
Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem

*** I update ALMH with a new chapter once per day!*** *** Update: We have officially passed 100 fans! We have our second quest posted, so please see the details below.*** Synopsis: James Keller is summoned to an alternate Earth where a rift opened allowing nightmarish creatures to roam free. Ninety-nine percent of all men have been killed fighting these beasts leaving behind millions of women and children. Large walls made of iron or stone have been erected around each of the twelve remaining kingdoms. These walls have lasted for decades against even the toughest monsters. In this new world men have now become so valuable to society that they are all treated like kings and have huge harems of beautiful women. To even become a slave to a man is still considered a privilege. Now James must survive in a world filled with monstrous beasts straight of his nightmares. Meanwhile he must navigate through a world where every beautiful woman desperately wants to have his babies. Can he survive and become the legendary hero the world needs to stop the apocalypse? Will his little friend survive being tapped by hundreds of voracious and desperate women? Find out in the dark fantasy story of Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem! First ALMH Quest Complete! ~~~~~~~~~~Second ALMH Quest!~~~~~~~~~~ Our first ALMH Quest was completed on September 19th and the rewards were 8 chapters per week, a free sexy illustration of Sasha Heldeer, and a backstory for her. Now, our second ALMH Quest is even more perilous but the rewards are equally grand. When we reach 250 fans I will: - Post 9 chapters per week -Post two sexy illustrations of any two characters you guys choose. -Post two backstories for these characters and update them once a week for free until completion. -Anyone who gifts me 1,000 coins gets included in the hall of heroes. A prestigious place of honor at the end of each chapter. -Anyone who gifts me a castle (5,000 coins) or more will be made into a character inside the world of ALMH. We will discuss privately on Discord who your character is, etc. If I receive 25,000 coins worth of gifts/subscriptions before we reach 250 fans I will create an audio book which will cover the first 50 chapters of the story. ~~~~~~~~~The Quest is Open~~~~~~~~~~

HaremKing777 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

ALMH Chapter 2: Bang O' Rang! 18+

James Keller was brought before King Herod who ruled the kingdom of Karneth. As he entered the throne room, he was eyed with suspicion by both the king and the head general, a large breasted woman with long braided black hair. 

James stood next to the general and realized he was barely taller than her. He was five feet and eleven inches tall whereas she was clearly only an inch or two shorter than he was. James had a pot belly from years of gaming and eating while watching Nutflux. He had brown spiky hair and a matching beard and mustache combo. His thick rimmed green glasses complimented his hazel eyes. James had high cheek bones because of his Native American heritage which gave everyone around him the impression that he was always smiling.

The king on his golden throne called out to James, finally breaking his inner monologue.

"Step forward!"

"Uh yes sir, I mean, your highness." James stammered.

James took several timid steps forward keeping his gaze moving from one guard to the next. He kneeled before the king and waited for him to speak.

"What is your name?"

The king's voice echoed throughout the throne room, his sharp gaze fixed squarely on James.

"My name is James Keller," James replied, taking a deep breath and trying to remain calm.

"Where do you come from, James Keller?" the king inquired.

"I uh, come from the United States of America." James replied.

"I've never heard of your kingdom before." He crossed his arms and waited for James' response.

The king raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I am from a distant land, your majesty," James replied. "A land far beyond the mountains and the sea."

"And what are you doing here in our kingdom? What brings you to our land?" the king asked, his tone becoming more aggressive.

James couldn't help but feel the king's gaze on him. He needed to find a way to prove his innocence without revealing too much about his origins.

"I have traveled far from my home and seek only a safe place to rest," he replied carefully.

"A place to rest? A strange, foreign man such as yourself has no business in our kingdom," the king replied, his voice lowering. "How do we know that you are here in good faith?"

James gulped nervously, feeling the king's gaze on him once again. He needed to find a way to prove his innocence and good intentions, but he knew that revealing too much about his origins or the reason for his visit could put him in even more danger.

"Your majesty, I have traveled far and have found myself in need of shelter and a safe place to rest," he replied cautiously.

"Hmm..." the king said, tapping his chin in thought. "Why don't you join our celebration tonight? We will be holding a feast in honor of our victory over the Dark Lord's forces. Maybe we can learn more about your intentions and this distant land of yours."

James felt his heart race at the thought of attending the feast, but he knew that it was his best chance at proving his intentions and ensuring his own safety. He quickly nodded in agreement and joined the king's procession out of the throne room and back to his chambers.

James found himself escorted to the king's chambers by a few guards, his mind racing with thoughts of what could possibly happen at the feast. He knew that he needed to be on his guard, but he also knew that this feast could provide him with important information about the kingdom and its people.

As they entered the king's chambers, James's breath caught in his throat. The room was filled with opulent furniture, exquisite tapestries, and a table set with dozens of plates of food. The king sat at the head of the table and invited James to sit opposite him, next to the general.

