
At The End of the Blinding Darkness

Mayumi L. Agape is your average teen living an average boring life. However, one day her life first took a turn when she has been diagnosed with Pneumonia which worsened her crippling depression. Unfortunately, her life's twist didn't just stop at that. She woke up one day in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body becoming the mysterious little girl Helshyre overnight. She met people who treated her as their own family. However, due to Mayumi's doubts and fear of attachment, she considered them no less than kind strangers who would soon go on their own separate ways. In the face of death, the original Helshyre appeared before her providing enlightenment and a warning. Nevertheless, Mayumi chose to set aside the original Helshyre's warning as she planned to never involve herself on anything and anyone related to her new world. But the more you fear something, the more it's bound to happen. Mayumi ended up getting attached to her new life. As Mayumi grew fonder of the people around her and the world itself, she found herself on a path of darkness the original Helshyre had taken. But what can she do when the only way to protect what she loves is to let the darkness consume her? What would await her at the end of the blinding darkness?

EasyEel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

⚔7:The Divine Guardians

"Just grab whatever ya like kids, it's on me." Hezborn announced.

The kids rushed to the displayed items.

I should be thankful Hezborn always got some spare money to squander.

Anyways, it's cool how this small village has a general store. The selection of items are very diverse too.

"Hey kid, don't be shy. Go get whatever ya like." Hezborn said and patted my head.

'I'm not shy, I'm just having a hard time choosing what to buy.'

They have a lot of cool items here. If only I woke up in a nobles' body I would've shopped with my eyes closed.

"Mimi! Come here." Iriya called.

"Yes?" I answered as I approached her.

"Look, aren't they pretty?" she uttered in awe as she showed me splendid hair ties and ribbons.

"They are, I'm pretty sure it'll all suit you."

I very much would love to buy some but considering my hair length, it would be just useless.

'I kind of regret selling my hair now.'

"Have you already picked yours?" she asked as she's picking the ones she likes the most.

"Not yet." I answered.

"How about books? It will be useful once you learn how to read. You need it too. You probably didn't learn that much if you grew up in the mountains." she casually said.

I'm sure she meant well but I feel kind of offended. However, she has a point.

"You're right, I'll start looking now." I answered.

I spotted the book section pretty easily. Rykan and Chase were there picking some books.

"You're here for books?" Rykan asked, he can't even hide his surprise.


Chase and Rykan looked at each other then looked at me with pity.

'These kids I swear.'

"Mayumi, don't worry I'll teach you how to read and write." Chase said with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, I'll look forward to it." I said with a grin making Chase blush.

'So easy to fluster.'

"Looking for books Mayumi?" I looked behind and saw Julius.

'Wow, he got over it quickly.'

He was really pissed earlier and refused to talk to us.

"Well, I'm still mad but I'm really curious why would someone illiterate buy books. How would you even know what you're buying? Do you want to buy something specific? How would you know what book is it?"

"Uhm, I can just ask you guys for help, right?" I answered.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout." Chase apologize as we looked at him.

"So what books are you looking for?" Rykan asked.

Those novel and manhwa characters usually read a bunch of books to get a grasp of the world they transmigrated in. Some even went far as reading books tackling politics.

'Heck, I won't go that far. Politics will just stress me out.'

"I want to know more about this world so can you pick some books that would give me insights?" I requested.

"Got it." Chase answered as he began to search for books with Rykan.

"You talk as if you came from another world and not from the mountains." Julius commented.


"I wonder how long you've been isolated in the mountains." Julius asked.

"Julius, didn't Hezborn told us to wait till she tell us herself?" Chase told him off.

"Yes right, I'm sorry." he quickly apologized.

I just smiled as a response. Hezborn is really a considerate person.

"So, what's with the deal between you and snakes? Don't tell me your parents wanted to feed you to snakes. Or were your parents eaten by a giant snake?" Julius said after a minute of silence.

"Julius." Chase threatened him with a book.

"I'm sorry. I just feel so uncomfortable not being able to let out all this thoughts." he quickly apologized covering his head.

While the kids were choosing books, I just sat on the floor looking like a lost puppy. I want to pick some books too, how I wish I can understand those weird symbols. It's like I'm just looking at a book full of toddler's scribbles being copy and pasted.

'Is this what it feels to be illiterate?'

"Wow, that's a lot." I uttered after seeing all the books they chose.

I can hardly see Rykan's head.

"I got you some story books and how-to type of books." Julius said showing me the books he picked.

"That's good, thanks."

"Me next, I got you a book about the 'corruption' and monsters, Alchemy, Magic, there's about stones and gems too." Chase said showing me his books proudly.

