
Atom & Lily

-New chapters every Tuesday and Thursday!= After the disappearance of the famous Killerpatty the fifth, the world is left without heroes to protect the people which leaves gangs and villains to take over streets, Oliver was a hero but after finding out his teammates were killed by a villain named Grin Scurvy he took to enforcing justice on all evildoers and out of pure revenge plans to find Grin Scurvy and show him a piece of his mind, along the way Oliver meets the shadow-being Atom who grants Oliver power that helps him on his quest and a School girl Lily who had part of her family killed by Grin Scurvy as well, they all want to help Oliver on his quest for revenge.

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33 Chs

What happened to the story?!

Hello, Killerpatty Studios here finally updating everyone on where I've been, and here's my explanation: originally I was gonna make a whole novel on here to use as a "script" for the webtoons version which is what I've been working on primarily instead of the novel. The Webtoons is the same as the novel but of course its a webcomic now so things are obviously more visual, as for what I'm gonna do about the webnovel... well I don't really plan to do anything to it, I don't really plan on finishing the webnovel any time soon as my focus has shifted to webtoons which was always my main goal, if you want to read that go to Webtoons and search up Atom & Lily, it'll be there with 2 episodes and 2 minisodes uploaded, lots of work is being put into the comic which is a pain to focus on a novel and comic at the same time so I had to let the novel go. In any case I'll talk to yall any time.

- From, Killerpatty Studios