James did his best to keep his composure as he sat down at the table and the feast began. The general sat next to him, her large breasts barely contained by her dress, and the king sat at the head of the table. The food was amazing and James quickly filled his plate and began to eat.

The general and the king engaged in small talk, asking James about his homeland and the strange things he saw in it. James, however, was too focused on the food. It was so delicious that he could barely speak.

As the feast progressed, a musician began playing a beautiful tune. The atmosphere in the room began to change and the general started to look at James with a more seductive gaze. James was trying to focus on the food, but the general's look was distracting him. He felt his heart race as she looked at him with a sultry expression on her face.

The general then stood up and approached James, her breasts swaying seductively under her dress. James's heart fluttered as he looked at her, wondering what she could possibly want with him. The general leaned over him and whispered into his ear.

"I like the way you look at the food more than me," she whispered seductively. "But perhaps I could change that."

James felt his heart race as he looked at the general, trying not to look at her breasts, but unable to help himself. He noticed the way she was looking at him and felt a rush of excitement go through him.

The general then slowly sat back down, her breasts still spilling out of her dress as she gazed at James. She smiled coyly at him and James couldn't help but feel a surge of temptation wash over him.

James found it hard to focus on anything but the general's seductive gaze and her breasts just barely contained by her dress as he sat across the table from her at the king's feast. He felt a rush of excitement as he looked at her and tried to fight the growing attraction he felt towards her.

The general then stood up again and walked around the table towards James. She leaned over him and whispered seductively in his ear.

"I like the way you look at the food more than me," she whispered. "But perhaps I could change that."

James felt his heart race as he looked at her succulent mounds pressed together underneath her dress.

The general slowly lowered herself onto James's lap. He felt his heart race as her skin pressed against his, her hair brushing over his face. She leaned in close and whispered into his ear.

"I can be so much more than food for you," she whispered seductively.

James's face was flushed with excitement and desire as he looked into the general's eyes. He felt a surge of temptation wash over him as the general caressed his cheek and neck. A wave of heat washed over him, feeling her warmth against his skin. He couldn't help but give in to his desires and kiss her deeply, enjoying the taste of her lips as he ran his hands through her hair.

James's felt alive as the general continued to kiss him deeply and passionately. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as he let go and gave in to his desire for her. He caressed her body and felt her lips move down to his neck. Her tongue trailed over the skin of his neck and James's body shuddered with pleasure.

Suddenly he felt warm breath on his ear and the general whispered, "I want you," as she gently nibbled on his ear. James felt her fingers gently squeezing his muscular chest, her nails gently scratching his skin.

James's body was filled with a mix of anticipation and excitement. The heat of the general's lips and the touch of her body against his drove him to a frenzy of desire. He felt her hand moving slowly down his muscular chest, her nails gently scratching his skin as she went.

Suddenly the general paused and pulled away from James. He looked at her anxiously and she leaned back, licking her lips. "You taste delicious, but I wonder just how sweet you'll taste down there." she whispered seductively. James's entire body felt like it had been lit on fire. Every thought was filled with lust and unbridled passion. He could feel a surge of excitement fill his cheeks.

The general slowly stood up from James's lap and walked away from him, all the while never taking her eyes off of him. James felt his heart sink as she walked away, his body still burning with desire. He tried to resist his temptation, to look away, but he couldn't. He watched her every move, unable to help himself.

Finally she reached the king and spoke quietly with him. James strained to listen and heard the general say something about "a private audience". The king nodded and the general walked towards him. Her breasts swayed under her dress, the thin fabric clinging to her body.

He watched as she walked towards him, feeling his heart pound in his chest with nervous excitement. He thought about what she might want, feeling his body trembling with anticipation. When she reached him, she whispered in his ear, "A private audience." James felt his face flush and his heart race even faster. He looked at the king and felt his face blush even more. Was the general really suggesting what he thought she was suggesting? What did she mean by a "private audience"?

The king said nothing, but simply stood up from his chair and gestured for James to follow him.

James's heart was racing as he followed the king through the grand halls of the palace. He had no idea what the king wanted, but he found himself drawn towards the general. He felt his body tingling with anticipation as he followed her and watched the way she walked, the sway of her hips and the way the fabric of her dress clung to her body.

The king led James to a small door in the back of the palace, where he pushed it open and gestured for James to enter. James followed the king and found himself alone with the general in a dimly lit room.

James looked at the general tentatively, wondering what would happen next. He felt his heart beating faster with excitement and his breath quickening with anticipation.

"Close the door behind you," the general said softly, her voice still carrying the sultry tone she had used before.

James quickly complied, closing the door behind him and turning to face the general. She looked at him with a seductive smile, her eyes full of desire. He felt his heart racing, his body trembling with anticipation. He couldn't believe this was actually happening to him.

