
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: Atona's Information

They all gathered in the dining room around the table drinking tea and listening as Atona told them the events of the day. Grayson and Bryson had been in the library and found some information to help fill in the blanks of Atona's past and her kingdom.

"Atona, How did you know that Sylvia was sending you into a trap?" Rozelle asked.

"Well, it was the way she put the emphasis on safely, and that she had a basket of food packed for us. It was like she wanted us to stop along the way. That was the plan it turns out. We were supposed to stop and eat so that Ridale and his goons would have the advantage over us. He had her put something in the tea so that I would be sleepy and unable to fight properly.He underestimated me again. I guess he always did."

"He underestimated a lot of things. Did he happen to say what they did with the jewels that were stolen from all of us?"

"No, when the dwarves interrogated Sylvia they found that they were stealing the jewels and selling them back to the elves and in the market. Some Norvinia is looking for a particular necklace or something. According to her there is some necklace or jewelry of some sort that will unlock a passage that leads to parts of the Palace. This Norvinia can't get to these parts without that particular piece and it is said that the treasure room is in that part of the palace." Bryson said looking up from a book.

"No. It's not. It's down a passage underneath the throne." Rozelle said remembering her father showing her the way.

"Rozelle's right. I remember it too. There wasn't much treasure in there though. Father always gave the majority of it back to the people."

"Atona, your father never collected taxes from his people. This book here says that your father used the majority of the treasure to ensure good trade policies, and always paid for the improvements to the border walls."

"Could there be a special treasure room? One that my father didn't know about?" Atona asked.

"No, he said that we had plenty of treasure, but what we had no one could ever take from us. He was so cryptic those last few days." Rozelle said.

"Why are we able to remember these things now?" Atona asked Bryson and Ambien.

"You are able to remember them because you want to. Before your mind was so traumatized, you had blocked out all memories of your parents. Even the good ones, because it was too painful," Grayson said.

"Well, Ridale said that the clues to our kingdom are on the daggers. I guess we need to start there." Atona said pulling her dagger out. "On mine there are three intertwined circles. There's a phrase on here in dwarven. It says 'Over the son and Under the Mountain.'"

"That's just ridiculous. How can you get over the sun and under a mountain. You can't do that. Now, them circles could mean anything." Balfar rumbled drinking more ale.

"My dagger, has a jester, and a waterfall on it. Could father have been any more cryptic?" Rozelle said laying her dagger on the table. Atona handed Ambien her flask to be refilled with wine. She was trying to remember all the times she spent with her parents. Trying to remember anything that might have been said or done that would help them.

"Atona, do you know where these scratches on your flask came from?"

"No, I just guessed it was during the battle. Why?"

"Because it looks as though the paint has been scrapped away and there are ruins underneath."

"Let me see." she said taking it from him. She took her dagger and scrapped the side till all the ruins showed. Everyone crowded around her to see.

"That first symbol is the orc word looking. And that last one is the troll symbol for first," Bryson said.

"Hey, the third one is old dwarves for answers. And the sixth one is Jester in dark dwarven," Grayson said.

"The second one is For in Arvinian. And in Cilibian the fifth one is Smiling," Jeremiah said.

"The middle two are See The in Red Dragon," Atona said.

"So, let's see. 'Looking For Answers Seek The Smiling Jester, First.' But who's the Smiling Jester?" Rozelle asked. Grayson and Bryson looked at each other and smiled.

"That's our uncle." They say in unison.

"Where's he at?" Rozelle asked nearly jumping out of her seat.

"The last time we saw him was in Wahunel. But that was a couple of months ago."

"I guess my journey starts there. I was headed there nearly a year ago. Now I will finally get to see the great city," Atona said.

"Bryson, what did you learn for the library while you were there?" Ambien asked sitting down next to Atona.

"Not much more than you did. We know now that a great Wizardess named Norvinia took it over when the Wizard Clouthel disappeared. Some say he left, some say he's dead, and some say she made him into a rat. We found that the alliances reached beyond the normal borders. That the king was well liked and loved. His trade negotiations were always more than fair. His kinsmen that stayed loyal to him were sent to Castigate where the clerics are known for their treatments of the insane. If anyone remained faithful to your father, Atona, they were either sentenced to death or sent away."

"How awful," Andrianna said.

"Anyone know where this Norvinia came from?" Atona asked.

"That's what's strange. There is no mention of where she came from anywhere. It's like that book is missing." Grayson said.

"Well, let's see if we can figure out these other clues. Maybe they can give us some answers," Atona said.

