
At the other end

Paul found himself alone in his house after a serious car accident. Everything he was going through at the time was different. Gray and soulless. A dark forest with tall trees appeared around the house. Human cries and animal reverses were often heard from the forest. Paul couldn't find the courage to step into this forest. Despite worries about his family, he didn't have the strength to go look for her. He remained under house arrest for a long time. The December winter made the whole situation worse, because the heating didn't work in the house either. Heavy snow covered the trees, creating a kind of light effect, but at the same time the only brightness that could be used for orientation. Paul has long been in a strange isolation - like in a bad dream ... I dedicate this story to people who do not realize other, more important values ​​around them. Maybe truly repentance comes at the very end. Only then will we know the truth about the unnecessary preference of the material world. We find that all this is vanity. Only memories and feelings will remain, and even those will disappear in space and time over time. Paul recognized the space-time and didn't even realize his chance at a remedy. Maybe one day he will become a really good person. A person who distributes love in any form and not pain. Welcome to the Universe of Justice. Let's see what it might really look like.

BrandonMcYntire · Urban
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5 Chs


Paul felt terrible, trembling, and had great remorse. Soon a low man with larger glasses appeared in the doorway. Surprised, he measured Paul.

"Who are you? What would you need from me?"

Paul couldn't stand it mentally and knelt on the ground.

"I'm Paul, your former classmate. Please, Joy, forgive me. I want to ask you for forgiveness."

Joy didn't hide his surprise, he tried to meet his childhood classmate in the older man.

"Are you Paul? From our school? Is the one who was still beating me ?!"

Joy's wife Erika appeared in the doorway.

"That is him? This one still beat you ?!" Paul no longer held his emotions. He cried like a little boy.

"Yes it is me. I'm so sorry. Forgive me, Joy. I was a bad person! Very bad! But now ... I have no words to apologize for, to bring it all back. I wish it never happened. But it does not work. Please, Joy, forgive me!"

Paul moaned at the door. Erika came back inside. Joy continued to stand motionless in the doorway, staring in astonishment at Paul. After a while, however, Joy addressed his longtime classmate with compassion and understanding: "Well, Paul ... I would never have believed that I would ever see you again, and here in Norway. I don't know what to tell you now. But you know ... I'm glad you changed. Although I don't know how you got your transformation ... but I am really glad it's like this with you now. So come on, I want to know more about your life, what was the impetus for your transformation and how it happened."

"Thank you, Joy! Well thank you! I will make up for everything I caused. Tell me what you need to help with in life, so I'll do anything. I have money and good contacts. I'll help you and your whole family with anything you need."

Joy and Paul sat down at the table in the living room, and Erika brought them coffee. They talked for about two hours. In addition, Paul found out what a great companion Joy is. He is a computer expert, so they gave him an offer to work in a prestigious computer company in Oslo. He has one fifteen-year-old son who is also computer-savvy. He'll probably follow in his father's footsteps. In the evening, Paul said goodbye to Joya's family and went to the airport. The next day he was at home with his family. He became a different person. Attentive, loving, giving as much love and understanding as he could. He already knew that the material world was irrelevant. He knew there was something much more beautiful. For the next fifteen years, he also flew with Kiar to Norway every Christmas for a one-day visit to Joy. They became inseparable friends.