
A Long Awaited Reunion

"Solid, All Shadows, Mex-Army is considered hostile at this time." Graves declared.

"TV you are cleared hot to engage the convoy." Graves gave the order, and with a press of a trigger; the operator sent down one LTM.

The missile hissed through the air, slamming down to the ground at remarkable speeds, sending the convoy spinning out of control, each of the 5 cars once lined up in an orderly manner, were toppled over, or completely reduced to ash. One of the vehicles spun into a tree, taking it clean off of its roots, then running into a ditch, whilst another was sent off of the road, barrel rolling through the air then landing on its side in a blaze. The third car's engine came right out of its placing, flying through the air and crushing one of the surviving cartel members, crushing their skull in a gory display. The other two were blown to God knows where. All the operator knew was it had been reduced to dust.

"Well, that was... Something," Graves remarked. His tone conveyed a mix of surprise and collected composure, though everyone sensed that Graves likely winced at the gruesome sight.

"All stations, visible targets are down; you're clear to proceed." Graves informed, maintaining his professional demeanor despite the unexpected and macabre turn of events.

"Shadow-1, copy that. Exfil is inbound now." Alejandro replied, as the team rushed out of the compound with Hassan in cuffs.

"Come on, come on!" Rodolfo called, hurrying the team up.

"I am a Quds Force Major, you've no right-!" Hassan began, but was quickly cut off by Astolfo grabbing Hassan's head and smashing it on the car window. That got him to shut up.

Astolfo pulled open the car door, shoving Hassan in, then climbing in himself, then N and J climbed in as well.

"[Exfil is through Olmeda.]" Alejandro informed, buckling up and spotting Rodolfo exchanging a mutually nervous glance with N.

"[Might hit resistance, then.]" Rodolfo replied, checking his rifle and cleaning its muzzle.

"[We've got close air, we can make it.]" Alejandro reassured, brushing off the danger.

"Alright, we're good. Let's get going!" J called, and the car pulled off.

"Shadow-1, package is secure. We're RTB." N relayed.

"Hook, line and fuckin' sinker, hell yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about Shadows! You all know this was a job well done!" Graves congratulated, his voice booming.

"Yup-yup!" They all shouted, exchanging high-fives and overall congratulating each other, then dying down.

"Alright, people; we still have work to do, save the beer for later. Comms, get me the general." Graves commanded.

"Check." The comms officer replied, dialing Shepard.

"Graves, Actual. Make my day." Shepard said, his serious voice serving as a damper to the good mood Shadow Company was just in.

Graves wouldn't admit it out loud, or in private; but he enjoyed how much his boys congratulated each other after a good job.

"We got his ass. Escorting Hassan back to base as we speak." Graves said, a smirk taking form on his face.

"You make it quick. Can't hold him for long." Shepard replied.

"Roger that." Graves simply answered.

"Off the trigger," the pilot instructed, flying over a town near a bridge.

"Approaching a town in the north, crew." The pilot added, circling around the various buildings.

"Be advised, friendlies have stopped on the road." The NAV officer informed.

"All stations, what's the holdup down there?" Graves asked. God, he could kill for a Jack Daniels right now, this stress was killing him.

"Shadow-1, there's movement at the fuel station ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now." Alejandro informed.

"Copy, we'll recon the area. Get ready to move." Graves replied. "TV, get a visual on that gas station, pronto."

The TV operator quickly zeroed in on the gas station, keenly watching as the jeep carrying the team drives down the road.

"Shadow-1, we may have an issue here-" Alejandro didn't get to finish his sentence, as a sedan barreling down the road T-Boned the car.

"Friendly vehicle's hit, they down at the intersection." The NAV officer informed.

As if this was a planned ambush, around 15 armed personnel come out of the gas station, mag dumping on the car.

"Bail out, bail out!" N called.

"It's a fuckin' ambush! TV, get our men secure!" Graves urgently shouted as the scene unfolded.

But a purple glyph appeared on one of the cartel members. Said cartel member was ripped apart in an instant, much to the horror and awe of the surviving combatants.

As if materializing from nowhere, a drone roundhouse kicks another cartel member, taking out an army knife from its holster; then stabbing the other through the neck, taking his sidearm, and shooting the cartel member 3 times in the gut, then taking the knife out, jumping down and full sprinting over to the car that sped down the road earlier, vaulting over it and landing behind it, pressing her metal frame to the car as bullets whizzed by her.

The team climbed out of the car, shaken but not stirred. Shards of broken glass and several car parts were everywhere at the crash site, as the team tried to get their bearings.

N turned to face the drone who slaughtered the cartel members.

She had on standard combat gear, but something about her was different. N and the drone made direct eye contact while the others scan around for hostiles.

Her eyes.

Purple orbs.

Dull purple hair.






"Cover, cover!" Astolfo shouted, as 2 explosions rocked the ground, the shockwave titling the jeep a bit, almost like it was going to tilt over.

"All stations, we're engaging danger close, give me a sitrep when able." Graves gritted his teeth in both stress and concern, letting out a breath.

"Shadow-1, we're up! No casualties, Hassan is secure! N, what are doing, don't just fucking stand there!" Ghost called out, the drone seeming lost in his own world.

"Uzi?" N absentmindedly repeated under his breath, still processing how she could've came back, just standing there, the wind whipping his silver hair back.

He froze.

"Phantom, the hell are you doing?! Get your head in the game!" Ghost shouted at N in a panic, barely dodging a stray bullet and a glass shard. The sedan that T-Boned the jeep was now smoking, adding even more danger to the already FUBAR'd extraction.

You can't lose her again, big brother.