"Oh great, thanks."

'I don't know about that stones and gems though.'

"Ahem, I got you those about the history of the empire, old folk tales, politics and some coloring books."

"The what?"

'Did I hear it right?'

"Uh...coloring books?" he answered with such a confused look.

"Put that back." I ordered.

"What? But-" he tried to protest but I cut him off.

"No buts, put that politics one back too."

"That's not fair, you were fine with all their books so why aren't you fine with mine?" He whined.

'So this brat has a cute side to him too.'

"Because you got different books. It's just that I don't have quite the interest on what you picked. So put it back." I ordered him again.

He pouted as he put the books back.

"You don't like coloring books?" Chase asked.

"What do you think I am? A kid?"

"Uh... You're still a kid, what do you mean?" Rykan said as he look at me like I am a crazy person.

'Crap, I forgot.'

"I mean, I don't...like...color books?" I just ran out of excuses.

"Eh?" Rykan muttered expressing his doubt.

"I'm pretty sure it's because you're still mad at me." he mumbled.

"She's probably just colorblind." Julius whispered to Rykan but I'm pretty sure Chase heard it clearly too.

'Somebody teach this kid how to whisper.'

Chase and Rykan looked at me with such pitty in their eyes upon hearing Julius' speculation.

'These kids really.'

"I'm not!"

"What color is this then, and this?" Rykan asked pointing his polo shirt and Chase's t-shirt.

"Yours is red and Chase's is sky blue." I answered confidently.

"Wrong." Rykan said.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What do you mean? It's clearly red and sky blue. You're probably the one who's colorblind."

"No. It's clearly crimson red and cyan. Even if you ask Chase." he objected.

Chase hesitated before answering, "Yes, it is crimson red and cyan."

'Damn, I feel so betrayed.'

"Aren't they just the same?" I protested.

"Well, kind of." Chase answered.


Rykan cut me off. "It's just like you're saying roosters and hens are the same."

"Bacause they are?"

"No they're not." Rykan objected.

Arguing with kids surely drains your energy and patience.

"They're both Chickens!"

"Yes they are but they have different names. Just like sky blue and cyan they're both colors but they have different names." he explained which just pissed me off.

I hate losing in arguments, specially to a kid.

"Well they all look just the same in my eyes!"

'Is it my fault that I only know the basic names of the colors? What do you mean maroon, scarlet and crimson? Shut up they're all red to me!'

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

"Hmm, that's a lot." Iriya said as we brought the books to the counter.

I ended up getting one coloring book just to get out of the argument. Now Rykan's smiling like an idiot. I don't know if it's because he won the argument or it's because he successfully convinced me to buy a coloring book.

"Hezborn wouldn't probably go broke with all of this right?" I asked out of concern.

I forgot to ask the prices. I hope books aren't too expensive in this world. Education should be affordable. Heck it should be free!

"No worries, that old man has a lot in his pockets." Rykan assured me.

I didn't feel assured not even by a bit. I want it to come straight outta Hezborn's mouth.

'Where's he by the way?'

"Sorry to keep ya waiting kids." Hezborn said as he entered the store with groceries on his hand.

'Speaking of the old hunk.'

"Grandpa, you will not go broke if we buy this all won't you?" Julius asked.

Hezborn looked at our items and laughed. "Ya picked less items than I expected. Ya should pick more, it's not everyday that we get to visit the village. Worry not, I got a lot of spare money to spend."

"Yay!" the kids exclaimed and went back to get some more items.

In the end Hezborn payed 11 gold coins and 10 silvers. He didn't look bothered by it though so I guess his pocket is really loaded. What a relief.

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

"Mayumi, ya've got quite a lot of books here. Do ya want me to read ya some story before ya sleep?" Hezborn asked as I prepare the bed.

"That would be nice, thank you." I answered and lied down.

"Ya go pick a book."

'Fuck, I don't know how to read.'

I reached for a book based on my intuition and handed it to Hezborn.

Hezborn looked at the cover then looked at me. "Ya sure ya want me to read 'A Guide to Using the Toilet Around the World First Edition'?"

It was a bit embarrassing but I can't help but chuckle. "Sorry, I picked the wrong one."

I took another book from the box below our bed and handed it to Hezborn. It has a very colorful cover so it should be some book for kids.

He looked at it and skimmed through the pages. "Oh alright. 'Introduction To Colors And Its Different Shades: Book 1'."

My eyes widened upon hearing the title. 'Rykan, that brat.'

