who seemed to have so little going for him.

"Sure, I'll treat you, but you should worry first as the next match is your turn. I sincerely hope that you are strong, looking at you makes me feel nervous as I might have to carry you later," Athena replied with a smile.

Eric laughed, "Don't worry, no one my age can defeat me," he said, his voice filled with confidence and a hint of arrogance.

Athena rolled her eyes and replied, "Hmph, you're very boastful. You know that we are the same age right? I hope you don't get too cocky and underestimate your opponent."

Eric just grinned, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

As Eric prepared for his first match in this world, he couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and excitement that ran through his body like an untamed beast slowly awakening. The thrill of competition and the prospect of proving his worth in the arena was too much to ignore this is the thrill in his previous life that he did not experience.

Athena watched as Eric readied himself, she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine, it was as if a powerful entity was slowly waking up. She couldn't help but shiver and glance around, trying to understand what this eerie sensation was.

"What was that?" Athena thought to herself, feeling a sense of confusion and unease.