
Attack In Titan

This is a generic rebirth – regression story about the amazing potential of the Human race on Earth as well as the necessary limitations of this potential. Every human emotional capability exposed even in the face of a common enemy or possible extinction. How far is enough?" is the question we will be asking. –Not this far apparently. .......... I will be releasing 3chaps a week, at least for now and when I get fluent in writing it will increase. Thank you for reading. .......

Fluffy_Menace · Action
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9 Chs

2. Names even the author can't hear.

Into the void of silence, into the empty space of nothing, the joy of life is unfurled.

C. S. Lewis.


Outside of the imperceptible encasement around the blue planet.

In the void of Space, on this blue planet's moon, sat five ethereal humanoid figures on what were clearly man-made structures that still looked not-devastated. Like the erosion of Time and the Void dared not graze what they had touched.

These beings looked blankly in the direction of Earth, which at first sight a human might think they've been captivated by the distant blue planet. However, that wasn't the case since they have observed the series of events since the first appearance of the monsters like the very idea of distance, time, and other harsh realities rarely afflicted them.

For the first time in some time, they took their sights off Earth and were about to discuss their findings in a tongue unknown to man or any species in the Milky Way for that matter.

"It has ended, ten full Epochs have passed." @#$%& broke the silence in indifference.

"Indeed. And the results were more impressive than the others." replied #$%&@

"You think so?... Does that mean we've found the perfect thesis to present to Mentor? I'm not sure I would want to visit another hundred primitive worlds for this project, even though it takes less time" said $%&@#

"Come on this time it was fun. Ten whole minutes of none stop drama, action, adventure, persistence, and love." %&@#$ shouted with more enthusiasm than expected.

$%&@# looked around in confusion and asked "L-uve?... What's that? "

"Don't pay that any mind. "@#$%& battered in quick.

#$%&@ chuckled at @#$%&'s attitude towards %&@#$ before asking, "How long has it been"

"Ten minutes... "

"No no. I'm asking in terms of Earth time"

"About 863,000 yrs," said @#$%& before asking with a strange look " How did this small passage of time escape you?"

"...I was a little engaged. Especially the 4th and 10th Epochs" said #$%&@ embarrassingly.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, I and &@#$% were invested too. Look, not a single word since his fav reincarnate died"

Everyone's attention shifted to &@#$% spinning a galaxy without saying a word since the beginning of this back and forth. After a few seconds they came back on track as $%&@# questioned their next action.

"So... are we going back to Mentor or what?"

"No we can't leave now!" shouted %&@#$, "we can't leave with such an unsatisfying last boss battle. Something needs to be done."

"Hmph. Don't call that thing a battle. I admit he fought well for his level but it was pure luck his last attack struck what helped Krul suppress its injuries both ones inflicted in the 8th era and now."

#$%&@ looked at @#$%& and mocked, "It looks like %&@#$ isn't the only one to pick up something from them".

"Ooooh, True that. Us High Cardinal Beings know better than to disregard the workings of luck and fate in reference to the infinite Universes. Luck is more of a skill than anything, we know that firsthand.

They're lucky we're experimenting with them thus preventing their planet from turning into another asteroid belt by a Gamma-Ray burst pointing at it a few minutes ago" added $%&@#

"Yeah whatever, Just saying. This world already had some pitifully powerful monsters in-depth long before we opened the gates. And if that Krul, had tried moving to the Eastern continent, the creatures in the ocean would have killed it before those there would and you know it".

"It doesn't matter if the Easterners are stronger but this guy made this project exciting. And I have an idea for something epic... a do-over".

• • • 🦉🦉🦉

Seeing as they stared with blank expressions, %&@#$ further elaborated.

"It's like this, we send him back to a random point in time with his memories and see how it goes from there. Uh-huh? "

"I feel sorry for this human who will be the subject for your fav manhwa troupe to be enacted"

"Absolutely not going to happen. We aren't here to play and I've already closed an eye to one of your whims"

"MY whims? Hah, Didn't we all agree to pick different and random individuals from all walks of life in the 1st Epoch and reincarnate them each into the eras after the destroyed one?

We didn't give them any roles but some of them were critical to their era and our project while some weren't. Should I take a major credit from Mentor for this? "

@#$%& didn't answer as stillness ruled for a while, then.

"...Should we do it? "

"So what about the project and report? "

"We already have the report, so let's see if it's our perfect work yet"

An opened scroll materialized before #$%&@ and was summarized once everyone paid attention.

" We were asked to document Forced Evolution and relations. We introduced the beasts through the gates as catalysts and the 1st Era fell. This battle continued to the 4th Epoch, where the big beast was defeated by them using their civilization as bait.

This should have ended our project but we agreed that humans hadn't evolved much except for the appearance of the Fiends. But %&@#$ pointed out that the magicules which were present around during the 3rd and 4th Epochs boosted their cogitation for them to produce such advanced technologies and discoveries but that wasn't enough so we continued and introduced a new big beast during the 7th Epoch.

The 5th Epoch gave up on technology when they became aware of the abundant magicules filling the planet. The gates and the frequent slaying of the otherworldly beasts introduced this new energy that started to evolve plants, native species, and the planet herself but only to a small amount because reasons we all know. Mankind started to evolve around this time with the ability to physically duel beasts without any Cyberware alterations, Human-beast Hybrids or fitting armored suits.

During the 7th Epoch, we closed the gates when the environment became facilitative to the reproduction and survival of the beasts, as we theorized.

After the fall of the 7th Epoch, the Mystic arts got a stable system of usage among other things.

During and after the 8th Epoch did true and visible human evolution start. They got their hands on remnant technologies of the 3rd Epoch and created the first Magitech which furthered their study of Mysticism and Medicine. So they built a feudal civilization to keep most resources close by.

At their height of advancements, they started experimenting with beast blood, bone marrow, and spinal fluids to push their evolution to a longevity magic species.

After many subjects died, the Elven race rose from the survivors and could propagate. And before all of humanity could extinct themselves into elves, Krul came to visit but they managed to severely injure it before they fell.

But before that, the survivors that failed to become elves were seen as a danger to society and thus driven out. To thrive in the wild they developed animalistic features while still looking human and became the Beastfolk.

The 7th Epoch had also become well-versed in metallurgy and came to know of magi-crystals. So most lower class worked in the mountains and underground as miners, so when society fell they took their families there. Their new environment then forced them to become the Dwarves.

And now we have the 10th Epoch, which brought us a new look to the Fiends but nothing major. They reinvented the Mystic arts into a very soft-hard and viable system thanks to the teachings of the ones before them."

#$%&@ closed the scroll, looked at rest then asked.

"Now who agrees this is the best result we've had thus far? A single species branched out to four distinct races on a single continent, the best one among most of the lesser worlds"

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