
Attracted to His Cold

It wasn't really the result I was looking for. In fact, it was even better. I never really thought that this would happen to me. I never believed someone could love, well, me. But they did. He did. And despite his 'reputation', despite his lifestyle, despite everything everyone had ever told me, I loved him just as unconditionally. But will everything stay in harmony? How long will my paradise last for until my past comes back? Will they haunt me? Catch me? Kill me? *** "Livia? Tiago?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly. If they're here, then.... "Where is he? Where's-" "Gattina." All the breath in my lungs disappear as I turn to find the source of the voice. Half-way through my turn, I can see his dark silhouette at the end of the hallway. When I breathlessly say my next word, it feels as if I can breathe properly again for the first time in over a month. "Lupo." I run towards him without a second thought, sprinting full speed at him, and jump into his awaiting arms. He engulfs me in the warmest hug I've ever felt, entrapping me entirely - not that I mind. I cry in joy at finally being reunited with him as I bury my head into his neck, burrowing myself into him and vowing never to let him go again. Unwrapping myself from him, I look up at into his eyes. They're filled with love and relief, the same emotions I imagine my eyes are filled with. That quickly changes when his face contorts into one of pain. "Cole?" my brows furrow in confusion. He lets out a pained and strangled noise before he drops to his knees, collapsing at my feet. I gasp when I see Viktor behind him, holding a bloodied knife. A/N: Hey guys. Be prepared for dark themes, mature language, mature scenes, and so much more. Enjoy the roller-coaster, you are locked in... - Potential PTSD triggers! - BDSM themes! - Mentions of rape! - Mentions of abuse! - Mentions of torture! - Gun play! - Knife play! - Dark kink! (Warnings will be put at the beginning of potential trigger chapters)

whore_for_mafia · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 8

One week.

Well- 9 days.

It had been 9 days since the incident- as I keep convincing myself it was.

9 days sine I saw Cole Santini, and boy was I thankful for it.

My phone rings and I see Carlo's name flash across the screen.

"Hi M- Carlo. Something wrong?" I ask politely.

"Not at all, cara. I was just wondering if you could come by my office when you get back." he says as I walk through the large glass doors, having just finished my lunch break.

"Sure. I'll be there in 5."

"See you soon."

He hangs up and I walk into the elevator, and press the button to the top floor.

I walk into Carlo's office and he offers me the chair in front of his desk. I sit down, gratefully sitting in the seat, placing my handbag down beside me.

"I hope I haven't done anything wrong. I'm so sorry if I have. I'll fix whatev-"

"Relax cara. You worry too much. You didn't do anything, don't worry." he chuckles as I sigh in relief, waiting for him to continue.

"As I'm sure you're aware, there's a charity event that I'm attending this evening, hence why I'm leaving early today. As my assistant, I would like you to join me in attending." he begins.

Uhhhhhh. What?

Oh hell no.

"Why?" I timidly question.

"I think it would be good for you -as my P.A- to learn about and see who we, as a company, support. If it's alright with you, Olivia is taking you shopping, but you only have a €10,000 budget."

"Wait what? Mr Santini, I cannot possibly expect you to do that for me. I cannot accept this." I exclaim.

"Besides, the event is this evening, I won't be able to finish work, go shopping and get ready in time." I ramble on, trying to get out of it.

The more I'm outside in public, the more risk I have of them finding me. I can't risk it.

I refuse to ever see him again.

"There's a simply solution to that: take the rest of the afternoon off." he says casually.

"Oh, I can't-"

"I'm the owner of the company, therefore what I say goes. So of course you can." he interrupts while taking his phone out.

He calls Olivia, who picks up almost instantly, and starts speaking in Italian. Meanwhile, here I am, sat in a chair trying to keep calm as I try to convince myself nothing bad can happen.

It's only a charity event. It's nothing major. You'll be ok.

I chant to myself.

"All done. She's agreed and will be here in 8 minutes." he says gathering together a stack of paper.

"Oh, ok. Thank you so much Carlo. You have no idea how much I appreciate this." I sincerely state.

"Nonsense cara. You've become like family to me, it's the least I can do." he smiles.

I smile back.

It's true. In the past 5 years I've worked for Carlo, he's become like a father to me. He's been more of a family to me than my own family ever has.

But what's weird is that he has never asked me to attend a charity event, ever.

I pick up my bag and leave to meet Olivia.


3 looong hours later, and me and Livia - yes, I have a nick name for her now - are back in the car on the way to my house. We've been making small talk, for the past who knows how long, getting to know each other a little better. I've been truthful where I can, not revealing too much information that suggests I know about any mafia families, or anything that makes them suspicious so they don't put me under their watch.

We're almost here and I swear I haven't laughed this much in so long.

"Just here please." I ask the driver, trying to contain my laughter. He pulls over and I hug -yup, I hug- Livia goodbye.

"We should do this again." she giggles, pulling away.

"Yeah. For sure." I agree, grabbing my bags.

"Thank you so much for today, Liv. I've had so much fun." I say honestly, being genuinely happy for once in so, so long.

"No problem Cass. Message me later, 'kay? My number is in your bag." she smiles.

I nod and wave her goodbye, walking into my house and kicking off my heels.

I have two and a half hours to get ready before this event starts, so I quickly make my way to the bathroom to shower.

Once I'm out, I dry my hair tie it back. I apply light, minimal make-up, going as natural as possible.

I put on the dress and it looks stunning.

It's a beautiful, glittery, midnight blue, floor length dress with a slit going down the left leg.

I pair it with some simple black heels and put my wig on. I finish off with a few sprays of my favourite perfume.

Just as I feel like I'm satisfied with the way I look, the door goes and my heart jumps. Is it 7:30 already?

I grab my small purse and open the door expecting to see Carlo, who was meant to be picking me up.

My heart stops, my breath hitches and I become frozen on the spot.

Why is he here?

"What are you doing here?"