
Attracted to His Cold

It wasn't really the result I was looking for. In fact, it was even better. I never really thought that this would happen to me. I never believed someone could love, well, me. But they did. He did. And despite his 'reputation', despite his lifestyle, despite everything everyone had ever told me, I loved him just as unconditionally. But will everything stay in harmony? How long will my paradise last for until my past comes back? Will they haunt me? Catch me? Kill me? *** "Livia? Tiago?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly. If they're here, then.... "Where is he? Where's-" "Gattina." All the breath in my lungs disappear as I turn to find the source of the voice. Half-way through my turn, I can see his dark silhouette at the end of the hallway. When I breathlessly say my next word, it feels as if I can breathe properly again for the first time in over a month. "Lupo." I run towards him without a second thought, sprinting full speed at him, and jump into his awaiting arms. He engulfs me in the warmest hug I've ever felt, entrapping me entirely - not that I mind. I cry in joy at finally being reunited with him as I bury my head into his neck, burrowing myself into him and vowing never to let him go again. Unwrapping myself from him, I look up at into his eyes. They're filled with love and relief, the same emotions I imagine my eyes are filled with. That quickly changes when his face contorts into one of pain. "Cole?" my brows furrow in confusion. He lets out a pained and strangled noise before he drops to his knees, collapsing at my feet. I gasp when I see Viktor behind him, holding a bloodied knife. A/N: Hey guys. Be prepared for dark themes, mature language, mature scenes, and so much more. Enjoy the roller-coaster, you are locked in... - Potential PTSD triggers! - BDSM themes! - Mentions of rape! - Mentions of abuse! - Mentions of torture! - Gun play! - Knife play! - Dark kink! (Warnings will be put at the beginning of potential trigger chapters)

whore_for_mafia · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 23

I wake up to the sound of people arguing, screaming and shouting at each other. I see that I'm now in Cole's room but he's no where in sight. I slip out of bed and realise that I'm in one of Cole's tops. I grab one of his hoodies and pull it over my head. Just as I put on a pair of fluffy socks, I hear glass break. My head whips around to where the noise came from when I hear Cole shouting,


I can't tell where it's coming from so I follow the sound of the commotion happening. I quickly find Cole and Santiago screaming at each other while Carlo and Olivia drink their coffee like nothing's happening. Nobody has seen me yet as the two continue their screaming match, so I get their attention.


All four heads snap to me as I stand there with my arms crossed. Cole's face turns from anger to worry in the snap of a finger and he speeds over to me and cups my face in his hands.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Did they speak to you? What did they say? Where are-"

"Lupo." I say softly, gently holding his bicep.

"I'm okay. I promise, I'm just a bit shaken up, but I'll live." I say with a soft smile on my face.

His face relaxes instantly as he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight as he kisses the top of my head.

"Grazie Dio." [Thank God.] he whispers as I wrap my arms around his torso.

I laugh lightly and then I remember something.


"¿Le dijiste?" [Did you tell him?] I ask Tiago, looking at him.

"No todavía. Ha estado demasiado ocupado gritando para escucharme." [Not yet. He's been too busy shouting to listen to me.] T says, irritated.

"Tell me what?" Cole asks me.

I sigh and snuggle into his neck, positioning my head so my lips are level with his ear.

"Vamos a un lugar más privado." [Let's go somewhere more private.] I whisper.

Cole nods and turns me around. I stop him and look at Tiago.

"Dímelos por mí, por favor." [Tell them for me, please.] he nods his head and I thank him.

Cole then leads me towards the staircase. We walk up and go to his room where he opens the door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I say playfully.

"Would you rather me be rough and aggressive?" he asks, closing the door behind him.

I try not to think about the sexual meaning his words have so I don't respond and sit on the bed instead. I take a deep breath, preparing myself to relive some painful memories.

"Gattina, cosa c'è che non va?" [what's wrong?] Cole asks, sitting down beside me.

