
At The End, I Find Love in your eyes

I believed that my king will be only my king but he betrayed me and trust me by bringing another woman into his life. First, they took away my title, then my pride, and then my dignity. I was dying every day and was being treated like a maid by my own husband and his wife. Everything changed when he suddenly came into my life and made me his queen and queen of his huge empire. Yet, those royal politics, war of crown, war of power, and pools of blood flowed over and over again. But he stayed and loved me like always, challenged me for my own good. A historical fiction, based on betray and greed for the throne, royal politics, and a promise of eternal love.....

EsiYung99940 · History
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12 Chs

Be A Warrior

Fen Ju- What the hell is he doing?

Yang Li was lying on the ground with mud all over him and he was laughing while Chang and Duyi Chao were throwing mud balls at him. She was there were also many men there who were laughing and throwing mud balls over each other in fun.




With that they throw mud balls and fell on the ground while laughing, putting heads onto each other's stomachs. Anyone would tell by seeing that they were best buddies before being royals. An unknown smile appeared on Fen Ju's lips.

Fen Ju- Then it was true when they said that the 3 front liners of the Peavlon Army are true friends before anything, no wonder why Peavlon army is so powerful, cause its base is based on friendship and trust in each other.

Yang Li- Ahh, I swear I am not going to be on your team.

Chang- But we always end up together.

Duyi Chao- Why don't you two get married? You both are like married couples.

Yang Li- Oh really, saying who is known as a playboy.

Duyi Chao glared at Yang Li and he just stuck his tongue outside.

Chang- Boys

Chang stood up and looked at the other trainees who were also full of mud, he smiled at them.

Chang-That's all for today and goes for practice after cleaning up.


Fen Ju was about to walk away but suddenly her foot tripped and she was about to fall but a pair of arms hold her waist and swing her closer to his chest. Fen Ju thought she would feel the ground but instead, she felt someone's warm breath and she looked at him and her brown hazel eyes met his dark chocolate snake eyes.

Yang Li felt his breath stopped while holding her close to his chest. Her eyes were like a magic spell, a galaxy in which he just wanted to lose forever. Those people who were also there let out a gasp as they never saw their king this close to any woman before.

Chang- Looks like love is going to bloom in the cold fields of Bilura.

Duyi Chao- I think so, rough love, in rough weather.

Chang looked at Duyi Chao and gave him a weird look before coughing. Which made those two realize that they were in the middle of tents. Yang Li looked away and helped her to stand up. Fen Ju glanced at him before walking away from there but Yang Li's voice stopped her.

Yang Li- Stop there.

Fen Ju looked at him and walked toward him. Yang Li looked at her and then at the trainees who were looking at them curiously.

Yang Li- This is JuJu, From now on, she is a part of Bilura Trainees. I hope you all will get along with each other. They nodded and walked away as their practice was going to start

Fen Ju looked at Yang Li shocked and he also looked at her.

Fen Ju- I am not going to be a trainee of yours. You are my enemy-

Yang Li- I am your enemy.. How? Do you still think of yourself as the Impartial Queen of Rusa.

Fen Ju felt a clench on her heart hearing his question, she was no more a Rusa Royal then?

Yang Li- I am your master now and if you want your freedom then prove that you are worthy of freedom, survive in the rough and touch the land of Bilura as a warrior, make your name as JuJu, cause for the world, Princess of Ailtics, Impartial Queen of Rusa, is dead.

Fen Ju looked down and took a deep breath.

Fen Ju- What do you want from me?

Yang Li bend down at her level and looked at her eyes.

Yang Li- I want to see if the Goddess of War East-West, is just a title you earned for being Princess of Ailtics or you are really worth it. Cause as a warrior, I know another warrior will never give up on his/her freedom, pride, and dignity to someones,

Fen Ju- Rubbish, you are challenging me and I hate challenges. I was a warrior, I am a warrior and I will be a warrior till my last breath. And this tough weather of Bilura is nothing in front of the storm in my heart.

Yang Li- We will see, Trainee JuJu.

He smirked and she glared. He was glad and she was triggered. He was ready to see and she was ready to show.

A journey which started from the challenge of identity, ...