
Attack On Titan: Towards Freedom

After fleeing inside the walls, Eren Kruger married an Ackerman, and they had a child, also named Eren. Although the couple knew their time was limited, they made the selfless decision to entrust their child to the Yeagers, hoping to secure a brighter future for him.Will Eren be finally free or will history repeat itself all over again. Please don't read this if you haven't watched the anime yet since it's crawling with spoilers :P. P.S This is my first novel so I apologize if there are mistakes in the Grammer. I won't finish this novel like the original writer hajime isayama. I hope you find this novel entertaining and worth your time. Note: I'll be making Eren and Levi as a strong duo. This novel also contain romance for some Eren x Mikasa shippers :3.

Usama_Saqib · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


"You are free".

These words resonated deeply in the boy's mind. Eren Kruger's wife had just given birth to a baby boy(Year 835, March 30th), whom they named after his father - Eren.

"Your name is Eren Ackerman." he whispered.

In this temporary facade of peace. Eren Kruger revelead his intentions on giving his newly born child to the Yeagers no matter how much it pained him.

"Are you out of your mind", Karen shouted.

Despite their countless arguments about it, Karen had always hoped to find an alternative, but she knew they had run out of options. It pained her to accept that she would be separated from her precious little one, yet she continued to argue, desperately trying to escape the harsh reality.

"Why would we give our child to the Yeagers"

In the utter silence Kruger replied "I'm sorry but both of us are aware that our days are numbered and there is no other option.....".

Both of them knew it was for the greater good and that they won't be able to look after the boy. Karen suffered from a pandemic that was cured by the top qualified doctor of Shiganshina district Grisha Yeager (Kruger's trusted companion) but it was too late for her to recover from the aftermath of the disease. As for Kruger he had pressing matter in the interior, which prevented him for looking after his child.

"Quit your yapping, Kruger!"

A tall man with shoulder-length brown hair, sideburns, a thin beard along his jawline, and piercing gray eyes bordered by crow's feet stood by the door, his gaze fixed on the boy held gently by Karen interrupted the couple.

"Kenny? What are you doing here?"

Karen asked, a hint of surprise in her voice. Kenny's gaze shifted slowly and menacingly to Eren Kruger.

"I'm here to get you"

he said curtly.

"Let's go, Karen. I'm not letting you stay with this guy anymore."

Kenny's overprotectiveness stemmed from the loss of his sister; he couldn't bear the thought of losing another sibling. Despite Grisha Yeager's grim prognosis - that their sister wouldn't survive past autumn - Kenny had been scouring the underground for professionals, clinging to the hope of a miraculous cure.

"What are you doing here ? I thought I warned you that the military police is searching all over for you" Eren asked,

Kenny's expression remained unyielding, his voice unwavering," Your warning falls on deaf ears. Now that Karen has given birth to that brat I'm taking her with me. I'll get her the treatement she needs in the underground, by force if necessary "

Eren's calm response hung in the air like a challenge, his words dripping with a quiet resignation. "Very well, have it your way." The silence that followed was oppressive, both siblings frozen in shock at Eren's unexpected surrender. Karen's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart racing with a mix of fear and desperation. Though she knew this day would come but it was too early.

"Karen, I'm sending you off with Kenny tomorrow," Eren continued, his voice devoid of emotion. "You can stay with our child till then. After dawn, I'll be heading to Shiganshina... and give our child to the Yeagers." The words hung in the air like a death sentence, the weight of Eren's words crushing the room. Karen's eyes pleaded with him, tears welling up as she grasped the enormity of his decision.

Karen's countenance betrayed her resigned acquiescence, her voice barely audible as she whispered, "Alright, as you say, my love." Tears cascaded down her cheeks like autumn rain, her sapphire eyes brimming with remorse and longing. She felt the cruel hand of fate wrenching her away from the tender moments she yearned to share with her infant son, the bitter taste of reality suffocating her. The brevity of their time together was a poignant reminder of the unforgiving world, which seemed determined to truncate their joy. Her heart heavy with sorrow, Karen succumbed to the inevitable, her spirit crushed by the weight of their circumstances.

"Alright so it's decided then, pack your things, Karen," Kenny's voice cracked with emotion, the words tumbling out in a low, husky tone, like a lamentation. "We will also be leaving by dawn." The sorrow in his voice was palpable, a poignant counterpoint to the harsh reality of their situation. The softness of his tone belied the steel in his eyes.

Karen had barely held her newborn close, and already their time together was slipping away. Before she knew it, the moment to say goodbye had arrived, leaving her with a sense of longing and a heart full of sorrow.

As the unforgiving sun burst forth from the distant horizon, its golden rays piercing the sky like a thousand daggers, Karen and Eren were forced to confront the cruel fate that had been ordained for their family. The moment of parting had arrived, and with it, the agonizing realization that their child would be torn from their embrace, leaving behind only the echoes of memories and the haunting sorrow of separation. The sun's rise was a merciless reminder that time waited for no one, and that the harsh realities of their world would not be swayed by the tears and pleas of a grieving mother.

Karen's eyes clung to her child, her arms wrapped around him like a shield, as if she could protect him from the fate that awaited. The sound of his wails echoed through her soul, a haunting melody that seemed to sense the impending separation. The horses' approach was a harbinger of doom, each hoofbeat a countdown to the moment she would be torn from her child's embrace. Kenny's somber gaze and the horses' majestic yet mournful presence seemed to acknowledge the heartbreak that was to come.

Eren's hand on her shoulder was a poignant reminder of the love they shared, now tinged with the sorrow of their impossible choice.

His apology was a whispered lament, a desperate plea for understanding in the face of unbearable sacrifice. "I'm sorry, Karen... I know you'll hate me for my decision, but we have no other choice. If only one of us could be there for our child..." The words hung in the air like a dirge, a eulogy for the family they could no longer be.

"We had no other choice...," Karen whispered, her voice cracking with sorrow. "My heart aches to think of our child growing up without us, but I pray he finds happiness". She yearned to spend her life forever with her husband, her soulmate, and their precious child, but fate had torn them apart. Yet, she clung to the memories of their brief time together, cherishing every moment, every smile, every whisper of love.

Karen softly sang a goodbye lullaby to her child, her voice barely audible. With a gentle whisper, she said, "Live a long life, my child." These were her final words, as she feared that speaking further would unleash a new wave of tears, her heart already heavy with sorrow.

Kenny approached the couple. His gaze fixed on Eren's eyes, which seemed lifeless and vacant.

"Kruger, it's time," Kenny said, his voice low and sorrowful. "We must leave."

Eren nodded, his eyes still fixed on his child. Karen's tears began to fall again, her body shaking with grief.

"I'll carry our child," Eren said, his voice cracking.

"You ride alongside me, Karen.",Kenny turning his back on them since he didn't have enough courage to look at her beloved sibling. Eren helped Karen mount on the horse and gave her a goodbye kiss.

With one last glance at her child, she turned away, her hearts shattered into a million pieces. As they disappeared in the horizon Kruger knew it was time.

"Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support. I'm only 17, so I'm still learning and growing as a student and not as a writer , and I appreciate your understanding. I can't promise when the next chapter will be ready, but I'm working hard to make it the best it can be. Thank you again for your encouragement and support - it means a lot to me!"

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