
At The End of the Blinding Darkness

Mayumi L. Agape is your average teen living an average boring life. However, one day her life first took a turn when she has been diagnosed with Pneumonia which worsened her crippling depression. Unfortunately, her life's twist didn't just stop at that. She woke up one day in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body becoming the mysterious little girl Helshyre overnight. She met people who treated her as their own family. However, due to Mayumi's doubts and fear of attachment, she considered them no less than kind strangers who would soon go on their own separate ways. In the face of death, the original Helshyre appeared before her providing enlightenment and a warning. Nevertheless, Mayumi chose to set aside the original Helshyre's warning as she planned to never involve herself on anything and anyone related to her new world. But the more you fear something, the more it's bound to happen. Mayumi ended up getting attached to her new life. As Mayumi grew fonder of the people around her and the world itself, she found herself on a path of darkness the original Helshyre had taken. But what can she do when the only way to protect what she loves is to let the darkness consume her? What would await her at the end of the blinding darkness?

EasyEel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

⚔2:Kind Old Man Hezborn

My heart feels like it would jump out of my chest when I heard the beast growl. Due to my panic, my hands were trembling making it harder to untie the vines. Mind you, the vines were tied loosely to begin with. I glanced swiftly at the ugly beast who just sat there drooling while staring at me.

"Good thing he's stupid." I mumbled as I finished untying the vines.

'I'm probably safer up here.'

"Mommy!" I cried out loud as the beast lunged at me.

I had no time to think and quickly jumped down from the 3m tall tree.

"Argh!" I winced as I landed on the ground, my knees are bleeding as it hit the sharp stones.

My knees are trembling as I tried standing up. It was painful as hell. I hope my self-healing ability also works on bone injuries.

The beast growled once again as it observed me from the branch I once slept on. It's eyes glowed redder watching me, preparing to pounce once again. It's as if my blood made it excited.

I looked around, hoping to find something to save myself. My eyes landed on Skelly's femur. The lower part was chewed so it was sharp. I walked towards it while limping. I picked it up and held it tight.

The beast was waiting for the right time to strike. I guess it's somehow wary of me. I gulped as my nervousness grows. Surviving against it is closer to impossible but I'd rather die while fighting. I took a deep breath as the beast prepared to lunge.

"Here ugly doggy, catch!" I shouted and threw the bone as far as I can.

To my surprise, it ran towards the direction of the bone.

'What the hell. It's really like a big ugly dog.'

I took the opportunity to run towards the forest, hoping to lost it. Thankfully, my knees didn't hurt as much as before. I guess it's already starting to heal. I quickly entered the big hollow tree as soon as I spot it. I guess having a small body does have advantage too. I scooted to the corner and tried breathing as quietly as possible.

The forest was so silent that it makes me more scared. A few seconds passed, I could hear light footsteps and the sound of sniffing. I covered my mouth and held my breath. As the sound grew closer, my heart beats faster and louder that I'm worried the ugly dog might be able to hear it.

I flinched when I suddenly heard loud squeaks. As I looked down, I saw a squirrel nibbling on my robe.

'Motherfucker!' I quickly grabbed the squirrel by the mouth.

I just hope that the ugly dog didn't hear it. The forest once again went quite. I hope it already went away.

"Aaah!" I screamed as the ugly dog just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started forcing its head on the entrance.

'Anybody please help. I don't wanna die this early in my transmigration.' I plead in my head, hugging the squeaking squirrel.

As the ugly dog continued ramming the entrance, I was holding both my tears and fart.

"Please dear Transmigration God, let me live. I swear I'll never wear wet clothes again." I prayed earnestly.

A whistle then echoed through the forest. The ugly dog stopped and ran away. However, I wasn't a tiny bit relieved. Who knows what might came.

A moment later, footsteps approached the tree I'm hiding. My heart raced once again. The tall figure covered the entrance.

'I hope it isn't some creepy ugly mutated human.'

