
Attack On Titan: Towards Freedom

After fleeing inside the walls, Eren Kruger married an Ackerman, and they had a child, also named Eren. Although the couple knew their time was limited, they made the selfless decision to entrust their child to the Yeagers, hoping to secure a brighter future for him.Will Eren be finally free or will history repeat itself all over again. Please don't read this if you haven't watched the anime yet since it's crawling with spoilers :P. P.S This is my first novel so I apologize if there are mistakes in the Grammer. I won't finish this novel like the original writer hajime isayama. I hope you find this novel entertaining and worth your time. Note: I'll be making Eren and Levi as a strong duo. This novel also contain romance for some Eren x Mikasa shippers :3.

Usama_Saqib · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Yeagers

Grisha's thoughts lingered, remembering the friend who had entrusted him with a precious legacy. But as he gazed at Carla and their infant son, Eren, his heart swelled with hope. The darkness that had haunted them for so long not feeling the embrace of a child seemed to fade away, replaced by the warm glow of love and redemption.

Carla's gentle touch and soft smile chased away the shadows, reminding him that they had found happiness together. Their son's laughter and coos filled the air, a sweet serenade that filled their hearts with joy.

Carla whispered with a soft voice gently placing her beloved child in a cradle," You must be hungry little Eren."

As they sat together, watching Eren sleep peacefully in his cradle, Grisha knew that they had finally found what they had been searching for - a life free from the burdens of their past. Kruger's sacrifice would never be forgotten, but Grisha was determined to honor his friend's memory by living a life filled with love, hope, and purpose.

Carla nestled her head on Grisha's shoulder, her voice soft and gentle. "Darling, we've finally found the life we've yearned for, but..." She paused, her gaze drifting towards the crackling fireplace, the flames casting a warm glow on their wooden cottage. "I can't help but feel a pang of sorrow for Kruger and Karen. They deserve happiness too."

Grisha's eyes clouded, his thoughts consumed by the memories of their past. He remained silent for a moment, the only sound being the creaking of the old wooden beams and the soft hum of the wind outside. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and introspective. "Karen's health was already fragile, and giving birth to Eren only worsened her condition. I fear she's beyond recovery."

He paused, his hand instinctively reaching for the key in his pocket. It was an old key, worn and rusted, but it seemed to hold a secret. "As for Kruger..." Grisha's voice trailed off, his eyes gazing into the distance. "He's stubborn, refuses to tell me anything. All he gave me was this key while I was treating Karen." He held up the key, the firelight dancing across its rough surface. "I don't know what it unlocks, but he told me to give it to Eren once he turn 10."

Interrupting him, Carla's hands gently traced Grisha's cheeks, her eyes filled with concern. "And what about Eren? I worry about his health - he didn't contract the disease himself, did he?"

Grisha's expression turned solemn. "No, Karen was cured, but her immune system was too weak to fight off the aftermath of the disease."

Carla's gaze intensified, her voice laced with worry. "But he's so young and vulnerable..."

Grisha's face set in determination. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to inject him with the serum. Even if he did catch the disease for himself, it would be easy to treat him and prevent any long-term effects."

The fire crackled, casting flickering shadows on the walls as the tension in the room eased slightly, the couple's concern for Eren's well-being palpable in the silence that followed.

Once again Carla broke the silence saying, "And, and what are we going to do about Eren's food? He cannot eat right, he's just a kid." Carla's expression further worsened. "We have to find someone who can breastfeed Eren as soon as possible, he might already be hungry."

Grisha chuckled breaking the tense environment "Ahahahaha, you've always been a worrywart! Don't you remember we visited your sister Karol recently to congratulate her on the birth of her daughter?"

"She can breastfeed Eren. Right?" As he spoke, his hands gently squeezed her shoulders, reassuring her. Carla suddenly gave a haughty expression, conveying her embarrassment. "Oh, yeah... I forgot."

Grisha's smile widened, getting happy for Carla's concern for Eren, since he thought it'd be a bit difficult for her to take over the role of Eren's mother. He was pleased to see her stepping into this new responsibility with such dedication and love.

