
ATG: King James' Conquests (Multiversal Summoning System)

An arrogant yet highly talented, handsome and charming student who has fallen off a cliff due to his life crumbling apart takes his talents to the ATG verse (somewhat unwillingly) as a prince of the Blue Wind Empire. Self-proclaimed King James has the choice between passing by life as a relatively insignificant individual and enjoying some luxuries... or carving a name for himself and claiming the sky for himself. Of course, he could never live with being insignificant. Instead, he finds that this new world has plenty of treasures worthy of conquering! And so, with the aid of his King's System which allows him to summon characters across the multiverse, he sets out on the humble ambition of conquering the Universe and all her booty! Tags: Weak to OP MC, guns, massive harem (this is a 100%), seggs, Mudae rolling, blacksmithing, Kingdom building, plotting, wars, chaotic-neutral MC, a bit of romance, character development For advanced chapters (5) my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev To keep 100% up to date (8 chapters in advance) and vote on future stories, my pat reon: pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven

SovereignOfHeaven · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Fen Juechen's Legacy Defining Match

"The final match of the Quarterfinals… Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juebi versus Blue Wind Imperial Family's Fen Juechen!"

(Fuck, I almost typed Fen Juecheng… Duanhun couldn't be a bit more creative? Well, at least, Juebi's name isn't Jueche…)

"A battle between brothers… by all rights, this is simply the Burning Heaven Clan fighting itself." Fen Moli sighed. "More should have been done to prevent Juechen leaving…"

"Great Elder, do not look so distressed." Fen Juecheng smiled. "This arrangement has come to the Burning Heaven Clan's benefit. My little brother has progressed greatly in the profound way, surpassing many who should, by all means, be stronger. This small feud has given him the motivation and opportunity to spread his wings."

"If he does defeat my second brother and surpasses him… we should all celebrate it and assure him that he is perfectly welcome to return home."

"As you wish, Young Master."

Fen Juecheng frowned slightly as the attention turned away from him and onto the stage. 


"The stage is set, my dear little brother." Fen Juebi grinned, drawing the Burning Heaven Clan's Demon Flame Blade. "I assume you would recognise this majestic sword…"

"Of course I recognise it." Fen Juechen spoke with an indifferent tone, even though his eyes were very much flaming with fury. "I didn't think that first brother would be that afraid of you losing to me."

"Everything around that prince you kneel down to is… unpredictable." Fen Juebi chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Speaking of, how does it feel being on your knees?"

"..." Fen Juechen frowned.

"You threw away your dignity, pride and background as a young master of the great Burning Heaven Clan… for what?" Fen Juebi laughed. "You became a dog of the Blue Wind Imperial Family… hahaha… for what? To lose to me again, on an even bigger stage?"

"How laughable… hahahah… how laughable… you truly are pathetic, little brother!"

"Keep laughing, big brother… keep laughing." Fen Juechen's tone remained calm, even though every fibre of his body was engulfed in a raging flame. "Because these laughs… will be the last you'll ever have. By all means, cherish them. All the joy you ever had will turn to ashes in your mouth soon enough."

"..." Fen Juebi raised an eyebrow as he took a moment to process what the hell his brother said. "You were always a weird one, little brother. It's no small wonder why I had to 'guide' you so often… and even then, you turned out even worse with each lesson I tried to impart to you."

He made a 'regretful' sigh.

"It's such a shame that my little brother has become such a stain on the family name…"

"Save the act of someone kind or caring for someone more gullible." Fen Juechen drew his sword, engulfing it in blue flames. "In this fight, you will pay your debt in full…"

"Sure, sure…" Fen Juebi laughed, doing the same. "I'll enjoy playing with you. As you know, I find putting my arrogant little brother in his place quite thrilling."

An arrogant young master calls another arrogant young master arrogant… a tale as old as time.

"The final match of the Quarterfinals... Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juebi versus Blue Wind Imperial Family's Fen Juechen... match start!"

Fen Juebi stepped forward casually with confidence while Fen Juechen remained steadfast.