"Ummm. So, do you remember how Adrik called me Sandy?" I ask him, looking at my hands as I fiddle with the bottom of Cole's hoodie.

"Yes, and you practically bit his head of for it." he chuckles lightly causing the smallest of smiles tog race my lips.

"Sensitive nickname I'm guessing?" he asks softly, placing his hand over mine.

"Uh yeah. Something like that."

I take another deep breath and look up as I feel tears threatening to prick my eyes just thinking about what I'm going to say.

"When I was younger, I used to love eating sweets all the time. I ate them so much that my mum used to call me Sandy Candy. When I stopped eating sweets, the nickname 'Sandy' kinda just stuck around. One day, I came home from school to find my mother screaming. I ran to her only to find Adrik and one of his men standing over her. They man let go of a knife that embedded in her chest and Adrik stood there with emotionless eyes, watching as the life slipped away from mama. When I screamed at him to do something, he said 'that's what the cheating bitch deserves.' His voice was void of emotion and then he turned around and walked away. Tears were streaming down my face as I watched mama turn from golden honey to a pale white. Sebastian -my older brother- rushed in to find me and my mumma. He came next to us and after we realized she wasn't going to make it, we stayed by mama as she took her final breath."

I hadn't realised I was crying until Cole wiped my wet cheeks.

"It's ok, gattina. Take your time." he whispered as he pulled me into his chest.

I snuggled into him, wrapping my arms securely around his torso as he wraps his arms around me.

"Ummm, yeah." I sniffed.

"So fast forward to my first job as a lawyer, Adrik appeared out of no where and offered me a job where I'd be getting paid ₽2,000 a week. At the time, I was in debt with my university fees and I wasn't thinking, so I agreed immediately even though I still hadn't forgiven him for my mother's death. I met with the Volki the next day where I met the Volkov's, and they told me I'd get a trial case and they'd decide from there. A week later, I got my first case and they decided I was a good enough lawyer to keep. After the case, they took me to their mansion and made me swear to omertà or I'd die. I vowed my silence which also meant moving into the mansion. Working so closely with the Volkov's eventually led me to the point that I was also close with them personally. And that's how I ended up with Viktor."

I could feel Cole tense under me. I looked up at him and he nodded his head lightly, allowing me to continue as he unclenched his jaw.

"So umm. About a week into our relationship, I found out that Adrik was apart of the Volki. When I told Seb, he did everything in his power to join the Volki to make sure I was protected from him. When I escaped from them, it was only because Seb opened my cell and told me to run as fast and as far as I could. He told me to go and never look back, to move on without him and find peace. I assumed he was killed that day and I mourned him. To me, that's the day Seb died."

I intake a shaky breath as I try my hardest not to cry.

"Yesterday as I was running out of the mall, I ran into two of Volkov's' goons. One of them was Sebastian."

"What?" Cole asks, clearly taken back by my statement.

I nodded my head against his chest.

"He has a nasty scar along the side of his face, so I'm guessing he was tortured by them at some point. But I know my brother would never work for the Volkov's, not willingly anyways."

I sigh against Cole as he gently squeezes, reassuring me that he's not going anywhere.

"I just- I don't- I don't know what to do. I mean I know he probably had it tough after I escaped, but he seems so free now. He never reached out to me, never told me he was ok or checked up on me. I don't even know how deep he is with the Volkov's." I sob.

"Well think of it like this. If he had contacted you and they found out, they might've traced the call and tracked you. He could've just been protecting you." Cole says, rubbing small circles on my lower back.

"So are you saying I should forgive and forget?" I ask, shocked.

"No. I'm saying -gattina- think about it from his point of view. Put yourself in his shoes."

I sighed, nodding against him. He was right. It could've been a risk to both of us.

"So now what?" I ask quietly as I relax into Cole's touch even more.

"Well, that's up to you kitten. What do you want to do?" he responds.

"Take my mind off of it, please." I beg him.

