
Attack of the dark emperor

PS: This is an abandoned work, you can skip if you like. Jake has lived a pretty much normal life, until his father gets murdered right before his eyes. Jake then learns about a whole new world of magic and spells filled with lots of action and Adventure and danger. The dark emperor has risen once again and plans to destroy the world with everyone in it but to do that he needs to acquire the soul stone. And he has to be prevented from acquiring the stone at all costs...

kidd_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
118 Chs

Fire vs Fire

Jake withdrew from the clash creating a little space between him and his opponent, then he shot a fire ball from his fist.

Anyone who had seen Jake at the beginning of the year would have been shocked to find out that Jake now had an ability.

But it was nothing new to his housemates, after the incident with the Verg.

As the fire ball raced towards his opponent, instead of bracing for impact, he braced to attack. His action piqued Jake's curiosity.

Jake became alert, he had to find out which element or superficial ability his opponent was capable of using which caused him to stand against a fire attack.

A few more feet forward and his opponent opened his palm and blasted a fire ball just slightly bigger than the one Jake had just released.

Jake was taken aback, what were the odds, he never thought he would face off against someone with the same ability as him.