"Well, aren't you going to strike me?" Fen Juebi spread open his arms, taunting his little brother. "Or do you intend to stare me to death?-"

Fen Juechen flashed forward at his most incredible speed, creating dozens of 'illusions' in his wake. Fen Juebi chuckled, firing off a Field Burning Slash to disperse the flames. With the Demon Flame Blade in hand, his power was far more immense, leading to Fen Juechen's flame illusions melting away.

As for Fen Juechen himself, he used Fen Juebi's attack as a means of opening... stepping behind him.


Fen Juebi blocked his brother's strike without turning his head.

"You're as predictable as ever." Fen Juebi chuckled, turning his body and aiming to kick him away.

Fen Juechen stepped back a little and sidestepped his kick, slashing once again.


Fen Juebi effortlessly blocked him, their flaming swords clashing fiercely against each other. Though... one was clearly superior and began to melt the other with each passing moment. The sword winning the clash was, of course, the Demon Flame Blade.

The difference between an Earth Profound grade artefact and a Sky Profound one... was quite vast.

Noticing that his blade was quite literally melting, Fen Juechen backed away.

"Did you truly believe that the piece of garbage in your hand could hold its own against the Demon Flame Blade... a sword that had melted countless other, mightier, weapons?" Fen Juebi laughed.

"This so-called piece of garbage... is all that I'll ever need to beat you." Fen Juechen took a deep breath. 'All I have to do is avoid directly clashing with it...'

Even so, Fen Juechen hadn't expected the Demon Flame Blade to be so overbearingly powerful. Even though he and Fen Juebi were on the same level... the weapon in his older brother's hands made all the difference. 

"Taking a break already?" Fen Juebi tilted his head. "Even though you've grown so much stronger... Your tenacity has dimmed substantially. It doesn't even look like you want to win all that much."

Fen Juechen did not entertain him, trying to think of a plan.

"Huh..." Fen Juebi grinned after a few seconds. "You must be trying to think of something clever. Let me enlighten you; there's nothing you can do to beat me. That's the cold, hard, truth!"

Fen Juebi took the offensive, using the same Burning Phantom Illusion movement skill. Dozens of flaming 'clones' filled the arena to confuse Fen Juechen. Even though the clones were highly similar to the original body, they were nothing but illusions and couldn't do much harm. 

Besides that, the Demon Flame Blade had a unique aura that could be discerned...

Fen Juechen focused on it... 



Fen Juebi struck the ground, creating a sizeable flaming fissure, while Juechen stepped to the side and dodged the attack altogether. Fen Juebi recovered quickly and swung consecutive blows, all of which his brother managed to evade using his movement technique.

"Seafaring Flame Dragon!"

Fen Juebi's blade formed a thick dragon flame, hurling it straight towards the figure of Juechen and most of his illusions. It soared out at breakneck speeds, accompanied by a sweltering heatwave and whistling of the wind. 



Almost all the clones had been dragged in by the Seafaring Flame Dragon, disintegrating completely.

Fen Juebi's eyes widened as he realised... he had only struck the clones.


Another Seafaring Flame Dragon emerged, this one heading straight for Fen Juebi.

He chuckled, blocking the dragon directly. It pushed him back a couple of metres, but he managed to suppress it with the Demon Flame Blade...

Until Fen Juechen went behind him and...

Fired off another Seafaring Flame Dragon.

"Damn..." Juebi chuckled as he was surrounded by Juechen's blue flames from practically all angles. "Not bad."

He wasn't done yet, raising his sword to the skies.

"Blazing Sun... BURNS CLOUDS!"

Fen Juechen followed up with a giant blue fireball, sending it soaring down to Fen Juebi.


A great veil of smoke came as an aftermath, clouding the entire arena. Fen Juechen stepped back, keeping his senses sharp.

"Hahahah..." Juebi laughed, breaking the silence. "Well done, well done... for the first time in your life... you, my dear little brother, have made me bleed!"


Fen Juebi slashed his mighty blade, scattering almost all of the smoke. He had apparent burns all across his body. A good portion of his robes had been burned, too. His hair was all spikey and fucked up. He looked like a mad scientist who had been homeless for a good year.

