
The runaway plan

Athena's pov

"Athena! Close the doltish book and bring me a cup of tea, you lousy rat."

Prince chameleon, where are you? Will you rescue your glamour princess from this witty pig? I don't have a fairy godmother, do you reckon? Okay. I believe we are the only ones in reality. Life is nothing more than a game. We are required to repeatedly cross obstacles. Surviving is the only way to describe life.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Where is the tea? Why isn't my room cleaned?"

"I-I completed it"

His dusty blue eyes darkened at the last statement. I was at the edge of sobbing about my sour life.

"Girls as lovely as you listen to strong men like me, got it?"

The impenetrable grasp oscillated around my collar as he waited for me to speak. It was painful; however, I would be able to break free if I...

"Why did you spit on my eye? Dimwit!"

Despite the confusing circumstances, I made the most of them. Even though I presided over towards the book, it was extremely unfortunate for me. Paden came rushing to me just as he was about to go any further. I scurried away in the corner of the room, terrified of what might happen next. As he laughed like a lunatic, I began to scream for help. The unkempt room caught my attention. Hopes in finding an object.

"Nowhere to escape, isn't it?"

I imbibed. Still dredging through the tiny room, I was unable to find any objects of my use. Because of the current circumstances, I was emasculated. A cliché way to describe my situation would be to say the ball is in my court.

"How can you kill two birds with one stone, dear?" Any opaque plans of yours won't succeed"

Aha! Fine as a countryside dine! Amen, my soul. I found a baseball bat; however, I would need 3 seconds to succeed.

"Mrs. Katherine is here"

The kaleidoscopic oaken door caught his attention immediately. I crawled to the bat while standing back up on my feet. I swung the baseball bat and hit him in the forehead. Thereupon, he smooched the floor. Pfft...#dustysmoochie would be the hashtag I'd use to portray the situation. The moment he collapsed onto the rough tiled floor; I made my way downstairs into the dinky unsanitary basement. In the basement, there was a shabby bitty drawer in my pint-sized room.

The subnormal space was sultry, disheveled, musty, and inhabited by countless insects. I had become accustomed to spotting insects making their way in and out. My tiny space was their favorite place to go. It was like insects living in the U.S. but traveling and roaming in France.

I grabbed all the things I owned, including my diary and two sets of clothes. They were the only set of clothes I owned. I crawled up to the floor, cramming everything into a gigantic towel and making my way upstairs to the kitchen. My items swarmed on the concrete tiles as I slumped, but I picked all of them up without losing hope until the main door opened again. I crouched down near the stairs behind the sofa.

"I am home dear!"

Katherine is home I said to myself. She was making her way to "the bedroom" when I hid my packed towel behind the sofa.

"Mr. Paden said that he is planning a surprise for you"

"Marvellous! Go make me hibiscus tea, Innu"

"Yes madam"

My goodness! Just because she is learning Japanese doesn't mean she uses it in an ill manner. Aha! I found the money I'd been looking for; 50 dollars was more than enough. I stuffed it in my pocket and made tea. Before leaving the kitchen, I took the keys from the table beside the main door. After combing through the key holder, I found it.

"Hurry up, will you bring my tea when the pigs start flying?"

As I ran into the kitchen, I grabbed the most amazing round Japanese cherry blossom tray.

"Bring me the usual!"

While hauling the chair near the cabinets because they were out of reach and enormous, and I'm 5'8 to be exact, my hand still wouldn't reach. Therefore, I had to move the chair closer to the cabinets. The biscuits were placed above my reach. Then I removed two jars of biscuits from the cupboard and arranged them on the wooden tiered stands. I placed some Bourbons on top as well as shortbread biscuits. The second layer consists of both dark and white chocolate. Also, top it off with slices of Lemon drizzle cake and pound cake. I placed the tiered stand on the cherry blossom tray beside the tea. Before I stepped out of the kitchen, I opened one of the lower cabinets and took out the chili powder, sprinkling it on every food item. She must be knackered to even acknowledge it. Also, along with that, I poured 2 tablespoons of hot sauce into the tea, stirring it. Do drastic times call for drastic measures I presume?

From the bedroom door, Paden appeared out of the blue. I froze in bewilderment absolutely alarmed.

"You spoilt brat, you..."

While he was sprinting toward me. My gaze rested on the whetted tool in his hand. I grabbed the pepper spray from the kitchen drawer and sprayed it on his eyes.

"Darn it, Athena!"

After removing an enormous pan from the lower cabinet drawer, I quickly swung it to the side. It was supposed to hit Paden but Katherine fainted instead. I was about to start snickering until I met his eyes. We started looping around the counter table.

"Just wait and you'll see what I do to you"

"Catch me, first grandpa"

I then swiftly made my way to their bedroom after grabbing my packed towel. Using some force, I pushed a drawer in front of the lock to lock the room. I began to think "what should I do next?" when an idea popped up. My gaze fell on the pearl ring placed beside the bed. I took the ravishing pint-size ring and flung it towards the window. The window was extremely fragile, and it broke completely without warning. With bleeding feet by stepping over the shattered glass. My goal was to escape this hellish place. I froze in place before the window, unsure whether or not to escape. "Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement" we should always remember. As mother Teresa said, "Life is a challenge we must face". As I climbed over the window with tears in my eyes, I clenched my hands into fists with determination. Everything is agonizing. The door burst open at the exact moment I looked behind it.

"You are not going anywhere mischievous child"

Katherine screamed, historically laughing. Both of them came bolting towards me. I ran. As fast as I could, I ran. Tears of joy filled my eyes; I ignored their yelling and just ran. A bus door was about to close at the same time I leaped inside of it. Ouch!

"Kid! What has happened to you?"

"Apologies for the inconvenience sir. I did not intend to jump in like that"

He smiled

"Need not worry child, sit down calmly. I won't ask for money"

I smiled at the bus driver as an act of gratitude.

I was aware that people were judging my appearance as I walked on the bus. I walked in search of a seat. After sitting on the third seat, the woman scrunched up her nose in disgust and moved closer to the window. It was a clear sign that I had to get up from there, so I did since I didn't want any drama to start. I had to be careful. I quietly walked to the end of the bus.

Undeniably took the window seat in the right corner. There were only 5 people on the bus. It was Sunday so I thought I could have ice cream. In Perpetuum, I loved mint chocolate ice cream and after an eternity, I will be able to eat it! Simple thoughts would often cross my mind, but I never realized how prismatic the ardent afternoons could be. The words that best describe this incredible afternoon are iridescent and impeccable.

The bus approached the destination, it stopped quickly. Getting off at a similar time as others on the bus as I didn't know where I was. When I came alongside the bus driver, I sat down beside him unwrapping the towel in my hand. I handed him some money but he looked at me gently and pushed my hand telling me not to give him any money

"Pardon me?"

He smiled and replied to my confusion.

"Dear child, I am a very generous man and I know you don't have enough money. Use this money to buy food and try to find something which will help you earn money"

"Thank you so much, I will never forget you for your kindness"

I was on the verge of tears. Everything was hazy, but something touched my hand. I saw that there were 10 dollars? Am I dreaming?

"Sir, I can't take this"