
Attracted To My Secretary

A rich handsome gentleman, Regal Bryson, the one and only son of a multi billionaire. He's cool headed, filthy rich, blessed with the body of a god that no girl would ever want to behold and look away. After he fires his secretary for his own reasons, he employs another. Mia Colton, a middle class young hardworking and diligent lady with beautiful emerald green eyes, pink soft kissable lips and a golden sunset hair color. she's beautiful in all round, inside and out. To Regal, Mia was the perfect girl type to him but how would he express he was already beginning to love his own secretary? Just when their relationship was growing bigger, Regal's father came in between with the opinion of Regal getting married to Kate one of their family friends daughter! His mother despised Mia because she had no strong family background and was a middle class lady. What would Regal do ? Would he let reputation come in between his relationship with her ? Would he forlorn his parent wish and move on with his love life ?.

Okolie_Flourish · Urban
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10 Chs

New Friend

I woke up so tired and hungry at the same time. I could hear my tommy rumble. I staggered to the kitchen to get a drink, I also ate some left over sandwich which I saw in the refrigerator. I went back to my room to get ready for work but it was quite early so I decided to rest a bit before I leave for work. I thought of calling Liam but it was kinda early to call so I laid down on my bed and I dozed off.

**************************** "Ummm. I slept off again !!" I yelled at myself. I picked up my phone to check what the time was and I was sooo late for work. "Jezzz, I am definitely gonna get a query for being late today" I yelled while rushing to the bathroom. I got ready within fifteen minutes and headed to the bus station. "The next bus is gonna be here in not less than twenty minutes, what do I do ?". I kept walking to and fro the bus station when I sighted a bus coming. At first I thought it was a bus but when it approached further I realized it was a car. I was disappointed because I was expecting a bus. I went and sat down to wait for a bus; I was becoming impatient. "Honk honk" the driver honked at me. The window glass whined down and to my utmost surprise it was Liam. "Liam, you are my savior of the day, I have been stuck here for over ten minutes waiting for a bus". I didn't realize Liam's father was at the passenger's seat not until I heard a cough then I turned to take a look. "Good morning sir, I'm sorry I didn't notice you were in the car, how are you doing and how is your health ?" I asked apologetically. I gave Liam a grave stare for not telling me her dad was also in the car, she replied with a stare also which I knew what it implied. "Where are you heading to right now, Mia ?" Liam's dad finally spoke. "I am going to work sir, I work as a secretary at Luckery Corporation" I said with a smile feeling proud of myself. "Wow, very nice congratulations on your new job, Mia" I sensed the sincerity in that statement. "Thank you so much sir" I said and smiled. On our way, Liam dropped her dad at the hospital and we continued our journey. It was about a ten minutes drive from the hospital, I thanked Liam for the ride. "C'mon, stop being over mannered" Liam said and we both laughed so hard. We talked for sometime before we finally arrived at my office. I alighted from the car and I was in a haste to get to the office when I saw Mr Regal. I tried ignoring him but it proved abortive. "Mia !!" He shouted my name. I then stopped immediately and turned to look at his direction, "Good morning sir, so--rry I am ----- late I had to help my ------ mom do some stu--ffs" I lied and also stuttered. Liam hadn't drove out so she saw me conversing with Mr Regal and then she alighted and ran towards us. She probably thought I was been bullied or something. "Hey, what are you doing to my friend ?" Laim asked with an intention to pick a fight. "Liam stop it, this is Mr Regal, my boss" I yelled at her, "I am so sorry sir, she is my friend and she is getting to meet you for the first time" I apologized to Mr Regal. "No problem Mia, I am Regal" He extended his hands to Liam for a shake. "I am Liam, Mia's best friend, I finally get to meet to you though not in a cool way. I have heard so much about you" Liam said while rubbing his hands and moving her body in such a romantic way. I noticed what she did there but I shoved it off my mind. They talked a bit and then I and Mr Regal walked into the office together. Everywhere was lively and workers were chatting with one another before we walked in. As soon as were noticed, the atmosphere of the office became silent and cold. Mr Regal went into his office while I went to my desk. I heard whispers like.... "why would they walk in together"..... "are they in any way in a relationship" ... "Mr Regal sure doesn't have eyes for ladies if he is actually in a relationship with her" and so on. Jealousy was so evident in their actions. I ignored them and concentrated on my work, I didn't have so much work to do for the day. I saw someone approach me, it was a guy who I guess was also a worker. "Hi, I'm Charles, don't pay attention to those gossips I know they are definitely jealous of the relationship you have with Mr Regal" Charles encouraged me. I was happy someone was not unnecessary angry and jealous of me. I introduced myself also and we became friends. His desk was close to mine so we had the opportunity to talk so well. He told me things I needed to know about the company and the kind workers there also. "I never knew they would be this jealous to the extent of showing it, I still don't in what this jealousy is about". He then told me that a lot of them have tried to flirt and seduce Mr Regal to get to bed with them but all their efforts proved abortive. "They all want to get married to a rich guy" Charles said and we giggled lightly. I heard my phone beep and it was Lunch time already. "It's lunch time, I'm going to get something to eat at the Cafeteria, you wanna come along ?" I asked Charles fortunately he agreed. We both walked to the Cafeteria together but before we got there, some set of ladies appeared in front of us. "Hey you girl, you better be careful around Mr Regal, we gat out eyes on you" said one of them named Beatrice. " Don't get too attached with him or else you gonna be seriously dealt with" another lady said. Charles confronted and threatened to report them to Mr Regal and they all hissed and were about to go when the third lady came closer to me and said "Back off !!!". They all left after that and while we were on our way to the Cafeteria, Charles told me to stand up to them anytime they try to confront me. We discussed while eating and then returned back to the office.