"How was the meeting yesterday? I'm sorry I bailed but, well, y'know..." I trailed off.

"I didn't go." he says, nonchalantly.

"What? Why? Please don't tell me you cancelled just because of me." I ask, looking up at him.

"Oh gattina." he chuckles.

"I told you, this is a special meeting that requires you specifically to be there. And no, I did not cancel. I rescheduled." he assures me.

I nod my head in response to his answer.

"How's right now?" I ask, looking at him.


"The reschedule. How about in the next half an hour?" I reiterate.

Cole takes a moment before answering.

"Sure. I don't see why not. Are you sure though?"

"Yes. Anything to take my mind off of everything."

"Anything?" he asks me with a smug look.

"Anything except your dick. I'm still sore from the other day!" I whine at him.

Cole laughs at my pain and I pout at him.

"Oh come on gattina. Don't act like you didn't enjoy it." he teases me.

I blush and stand up.

"I'm going to take a shower. Do. Not. Follow. Me." I demand as sternly as I can.

"Yes ma'am." he playfully salutes and I roll my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" his voice drops an octave as he slowly stands to his full height.

"I gotta go." I squeak, sprinting to the bathroom and locking the door.

The handle rattles and I pray that I won't die today.

"Okay, wanna play gattina? Just you wait." he chuckles darkly and I gulp.

My heart hammers against my chest in anticipation until I hear Cole's footsteps slowly retreat from the door. I wait patiently by the door as I wait for him to leave the room so I can grab my phone. The bedroom door opens and closes and I wait for a second before stepping out.

After I unlock the door, I open it and cautiously peek my head out, looking over at the bed where I can see my phone. I quietly creep over to my phone and pick it up. I turn around to go back into the bathroom when I bang into a wall of muscle, causing me to fall backwards. I groan as the weight follows my onto the bed and that's when I realize, Cole has me pinned to the bed, his arms on either side of my head.

"Well, that was fun to watch." he says, his voice laced with amusement.

"'Scuse me. Just gotta go take my shower." I laugh nervously.

I try to stand up and push past Cole, but the next thing I know, I'm face down, ass up, and my hands are pinned behind my back, one of Cole's holding them both firmly in place.

"This is the third time in the past three days that you've run away from me, gattina. Except today, you literally ran from me. What am I doing to do about that?" he tsks tauntingly.

He leans down and grinds his hips into me, forcing me to feel all of him, resulting in a low moan from me. His hot breath fans over my ear, causing a delicious shiver to run down my spine.

"I know." he says, then proceeds the lick my ear from the bottom up, biting the top of my ear which elicits a whimper to escape my lips.

"I think I'll punish you, my piccola troia cattiva." [bad little slut.]

Cole pulls away, keeping his lock on my hands, and spanks me.


My moan is louder than the echo of the slap in the room.

Memories of my first 'official' punishment flash before my eyes.

"Choose your safe word, piccola." he seductively whispers in my ear.

"Rose." I whisper back after a brief moment.

As soon as the word leaves my mouth, both sides of my waist are gripped. I yelp as I suddenly get flipped onto my stomach and over Cole's lap. He raises my ass in the air with his knee.

"Count for me gattina."


My words get cut off by my own moan as a rough hand harshly meets my left ass-cheek.

"Do not make me repeat myself gattina." he firmly threatens when I forget to count.



My right-cheek.


"One, daddy."

I lay my head down to look at him and I see that signature smirk of his on his face.

"Brava ragazza." [Good girl.]


"Two daddy." I moan.


"Thirty-nine daddy!" I scream out in pleasure.


"Forty. Daddy." I pant, trying to catch my breath.

By this point, I've collapsed onto the bed and the only thing keeping my ass in the air is the two fluffy pillows beneath me. At some point around twenty, I was stripped naked and the punishment continued. The breath has literally been slapped out of me since about slap 15 and at this point I don't even know how I'm still going. My arms ache from behind pinned behind me for so long and my ass is on fire.

