
Attack on titan with my pervert system

————— Mission: grab mikasa’s ass Reward: Add 4 to your strength Add a random talent Punishment for not completing: your dick will get cut off Completing it: she might start hating you —————- Looking at my system I can’t believe this absurd shit Notice: please don’t take this fanfic seriously! There is gonna be some netori and incest.... This is a fanfic focused on hentai as well as some fighting scenes (especially in bed) Also there is some lolicon? Just some kissing between mc and mikasa that’s all.....everyone seem to be hating on that on the review, but I don’t care......fbi got my back that I’m not a pedo

Binirubukuro · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 20

"A-albert....it's my turn" carla said as her body shakes while she held onto his shoulder to prevent herself from falling down as she felt her knees about to collapse from the pleasure.

Albert put his held both of her shoulder then pushed her against the wall by kissing her.

'I could feel his tongue, did he became good at this?' She thought while she felt albert's tongue playing with her.

"Carla, you look so sexy right now" albert muttered as he massage her plump breast.

"Ahh, albert, stop teasing me! I'm already this wet" she said while she breathe heavily as she feels albert's cock pushing against her belly.

Hearing her words, albert grabs his cock and started to tease her wet pussy.

"Mhmmh! Albert" she muttered while she felt his hard hot rod Rubbing against the entrance of her pussy.

'She's so wet that it feels like I could just put it all in' he thought then push his cock inside her hole making her feel the pleasure.

"AAAHHHN! If you put it in so suddenly.....I-I'm gonna cum" she muttered while she wrap her arms around his neck. Albert lifts her up by grabbing both of her legs making her wrap her legs around him.

"AAHHHH! AHHHHN NGGGGHHH!" Feeling his cock moving in and out of her pussy she started to scream her moan as she felt her pussy being stretched by him.

"Carla, your so tight! It feels so good being inside of you" albert whispered in her ears as he started to lick her neck then sucked on it marking her as his.

"Me too! I'm gonna go crazy from feeling you inside of me!" She said then bit on his neck leaving a bite mark on his neck.

Deanna on the other hand, is watching albert's back while carla bounces up and down as she hear her erotic moan. She started to feel horny as she felt her pussy getting wetter.

'Ahhh, was I moaning like that? I want to do it again, but I feel like I'm gonna go crazy if he fucks me like that again' she thought as she watch them having sex.

Time passed by, albert couldn't calm down as he start to switch from carla to deanna until they completely got worned out.

"Fuck....what happened to me" he muttered while he looks over to carla and deanna face down with semen coming out of the two.


Good job on an amazing feet!

You inherited bans immortality thus making you have infinite amount of stamina...


'Is that so? But I have to quickly clean this place up. It reeks of our bodily fluids' he thought then woke the two up.

"Hey! Deanna, carla, eren might come back soon. Let's clean up" he said then suddenly felt deanna hugging him.

"Albert, let's do it again, okay?" She whispered in his ear then suddenly felt her something wet touching his ear.

"Okay...." he said while carla looks at them while she looks at her pussy as alberts semen drips out of it.

'How many times did he came inside? I might get pregnant' she thought as she use a towel to wipe the semen that is on the floor.

"Deanna, let's talk later and albert, get out of here for a while we will clean this place" she said while wiping the floor as she is worried that eren will know about their relationship.

Albert complied as he has no reason to remain inside, but was curious what the two will talk about. Since he doesn't like to sneakily hear their conversation he decided to stop his curiosity.

As he is walking down the streets, he met annie and bertholdt with their head down while they look around the town.

He wants to talk to them, but decided not to as their mindset at this time is too different when they became an adult.

'I wonder what those two are talking about' he thought as he walk around the town.

Carla and deanna is inside the room with a serious face.

"Deanna, are you on your safe day? We might become pregnant. We didn't realize it, but albert came inside us a lot of times....." carla said with a serious expression, she is worried since if she got pregnant eren will know and knowing that eren is pretty smart and observant, he will know for sure about their relationship. Deanna being pregnant at the same time will not help them at all whatsoever.

"I'm on my safe day, but I don't care if he got me pregnant! Ahh~! I miss him already! I want to feel him inside me again!" She said while muttering the last part, carla frowned as she knows that deanna knows about mikasa and albert's relationship.

"What about mikasa? Are you okay with her knowing about you and albert? We might have agreed with this relationship, but mikasa doesn't know and she is crazy in love with albert" carla said, deanna shook her head then explained why mikasa will do anything for albert as long as albert is happy.





While walking, albert decided to check up on mikasa, as he is about to go in the door suddenly opened making him fell on to mikasa.

"A-albert? Did you came to see me?" She asks him while blushing heavily, albert looks at her blushing face and found it irresistible to not kiss her.

"Mikasa.... mhmmmh!"

"Fuaaah! Albert.....I was about to go to you, but what is this?" She said with an scary face while pointing at his neck.

'Shit! I forgot!' He thought as he saw the multiple biting marks on his neck left by deanna and carla.

"I-I don't know..." he said while he looks away from her scary gaze.

"This is a bite mark....who is it?" She asks him while inspecting the multiple bite marks on his neck.

"I-I'm sorry.....it's from deanna, I love you and deanna....If I'm being too greedy you can do whatever you want with me if you could forgive my greediness" he said with an apologetic look, mikasa started to calm down as she looks at his apologetic face.

"Do you love me?" She asks him suddenly, while she move her arms around his body.

"Yes! I want to be with you forever no matter what" he said as he look at her eyes getting closer and closer to him then suddenly felt her soft lips touching his lips.

"I love you, too albert, but you have to be more honest with me next time, okay?" She said as she let go of him.

"Yeah, I will" he said then stood up from their position, mikasa stood up as well then hug his arm.

'I'm glad she is okay with it, but I didn't tell her about carla....' he thought then decided to tell it to her in the future.

Time passed by peacefully, albert hangs out with his family and girls a lot of time. He decided to buy something for carla and deanna for the time when they felt lonely.



Pleasure pack (cost: 100) (a/n: decided to change it to this name)

Birth control pack (cost: 50)

Sex master pack (cost:1000)

Lust points available: 2000


'Buy pleasure pack' he said then suddenly a inventory UI thingy showed in front of him.

A/n: the one on games.....the inventory on games.

He saw various things placed on the boxes. Ropes, candles, sextoys, and a lot of other things used for having sex.

'Candles? I will never use this to carla and the others.....' he thought then click on the sex toys that he got and hid it on a box that has a letter on it for carla and deanna. He hid it on the bottom of his bed.

A/n: next will be the training camp arc, I will be uploading this sunday or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.....