"Ya alright?" I flinched as silhouette peeked at the entrance. He sounded like an old man.


'Do I look alright?'

"Come out, yar safe now. I already killed the bad dog." He said gently.

'He's not some creep right?'

"Okay." Whatever, I'll just kick his balls if he tries to do something bad.

"Oof, did ya fart?" He asks covering his nose.

'Fuck, why do I always fart in the worst moment?'

"No, it's probably the squirrel." I denied, yeeting the squirrel away.

'Sorry buddy, my ego can't take it.'

"Ya sure it ain't a skunk in disguise? That was so strong it could take down a bear." He asked looking at the squirrel as it scurry.

'Too bad it wasn't able to take you down.'

"Probably." I answered, still feeling embarrassed.

"Whatchu doing here alone at this time of the night little girl?" He asked as he pulled out the arrow piercing the ugly dog who's now lying breathless.

"I was looking for food." Well, I did.

"Did ya get separated from yar parents?" He's now butchering the ugly dog.

I don't know how to answer. I don't even know this body's name.

"I don't have one."

'So please bring me with you. I already miss the human civilization.'

"Yar alone?"


Skelly died the second time so yeah, I very much am.

"Do ya wanna come with me? My home is not very far from here."

I looked at him seriously. He has white long hair and a clean shaved beard. He has tanned skin too. He looks somewhat trustworthy. I don't see any bad intention in those deep blue eyes.

"Yes." I nodded. Just don't do anything funny or I'll really kick your balls.

He grinned. "Lovely! Now help me butcher this fella first so we can set off and sell it on the market."

"Huh? This ugly thing is edible?" I said in disgust.

He chuckled. "Trust me, it is. Kinda taste like a rabbit. Has a good price too. Now hold this open." He handed me the sack so I held it tightly as he put the meat inside.

"What's yar name?" He asked which caught me off guard.

Is it alright to say Mayumi L. Agape or do I just stay silent.

"Ya hesitated, ya don't have one?"

I just nodded in response.

"I is Hezborn, Hezborn Frost. I'll just call ya Oakley then since I found ya in an oak tree."

'Oakley... What a lame-ass stinky name. Sounds like 'ugly'.'

"Just call me Mayumi."

It's almost sunrise when he finished butchering the ugly dog and collecting some herb. He has a carriage on standby not so far from the forest. I rode inside while he drived. I was trying my best not to puke due to the meat's smell. Of course I also kept farting along the way and my stomach hurts a lot too. Why can't my self-healing ability counter this one. Good Lord!

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

We reached the village after about 4 hours. The establishments look so fancy. Most are made from cobblestones and bricks. Most women wore fancy and colorful dresses. Men wore trousers and shirts. Some are even topless.

'Damn, those muscles.

Old Man Hezborn stopped in front of an inn.

"Little one, ya stay close to this carriage. I'll just sell these upstairs." He told me as he unloaded the sacks of meat.

"Alright Hezborn."

Hezborn carried three sacks inside. He has a big built but I guess he's even stronger than he seems.

Looking at the busy street gave me nostalgia. I remember the market in my previous world. It's like this too just with pollution.

I came from a modern society so this place is like a historical one to me. Their faces though, it's so diverse even their complexions. Do the term race exist here?

I took out the necklace from my pocket.

'I feel bad for Skelly. They're probably safer up the creepy mountain.'

I sighed. "What done is done."

'It would probably be okay to look around for a moment right?'

I looked around for a pawnshop but the one I found is closed. Hezborn will probably be back by now.

"3 gold for this one." The old lady said as she handed the coins to the other lady with her blonde hair that had been cut.


.𖥔 ݁ ˖

"Where did- What happened to yar hair?!" Hezborn furrowed his brows.

"Ya weren't bullied are ya?" He asked worriedly.

"No Hezborn, I sold it." I replied showing him my pouch of gold proudly.

