
Part 3 - More Waiting

“When will she wake up?” Indigo wrung her hands as she paced in front of the door where Callie had been placed. Her cheeks were tear-stained. Her eyes were dark from lack of sleep.

It had been two days since Callie had collapsed. She had been rushed to the hospital where Stephen monitored her. Callie had been unresponsive. Her vitals were good, but she refused to wake up or respond to anything done to her. Tests had been performed nearly non-stop. Nothing was conclusive.

Indigo had not left her daughter’s side. Jasper and run errands for her: fresh clothes, food to eat, and anything else that might ease her as she watched over her only child. She wasn’t alone. Jardan had been just as vigilant. He had never left Callie’s side.

Stephen shrugged helplessly. “It’s a waiting game. Her body is perfectly healthy. It’s her mind. Something has blocked the rest of the world. Maybe it was the energy she had expended. We just don’t know.”

“Run more tests!” Indigo shouted.