I suddenly feel kisses slowly being placed up and down my spine and I relax into the delicacy of them. Cole moves my arms so they're pinned above me instead of behind me, and I'm grateful for the new position and for the relief my limbs are granted in it. His kisses become higher and higher until he's at the base of my neck, kissing and sucking my sweet spot.

"Sono così orgoglioso di te gattina." [I'm so proud of you kitten.] he whispers to me.

"Taking my punishment like the dirty little slut you are." he bites into my neck, making my arousal grow even more since this all started about twenty minutes ago.

My moan is weak as Cole licks the bite and kisses it. His body heat disappears from behind me and just as I think he's finishing the scene, two fingers are rammed into me. I cry out at the sudden intrusion, being given no time to adjust as Cole rams into me, showing no mercy. His thrusts are harsh and unforgiving and his words are no better.

"Guarda quanto sei bagnato." [Look how wet you are.] I can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he speaks.

He leans down so his lips are level with my ear, his relenting pace never wavering.

"Forse dovrei punirti più spesso." [Maybe I should punish you more often.] he bites my lobe as his pace picks up to an inhumane speed and I'm sure I'll pass out from the pleasure.

Cole curls his fingers, hitting my g-spot and the need to cum screams at me.

"Daddy!" I beg him.

"Please, please can I cum daddy? Please?"

My back arches but Cole forces me back down. He forces me to take what he gives me, nothing more and nothing less, and I have no choice but to submit to his unspoken demand. He ignores my question, continuing to abuse the spot knowing that I could break at any second. I'm conflicted between allowing my body the relief it needs and getting punished more, or pleasing my daddy the way I know he loves.

"Daddy please!" I beg him.

"Please let me come for you! Please daddy! I can't- I can't. Please!"

He removes his fingers and I cry out, whether in relief or disappointment is a mystery to me. Cole enters me without warning, going at the same pace that his fingers were, and he grabs me by the back of my head, forcing me up on my knees. His hand slides to the front of my throat and he squeezes hard as he whispers the magic words to me.

"Cum for me principessa."

My whole body spasms uncontrollably as I do just that. I cum so hard it physically hurts. The orgasm causes me to shake so much, yet Cole fucks me through it. Without pulling out, he somehow manages to get me on my back and he continues to pound into me, pulling my legs over his shoulders and bending me in half so my knees are touching my shoulders.

He lowers his head and takes one of my nipples into his mouth, abusing it and then giving the other one the same treatment. Once he's satisfied, Cole kisses me with such ferocity and passion. His kiss is hard and rough like everything else and then it hits me.

He's punishing me in every way he can.

With his cock, with his mouth, with his fingers. He's teaching me a lesson, never run away from me.

Cole takes a hold of my thighs and turns my legs to the side -while he's still pounding into me. With my legs to the side and my back laying flat, it's impossible to not come.


"Yes gattina. Coat my dick." he groans.

My orgasm causes me to arch my back, but this time Cole allows me to. The orgasm steals my breath and everything becomes hazy. Cole hits a place deep inside me that immediately clears my mind.

Four orgasms later, I'm drenched in sweat all over and my face is a mixture of sweat and tears. I can't take anymore and I feel myself getting closer and closer to my limit. I've been put in doggy for the past few orgasms, and I'm now back to lying flat.

"Daddy." I croak out.

"Daddy please. I can't- I can't." I weep, shaking my head.

"One more gattina. Give me one more." he demands of me softly.

Cole moves my hair away from my sticky head and kisses me softly, slowing his pace so it's now a moderate one. His kiss encourages me to give him one more and please him. It gives me the strength I need to hold on for a little longer, giving me just enough energy to re-spark the fire inside me.

"Eccola." [There she is.] he smirks, seeing the slut within me coming back up to the surface.