They even gave me 6 gold and 20 silvers for it since it was considered rare. The lady said it would even cost more if it isn't wavy.

"Do ya really need money that much to cut yar pretty hair that short? Yar hair is now shorter than Julius'. Say, yar not a boy are ya?"

"Nah, it'll just grow back." I grabbed my hair. I did tell the lady to give me pixie cut. I still look cute though.

"C'mere, I made quite a lot of money today. Let's buy ya some clothes." He said as he started walking towards the shop at the corner. I followed him closely.

"Welcome~ oh Mr. Frost! Here to buy clothes for your kids again?" the saleslady greeted Hezborn happily. I guess the old man is quite famous here.

"Yea and for this little fella here too." I peeked at his back, the lady's eyes sparkled with adoration.

"My, how pretty those eyes are. I have the newest arrival for little boys here, the pants are very comfy." the lady said enthusiastically grabbing some pants.

"Hoho, this kid's a girl. Give her the prettiest dresses ya have."

She quickly tossed the pants and grabbed a fancy pink floral dress. "Try this on sweetie. I personally tailored it."

"Actually, I prefer boys' clothes."

"Ya don't fancy dresses?" Hezborn asked while he's picking some hairpins.

"I do. I just find pants more comfortable."

I'm just really not used to wearing dresses. It would be more convenient moving in pants too.

"Well then, give her the most comfortable pants and shirt ya've got."

Hezborn ordered which the lady quickly followed.

We spent about a good 1 hour picking my clothes and some other stuffs. Contrary to how he looks, he's very interested in fashion. He then brought me in a casual dining place. He has a big appetite so we ordered lots. My stomach still hurts so I only ate a little. I'm even bloated. Too bad the food looks so tasty.

"Oi, why are ya not eating? Ya should eat more. Look how thin ya are!" he said as he put a huge chicken leg on my plate.

He reminds me of my late Grandma.

"You eat this Hezborn, I'm still feeling sick from the ride." It's half-true. His carriage was so shaky it made my stomach hurt more.

"Poor ya. Here ate this. This herb will help relieve sickness and stomach issues." He handed me a dark green leaf about the size of my palm.

I guess capsules and tablets don't exist here. I reluctantly accepted the leaf. It smelled nice. I was a bit surprised that it tasted sweet. Usually, herbs are bitter.

After we ate, Hezborn bought some presents for his grandkids. I guess he's going to introduce me to them soon.

"It's pretty far. We might reach there by night. Ya can sleep if you're tired. Here for ya to munch on." Hezborn tossed me some bread and skewers. I don't wanna ask what meat these are, I might lose my appetite.


The carriage still smells but it doesn't matter to my exhausted self. It didn't take that long for me to fall asleep. I guess it's thanks to that ugly dog for interrupting my sleep last night.

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

Where am I?

This place... I'm back at the ruins?!

"Kid, what are you eating?" I turned around to the direction of the voice.

It was a tall black figure wearing plain dark long pants and white polo jacket. She's like a shadow with clothes. It's kinda scary cuz the only non-black thing about her is her mouth and clothes.

She's facing directly at me but for some reason it feels like she wasn't talking to me.

"Who are you?" I looked back as soon as I heard a familiar sweet and high-pitched voice.

It was me... I mean it was the little girl I became. She looked so much smaller. I can't help but be grossed out as I saw her eat what appears to be a roasted lizard.

"Dear child, why are you here alone eating salamander?" The shadow lady asked. She bended over and caressed the kid's cheek.

'Oh, salamander it is.'

"I need food." she answered briefly.

She then divided it in half and gave it to the lady.

"I'm good dear. Would you like some bread?"

"Bread?" she asked tilting her head in curiosity.

The lady grabbed some bread from her bag and handed it to her. The kid's eye lit up and quickly grabbed the bread. She munched on it like there's no tomorrow.