"Red, a fierce and warm color-"

"S-stop, oh my. Seems like I took the wrong book again. Oh dear my shadow's making it hard to see. Haha, silly me." I said awkwardly.

'It's probably too late and too embarrassing to tell Hezborn I'm illiterate. But shouldn't Hezborn know it already? I mean, he should have common sense at least.'

"Why are you still here Grandpops?" Iriya asked as she entered the room after brushing her teeth.

"Oh, I wanted to read Mayumi some bedtime story."

"Really? Can I pick the book?" she pleaded, rushing to our bed.

'Iriya, my savior.'

"Yes please." I replied with desperation hiding behind my smile.

"Great then this one please Grandpops." Iriya said handing Hezborn a book.

"Alright, lie down comfortably and I'll begin."

Iriya lied down next to me. Hezborn cleared his throat before opening the book.

I feel quite excited. This is a first for me. I haven't experienced having a book being read to me during bedtime. It was always just bedtime gossip.

"The Divine Beasts: Guardians of Terravae

Terravae was born a long time ago that myriad suns and moons have rose and set. It is believed that Terravae was created by one of the Gods and Goddesses of Nature, Vae. She descended from the heavens and terraformed an unhabitable planet. However, Vae's power can only create and nourish nature, not living organisms. The other Gods and Goddesses acknowledged Vae's effort and lent her their power.

With the powers she gathered, Vae brought humans, insects and animals to life. And by the heavens' law, the Goddess should watch over her people for 100 years until their civilization finally grow, until they finally know how to make use of their resources and when they already have the faintest idea how to live and survive.

Vae came to cherish her people a lot that she sometimes reveals herself to interact with them in her human form. She even sacrificed a portion of her power to bless her people, giving them the ability to harness magic and extraordinary abilities.

When a century had passed, Vae had no choice but to ascend to the heavens. And by the Heavens law, the Gods and Goddesses can no longer interfere with the world they created so Vae can only continue to watch over them from the heavens.

And when there is light, there's also darkness. They always coexist. Just like shadows that gets darker the brighter the light shines.

538 years later, some humans used their power to oppress others. Their growing greed and hunger for power drove them to practice dark magic. Varutia, from the clan of Spirit Contractors abused her ability and contracted with the strongest Spirit of Darkness.

Varutia used the Spirit's power to create Morkill, a tiny black blob that radiates ominous energy. Contrary to its size, Morkill is very dangerous. Morkill devours and kills everything on its way. The more it kills and devour, the more it grows.

Varutia used Morkill to bring the whole world down to her feet. Morkill grew uncontrollably until he became sentient and took a human form. Varutia fell inlove with the handsome Morkill but before she could even confess, Morkill killed her.

Morkill learned how to harness his power and thus the corruption was born. Even with the humans' powers and abilities, they didn't stand a chance against Morkill who just kept on growing stronger. Morkill ruled over the Terravae for almost 200 years. The humans can only hide and cry out to heavens for help.

Vae took a pity on them and broke the rules of the heavens. Using almost a third of the power left on her, she blessed her people with divine powers and created the Divine Guardians.

The divine flaming birds who rose up from the magma, the Phoenixes. The divine serpent dragons who rose from the deepest of the ocean, the Draquas. With the two clan of divine beasts, they successfully reduced Morkill to a small puddle of dark matter and sealed him safely.

However, even great power has its limit.

The divine beasts exhausted their power trying to seal Morkill and wasn't able to wipe out the growing corruption. They vowed to the heavens to end the corruption before settling in the domain Vae has created for them.

Around 4 years later, they've completely eradicated the corruption. The humans lived peacefully again and the divine beasts stayed in Terravae to watch over the humans secretly for another 2 centuries as per Vae's request.

Everything was peaceful once against until the corruption once again arouse from the ground, tormenting everything on its way.

The humans tried fighting it but their strength alone aren't enough. They once again cried out to the Heavens and the Divine Guardians

for help but alas! It was in vain, for Goddess Vae and the Divine Guardians have already abandoned them.

The End."

"What?" I commented after hearing the story.

'The ending's too depressing for a bedtime story. I'm not sure wether it'll help me sleep or it'll just make me awake all night thinking of a better ending.'

"That's just how it is." Hezborn said as he shrugged.

I was waiting for Iriya to say something but all I heard was a snore. I was too invested in the story that I didn't even notice her falling asleep.

"Goodnight kid." Hezborn said as he stood up.

"Goodnight Hezborn." I replied as he closes the door.

I looked at the book and examined it. It's amazing how all of it was handwritten. It looks original, do printers and xerox machine exist here too?

'I wonder who wrote this book. The author got some quite nice imagination.'