

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 36 – Exciting news

Lucina claimed a plate from a waiter and joined the buffet que. Despite getting there first, she allowed Arthur to go in front out of fear for her own wellbeing. As the line shuffled forward and the enticing scents filled Lucina's head she glanced over the now active ballroom. The silence from only a few moments ago had vanished. Guests now filled the dancefloor and flocked to the buffets, bars and to meet with old friends.

She found General Jager, Zeit, Alex and Korra at the bar conversing with a group of people. Lucina didn't recognize a single person but they all seemed happy to see each other.

Lucina found the whole event amusing. A lot of these people would hold some of the highest positions in their countries, like General Jager and Zeit, where'd they commonly get whatever they needed when they needed it. Yet here they all were casually waiting in lines for a buffet or drinks without a care or hesitation. Lewis had told her beforehand it was an old Thalassi tradition installed by Athena to show that despite everyone's differences in power and status they were all still just humans and warriors. The only exceptions were the royal families who were able to order food to their tables.

The delicious scents became overwhelming as Lucina reached the buffet.

"Oh how I've missed you" Ike muttered to the food behind her.

She was stunned for a moment but quickly remembered. "I almost forgot, you were pretty much living here a few years ago" Lucina said, "What do you recommend?". Before them in in numerous golden trays and dishes along joined tables was an array of different steaming meat and fish, bread and roasted vegetables and further down on the last table plates of vibrant and sweet deserts could be seen.

Ike placed a slab of meat on his plate before turning towards her. "Honestly It's all good, when I was here I never had a bad meal", he started gesturing to the different foods, "You've got your standard beef, pork, chicken and fish. If your feeling adventurous that's fire-scale salmon, In that dish are a variety of crustaceans, that's cerulean squid and there's even some sapphire shark steaks there, definitely worth ago" Ike told her as he slapped one onto his own plate.

"Shark! They eat sharks here?" Lucian questioned as she placed a steak as well as types of meat on her own plate.

"Yeah. Can't remember why though" Ike admitted.

"They breed extremely fast", a voice explained from behind them, "Their population therefore becomes too large and disturbs our ecosystems, so over a thousand years ago we decided to hunt them to maintain natures order. Luckily we also discovered they're delicious". Lucina turned to see Nerin and a man she hadn't seen in a long time. He was tall, possessed an athletic build like Nerin, had long red hair and a pretty face. A smile shone across her face.

"Iason" Ike greeted him as their hands clasped around each other's arms. His smile shone brighter than her own. Lucina was surprised during his time in Thalassi, pretty much all his time had been spent with Iason and Nerin.

"Mind if we slot in?" Iason asked. Lucina and Ike quickly opened up a gap between and both Nerin and Iason slipped in. To keep the line moving they quickly began filling their plates.

"I see how it is" Eric said with a grin beside Ike, "I'm just not good enough to greet".

"Sorry I thought you were one of pillars holding the roof up" Iason said. In some strange ritual Lucina didn't understand they slammed their hands down hard on each other shoulders.

'Must be a guy thing'.

"It's good to see you too Arthur" Iason said. Arthur gave him a fast nod. Lucina stifled her laugh it was funny how timid he'd randomly get.

"Looking sharp Eric" Iason commented.

"Thanks. You look alright" Eric replied. Lucina analysed is outfit, it was a deep red tux with a white shirt.

"Don't listen to him Iason, you look gorgeous" Lucina said.

He smiled. "Thank you, you look beautiful yourself Lucina", he then sighed, "But I do wish everyone stopped calling me gorgeous, I've been getting called it all night, I'd much prefer handsome" he confessed.

"It's because your prettier than most of the girls here" Eric grinned. Iason scowled but his grin never faded.

The line carried on moving and they made their way across along the row of tables. Nerin glanced down at Lucina's plate. "Cerulean squid and ruby lobster" he said surprised, "Your feeling adventurous".

"It'd be a waste not to try" Lucina replied, "Plus it's all free". Nerin chuckled.

"What?" Lucina frowned.

"That's the exact same thing your brother said when he first came to Thalassi" Nerin explained.

"No vegetables though" Arthur commented from her left. She elbowed him in the ribs, like always he didn't flinch. They reached the end of the buffet and Lucina claimed a slice of chocolate cake before returning to their table.

Her and Arhtur were the first the first to return to the table, with the others soon following. Nerin and Iason claimed the empty seats beside Eric.

Everyone began digging into their meals.

"So Iason, I'm just going to cut to the chase", Ike started the conversation, "Lewis told us you met up with him". Iason nodded as he took a bite out of a drumstick. "He told us you had something to tell us" Ike continued.

"He didn't tell you guys?" Iason asked.

"He told Eric. Well we think he did".

"And Kate" Eric added, "She forced him".

Iason sighed, "I was hoping he'd help me out a little" he mumbled. He placed the drumstick back on his plate and cleaned his hand with a napkin. "Starting from next month I will be deployed as a Commodore in Sincia". The table went silent and a small spread across Eric's face.

"For how long?" Ike asked.

"At the moment, indefinitely" Iason responded. They were all stunned

"I think you broke them" Eric commented glancing over their faces.

Lucina didn't know how to react. She'd tried to get her brother to tell her but it had been no use, he'd left her with just her guesses. But not a single one of them had been him coming to Elysia. She'd been guessing maybe him and the princess had become engaged.

'Speaking of the princess'.

"What does the princess think of this idea?" Lucina asked, she then took a bite out of shark steak. It was salty and delicious.

Iason paled. "Well. The thing is-".

"No" Eric said in disbelief.

"I haven't exactly told her yet" Iason confessed, "I've only mentioned that I'll be progressing in my career".

