
Attack In Titan

This is a generic rebirth – regression story about the amazing potential of the Human race on Earth as well as the necessary limitations of this potential. Every human emotional capability exposed even in the face of a common enemy or possible extinction. How far is enough?" is the question we will be asking. –Not this far apparently. .......... I will be releasing 3chaps a week, at least for now and when I get fluent in writing it will increase. Thank you for reading. .......

Fluffy_Menace · Action
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9 Chs

6. In the Study.

After dinner, Sigurd called Dedric to the study to start reviewing and signing the paperwork that seem to never go down, at least to Sigurd.

He sat behind this old-world-style hardwood executive desk and motioned Dedric who sat across from him to begin. The paperwork came mostly from the internal affairs of the Kufstein region than external ones. This was the strategy Sigurd chose to adopt during the decline of the city.

"Sir, this came from the Treasurer's office and..."

"What is it? Let me take a look... ...Hah, this is a proposal to increase the taxes in order to build more Titans for our forces. This joke must be Chief Treasurer's work"

"It certainly seems so sir..." replied Dedric with a how-did-it-come-to-this look on his face. The man in question is brilliant and accountable but he has this nasty calculating mindset that led him to unfavorable places even when Sigurd's father was in-charge.

"Is Mr. Svein an idiot or what? What I have done in the territory hasn't stabilized our economy enough to warrant a sudden increase in taxes. Does he want all my work to be for naught?

Nevertheless, our current Titan units are enough to battle multiple tactical-class varmints not to mention duel-class. Is there a war I've not heard about?

If the Second elder is putting him up to this, then he better figure out where his priorities lay before I do"

"I will rely on that message, sir"

"I will not even bother denying it, throw this in the bin. Are the ones from last month October finished? I want to make sure Mr. Busch comes to meet virtually zero paperwork from me tomorrow "

"Um sir, what's Okt-tob-ber? Do you perhaps mean the month Einheit, sir?" asked Dedric in a low voice hoping he didn't assume too much.

"**low growl Yes that. Sorry Dedric, but It's frustrating, it feels like I'm surrounded by incompetence. How did such a brilliant man become a fool and a dog apparently.

What this region needs is not more Titans– that's the frontier's problem– no, this region needs an influx of people from all walks of life, not only Merchants and Guilders. And my winery with the other ventures can do that, so I don't need stupid old fogeys blocking me"

Dedric just stood there silent as Sigurd vented his frustration which happens more often than not since the Second elder has been trying to obstruct him from the day Sigurd replaced him as Acting Family Head or Earl of Kufstein.

"Oh and speaking of the winery, how is its completion coming along?..."

"The finishing will be done by the weekend but I don't know how far Miss Klein's research has come"

"It shouldn't be long since I've shown my Aunt and her team the way, all that's left now is the results. When it's--"

**Ring Ring... ... Ring Ring**

The sudden loud ring of the landline phone that interrupted Sigurd kept ringing until Dedric walked to the side of the bookshelf where the retro vintage-looking rotary dial phone was and picked up the call.

"Hello, this is the Klein residence....."

Sigurd watched on as Dedric communicated with the person on the other side with his thoughts keeping him company.

' I will not be staying in this place for long, so why I'm I doing all this?... **sigh... Right, it's all for Mom. She loved this city very much, so I will let it stand again in her memory, not like Martin who left it behind.

Still, this place is too small for my plans but it will make for a good foundation to build my own connection with the upper echelons of the empire. I will have to speed things up to get strong fast to prepare for any surprise ''they'' pull for ''their" own entertainment '

"Sir, it's the committee in charge of the capital's Year Transition event and they want to ask if you'll perform this year..."


'Ohh~ that's right. It was in the cards to use the classic music from my Era which I hate to build connections before I regressed '

"Yes I love to perform a music piece at this year's event"

"Uh-huh... they asked if it will be a solo or orchestra"

"A solo of course. I don't have enough experience to conduct an orchestra..." said Sigurd before continuing with his thoughts.

' literally in both lives. I was only forced to learn the piano and some other string instruments'

"Is what he said.... okay" nodded Dedric on the phone "Sir, they want to talk to you"

Sigurd stood up and took the phone from Dedric.

"I'm here..."

"Hello, Mr. Sigurd. I'm Edwina Coliar, one of the lead event planners. I'm very sorry for reaching out this late into the event but Mr. Victor who was one of the performers was injured at the frontier a few weeks ago and the others said they aren't ready yet.

But then we remembered you saying you know music after your amazing criticism of Mr. Claus Werner's performance last two years"

"Yes, I'm quite the composer if I do say so myself " Sigurd lied with a smile.

"Great, do you have a note in mind that you can produce within a week for review by the board? We're a little tight on time and we'd like to speed things up"

"Of course... I have the perfect solo in mind and I will be sending them over"

"We'd really appreciate that and sorry for the inconvenience, bye"

Sigurd placed the headset back and walked back to his seat to continue working on the paperwork before it cuts into his bedtime.

"Oh and before I forget. Dedric, I will need around a thousand sheets of white paper in this... and this... sizes on this desk by noon tomorrow " said Sigurd as he uses his hands to show his preference.

"I will send out people to deliver them here before tomorrow noon but if I may ask..."

"What am I using that many papers for?" Dedric nodded, "Well there's the musical notes I have to deliver as well as the epiphany I had in the bathroom..."

**Knock knock

"Who is it?!" asked Dedric

"It's Ginger, may I come in?!"

"Come in". Sigurd watched as Ginger opened and walked through the door before asking, "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing major, sir. I wanted ask if you'd like some tea or coffee during your work"

"How thoughtful Ginger, I would like some coffee. What about you, Dedric?"

"Just a cup of tea would be fine..."

"Right on it, sir. Excuse me"

And with that, they continued to work into the night until they were done and ready for some sleep.


Always lookout for Author's thoughts⏬

I'm sure you're reading this chapter and thinking

"there's a lot of names in here for one of the beginning chapters"

And I'm here to say most of them are irrelevant to the plot and some you will get to put a face(or in this case a character) to the name.

I will leave that to your better judgement which one deserves remembering.

Have some idea or correction about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fluffy_Menacecreators' thoughts