
Attribute Allocation System in the Immortal World

Arthur a normal old man dies and gets transmigrated into a cultivation world as Su Yang a young beggar. (A/N: I know what you all are thinking will this be a Harem novel, will the author ever be able to write a good sypnosis, will his grammar get better, will there be Lemons. Well read the story to find out my good brother.)

Mridul_Khanna · Eastern
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Starter Pack

As the Status Window appeared in front of Su Yang he started analyzing it. He understood most of the text like Name, Race, Dao Roots and etc. But what he wasn't sure what the effects of his title were but he could guess what they were by looking at those extra attributes.

As he was thinking about the specific effects of the title a system screen containing the details of the titles appeared.

[Young Beggar]

* Reduces the charisma of the holder.

* Gets some proficiency in the art of begging.

Upgrade Requirements: Beg a person 50 times(40/50), Get a spot on the main street for begging(0/1)

[System User]

* Gets to use the system functions Status Screen, Skills Tab, Inventory.

* Raises the luck attribute of the user by 10 points.

Upgrade Requirements: ????? (0/1)


'Hmm guess that's all for now but this beggar title how do I even remove it.' Su Yang thought as he looked at the effects of his title.

'I will have to look into that later but first I should check the other two functions.' Su Yang thought as he checked the other 2 functions but there wasn't anything in the skills tab and in the inventory....


- Starter Pack×1






As Su Yang was checking he found a starter pack in the first column while the other 4 were empty.

'Hey system can you open the starter pack for me.' Su Yang didn't hear any response but the inventory tab that was still open suddenly changed and 4 of its columns were filled.

'I guess the system doesn't respond to me and just does the job.' As Su Yang thought as he began checking the items he got from the starter pack...

[Sun Asura Scripture]

A Yang Body cultivation technique that mainly focuses on Explosive Strength and Mountain like Endurance. This technique makes it's practitioners absorb the Supreme Yang energy in the nature to upgrade their physique. Can be cultivated up to ???? Realm.

[Crimson Sword]

A magic sword of the 2nd grade which was used by the sword saint when he was still in Qi Gathering Realm. It is suitable for Cultivators with a fire type cultivation method.

[Spirit Stone]×50

A mineral that can only be mined only from spiritual veins which produces them over time. It is used as a general currency in the Cultivation world.

[Second Grade Beast Essence]

A drop of second grade beast essence extremely good for the current host's body cultivation.


After seeing everything he got from the starter pack Su Yang wa surprised after all not only did he get a body cultivation technique he even got a magic weapon and the currency of cultivators spirit stone. This were all incredible things but he didn't know what a Beast essence was but according to the system it will help him in Body Cultivation.

So without any further delay Su Yang left from the alley and went to a secluded place that only he knew about and absorbed the Sun Asura Scripture from the system.

1 hour later.....

After fully absorbing all the information Su Yang decided to try cultivating the technique.

He performed a bunch of complex movements for half an hour straight and he felt some effects on his body.

He was now feeling more fresher and full of energy. He opened the status screen to check the effects.


Name: Su Yang

Age: 16

Race: Human(Mortal)

Dao Root: Fire(Low), Ice(Low)

Titles: [Young Beggar],[System User]

Body Cultivation Level: None (5/50)


Luck: 10 (+10)

Charm: 5 (-3)

Talent: 15

Comprehension: 7

Attribute Points: 0


[Skills Tab]



Su Yang saw the change in his status screen as there was now information about his body cultivation level as well and it looked like he had to perform the set of moments about 10 more time to even get to the 1st stage of Bronze Realm.

'Hmm maybe if I use the beast essence given by the system it will be faster.' As he thought about this he took out a small glass bottle with only one drop of blood from the inventory and drank it.

(A/N: He will cultivates 10 times faster after drinking the beast essence.)

And started practicing the complex movements again but this time it was much more difficult as he could feel extreme pain from his abdomen where he could feel a large amount of energy circulating.

"Damn to think only one drop of blood has this much energy." As Su Yang said this he continued practicing the Sun Asura Scripture because he knew that if he stopped this massive amount of energy will run rampant inside his abdomen and possibly kill him.

Su Yang had to continue cultivating for 2 and a half hours straight until the energy inside him calmed down.

(A/N: He actually cultivated for 2 hours and 33 minutes but I thought I would show it as 2 and a half hours, so that some stupid people don't get their brains fried because of the specific time. It is necessary to explain the amount of exp he got, Okay?)

"I can feel it even though 30 percent of the beast essence was wasted I became much more powerful. I feel like I can even crush a boulder." As Su Yang was saying this he clenched his fist and punched tree near him making a big hole in the tree.

"Damn I became so freaking powerful in just a couple of hours of coming into this world with system I can probably become invincible." Su Yang said this and checked his status to see his current realm.


Name: Su Yang

Age: 16

Race: Human(Mortal)

Dao Root: Fire(Low), Ice(Low)

Titles: [Young Beggar],[System User],[Sun Asura]

Body Cultivation Level: Bronze 4(0/90)


Luck: 10 (+10)

Charm: 5 (-3)

Talent: 15

Comprehension: 7

Attribute Points: 4


[Skills Tab]




(A/N: And that is it for this chapter, Hope you enjoyed it. And please know English is not my first language so don't roast me in the comments for my bad grammar.)