"..." Fen Juebi frowned, taking several deep breaths. 

"You must feel some regret... because that was your only chance of winning against me!" Fen Juebi laughed, shaking his head. "You should've risked it all and sacrificed your blood essence. That was your golden opportunity. But nooo... you were arrogant. You didn't think you'd need to use the forbidden technique to beat me."

"Only someone like you would be desperate enough to use a forbidden technique." Fen Juechen countered, remaining fixated on his target. "I have no use for it."

"I hope you keep that sentiment when I melt your trashy sword, burn your face and make you feel all types of pain that you've never felt before..."

Fen Juebi laughed madly before flashing forward.

He was no longer fighting with carelessness, going straight for the kill. His sustained wounds told him loud and clear that Fen Juechen was not someone to play around with. He indeed possessed the ability to match him... if not, beat him.

Fire shadows of the two brothers erupted across the arena as the two came to blows. Fen Juechen did all he could to avoid direct confrontation with the Demon Flame Blade, dodging it like a medieval peasant would when he saw a rat during the Black Death pandemic.

Due to his burns, Fen Juebi was a step slower physically. Still, his greater comprehension of the Burning Phantom Illusion allowed him to keep up. Besides, the Demon Flame Blade didn't need direct contact to do damage. Even at a slight range, it could burn Fen Juechen to a degree.

"Seafaring Flame Dragon!"

"Field Burning Slash!"

Fen Juebi didn't hold back in the slightest, throwing a storm of profound skills directly at Fen Juechen. Eventually, Fen Juechen was overwhelmed and had to block a direct blow from the Demon Flame Blade...


His half-melted sword shattered against Fen Juebi's superior blade...


Fen Juechen was slashed vertically across his chest...

His blood sprayed out like a fountain and left him dazed.


Fen Juebi did not hesitate to use this moment of opportunity, performing a ruthless multiple-hit combo on him. Without any context, one might be shocked to discover that these two young men were, in fact, brothers by blood.

"You piece of fucking garbage..." Fen Juebi laughed. "You thought that you could beat ME... ME? Hahahahaha! It's time for you to wake up!"


Ling Wugou furrowed his brows slightly.

James observed with a look of disappointment.

When he was done beating down on Fen Juechen like a training dummy, he smashed him into the ground and placed his foot on his face... twisting it before stomping a few times.

"Juechen... is this how you want to be remembered?" James suddenly spoke out. "Laying on the ground like a barbeque, getting stepped on by the same person you swore vengeance on!?"

Fen Juebi laughed, stepping away. "Your Royal Highness, my sweet brother is finished... can't you see that much?"

"Open your fucking eyes and get off the bloody ground!" 

"..." Fen Juechen groaned, willing himself to slowly open his eyes. "I... am not... finished..."

"It hurts, doesn't it?" James questioned, crossing his arms. "Let me tell you one thing... if you lose to this clown after the resources that I wasted on you, I'll fucking hop down there and SLAUGHTER you MYSELF."

"..." Fen Juebi chuckled with a slight tone of nervousness. He just got called a clown in front of everyone, but it was by someone he couldn't quite compete with. The difference was vaster than the one between Heaven and Earth. This was a bullet that he had to eat directly. 

"It seems you might have to... because he isn't getting up."

"Shut up, you spineless trashcan."

"..." Fen Juebi frowned. "No need to get so upset, Your Highne-"

"If you have any shred of honour, you will stand in your little corner and allow Juechen to get up," James stated... although it sounded more like a command. "Or... are you afraid he'll crush you like the vermin you are?"

"..." Fen Juebi's ego was most certainly bruised. He stepped back, shaking his head. "Sure, I'll let him get up. The only difference is that I'll be able to torture him even more."

"I know your sorry ass can hear me." James turned his attention to Fen Juechen, sending a direct transmission only he could hear. "It's not just a match, it's more than a fight... it's more than the wounds, the pain, the humiliation, the glory, the fame... this right here is about legacy! Your very legacy, how you will be perceived for the rest of your life and beyond... it's on the fucking line right here, right now!"

 "Get the fuck up... and fight!"