"Easy, easy dear. I still have some more here. You'll choke if you keep that up." Like the lady, I also had a smile plastered on my face as I watch the kid ate.

"Will you tell me your name?" the lady asked gently.


The kids mouth was full of bread so the lady gave her water.


That name... I'm pretty sure that's what I heard on my previous dream.

The lady smiled, "What a pretty name. I'm Scyli. Are you with anyone?".

"No." She answered stuffing her mouth with bread.

'My, she looks like a squirrel.'

"Then do you wanna come home with me? I have a son, he's probably the same age as you."

The kid shook her head. "No, I'm waiting for my Mom and Dad. They're gonna come for me." She answered firmly.

"Are you sure about that?" Scyli asked with concern.

"They'll come back for me. They won't abandon me." Helshyre answered. I can sense sadness in her eyes.

"Then can I come visit you again the next day?"

Helshyre nodded and smiled, "Bring bread too! I love bread!"


I look around as the setting changed. When I looked back at Helshyre, Scyli's no longer with her. Helshyre has a poker face but her tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked but as I expected, she can't hear me.

As Helshyre's tears began hitting the ground, flames started to surround her then it began spreading like a wildfire. And as Helshyre sobbed, the fire grew stronger.

It was hot but it wasn't my skin that hurts, it was my heart. It's as if I also feel her sadness and along with it is resentment.

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

"...up kid!"


I can feel someone tapping my cheek lightly. I slowly opened my eyes.

I was meet with Hezborn who had a worried look on his face. "Say, did ya have some bad dreams?"

My vision was blurry. I touched my cheek and it was wet.

'Did I cry?'

The worried Hezborn handed me some water. "Here, drink."

I wiped my eyes and drank some water.

'What's with those weird dreams?'

Was it this body's memories? Well, at least I know her name now.

But I wonder what happened and what those flames were. Do I also have the power to control and manipulate fire? Who exactly Helshyre is?

"...home...delivered already... Looks like ya didn't hear me. Yar still in daze. Ya alright?" Hezborn asked worriedly.

"Oh sorry, don't worry I'm fine. Just some bad dream." I assured him.

I looked outside and saw an empty street. I guess the people don't like going out at night here. More importantly, I wonder if Hezborn had some sleep.

"It used to be lively here every night but ever since a corrupted bear was spotted near the area, people stayed indoor once the sun sets. The bear is still on loose and probably busy finding target to prey on by now."

'Then what are we doing unprotected in such a dangerous place?'

"Don't worry, yar safe as long as yar with me. I'm the best archer in this region." He assured as if he was able to read my mind.

Well I guess that's true, given how he was able to kill the big ugly dog with a single arrow.

Hezborn handed me a lollipop and closed the carriage door. "My delivery's done here. Time to go home now. I can't wait to introduce ya to my little fellas. They'll like ya for sure."

'They'll like ya for sure.' That's what he said but why this grass-headed brat is looking at me like I murdered his whole family?

"You brought another stinky beggar with you old man?" he asked eyeing me from head to toe.

'Look at that. How respectful.'

"Watch yar tongue Rykan. Ya will be staying in the same roof from now on."

"Hmph! As if, I don't want to live together with an ugly boy like him!" He glared at me before he slammed walk upstairs and slammed the door.

'What a brat.'

Hezborn sighed and turned to face me. "Don't worry little one. He'll warm up to you soon enough. Let's sleep, I'll introduce you to the others tomorrow morning."

Hezborn headed upstairs so I followed.

'Welp, I guess I can let it slide. His grandpa brought a total stranger from who knows where. I'm the older one here so I should be more understanding. He probably don't want any more competition for his grandpa's attention.'

I looked beside me as a door opened slightly. Rykan peeked and glared at me. "Go back to where you came from ugly vermin!" He said glaring at me and slammed the door once again.

'I take back what I just said. That kid can trip and fall, burying his face on a pile of shit and I'll just laugh and sit on his head.