

The natives were elemental. They were known for their superpowers and special abilities. Everything revolved around Atohmma being the descendant of the ancestral native elf people and becoming the true leader. She was petite, powerful, wise and envied. Her world was strange, cold and foggy. Many years passed before she realized, that even her fleeting thoughts, had the power to affect, destroy or improve her world. Copyright: Tricia A. Brown (Mystrixxa) @ WEBNOVEL AUTHOR: Mystrixxa

Mystrixxa1_Trish · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter Eight

Both girls welcomed the shaman and the Diamond-Back guide, with the usual customs, and waited to hear their messages. The guards were scanning the environment, and, even preoccupied, they could hear what was being said, although they themselves had no comment or contributions. They just did as they were told. The oracle, as the Diamond-Back cobra is otherwise known to be, spoke first. He told them to spread the word to all, that the coming days would be highly unpredictable. There will be disturbances and weird weather patterns as the moon was in eclipse and this would have a huge impact on the wolf festival's proceedings. Usually, the moon favoring this festival was a full moon which was then followed by the no moon. Currently, there was a no moon and it would have been for the next seven days. The girls looked at each other simultaneously. The Shaman intervened saying that there was the probability of a monsoon forming in the atmosphere. If that happened, there would be changes in the sea and their world might be affected. The Cobra interjected, "there is a need for preparations and panic is certain, but we have survived many catastrophes for centuries, we may not be destroyed, but if we are not careful, there will be losses." Atohmma asked, "so what can we do? What should we do first about those spiders?" "Yeah." agreed Venomma. "It seems the spiders are seeking refuge, they sense the changes and are looking for hibernation zones. Their survival instincts are at their peak and they have no other way out. Their only means of exit from their abode is through here. So we will need an emergency shelter for them to occupy. At least it will give them a fair chance of survival." said the shaman. " How! I mean, they are huge and our caves were constructed for our size, they are as tall as the mountains themselves!" said Venomma." You're right! They are also poisonous and getting them to the other side into the mountain hills, will be difficult." said Atohmma. "Not necessarily. There is a path beyond the footpaths, where the roads lead straight toward the hills. We can use that to pass them through. You must open the South barrier first, they will exit their home through there, then the guards will have to create a fire border along the route, that will keep them in line so they don't stray and cause harm to anyone. As soon as they have all passed and made it to the hills, the guards must close the South barrier and increase the fire at the mountain hills to keep them restricted for one day. This restriction will maintain their order, as they usually remain, where one day and night meets them. They settle easily that way." said the cobra. "All should be well where that is concerned, as long as you girls ensure the plan is carried out with no alterations." agreed the Shaman. Atohmma bowed and so did Venomma. They knew what they had to do and had to work together to see that it happened. Their only problem would have been the weather, and any other developments along the way, that they hoped not to encounter, before this mission. Venomma was nervous and so was Atohmma, but Atohmma was also the one with less concern for probabilities.

The Oracle and Shaman excused themselves by saying they will return in seven days, but in any emergency before then, they will return. The girls followed the customs and said goodbye to them both.

It was time to round up everyone for the night. The guards took their posts and allowed the natives to go back home from the perimeter. The natives flew back as it was already dark and their wings were in use. Atohmma met them and announced a meeting first thing on the morrow. Venomma escorted them accordingly, while Atohmma settled the plan for the meeting, in her mind.

Usually, the natives have special elemental rituals which they follow, when hearing news and warnings. At these rituals, they group themselves, specific to their governing element. These rituals were performed in honor of their skills, abilities, and powers. They utilized it whenever there was a threat to their world or to their existence and lives. The ritual was for their protection, as well as a way to enhance their specialties and the elemental source of their power. It was carried out in a very sacred way and they usually spent three consecutive nights, where they chant and dance. The Shaman was usually present for such occasions, but in this instance, there was no need for it, because it was an emergency, for a cause other than their own, and not many battle skills were required.