Without further ado, the couple hastily prepared themselves for their visit to Karol's house. Grisha, already dressed in his work attire for his job in the interior, had been delayed by Kruger's unexpected arrival, which had coincided with the peak sun hours.Meanwhile, Carla, notorious for taking hours to get ready even for a quick trip to the nearby market, surprised Grisha by swiftly completing her preparations.

As they stepped out, the sun cast a warm glow, its rays slanting slightly, indicating the day was well underway. The streets were bustling with people engaged in their daily labors, the sound of hammering and chatter filling the air. With the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from a nearby bakery, Grisha and Carla joined the lively scene, their footsteps blending with the rhythm of the town, as they walked towards Karol's house, situated near the gate that connected Shiganshina with Wall Maria gently holding their little one.

After a leisurely stroll of thirty minutes, the Yeagers arrived at a newly built residence, its wooden facade radiating a warm, inviting glow. The house's exterior was adorned with intricate carvings of leaves and vines, adding a touch of whimsy to its sturdy structure. Grisha and Carla ascended three stone slabs, leading them to a sturdy oak door adorned with a beautiful door knocker in the shape of a lion's head.

Grisha's hand rose, his knuckles rapping gently on the door. It swung open to reveal Jacob Ackerman, a fair-skinned man in his mid-thirties with short blond hair, gold-colored eyes, and a hint of stubble on his chin. "Well, well, look who it is! Nice to see you again, Doc," Jacob said with a warm smile, his gaze shifting to Carla, who cradled a small white bundle in her arms. A flicker of confusion crossed his face, but he beckoned them in, avoiding further conversation on the porch.

As they entered, the soft creak of the door announced their arrival. The interior was cozy, with plush furnishings and warm lighting that cast a golden glow. The air was filled with the savory aroma of roasting meat and freshly baked bread, making their mouths water in anticipation. The walls were adorned with family portraits and shelves lined with books, giving the space a warm, personal touch.

A grand stone fireplace stood at the far end of the room, its hearth crackling with a low fire that added to the welcoming ambiance. Karol, Jacob's wife, was busy in the kitchen, her slender figure moving with grace as she prepared a meal for her husband's return. The sound of sizzling meat and clinking pots created a soothing melody, making the Yeagers feel at ease in the Ackerman's home.

A gentle and calm voice floated from the kitchen, "Who is it, honey?" To which Jacob responded with a playful hint, "Come and find out yourself." A moment later, Karol emerged from the kitchen, her black hair framing her heart-shaped face, with bangs that parted in the middle and fell just below her eyes. Her gray eyes, though tired, shone with a warm serenity, and a soft smile graced her lips. A faint smudge of flour on her cheek and the apron wrapped around her waist testified to her culinary endeavors. As she entered the room, her gaze shifted from Jacob to the Yeagers, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of Carla cradling a small white bundle in her arms.

Karol's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she approached the trio, her hands wiping gently on her apron. "Well, well, well! Look what we have here! Visitors, and with a little bundle of joy, no less!" She smiled warmly at Carla, her eyes shining with excitement. "And who might this little one be?" she asked, her gaze tenderly fixed on the small white bundle in Carla's arms.

Karol's fingers grazed Eren's downy cheeks, her eyes locking onto Carla's with an unspoken understanding. The air was heavy with emotion as she whispered, "He's...he's so cute Carla " Her gaze burned with a deep longing, her voice trembling with restrained joy,"Carla I... I'm so happy for you."

Carla's smile illuminated the room, her eyes shining with happiness. "Yes, this is Eren, our son," she replied, her voice barely audible. The words hung in the air like a promise, filling the space with a sense of hope and new beginnings.

As the truth settled around them, Jacob and Karol exchanged a glance, their faces softening with understanding. Without a word, they enveloped Carla and Grisha in a warm embrace, their congratulations and blessings pouring out like a benediction.

The room was filled with the sweet scent of freshly baked bread, the warmth of the fireplace, and the gentle hum of newfound joy. In that moment, Karol's eyes shone with tears, her heart overflowing with happiness for her dear sister, finally finding the love and family she deserved.

Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter though I wanted to extend it a bit , but I think this much is enough I'll make sure to slowly improve my writing skills and also the lengths of my chapters. Thank you for your support it motivates me a lot.

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