
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 4: Bonds and Dreams


5 years had slipped by, and in that time, a peculiar harmony had settled between Roku and Levi.

While Roku navigated the treacherous paths of the underground dealing with gangs to sustain them, Levi dedicated himself to maintaining their meager dwelling.

Upon Roku's return one day, dust swirling around him, Levi's brows furrowed in disapproval. "Roku, look at this mess! I just cleaned!" 

Roku chuckled, "I can't help it; the underground's not exactly clean."

Levi's obsession with tidiness was remarkable, a trait that brought both amusement and understanding between them.

Their interactions were laced with such contrasts, yet an unspoken understanding had woven its way into their daily lives.

In one fateful night, Roku encountered a figure stumbling in the darkness, reeking of alcohol—the unmistakable silhouette of the man he hated.

Destiny seemed to conspire, intertwining Roku's life with the enigmatic old man once more. "Roku?? You have grown you damned brat" slurred Kenny, attempting to steady himself. 

"Get off my way old man, what are you even doing here?!" Roku said aggressively, 

Kenny leaned against a crumbling wall, the dim light casting shadows across his weathered face. 

"Don't leave now boy, I have things to tell you,"

Roku stopped and turned to him, "I don't want to hear any crap from a drunk old man!!"

"Do you want to know who is your mother?" Kenny asked, 

Kenny's question grabbed Roku's attention, "What would you know about her?"

"She was a friend of Kuchel, her name was Mieth Ness, she was a fine woman, she looked exactly like you,"

Roku wasn't much interested in the past, "The past is the past, knowing my mother or not, It won't change anything" Roku said bluntly

"More importantly why did you leave Levi in the streets back then? it seems you got a hobby of throwing children into the streets" Roku said reminding him of what he did to him too,

Kenny chuckled, "You found that little brat, it seems brats attract each other like magnets or something," he said sarcastically

"I had business with royalty, In the upper world so I had to leave him" Kenny stated,

"Why does an old dirty man like you have business with the royalty?" Roku insulted him,

"We the Ackermans were once a proud family. We were the guardians, fierce and loyal. We served the monarchy with unwavering dedication."

"The monarchy?" Roku's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, but power changes hands, and those who once revered us grew wary of our strength. They feared what we could do," Kenny's voice carried a hint of bitterness.

"They erased our history, buried our legacy in secrecy."

"Erased?" Roku's disbelief was evident.

"Yes. They wanted to control us, to strip away our power," Kenny explained, his gaze fixated on the distant horizon.

"But the blood of the Ackermans runs deep, Roku. It's in your veins, in mine."

"In my veins? Am I an Ackerman?" Roku asked

"I think you are, back then I heard from Kuchel that your father was one, but your mother was normal," Kenny said

"And what power were you talking about?" Roku pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"The strength. The unyielding determination. The Ackermans possess abilities beyond the norm—strength that defies explanation," Kenny divulged, his eyes meeting Roku's.

"Our strength was feared, our loyalty exploited, and our identity concealed."

"Exploited?" Roku's voice trembled with a mixture of confusion and realization.

"We were used as tools, Roku. Tools in a game of power," Kenny's voice grew somber. 

"But you have a chance to reclaim what was lost. To break free from these shadows."

Roku absorbed Kenny's words, the weight of their legacy sinking in.

"And leaving the Underground will help me do that?"

"Leaving the Underground?!" Kenny burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the desolate streets.

"You dream big, kid." 

Roku's expression hardened, regret tainting his previous comfort in Kenny's presence.

"I don't belong here," Roku muttered, "I want to leave this damned place along with Levi, I want him to live happily"

Kenny's gaze bore into Roku's, a glint of hope flickering in his eyes.

"I think that brat is in good hands," Kenny said as he coughed

Their dialogue, an exchange of desires and origins, painted a poignant picture of their differing perspectives. 


End of the Chapter

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