I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me and grabbing the back of his head, kissing him with all I have left. Cole rests his arms on either side of my head to steady himself as he pounds into me. He dominates the kiss -as usual- and it isn't long until his thrusts become more aggressive again. The pleasure is too much so I drag my nails down Cole's back. He groans in response and retaliates by choking me with the perfect amount of pressure.

"Daddy! I- I-"

"Shhhh gattina. Just a little longer for me principessa." he coos.

His assault on my g-spot makes it difficult hold my orgasm so I clench around him.

"Fuck. Do that again piccola."

So I do.


And again.

And again.

"Fuck gattina. Cum for me."

I am rewarded with the sweet ecstasy of my high mixing with Cole's as we cum together. His thrusts slow and become sloppy as he empties himself in me.

Cole collapses on top of me while still inside of me as we both lay there and catch our breath's. My eyes begin to close from the exhaustion of everything that just happened and I allow my body to slip into the comforting darkness that sleep offers me.


"Malyshka." someone whispers.

"No. Go away. Let me sleep." I complain as the person begins to lightly shake me awake.

I turn away from the voice, not even registering who it belongs to, and go back to the peace of sleep.

"Moya lyubov', wake up for me." I stiffen instantly and my whole being is on high alert.


"Ahh. There she is." he says, noticing the shift.

I'm paralyzed where I lay, refusing to believe what my brain is trying to process.

There's no way.

"Come on malyshka. Davay poydem domoy." [Let's go home.] he says as I feel the bed dip behind me.

I realize that this is actually happening and not just another nightmare. I grab the gun from under the pillow and leap out of the bed, pointing it at him.

I'm relieved Cole put me in one of his shirts.

"C'mon baby. YA znayu, ty by na samom dele ne-" [I know you wouldn't really-]

I cut him off by pulling down the safety. He sighs and pulls his phone out, dialing the one person I really hope he isn't.

"Brat." [Brother.]

Just at the mention of him, I feel sick to my stomach.

"Privedi yego, a?" [Bring him in will you?] he smirks at me.

My heart sinks as soon as the worst case scenario is placed in front of my eyes.

Cole is dragged into the room with blood coming out from multiple places, surrounded by multiple men. He gets kicked to the ground by the monster I am brought face to face with yet again.


The haunting nickname causes a shiver of disgust and revulsion to course through me. I go to move towards Cole but stop instantly when he raises a gun to his head.

"Pozhaluysta, Viktor. Ne delay etogo." [Please, Viktor. Don't do this.] I turn to him, begging him.

"Skazhi mne, chto ya khochu znat', i my posmotrim." [Tell me what I want to know and we'll see.]

His tone tells me nothing.

But his eyes.

They always gave him away.

No matter what I do, he won't be leaving here without me. My eyes begin to gloss over as I realize what I need to do.

"Vik, pozhaluysta. Ne ubivay yego. YA umolyayu tebya." [Vik, please. Don't kill him. I'm begging you.] the twisted fuck always loved it when I begged.

"I pochemu by net?"[And why not?] he asks, finally putting his phone away.

I sniff and look at Cole with such adoration and love. It's in this moment that I feel it.

I'm in love with Cole Santini, and I'd do anything to keep him safe.

I take a deep breath and turn to look at Viktor.

"Potomu chto, yesli ty poklyanesh'sya nikogda ne trogat' yego, ya poydu s toboy, okhotno." [Because if you swear to never touch him, I'll come with you, willingly.]

Viktor looks taken aback by my proclamation but quickly recovers with sinister grin.

"Opusti pistolet." [Put the gun down.] he says to his brother, who reluctantly does.

"Poshli." [Let's go.] he says to me.

"Pozhaluysta, pozvol'te mne snachala poproshchat'sya s nim." [Please, let me say goodbye to him first.] I whisper to him

Viktor's eyes darken with nothing but evil as he says his next words.

"On one condition. Ty budesh' moyey pokornoy." [You will be my submissive.]

This time, it's me who's taken aback.

"What?" I ask him, dumbfounded.

