
Attack on Titan: Ackerman's Destiny

Guy gets the chance to reincarnate in an anime world and chooses attack on titan. The most overpowered ackerman will be born and will cause a storm in the AOT world. Non-harem, Overpowered from the start, Wishfulfillemt I didn't want to write about a mc with a titian transformation so if you want one with a transformation this fanfic isn't for you. PS: I know you see this in like every synthesis but it's actually true. First time writing and if you don't believe me go to my original works this is my first time writing. The mc is going to be paired with Mikasa, I know insect, but Mikasa is best wifu in AOT :-)

JOESMO · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Making moves

It's been about 2 months since my talk with Eren and it's been going well. I have been hanging out with him more and solidifying our bond. We are currently hanging out on the same stairwell we talked about our dreams 2 months ago.

"HEY!! Eren, Yuto" said a blond kid.

And look who it is, its Armin, the third member of our little group. Armin has a weaker build, not malnourished but no muscle. He has blond hair and blue eyes and he is 3 and a half feet tall while Eren is 3 foot 6 and I'm 3 foot 10. Armin is normally a shy and nervous guy but with us, he is almost as loud as Eren.

We meet him about a month ago when we stumbled on him getting bullied and saved him.


"Hey Eren, what are we doing here again?" I could only look on with an annoyed face.

We have been walking for hours and I just got dragged along with him to who knows where.

"We are shopping for food for my mother but she says we need specific ingredients for dinner that are hard to find. Just hurry up, all the good shops are going to close soon," said Eren, as he drags me along with him.

We kept running trying to make it to the stores, but out of the corner of my eye, in an alley, I see a kid with blond hair getting pummeled by a group of older kids. There were 3 older kids pummeling the younger one, the younger one was on the ground, curled up into a ball with held his head down trying not to get hit.

I looked closer look and thought I knew him from somewhere and then I noticed his blue eyes and at that moment, I pieced it together; it was Armin.

"Eren! someone's is in trouble, I'm going to help out," I shouted.

"Huh, what are you-" he was about to say something until he heard a shout filled with pain. He turned around and, saw a bunch of bigger kids beating a smaller kid. He started to dash at them gritting his teeth with rage, hoping to teach those older kids a lesson. However, I got there way faster than him.

As I was approaching, I launched myself in the air at the first kid. He was about 4 foot 6, taller than me by a little over a head with an average build. He didn't notice me, but his friend did, "HEY BRO WATCH OUT!"

But unfortunately for him, he was too slow.

I jumped into the air extending my foot out, intending to side-kick him in the face, which resulted in a loud scream filled with pain and probably a concussion. I landed and before the other two could register what happened I ran to one of them and it was the guy that warned the first one. I got to him in a second and punched him in the face. He stumbled back a little and roared in anger, "OUCH! YOU BASTARD, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT." He threw a punch of his own, intending to hit me in the face with as much force as possible, but I quickly bent down and at the same time, sidestepped to the left and palm struck his solar plexus. He gasped for air and stumbled back a little while clutching his midsection in pain, instantly before he could get his bearings, I jumped up and spun in the air and roundhouse kicked him in the face. And sent flying into the wall with a bloodied face and broken jaw.....

'Ha… note to self, maybe I should tone it down some more', I sheepishly thought.

I looked at the last one, and he was completely paralyzed with fear and on the verge of pissing himself. I took one step forward, but before I could go any further he ran away screaming so fast with what I can only describe as... a face that reminds me of Luffy when Nami is about to kick his ass...

I could only stand there in bewilderment as I heard him scream, "AAAAHHHHHHHH, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I'LL BE A GOOD BOY NOW, I SWEAR IT" while he is just running farther and farther.

'Umm... Sorry,' I thought as I sheepishly rub the back of my head.

'Well, that was interesting,' I thought.

I turn around to extend my hand to Armin but he and Eren just stare in shock. 'O yeah, Eren has never seen me fight and I just literally met Armin so it's only natural that they are so surprised, but I need to make sure Armin is alright.

"Uh, hey are you alright?" I asked.

Armin took a minute to respond and said, "Yeah I'll be okay, and thank you for saving, here please tak-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Eren comes out of his shock," YUTO"

I did a quick glance at Armin to make sure he was truly alright and deduced he will be okay after a couple of days. I turned to Eren, "Yeah, Eren?"


'They were ants at best. And I wasn't going 100 percent but if I did they be dead...'

I have an assumed grin on my face and thought to tease Eren, "Hehehehe, well that Eren, I just..."

I kept holding the st and looked at him and could see he was dying to know how I did that.