"You said you start next month" Ike said.

"Yeah I was waiting for the Atlas games. It'll be easier to do it with you guys here", Iason told them, "Lewis said he'll help".

"How much of a choice did you give him?" Eric asked.

"The same choice I'm giving you" Iason said innocently.


"Don't worry, I'll be there" Eric told him.

"Same" Nerin said, "I wouldn't miss the sight of the princess killing you".

"You will be missed" Ike added, and jokingly raising his drink. Eric and Ike quickly joined in on his joke.

"I'm happy to see how much I mean to you lot" Iason said sourly.

"I'm actually getting quite excited now" Lucina commented with a grin. "When do you think you'll do it?" she asked.

"You're as monstrous as your brother" he told her and she laughed.

"Since were on the topic, where is the princess?" Eric asked Iason.

"Following tradition, she's eating with all the royal families. Luckily I'm under no obligation and can escape down here" Iason told them.

"For now you're not" Eric mumbled.

"Don't" Iason said terrified. Chuckles spread around the table.

Conversations continued and the food on their plates vanished. The Generals as well as Emily and her friends returned to the table with food and drinks. The Generals happily greeted Iason while the others stared confused at the newcomer and their confusion only grew when General Jager explained Iason's upcoming position in Sincia.

Lucina listened cheerfully as everyone shared stories of the last few years. She didn't know how much time had passed but after a quick glance towards the private section, Iason rose from the table and departed.

Thankfully there was no time for silence to overwhelm them as Alex and Korra returned to the table, squabbling. Holding a plate of food, Korra sat beside Lucina and, holding a glass of whisky, Alex sat beside Korra.

The General sighed "Can't you two get along for one night?" he asked.

"We get on fine sir. Watch" Alex said. He reached over towards Korra's plate.

She viciously smacked his hand away. "Get your own food" she snapped.

"It was one lobster claw" he complained.

"My lobster claw" Korra corrected. She paused a moment, "Don't tell me your still scared".

"No" Alex quickly said.

"What?" Lucina questioned, and the whole table was drawn towards them.

Alex sighed. "The last time I was here years ago, I may have had and unfortunate interaction with some food. I'm still convinced someone tried to poison me". Lucina and Eric burst out laughing.

"What's this" General Jager asked, suddenly interested.

"During the war when we were on a mission, this idiot bought street food in the mainland. Later back at base-" Korra paused trying to control the laughter rising in her voice. She failed. "He ended up fighting a losing battle in the bathroom. After, he refused to eat anything other than military supplies for the entire war" Korra explained. Laughter erupted around the table and Alex scowled taking a big gulp of his drink. "Me and Grey would always joke about if only our enemies knew that some random food came closer to beating Alex Athra than they ever did".

"I'd like to change the conversation" Alex sulked.

Like a celestial being was answering his prayers, a woman with long blonde hair and green eyes approached the table. Although Lucina had no idea who she was the same couldn't be said for the rest of the table.

"You all seem to be having fun" she said, her voice was refined and possessed a strong Itarian accent. The General's instantly rose from their seats to greet her and this time even Alex stood.

"Kathe, its good to see you, it has been far too long" General Jager said as they hugged.

"It has. Where is Diana tonight?" she asked.

"Looking after our youngest" General Jager told her.

"So you're free to be as wild as you like" she joked and the General laughed. Lucina almost had a heart attack. The woman moved with unreal speed and pulled General Zeit into tight hug. "How have you been Kurt?" she asked.

"I'm fine Kathe, how are you?" General Zeit responded while returning her hug.

"I'm ok however, our parents asked me to tell you to call them more" she said as she released her brother.

A small smile cracked across his expression. "Of course".

"Good" Kathe then turned towards Alex and held out her hand, "Alex would you like to dance, I heard they're playing our song next" she said.

Alex took her hand. They wandered off to the dance floor.

From afar Lucina could hear, "What was everyone laughing at?" Kathe asked Alex.

"Nothing" he responded casually shaking her head.

"What the hell just happened" Eric suddenly said. Lucina turned to them completely stunned.

"During the war, Alex fought alongside me and Kathe when the south began to rise up" General Zeit explained. Without warning, someone else approached the table. Fleet admiral Triania stood beside Korra, who'd just finished her last piece of meat. He nodded towards everyone on the table before offering out his hand.

"Could I offer you a dance?" he politely asked with a charming smile. Korra quickly cleaned her hands and claimed his.

"I thought you'd never ask" she responded happily. They both left for the dance floor. It wasn't long before more guests approached their table and took away General Zeit and Jager and then even Emily, Maxim and Amelie were guided away.

Lucina took a sip of the whisky Alex left behind and watched over the dance floor. Dozens of guests danced elegantly between each other. She found Alex and Kathe. She'd hoped that he'd look like a lizard on ice but was severely disappointed.

'Damn can he dance' Lucina thought, impressed by his moves. In fact Lucina discovered they could all dance well as she watched Korra and the Fleet admiral as well General Jager and Zeit. Even Emily, despite the occasional slip up, looked like she'd been dancing for years. Lucina suddenly became extremely insecure, she had absolutely no idea how to dance.

She leaned into Ike, "Do you know how to dance?" she whispered.

"Gods no" he responded.

"What about you Arthur?".

"Yes" he said casually. They both turned to him stunned.

"I asked Kate to teach me years ago" he explained.

"Kate can dance?" Ike questioned.

"Yeah I was surprised as you, but she's actually quiet good. She told me she taught Lewis and Eric" Arthur said.

"It's true" Eric said, his gaze then fell behind Lucina. "Luce heads up".

She turned to see a handsome young man with black hair and a pleasant smile approaching. His eyes locked onto hers.

'Aw hell'.