
Attack on Titan: Salvation

What if, you were given a chance to live again? Would you like to live peacefully as the strongest being, with a huge entourage of mindless women at your behest, or change the dark fate of the people whom you have grown to love over the years. Follow the journey of the OC, as he tries to save the world, no matter what the cost. *** Mc is going to be a bit like KDJ. Not going to end up like him tho ;) If you like the book, just add to library and enjoy the releases. I don't own the cover nor claim the AoT franchise. This is just a Fanfic. Do drop some of those sweet power stones. Thanks in advance!

King_Admiral_ · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


<<Armin POV>>

'Why am I like this?'

Curled up in a pathetic attempt to protect myself, being roughed up by these bunch of fools, I would often ask myself this particular question.

'Why was I so weak?'

'Why can't I defend myself?'

Such thought had become a daily routine for me. And, as of now, I could say with confidence, that pain is my only friend. My best friend, even.

'Is it really wrong to want to be curious?'

Just because we have different interests, they make it their mission to make me suffer. They smile as I grovel, with a body full of new bruises, as if I'm just a bug that deserved to be crushed.

Yet, even as those idiots beat me up, I could do nothing bear it. Aren't I pathetic?

No matter what I say, they just ignore it. They call me names, just because I talked about the walls. And, as of late, these buffoons began acting as some shitty warriors of justice, making me to be the bad guy.

After these snot-faces had their fair share of 'fun', they carried on as they laughed, acting proud after a great day of 'work'.

"Worthless donkey assholes." I muttered, for it the only thing I could do.

In the end, I sat against the wall, doing the only thing I was best at, controlling my urge to cry. Another wonderful day for dear old me.

Just then, I noticed another boy coming towards me. With pitch black hair, accentuating his grey eyes that glinted in the darkness of the alley, he walked up to me with an air of confidence.

'Another one…' There were always people like this, who act like they help me, only to pummel me to the ground again. Then, they would start laughing, as if it were a great joke…

To my dismay, there were two of them. 'Of course, I would get beaten up double time. How great…'

Once again, I curled up as a ball, expecting the new kids to follow up on those bullies. But, the pain I expected never came. Looking through the slits of my arms, that covered my head, I was quite surprised.

Up closer, I could see the small height disparity between the two people, who looked almost identical. But, it still took me a while to realize that, attributing the fact to their strange countenance.

The taller one, looking straight into my eyes, with a cold expression, asked me a question.

"Why didn't you fight back?"

I just stared at him, confused by his actions. Instead, he stood still, as if he were waiting for an answer.

"What…?" I muttered as I tried to comprehend my situation.

"You lost to those idiots, who beat you up, only because you didn't fight back? So, why didn't you do it?"

"Yep. You look like a stick, but you could've landed a punch." The shorter one, with a playful expression, continued.

"Eren, what did I say about interrupting a conversation?" The taller one said, looking visibly ticked off.

"But, he wasn't even talking to you! How about you shut it!" Retorted the shorter one, as they seemingly forgot about my existence.

And so, they continued bickering, leaving me to my own thoughts. More like conspiracy theories, but anyway.

'Am I hallucinating from pain, or something? No way people would talk to me so nicely, right?' Surely, the titans invading the walls had greater chance than that happening!

With a wry smile, I was once again brought back to reality by the twins. Sporting another scrutinizing look, he questioned me for the third time.

"So, why didn't you do it?"

"Why did you accept defeat?" He shorter twin chimed in, earning a look of surprise(?) From the taller one.

'Are they seriously… these guys were really talking to me?!' An odd feeling surfaced in my chest as I felt short of breath. Even though my mind felt surprisingly clear, I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Well, say something will you?"

"I-I didn't lose-" I said, almost choking at my words. And surprisingly enough, the twins didn't laugh or snicker. Instead, they looked rather intrigued.

Gathering every last bit of my leftover courage, I spoke as calmly as I possibly could,

"-B-because I d-didn't run away."

At those words, a certain piercing silence descended upon the alley. For a few seconds, not a single word was spoken, as we continued to stare at each other.

Finally, the taller one, with a look of scrutiny, slowly raised his hand. Almost immediately, I hid away in the safety of my arms, feeling like an idiot for believing in them. For deluding myself that they would hold a proper conversation with me.