A surge of power flowed inside Fen Juechen as he slowly willed himself back up. Fen Juebi was quite shocked to see that he could even do that. The look in his brother's eyes... was very much alive. If anything, the flame within burned even brighter.

This was none other than the power of James' Song paired with Fen Juechen's relentless willpower.

"..." Fen Juechen took a deep breath before facing Juebi directly. "That's the last time you step on me."

"Are you done taking your little break?" Fen Juebi questioned. "Perhaps you need an hour or so? Maybe some medical pellets... a medical bath, even?"

"No, I'm quite alright." Fen Juechen managed a smile. "All I needed was a few seconds."

"Good... I'll melt that smile right off your face." Fen Juebi grinned, stepping forward. "It'll only take three strikes."

"DODGE!" James commanded. 

DODGE, Fen Juechen did. Almost effortlessly. 

'... How is he that fast now?' Fen Juebi blinked. 'This level of profound strength...'

Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh.

The mighty Demon Flame Blade could only hit the air as Fen Juechen evaded it perfectly. Fen Juebi began to get a little desperate, using a myriad of profound skills. 

"Thousand Scorching Suns..."


"Blazing Sun Slash!"

"Keep dodging... be wary of that sword." James continued to coach Fen Juechen. "You're stronger than that clown; you just need to find an opportunity to disarm him. Be patient."

"Let him miss, taunt him... make that fool waste the rest of his profound energy."

Fen Juechen followed James' instructions... and, suddenly, the tides of battle began to sway in his favour. Fen Juebi was struggling so much as to burn his clothes. 

"What's wrong?" Fen Juechen grinned slightly. "You're missing me like a complete amateur, big brother."

"..." Fen Juebi returned his grin. "Arrogant little bastard, I'll have you on the floor crying soon enough."

"Not with the way you're fighting."

"With clear eyes and a full heart, you can't lose." James motivated him further. "This is what you've been waiting for, what you've been training for... think of all the times he humiliated you. All the times he looked down on you, treated you like a lesser and inferior person. Don't let that shit slide, let it empower you. All the negative emotions... throw it all in the fire. Let the fire in your heart become a raging inferno!"

Fen Juechen continued to make Fen Juebi look like a fool.

"You... achieved... a brokethrough..." Fen Juebi frowned. "There's no other way. You reached the ninth stage, didn't you?"

"What difference does it make?" Fen Juechen questioned. "You still have your mighty sword, don't you? The proud Sky Profound artefact of our family... while I have nothing but my flames. Since it's wielded by someone as incompetent as you, the famed Demon Flame Blade looks like a worthless relic."

"... Heh." Fen Juebi chuckled. "I just need to catch you once and it's over, you know that. That's why you're running like a frightened rabbit."

"It doesn't excuse you missing like someone born today." Fen Juechen shook his head. "You said I was the stain of the family before this fight... but I'm not so sure now. Even you would agree that this is quite embarrassing for you."

"Right, right... the only reason you're even standing is because your prince came to save you!"

Fen Juechen laughed in response, and it unsettled Juebi even more.

"Good, good. That's decent trash talk you tossed out. You're clearly making that clown furious. Now he'll start making mistakes. Pay attention." James stroked his chin. "An opening to counter will open soon..."

"Bait him on purpose, make him think he can reach you... but be sure to leave enough time to evade."

Fen Juechen continued evading Juebi with his Burning Phantom Illusion profound skill, which seemed to have gone up a stage or two... surpassing even his brother's comprehension.

"Soon... soon... he's tiring." James grinned, taking a strange sense of satisfaction seeing his investment at work. "Rage on, Fen Juechen... rage on... burn even brighter!"

"Seafaring Flame Dragon!"


The opportunity came... and Fen Juechen recognised it immediately. He had flashed forward, deflecting the dragon and sliding right in with a flaming fist, which took the form of a similar blue dragon.


Fen Juechen felt his blood erupt like a volcano in that decisive moment as a golden aura coated his body. Everything he had in his body exploded instantly, rushing out and condensing into his fist.

The blue flames turned purple... surging with greater power than ever before.



