
Attack on Titan: Abnormal

Over one hundred years ago, humanity was driven to the brink of extinction after the emergence of humanoid giants called Titans, who attack and eat humans on sight. The last remnants of humanity retreated behind three concentric walls, the Paradise Island and enjoyed nearly a century of peace. But what they didn't know was that across the sea, there was a nation called Marley. Marley sustained its global power using the power of the Titans possessed by the Warrior Unit, but began to lose its status due to lagging behind other nations in technological progress. In order to maintain its hold on the world, the power of the Founding Titan is needed now more than ever. Which is in the Paradise Island. Unfortunately, a soul from earth died and reincarnated into the world of Attack on Titan with all his memories as a 5 years old girl by a mysterious entity. Follow Shinohara Hana, a non otaku with little knowledge about the anime as she tries to survive and changes the original story. [Tag] Male to female Slightly au Attack on Titan _________________________________ Soo....... About my other novel, it's kind of bad....like super bad. So, I want to start a brand new one with little mistakes as possible to take my mind off of it for the time being. Also, why is there no good AOT novel? If there is, gimme! English isn’t my first language and my knowledge of most novels, animes and other series I am going to use is fairly limited, so please tell me any mistakes that I make and I'll fixed it. I appreciate any criticism you have, because it is the only way to improve my writing. Also, my uploads are also going to be random. Now on to the story!

LoligangGal · Anime & Comics
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[Year 829]

At the centre area of the internment zone, a innocent 5 years old little girl was gazing at the houses intently as she walking down the centre area when she accidentally bum into a old looking man. As she was about to apologize, the old man suddenly yelled at her.

"Tch! Damn kid, watch where your going!" The man shouted at the girl who was trembling and apologizing to the man.

"I'm sorry mister! I'm truly sorry!" The girl said repeatedly.

"Damn children..." The old man walked away while angrily muttering something else that the little girl can't hear.

"Tch..." The girl expression change from a innocent look into a cold glare. "Bitch..."

After the man walked away, a old lady ran towards her with a angry look.

"Hana! *Sigh* thank goodness! What were you doing out here! Didn't I tell to stay at home and study?" Seeing that the old lady was angry, Hana shivers.

" Sorry grandma, I was just want to wa-..." The old lady looked at the girl angrily as the girl puts on a guilty face and look at the floor.

"Hana....we are doing this for you so please listen and don't do it again or else we will be very disappointed. " She said while grabbing Hana's right hand before walking back as the sunset was slowly setting down.





Inside a bedroom, Hana was laying down on her bed while writing in a tiny little book with a annoyed look.

[Year 829, Day 108]

The gate between the Marleyan area and the internment zone was still the same as always, heavily guarded and dangerous.

As always, that old lady kept dragging me back home. Can't I have at least a little bit of fun? Always study this and study that. If they didn't sent me to the program, none of this would happen!

Right, there had been a announcement from the Marley government a day ago.

The warrior program...

Warriors candidates who demonstrated the most exceptional performance on the battlefield were often said to be given the privilege of inheriting one of the seven Titans which Marley obtained during the Great Titan War.

But out of the many Warrior candidates enlisted by the Marleyan military, only six at a given time were able to inherit the power of the Titans. While these Warrior candidates were not spared from deadly situations in combat or infiltration missions, efforts were taken to ensure that these Warrior candidates were not killed in action if possible.

Today is probably my last day on Marley as tomorrow is where the warrior program starts.

My grandparents who had high hopes for me, sent me to the warrior program telling me it's for the people and how happy they're if i were to be chosen blah blah blah. So I have to study nonstop for WEEKS, I kept sneaking out, pretending to be sick and making excuses trying to relax but all that was ruined as that old HAG find me. Ruining my relaxing time!


"*Sigh* I hate this place. Why couldn't I just reborn in Paradise Island. You call yourself God but you can't even reincarnate me correctly!" Hana yelled.

'I mean, having the power to turn into a titan is great and all, but everything comes at a price. The Curse of Ymir, which gave you only 13 years to live. Yeah...don't want it.' Hana thought as she heard a child voice.


Hana looks out the window beside her and saw children running around playing together without any care in the world as their parents watch them play.

As she was watching, she suddenly felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"Hana? What are you doing?" A voice behind her asks curiously. She closed the tiny book and turned towards the direction of the voice.

A old man with average features, black eyes, shoulder-length brown hair look at Hana warmly.

"Nothing...I'm just a little bit nervous about the program." Hana look at the old man before looking back at the window.

The old man sits beside her sighing as she ignores the old man.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" The old man reach for his pocket pulling out a necklace with a tiny green gem in the middle.

"This is a gift your mother always wanted to give to you." The man hands over the necklace to Hana.

"Make us proud, Hana." The old man embrace her before he stood up and make his way out of the room.

"Tch! Proud my ass! You're freaking sending your 5 years old granddaughter to a military goddamnit!" Hana mutters angrily as she was staring at the dim and orange sunset in a trance. Which was slowly but surely settling down to the west.

She slowly closed her eyes as she pray, pray that she'll survive this fucking hell.

Hello dear readers! Welcome to my third novel!

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