
baaba lesbian relationship




Please meet me there at exactly 9pm. Don't be late. I said and walked out.

I walked back to the hostel happily.

Wow, I've defeated the first stubborn dick. I'm left with Fosu, the most stubborn hard to get dick. I thought.

I went to the washroom to freshen up, when I returned, I met Cindy comfortably seated on my bed.

Cindy, how may I help you? What do you want in my room? I asked angrily.

Chill Baaba, your room needs cleaning. I came to clean up for you. She swerved my question.

I no longer need your services, neither do I need your friendship.

Anyone who walk out of your life once, is capable of walking out again any day, anytime.

I can't watch you toy with my life.

I am still the Baaba that you disliked and walked away from, nothing has really changed, so why are you here? I asked angrily.

I'm sorry for waking out of your life Baaba, I never meant to.

It is sometimes good to let go of certain things in order to appreciate them the more.

Baaba, I walked out of your life for few days and I've really felt the impact it has had on me. The truth is that, I simply can't let this friendship go.

Please forgive me and accept me back. She pleaded.

I've forgiven you because of how good you were to me, but the next time you dare walk out of my life again, you will forever stay out of it.

I am my own happiness, and I am enough to make myself happy. I don't need any fake person to distract my peace and happiness. I warned.

Thanks Baaba, but there is one request I will like to make from you. She responded sadly.

I just knew it. Cindy, I knew you really needed help.

Anyway, what is it? I asked.

Baaba, I haven't paid my full semester fees and we are about to start the end of semester exams.

Please I need your help, I need money to pay. She pleaded.

Cindy, I ain't your father nor mother, so if you get your fees from me, you must work towards it.

There is actually no free lunch. I responded harshly.

Talk to me Baaba, what do you want me to do for you? I'm ever ready to go the extra mile to get my fees. Cindy pleaded.

I walked pass her and and laid on my expensive bed.

Do you really want to know how to work for your fees? Do you really wanna know? I asked repeatedly.

Baaba, just tell me what it is.

My father is broke and he doesn't have a dime to pay for my fees. I am therefore ready to go to the moon and back to pay for it. She said.

Alright then, get your head down my pussy and lick the hell out of me. I said boldly.

What! Lick you? Baaba, are you ok? Is everything alright with you? She exclaimed.

No Cindy, I am never ok.

How can I be ok when a young lady like me is taking care of a lazy parents child?

If you can't do it, I suggest you bounce! Get the hell out of my room. I screamed.

Calm down Baaba.

I am ready to do it. She responded.

I flipped my thighs apart and asked her to go ahead.

I was actually punishing her for walking in and out of my life.

I didn't know when I started moaning to her licking. It felt so good.

Come on Cindy, don't stop. Please do it! Mmmmm! Aaaaahhh! Ooouuuucchhh! I moaned.

She did it for so many minutes until I finally reached orgasm and asked her to stop.

Cindy, I'm sorry for making you do this but like you know, you've hurt me really bad that's why I decided to punish you this way.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I've come to love what you just did.

Cindy let me ask you, have you ever been a lesbian? I inquired.

Yes Baaba, that was when I was in the senior high School, but I stopped immediately after school. She confessed.

Wow Cindy, this is a beautiful sin. I think I love it.

Why don't you become my partner then, so that I will pay you every other month for your services? I offered.

No problem about that Baaba, but please promise we will stop when I want us to. She responded.

No problem at all Cindy, I cross my heart. I said.

Cindy became my lesbian partner from that very moment.

We fucked anywhere including the School's washroom.

She was all over me and I was all over her.

But I was still in my secret relationship with the chancellor, whiles hoping to fuck and dump Fosu as well.

I kept my relationship a secret from Cindy.

I would drive out of campus to meet up with the man without her notice.

The chancellor fell hell over heels in love with me and he began spending nights with me in various hotels.

Sir tell me, how is your wife taking your sudden change of attitude? I asked.

Come on Baaba, I no longer care about that barren witch.

I come out and go home anytime I want to.

She does nothing than to cry day and night.

One day, she asked me.

My husband, who is this new woman who is taking away the happiness in my home?

She's not taking it away Tina, she's rather helping you with the things you can not do.

Tell me, when was the last time you gave me an oral sex?

When was the last time you gave me a surprise sex if I don't ask for it?

Tina, when was the last time you groaned or moaned to my love making?

You always lay down like a log, making everything so boring like hell. The chancellor explained.

Wow! I love your vibes and how you are treating her.

She's actually making your life boring and you deserve someone energetic like me to rekindle your dull sexual life. I bragged.

Don't worry at all Baaba, I will maltreat her till she packs out of my house.

Baaba, I want you to take over my home. He said.

Awwww handsome, your words have pierced my heart.

Please buy me a latest car as a birthday present if you really want me to be your wife. I pretended.

Sure I will. Just let me know when you are celebrating your birthday. He said with smiles.

I quickly told him about the day and he promised to surprise me.

We spent that night fucking and mocking his wife.

To be continued...