An uppercut straight into the gut.


Fen Juebi spat out his blood quicker than a girl who doesn't swallow, flying into the sky as the flaming purple dragon continued to press against his chest.


Then, when he reached a little over two hundred metres, the dragon exploded spectacularly. James looked up with a slight grin as a flare of smoke fell. It was none other than Fen Juebi... or whatever remained of him.

'It's just like New Year's Fireworks.'

Fen Juechen calmly watched him fall all the way down as if it were just another day. The sun was out, the sky was clear of clouds... indeed, it was quite a good day. A splendid day, even.

During Fen Juebi's ascent, he had lost grip on the Demon Flame Blade, and now it remained on the ground... waiting for someone to grasp it.

Fen Juechen went over and took it for himself, giving it a few swings.

Whoosh... whoosh.

It was heavier than the ordinary light sword, carrying a level of might that could suppress and thoroughly melt anything beneath it. 

All the while, Fen Juebi was finally completing his descent.

"Seafaring..." Fen Juechen grinned slightly as blue flames engulfed his blade, forming a mighty flame dragon. "FLAME DRAGON!"

He sent it upwards, straight for Fen Juebi.

A figure had flown forward, blocking the dragon with a simple hand swipe.

"It's over..." Fen Moli determined, grabbing Fen Juebi's body. "You've won, young master."

"... Huh." Fen Juechen frowned. In his heart, he wanted to do far more than just beat his older brother. Sure, he had burned him... but that wasn't quite enough. "He didn't concede, did he?"

Ling Wugou nodded. "Even so, it seems that Fen Juebi has lost the ability to continue fighting, and Elder Fen was right to intervene to prevent excessive damage to a participant."

"... Excessive damage?" Fen Juechen looked down, observing his wound. He looked like a demon straight from hell. Charred black from Juebi's fire with large sword scars all over his body. His face was absolutely hideous and unrecognisable. "Funny how that works. I look worse than him."

"... Indeed, your second brother was excessive." Fen Moli nodded. "Even so, you managed to win and have made us all proud."

"Great Elder is absolutely right!" Fen Juecheng jumped down the stage and approached his brother. "You showed everyone the future might of the Burning Heaven Clan. Without a doubt, in the future, we will eclipse the Xiao Sect and perhaps even the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace."

"We... who is we?" Fen Juechen raised an eyebrow. 

"We... the Burning Heaven Clan. Are we not all sons of the Clan Master Fen Duanhun?" Fen Juecheng chuckled as if it was a ridiculous question. "When we return home, Father will be supremely delighted to hear you've progressed so far in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament."

"Will you be delighted too, big brother?" Fen Juechen questioned.

"Yes... of course!" Fen Juecheng's eyes lit up. "Why would I not be pleased to be reunited with all my brothers?"

"See, to you, we are not your brothers... but rather lackeys who share the same blood as you do. Fen Juebi is more of the same; he got that attitude from you, which always gave him the idea that I would become his dog like he is yours." Fen Juechen frowned, shaking his head. "I'm not returning to the Burning Heaven Clan as your 'little' brother. If I do ever return, it will be as the Young Master."

"The true... successor to the Burning Heaven Clan."

Fen Juecheng tried to smile and laugh... but deep down, his mind raced with rage. 'What did this little shit say to me?'

His younger brother had undoubtedly shown talent that far eclipsed his own at the same age. Even more so, he felt that Fen Juechen's relationship with Cang Chao might threaten his position in the future. If he was continuously fed resources by that golden hand… then the matter of succession would be no more than an afterthought in a couple of years.

A future where he was not the Sect Master of the Burning Heaven Clan greatly unsettled Fen Juecheng.

To him, as the eldest brother… that was his birthright. Everything he ever worked for.

As the tournament went on, his sense of insecurity only grew... and now... that bastard actually dared to directly challenge him!

"That's a funny jest, little brother." Fen Juecheng laughed, waving it off. You need to see a doctor and have your wounds healed first. You might've been hit in the head a little too hard. Also... the blade in your hands. Return it to its rightful place."

