

A lavender haired youth walked out of the entrance of a foliage of trees, stopping at the base of a high hill.

Turning his gaze upwards, his eyes instantly focused on the top of the hill where a massive walled structure stood.

Emeric's lips curled up into a huge grin, displaying his ugly un even teeth for all to see.

"Finally," he muttered while letting out a huge exhale.

Directly behind him stood a slender purple haired youth and a few Raven dark haired youths, who were all completely motionless with an expressionless face, their collective gazes forward.

And just behind them, more than a thousand youths spilled out from the forest entrance, stopping directly behind Emeric and his group.

Many of the youths were still in their earlier worn out forms with a lot of them still spotting claw marks and bites around their bodies.

Parts of their clothes were tattered and filled with blood.