"The jester we know is the Smiling Jester, and he's our first stop, if we can find him." Rozelle said.

"We, there is no we. You will go home with Jeremiah where you and Justine will be safe," Atona said.

"It is just as dangerous for you."

"Yes, I know. But, someone has to be able to tell my children about me, and mother, and father." Atona said wiping away tears. The stress of the day getting to her.

She was starting to wonder if going after this was the right thing. She knew if she did she would have to leave her children behind. She would have to separate them, to protect them. Now that people knew that she had twins, she would have to make sure they knew how to take care of themselves. How she was going to do that she did not know.

"Atona, darling. Are you O.K.?" Ambien asked, taking her hand into his.

"Yes, it's just the stress of the day. I'll be fine. I think all these clues are right here close to home. It would not make sense for father to send us so far from home. Not if we are to take the place back."

"I agree. Let's look at the map. It might give us a better idea of what we are looking for."

"Look, the Waterfall is right there. Where Atona's and Ambiens Kingdom join. But, I've been there a thousand times and never seen anything unusual." Balfar said pointing at the map.

"Maybe that's it. We are looking for the unusual. Your father wouldn't want the clues to stand out. So I bet he made them very ordinary." Ambien said as he took a pencil and drew a circle around the three kingdoms in the area. "We are looking for clues in these three areas. Both kingdoms had good trade agreements with him. He could have hidden his clues in either kingdom."

"Ambien, look how the three circles join." Andrianna said.

"That looks just like on my dagger. But how do we know what we are looking at," Atona said.

"On your dagger two sides are colored in. While one side isn't, you must need to start looking in that one. There turn the map this way. That's our kingdom." Jaden said turning the dagger and map till they matched.

"What do you think we will find there?" Jeremiah asked.

"I'm not sure. But that's three down one to go."

"Let's all go on up to bed and we can work on that one tomorrow." Ambien said taking Atona's hand and pulling her out of her chair gently. Everyone started leaving the room after saying good night. Jaden helped Andrianna up and when she couldn't hardly put any weight on her leg he picked her up and carried her to her room.

"Would you like me to carry you to our room my lady?" Ambien asked.

"No, sir. You may walk me there. When did it become our room?" Atona said.

"When I was scared to death that something might have happened to you."

"I was scared for you, you know. When Ridale said you were being shot at. I nearly lost it. That would have been terrible, he surely would have killed me."

"He was will to go to great lengths, to make sure you didn't have the children. By the way, where are they? I know you sent them with the dwarves, bud did they come back, or are they still there?"

"No, they are still there. I thought it safer for them. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to them. I know I must to ensure their safety." They reached the top of the stairs and went into her bedroom. Once she saw their empty beds she started crying. She knew where she had to send them and with whom. Ambien held her close to comfort her. His eyes were wet with tears also. He knew he soon would not be able to see the children he had grown to love as his own. He felt as though everyone he loved was leaving him. He suddenly knew how she had felt nearly three years ago when he had left after her sister had. He now knew her sudden urge to adventure and get out away from the very place that made him think about her, and the babies.

"Where are you going to send them?" He asked, laying on the bed next to her. "I'm going to send Christopher with the dwarves to learn to fight, and Christine I'm sending with Rozelle and Jeremiah. They will both be safe there. Neither one shall ever know me. It's too risky, they will have to believe that I'm dead."

"How about we just tell them that you went off adventuring and haven't come home yet. That way they have hope of you coming to get them. It could be pretty traumatic if you get this settled and come to get them and they believe you are dead."

"You have a point. That sounds good. Are you going to leave with me?"

"I was planning on staying with you through the whole thing."

"This could take years, you can't stay away from the palace and throne that long. I won't let you. You have responsibilities."

"Not yet. Father can take care of all this. I really and truly want to be with you."

"I really and truly want you to be with me too. You need to be here with your family."

"I'm not arguing with you. I'm going."

"Fine. You can go." Atona said as she kissed him and laid down to go to sleep. He wrapped his arms around her, knowing that this very well might be the last time he got to do it.


"Jaden, do you think my brother will leave with Atona?" Andrianna asked holding him close to her.

"I don't see a force strong enough to keep him from going."

"Only my parents."

"No. I don't think even they could stop him. He wouldn't be gone long anyway."

"I know. Are you going?"

"I was wanting to. But I think I will go the other way and go with my brother and Rozelle. I want to make sure they make it safe."

"I want to go with you. I can ride in the wagon with Rozelle and the baby. Please, Jaden take me with you."

"My love, you can go anywhere I go. Now get some sleep so you can heal better."