She leaned against the door and raised her arms above her head and slowly traced the outline of her body all the way down to her hips.

"My name is Sasha, but you can call me whatever you want James." She cooed, making a soft kissing sound.

James was caught off guard by Sasha's directness, but he found himself drawn to her. Her voice still carried the seductive tone that had made him feel excited before, but now there was something more. He could see the desire in her eyes as she looked at him, and it made him feel hot and bothered.

Sasha leaned forward, her breasts spilling out of her dress, and gave him a seductive smile. "Do you know why I've asked you to come here today, James?" She caressed his cheek and he felt his body shiver with pleasure.

James gulped in his throat as she playfully rolled down a strap of her dress off of her soft white shoulders.

"You eh, wanted to show me something?" James nervously asked.

Sasha stepped forward and caressed his cheek, her voice now taking on a more playful tone. She looked into his eyes and his breath caught in his throat as she spoke.

"I want you to..."She trailed off looking at James. "...fuck me." Her voice took on an even more lustful tone than before. It seemed like every word came out huskier than before. She then moved closer towards him until their lips were mere inches apart.

James felt as if he'd lost control of his body as Sasha's lips met his. He could feel the heat of her breath on his skin as she pressed her body against his, her breasts pressed against his chest. He lost himself in the moment, the pleasure of her kiss taking over.

Their tongues danced together, tasting each other as they kissed passionately. Sasha wrapped her legs around James' waist pulling him close. His hands ran up her back, squeezing her ass cheeks gently. They broke away from the kiss panting heavily.

As they both panted, Sasha pulled away slightly. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she stared deeply into his eyes. With one swift motion, she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled it over his head. The fabric fell away exposing his bare chest.

Sasha grinned wider as she admired James' exposed chest. Her fingers ran over it teasingly, making James shudder with pleasure. She leaned in closer pressing her breast against his bare chest.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" She whispered into his ear as her hand reached behind his head and pulled his head down, kissing him passionately once again. Her tongue danced with his as she squeezed his bare buttcheeks firmly. Her hand slid down his stomach and found his belt buckle. In a flash, she had undone it and yanked down his pants along with his boxers.

Sasha giggled softly as she saw James' erect cock spring free. She stroked it lovingly, admiring its size.

"Mmm...such a big boy!" She said playfully as she looked deep into his eyes. "But I think we'll need some lube" she added.

Sasha smirked at him devilishly. Without another word, she knelt down and took his cock into her mouth. She began to suckle on it greedily, running her tongue all over it while humming happily.

James' heart raced as he watched Sasha on her knees before him. He didn't know what to do or say, he just felt a sudden surge of pleasure from her touch. Sasha worked her magic until she could feel James' cock getting even harder.

He gasped as Sasha took him deeper into her mouth, her warmth surrounding him completely. He closed his eyes and let the pleasure wash over him.

She grinned mischievously and took him deeper into her greedy little mouth. She wrapped her tongue around the head and down the shaft. Each thrust with her tongue sent waves of pleasure through his entire cock.

Sasha slowed down her thrusts and looked up at James with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Without saying a word, Sasha got up from her knees and pushed James onto his back. She mounted him, straddling his hips as she guided his cock to her opening. "You better be ready for me, big boy" she whispered as she lowered herself onto his cock slowly.

As soon as they were both fully joined together, Sasha started moving her hips rapidly, grinding their bodies together. The sound of flesh slapping echoed throughout the room as they made love like animals. They kissed deeply, sharing each other's breath as they continued fucking wildly.

Sasha was riding James hard now, slamming her body against his with reckless abandon. Their sweat mingled together as they fucked furiously, grunting and groaning with every thrust.

With one final push, Sasha came violently, screaming out loud as wave after wave of ecstasy washed through her entire being. Her muscles tightened around James' cock as she rode out her orgasmic high.

James couldn't believe how intense his orgasm was, it felt like he was in a constant state of pleasure. His whole body tingled as he emptied himself into Sasha's tight pussy. They stayed like that for a while, breathing heavily and savoring the moment.

As Sasha and James kissed each other there came three knocks at the door.

"General! You are expected back at the table Mam!" a soldier explained.

"I'll be there in a moment soldier." Sasha replied while she stroked the back of James' head.

"You were wonderful James. Truly...delicious." She moaned the last word out through her quivering lips.

"That was amazing Sasha, and uh if you liked it that much then we might have to do it again sometime."

James proposed, rubbing her smooth thigh.

She gave him one last kiss and then slid off of his lap. She bent over in front of him giving him one last look at her plump ass and dripping pussy. James fought back to take her again right then in that moment.

Sensing his stare, she turned around and winked flirtaciously toward him. She pulled her dress back over her large breasts and then quietly slipped out into the hallway.