
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Thunder don´t strike twice in the same place

If there was something worth mentioning about my opponent, then that would be his speed. In the blink of an eye, the axe of Einar was mere inches of my face. I turned my body to the side and counter-attacked with a swing of my sword, but he blocked the edge with the long pole he used to swing his weapon.

He´s strong... 

Still in this position, I pointed the barrel of my gun to his chest. He quickly jumped back and avoided the gum bullets of my pacifier.

"I´m impressed you dodged my thunder strike" He said as his stance prepared for another dash.

I replied while preparing my response to his next attack. "I´m proud of my reflexes" 

"Then let us see how you dodge this..."

Instead of dashing forward like before, Einar swept the ground with his axe, creating a cloud of dust that obstructed my vision. This forced me to rely on my other senses, and thankfully for me, Dominique had some high specs in that area. 

I focused on my hearing and heard a current of electricity running wildly from the direction of Einar. The sparkling bolts appeared soon after.

I jumped to avoid the electricity and aimed to shoot another barrage of bullets, but I got intercepted by his axe still in the air.

This man has experience dealing with fast enemies... I´m starting to like him.

This time my only option was to block his attack.

"This is over!" He said with the grin of a winner.

I chuckled to the prideful man.

"For you"

The moment he swung his axe to crush me against the ground I used my magic to be devoured by the shadows.


The impulse I gained from his attack gave me the speed I needed to appear from the ceiling above his head with my sword ready to slash his neck.

"You should´ve checked the light reaching this place"

I thought this would end the battle, but the senior showed just how naive I was.

"Oh, I was aware"

The edge of my sword couldn´t reach his neck, or any part of his body for that matter. I was parried by his feet when he used his axe to pivot his body into a kick that deflected my attack.

The strength behind his leg was enough to send me flying to his place when the battle started.

We were once again facing each other, right back to the start.

"That´s my champion for you! How was that, Carin?! Aren´t I the best at choosing people to do a job?!"

The cheering from the lame afro guy was loud enough to be heard by the rest of the audience that had gathered to watch our match. 


Carin didn´t respond, she was too focused on the fight to even gave a damn to the pathetic man yelling like a cheerleader on the other side of the arena.

I can feel your staring, dear sister... 

"I always thought that irregulars were cowards and crude, but you fight with the ability of a true warrior. How are you so strong, Dominique?"

This time, the one making the first move would be me.

"I have someone I must protect, no matter what"

Einar was shocked at my words, but he quickly smiled at me.

"Splendid! That´s the answer of a true warrior!!"

His body was enveloped in bolts of blue lighting. I´m sure this was his way of telling me that the next exchange would decide everything.

"I consider myself more of a romantic"

I didn´t want to deny his honesty, so I also decided to get serious.

"Then show me how strong that love is!!!"

We both charged at the same time, our collision was inevitable and it was a matter of seconds to decide the outcome of our fight. He raised his axe to chop me clean in half, his intentions were as clear as the day. I could easily dodge him and finish the fight with a single counter, but that would be rude to a man like him.

I´m taking you down on your own game...

Einar thinks my magic just allows me to move inside the shadows, but he´s about to discover how wrong he is.

I condensed the shadows from the whole arena into my sword, turning it pitch-black, and then, I swung the edge right in the direction of his axe´s head. 

"Black guillotine..."

The moment our weapons touched the electricity from Einar was devoured by my sword. The swing cut his sturdy weapon clean, and if I hadn´t aimed at the sky, I would have taken his head too.

A loud bang resounded around us as the ceiling fell to the ground just like the head of the axe. The people who followed the point of my sword raised their eyes to the skies and noticed...

"You have to be kidding..."



They noticed how the clouds in the sky had been separated and cut from the direction of my attack. 

My shadows and my sword had cleared the sky.

"That´s my brother to you... Ashole..." Whispered Carin as she looked at the show his champion gave to the whole audience.

"I admit my defeat... You, Dominique, are a true warrior... And you have my respect"

When Einar said that with a satisfied face and a fist on his chest, my sword broke into pieces and fell as silver dust to the winds. I saved my gun and gave him a slight bow.

"Thank you for the fight. Sir Einar"


A roar from the audience brought me back to reality and made me notice the wide audience that had witnessed our battle. To my surprise, the students were giving me compliments instead of curses or insults.

"Not bad, irregular guy!"

"What a fight man!"

"You´re a beast!"

A strange warmth arrived on my chest as I looked around and saw the faces of the students. 

Admiration, respect, happiness, excitement.

There were so many nice emotions that I was unsure of what to do next. And for good or worse, the one who helped me to get out of this whirlwind was my maid, Jasmine. She grabbed my arm and shouted as she raised my hand intertwined in hers.

"And the winner of the match!!! Is no one but Dominique Foe Yatra!!! The black panther!!!"


Another roar from the audience. I got so caught up in the moment that I even raised my free hand and celebrated my victory with everyone.

I didn´t know that being recognized would feel this good...

As I got showered in praises and questions about how my fought, Carin and her cronies went to see the losing party. The noble was as pale as a dead body, and when he turned to his companions to seek any kind of help, he soon realized that the only reason for them to stay beside him was his title and family, but now that he had lost a formal bet to an irregular, the title will be the last thing he ever gets.

"So, as stated in the contract, you will do anything I say"

"W-Wait, Carin. No! La- Lady Carin! I-I know I acted out of boundaries b-but I´m sure you are a merciful person a-and you will know how to spare this humble servitor of y-yours..."

Carin felt nothing but pure disgust from the sad and miserable man before her, and that was clearly expressed in her factions.

"Shut your damn mouth and give me your noble title, you piece of blue crap"


"No buts, a bet is a bet, and now you ow me. I don´t care how you´re explaining this to your household, but I want the papers ready before the weekend"

Carin then turned on her feet and started to walk away, her friends laughing as they followed the woman.


The noble was left behind in tears and all kinds of other shameful fluids.

I, on the other hand, was having a blast of a time.

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