"Not telling," I finally replied with crossed arms with a smug smile.

"AAAHH!, come on, please. It will help me in becoming a scout," Eren said.

Hmmm, he actually brings out a good point but I plan on leaving this district soon so I won't be able to properly train him.

*Light bulb goes off*

Ha, I got it, I'll just make a training guide. I don't plan on giving him any advanced techniques because I know he will end up skipping the steps he needs to master before attempting them, but I will give him the basics of hand-to-hand and a routine of exercise and stuff about general nutrition to get him in good shape and I'll do the same with Armin. I plan to toughen them up before the wall breach to have a better chance of surviving.

*Fashback End*

Anyway, that's how we became a trio. I look back at Armin to see what he wanted to say.

"Guys, look what I found in my grandpa's old boxes, I found a really cool book."

"Huh, what are you talking about Armin?" said Eren.

'Ahh, is it really that time,' I thought.

"Well, it's a book about the outside! And it talks about different things out there, for example, there is this one thing called the sea," Armin said brightly with a smile.

"What?" Eren and I said, with me acting surprised.

"Yeah, in this book, it says there is a body of water so large that it covers almost the whole world. And fields of ice and mountains that take days to climb!!"

"Wow! That does sound cool," said Eren.

"I know right, hey guys when we're older we should go see it for ourselves," said Armin.

"Yeah, and we can see the outside world by joining the scouts!" joined in Eren.

"I completely agree," said Armin.

"What do you say Yuto, you in or what?" Eren turned to me with an expecting face.

I gave a smile and said, "Of course, I'm with you all the way."

(GHAAA I actually felt cringe when writing that line)

"ALRIGHT, it's decided, when we are all older we will join the scouts to see the outside world," shouted Eren while giving a bright smile. Armin and I give smiles of our own as well.

But that smile faded on my face because I couldn't help but feel bad.

I plan on leaving Shiganshina in a month to go to Mitras. I decided on it because it make thinkgs work better for my plan.

But I'm going to miss these times with these two. I need to tell them about it soon.

*Sigh* so much shit to do.

*One Month Later near the gate of Shiganshina District*

"D-d-do y-you really have to leave?" said Eren while looking down and crying.

"Y-y-yeah, wh-why do you have to leave, Yuto" Armin said while also doing the same.

I look back and turn back at them and couldn't help but feel a little bad. I spent 2 months with these guys having lots of fun, but I have to go, I have to stop the apocalypses from ever happening, and to ensure our survival, I need to get going.

"Guys guys, don't be sad, I promise I will see you guys again. When we become of age to join the military we'll see each other again. And remember... this isn't goodbye it's a see you later" I said while giving them a bright smile.

Eren and Armin look at each other before nodding and giving a small smile of their own and saying, "You better keep that promise!"

"I promise," I said giving a smile in return.

"Common let's go, kid!" said an old man driving the carriage. He is going to Mitras, I asked this guy to take me with him and I told him I'll give you a gold coin and he happily agreed.

I turn and jump in the carriage and stick my head out the window while shouting, "Remember our promise guys!!"

They said something in return but I couldn't hear them, I was already too far away but I saw their smiles and was glad they were okay now. I turn back and sat down and started to think about the plan in my head.

The first thing to do is find contractors and mercenaries to hire and make an agency with them. I need people I can trust. And the best way to have people you can trust is by giving them salvation.

*Sigh* looks like the underground city we go. I thought about hiring mercenaries and contractors off the road and that will work and I plan to in the future but it's not a good idea to make my executives that are going to run big things for the agency and companies be from off the road.

There is a good chance that they would just sell me out for the right price. I want someone loyal, I can teach them about the field they are assigned to myself and then they can work from there, that is much safer and better.

And for the ones that have no talent in engineering, I'll train them to be warriors. Yeah, that seems like a good plan.


I'm tired. I feel like taking a nap, I'll probably reach Mitras in a couple of hours. Sweet dreams me.


Author Note: I just wanted to say, I don't have a update schedule. I'm a high school student that works on stuff on the side so I have stuff I need to do. I plan to post whenever I have time so yeah. That could range from 3 times a week or 2 or even 1 chapter per day for the entire week, it just depends.

You can expect a new chapter at least one's a week, but if I don't post I probably have something to do. I posted this fanfic three days in a row well now 4 because I do plan to post tomorrow because I have a 3 day weekend and I finished my side stuff on school hours so I had like 5 free hours to kill so I decided to write this. That's why I was able to post 3 days in a row. But like I said the update schedule will be random starting after tomorrow.

Later :-)