"My mind is perfectly clear." Fen Juechen denied, raising the Demon Flame Blade and observing his reflection from its glistening blade. "As for this... you can have it."

He tossed it in the air, and Fen Juecheng caught it.

Fen Juecheng smiled. "My little brother would've handed the sword far more carefully."

"I won't return home... because I know you far better than you think, big brother. You are as jealous and insecure as they come."

"Hm..." Fen Juecheng sighed. "It's a shame... I thought that this feud was only between you and Juebi. Even then, it was something that we all could have resolved peacefully. In the end... I am bewildered. What have I done to earn your animosity, sweet brother?"

"Nothing." Fen Juechen turned away. "You did nothing."


"... As the Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juebi no longer possesses the ability to continue fighting, Blue Wind Imperial Family's Fen Juechen will proceed to the semi-finals, where he will face Ling Jie!"

'Now I know how John felt...' James smiled as he thought. 'I think if he saw me, he would be bloody proud. I'd make a pretty good coach/manager.'


Right after the fight, James had Beatrice patch up Fen Juechen, which made him look like he was brand new in no time. Once he had recovered, the two shared a private conversation in James' little garden.

"I... want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Your Royal Highness." Fen Juechen kneeled down on both knees, lowering his head. "Without you, none of this would've been possible. Not only did you provide me with divine... no doubt invaluable, priceless resources that you could've used for yourself... you also gave me the will to fight when I needed it most. When I had given up all hope, you raised me back up with your all-inspiring words."

"You fought bravely, Fen Juechen... with all your heart and soul. You fought like someone who came to represent the Blue Wind Imperial Family." James smiled, patting his back. "Come now, rise."

"I... ask that you allow me to continue serving you and perhaps... grant me the resources to grow as quickly as possible."

"I did say the plan was for you to become the head of the entire Burning Heaven Clan, did I not?" James stroked his chin. "Of course, I'd share some of my resources with you... otherwise, you'd take far too many years to be even remotely useful. It's a logical investment."

"Thank you." Fen Juechen nodded, rising off the ground. He smiled slightly. "I will do everything I can to meet your expectations. As for tomorrow's match..."

"From what I gathered, Ling Jie possesses even greater battlepower than his brother did at the same level," James replied, stroking his chin. "Not only that, but Ling Yun will no doubt give his little brother his Celestial Yuan Sword... leading to you having to go against two Sky Profound swords simultaneously."

"Yes..." Fen Juechen nodded. "A lethal combination, there can be no doubt about that. Even you almost lost to Ling Yun at the same level."

"That is why... I will level the playing field." James grinned slightly. "You lost your sword against the Demon Flame Blade, so... I'll grant you an upgrade that would put both blades to shame."

James brought out one of the many flame-attribute swords in his inventory...

Fen Juechen's eyes lit up like never before...

"This... tyrannical aura... it surpasses anything I've ever felt from a sword in my entire life. Even when my father demonstrated the Demon Flame Blade, it wasn't nearly as monstrous..." Fen Juechen remarked as he was in complete awe and bewilderment. "Is this... a genuine Emperor Profound Artefact?"

"Yes... a high-grade one at that." James smiled, nodding as he presented the mighty blade to Fen Juechen. "Consider it a reward for your victory against Fen Juebi and a token of your service for the future."

"Tomorrow, I expect only... victory."

Fen Juechen kneeled once more as he took the blade.

"Then victory you shall have, Your Royal Highness."


Before night came... by sheer coincidence (not at all), Xia Qingyue strolled into my garden. In truth, I asked her via voice transmission to come and see me a few hours after the quarterfinals ended. She seemed pretty sneaky, like an ice ghost. I doubt anyone noticed her.

"I'm surprised you accepted my invitation," I remarked, laying down comfortably on a bench as I looked up at the stars. "I wonder... was it because you felt obligated as I am your greatest benefactor to date? Or perhaps... you were simply curious? Whatever the reason, I'm glad."

"And what was the reason for you wanting to see me?"

I smiled.

The Heart of Snow Glazed Ice... if you can truly see into the heart of all things, shouldn't you know?

"The reason is quite simple..."