
Chapter 33

** Brad **

Something's wrong, I can feel it-something that must have happened in class. She was fine, and then it was like she was a caged animal, desperate to be freed. But what could it have been? Our kiss? The bullshit Ms. Barnes gave her? I sure as hell don't know. The look on her face was pure determination, like she couldn't get out of here fast enough. She was also stumbling for excuses and I have no doubt she was lying.

She blew right out the door before I could catch her but I'm not far behind. I know she's got to be around here somewhere but when I scan the parking lot, there's no sign of her. She couldn't have gotten that far, it would've been impossible, but it's like she literally disappeared. I have a bad feeling and rush to my car and start the engine, pulling out quickly as I pan the parking lot one last time.


Jesus, did she sprint the whole way?