
At War With My Luna

Rejected and banished by her mate, the alpha, after she told him she was pregnant with her child. Feeling betrayed and broken, Rachel swore to return with a new pack and have her revenge by killing her mate and his whole pack that didn't stop her banishment. In her journey to find a new pack, she discovers that she was actually a Luna, and she had the power to destroy the world if used wrongly. Does Rachel let revenge consume her and the whole world or does she reconnect with the one that betrayed her?

Madubuko_Nzube · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Corrupt Officials


Elvis' Pov.


  The day was very uneventful, after my little catch up with Azriel I received some training from the leader of the king's guard, Sony Bridge. The training comprised of first, sword fight, which was a lot harder than I thought. Everyone I sparred against defeated me in under five minutes, there were speculations on whether I could actually do the job. But I redeemed myself during he archery training, aiming and shooting was very easy for me probably because of my wolf instincts. At the end of the training, all the new recruits introduced themselves to the superiors. 

"You are the man that was personally recommended by the king?" 

"I guess…"

"You should come party with us in the evening at a place called 'Kolo's Resort'."