'How stupid of me...' I chided myself. Of course, I would be beaten up. Me and my damn mouth.

Truly, I was a dumb and pathetic idiot.

Resigning myself to fate, once again, I steeled myself to endure the pain. And, as if to mock my foolishness, once again, the pain never came.

"What are you doing?" A voice laced with concern made its way to my ears. Through the gaps, I could see an arm, held up to my face, almost as if it were beckoning me to stand up.

Looking up to his face, I could see a warm smile, as if the indifference he showed were all but a lie. With a hint of hesitation, I took his arm and propped myself up.

In a swift motion, that was undoubtedly inhuman, he patted my head, brushing the dust off of it.

"Yep. I might wake up any minute now." I spoke my thoughts out loud, much to my embarrassment, earning a chuckle from the twins.

"Well, you might." The taller one said, as my cheeks visibly reddened.

"Jokes aside, my name's Karl, and that idiot over there is my brother, Eren. What's yours?"

"I'm not an idiot! You are!" The sho-Eren said, flailing his arms to prove his point. Yet, it only served to make Karl smile at his antics.

And there I was, still unable to process this info. In utter disbelief, I was able to mutter out my name.


"Well, Armin, will you be our friend?"


With the sweltering heat of the sun high in the sky, I made my way through the crowded streets to my rendezvous. As the dry air brushed past my sweating figure, I just couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Taking deep breaths, I ran faster than I ever thought I could. It was a new and refreshing feeling, a rush, I think.

All due to the fact that yesterday, I found myself in an utterly incomprehensible scenario. And, much to my relief, I had not been dreaming at all!

I did it! I now have friends! And, not one, but two!! Isn't this just the absolute best?!

Quickly escaping the market crowd, I found myself at the edge of the riverbank. With it's usual pearly shine, the river flowed with a certain soft glow. Admiring the clear blue flow in silence, I couldn't help but wonder…

"Over here!"

A familiar voice broke my stupor, at which, I turned towards with bubbling excitement. A little further, I could see my new friends, Karl and Eren, standing to the side of a pole, waving towards me.

I waved back as I walked up to the brothers, the smile on my face refusing to fade.

Gramps said I should make a good impression at the earliest if I wanted to keep being friends. But, my first impression was not really great… Still, I can hope, right?

Standing before them, Karl quickly held his hand out to me.

"H-hello, Karl and Eren. The weather is great today, right?" I started off with basic etiquette. This was the best way, according to Gramps' teachings.

"Yeah, hi Armin." Eren said with a cheery smile, followed by Karl. Okay, that worked! Gramps, you're the best!

"What are we doing today?" If they had no plans, then I could start off with the games Gramps taught me. Like All-out, Chase, etc.

"Ah, right! Just wait a second!" Karl said as he rummaged through his pockets. Is he going to take out pebbles?

"Here! This one's for you." He said holding one of the recently popular Candy Rocks.

"Oh, no. I don't-" was all I could say before he shoved it in my hands. With a satisfied grin, he took out two other candies, popping one in his mouth, while playing around with the other one.

"Just take it! I still have more." Well, Gramps did say it was rude to reject benevolent friends, so I couldn't protest now, could I?

"Big bro! Where's mine?" Eren asked, eyeing the candy in Karl's hands. It was a rhetorical question, from what I understood.

"Oh right!" He began checking his pockets. Eren beamed as he waited patiently for his Candy Rocks. Seems like he liked them quite a bit.

Calmly, Karl took his fist out and then pointed towards the grass and said "There."

At that, Eren grimly stared at the grass and then at Karl, with his mouth agape and teary eyes, as Karl continued to enjoy his candy with a smug grin.

'Is it some kind of running joke…?' I thought as I chuckled along with Karl.

Surely, these odd pair of twins would be great friends, right?

If you had a time machine, I'd 'BORROW' it from you to 'GREET' the guy who made exams...

I'll try for a regular schedule from now on, but no promises. Sorry :(

But, damn, you guys sure kept the FF alive! So, Thank You all for sticking with me!!!

And, as always,

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Don't forget to drop some of those sweet and juicy power stones!


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