"Ty slyshal menya. Ty proshchayesh'sya s nim, ty stanovish'sya moyey pokornoy." [You heard me. You say goodbye to him, you become my submissive.]

I stare at him in shock and disgust, but my need to speak with Cole and be near him one last time overrides everything else.

"Ladno." [Okay.] I sigh in defeat.

Viktor turns to look at his brat as I stare at Cole, memorizing everything about him and engraving it into my DNA.

"Ostavlyat'." [Leave.] he says coldly.


"Are you deaf? YA skazal ostavlyat'." [I said, leave.]

He huffs and slams the door shut on his way out, taking the goons with him and mumbling that he was going to meet us in the car as he left.

Viktor signals for me to go to Cole and I leap on him, holding him tightly as he wraps his arms around me just as tight.

"Lupo." I cry.

"Gattina, are you okay? What did he do to you?" he asks me firmly.

"He didn't do anything to me. What the hell happened to you?" I weep.

"Don't worry about me. I'll live." his grip never once falters.

"Di cosa stavate parlando?" [What were you talking about?] he whispers, stroking my hair.

I shake my head.

"Don't worry. All that matters is that you'll be safe." I barely get out.

"Gattina, no." he says, presumably sensing what my plan is.

"I have to. I'll live. I survived it once, I'll survive it again." I wasn't sure if I was trying to reassure me or him, but either way I don't think it was working.

"Malyshka, time to go."

I kiss Cole one last time, knowing there is a good chance I'll never see him again.

"Te amo, il mio lupo cattivo. Sempre e per sempre." [I love you, my big bad wolf. Always and forever.] I confess, whispering the words against his lips as tears stain my face.

"Gattina. Te amo, amore mio. Sempre e per sempre." his own tears now mix with mine.

Reluctantly, I force myself to leave him before Viktor loses his temper and snaps. I turn around and walk straight out of the room, desperately trying to block out Cole's pleas for me to come back. As soon as the door shuts behind me, I wail and sob. The door opens almost immediately afterwards, and Viktor exits the room.

"Oh malyshka." he crouches down in front of me, wiping away my tears with his repulsive hand.

"Don't cry. We're going home." he smiles at me.

I force myself to stop crying. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. My whole body feels numb. So numb that when he picks me up bridal style, I don't react. I don't even try to fight.

Once we get down the stairs, I have one question that I need answering so I know what I'm getting myself into.

"Are you going to let him use me again?" I ask weak and timidly.

Viktor stops in his tracks and looks down at me, but I avoid his gaze. He walks over to a table near the door and sets me down on it. He cups my cheek and forces me to look at him.

"Listen to me malyshka. Letting him touch even a single hair on your head was the worst mistake of my life. I will never let anyone touch you again. Especially not Vladimir."

My mind calms knowing that he won't touch me and I think I'm able to accept my fate of just Viktor. As much of a monster as he is, he's never forced me to do anything. I'm just praying that hasn't changed. I nod my head, acknowledging that I've heard him. He picks me back up and we walk towards the door.

"Please Sandra, don't run. I don't want to have to hurt you anymore." I begin crying into his shoulder, not even caring anymore at this point.

"Otkroy dver'." [Open the door.] Viktor says to someone.

The door to the SUV opens and he goes to put me down. I grab him and shake my head.

"Quédate conmigo. ¿Por favor?" [Stay with me. Please?]

He is the only person I could ever be close with physically, and right now, I would break if I was alone.

Viktor's eyes soften as he looks down at me. Awkwardly, he manages to get us both inside without putting me down. My eyes are facing the door so I can't see who's behind me but I know that he is at the front.

"Sandy." I hear a soft voice behind me.

I'm too numb to react or care that Sebastian is behind me.

"Despiértame cuando lleguemos." [Wake me up when we get there.] I say to Viktor who kisses the top of my head.

I try not to cringe and instead let the numb void become an escape from this living nightmare I'm in.

The darkness invites me to see Cole again, and I gladly welcome it.