
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 3: Sheltered in Shadows


Roku, a young boy known for his ability to take down grown men in the underground, lived by his own rules, relying on his strength and wits to survive each day.

As Roku observed a disturbing scene unfolding in the crowded streets of the underground, he couldn't ignore the young boy mercilessly beating an elderly man. 

Pushing through the crowds, he approached the fray. When he caught sight of the boy's face, he knew the boy.

"Get lost," the boy snapped as Roku drew near, his eyes ablaze with defiance.

"Are you Levi?" Roku inquired, cutting through the chaos. 

Levi's expression shifted from hostility to confusion. "How do you know my name? Who are you?" he demanded, his guard raised.

"You might not remember me, but come with me," Roku urged, reaching out to grasp Levi's hand.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Levi complied, and together they swiftly slipped away from the crowd, disappearing into a nearby alleyway.

As they caught their breath, Roku broached the subject delicately. 

"My name is Roku. We used to live together five years ago. What happened to Aunt Kuchel?" 

Levi recoiled slightly at the mention of his late mother, his voice trembling as he delivered the devastating news. 

"She died," he whispered, his eyes clouded with sorrow.

Grief pierced Roku's heart at the hearing of Aunt Kuchel's death. She had been more than just a caregiver to him; she had been a mother. 

"Let's find somewhere safe first," Roku suggested, guiding Levi to his place.

"Make yourself at home," Roku offered as they entered the room. 

Levi surveyed the surroundings, noting the lack of opulence but appreciating the shelter nonetheless. 

Roku disappeared briefly, returning with a large barrel filled with water. "This is for bathing. Take your time, I will be waiting outside" he instructed,

Levi was taken aback by Roku's unexpected kindness, a stark contrast to the harsh reality he had grown accustomed to. 

After a soothing bath, Levi emerged feeling refreshed, he walked outside.

"I'm done," he announced tentatively.

"You look better," Roku remarked with a warm smile, genuinely pleased to see Levi in better spirits. While Levi hesitated, uncertain of his place in this newfound sanctuary, Roku busied himself with tidying up the bed.

"So, how did you end up like this?" Roku inquired gently,

"After my mother's death, a strange man came to me, he took care of me for a month or something, then he left me in the streets" Levi answered, 

"And who is that man?" Roku asked, 

"His name was Kenny Ackerman," Levi answered

Recognition flickered in Roku's eyes at the mention of the name, his expression darkening with displeasure. 

"Do you know him?" Levi asked, sensing Roku's unease. 

Roku paused then answered, "Yes, I know him. He's an idiotic old man, and he was the reason Aunt Kuchel left me," Roku said with anger in his voice,

"Levi, you take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor. It's okay." Levi hesitated, not used to such kindness from someone he barely knew. 


"It's settled," Roku said firmly, a small smile touching his lips.

"You're part of my family now. Kuchel wouldn't want us fighting over a bed."

As night fell, the room was filled with a silent understanding between the two boys—Roku's determination to protect Levi and Levi's cautious willingness to trust in this newfound bond.

As the dawn painted a faint glow across the room, Roku gently nudged Levi awake.

"Levi, time to get up and clean up," he urged, coaxing Levi out of his slumber. Before Roku could guide Levi towards the washroom, a sequence of knocks reverberated through the door.

Roku approached and opened it, revealing a young girl.

"Roku, hi! I brought something for you." the girl's face lit up with a warm smile as she balanced a small basket brimming with parcels wrapped in cloth. Roku returned her smile.

"Marie! It's good to see you. Come on in." As Marie entered, her gaze scanned the room, settling on the still-rubbing-eyes Levi. "Levi, this is Marie. Marie, meet Levi," Roku introduced them, noticing Levi's confusion at the newcomer's presence.

Levi greeted her while still trying to shake off his drowsiness.

Marie explained, "I brought some food for Roku. He helped rescue my mom and me from some trouble we had a while back, and we wanted to thank him."

As the three settled around the table, Marie unveiled the food, filling the room with inviting aromas.

A conversation ensued, albeit a bit awkward at first, with Levi quietly observing as Roku and Marie engaged in small talk.

 "So, Roku, how's everything been?" Marie inquired, glancing between Roku and Levi. Roku shared glimpses of his life in the underground, emphasizing his struggles and efforts to navigate the harsh environment.

Levi listened intently, absorbing the details of Roku's narrative. Marie's expression softened.

"You've been through a lot. Thank you for helping us." With a genuine smile, Marie bid her farewells, expressing her gratitude to Roku once more before leaving, leaving Levi with a sense of curiosity and wonder about the encounter.


End of the Chapter

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