
At the Beginning, Indra Chakra Broke Out

Traveling to the Uchiha clan, taking into account the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha, based on the principle of shooting the first bird, even with the standard plug-in of the traverser, Liu Feng has always been a low-key person. [Ding, you defeat the Uchiha Madara (Junior Edition) projection, and get: Indra Chakra, Fire Dunge, Fire Fighting! 】 [Ding, you defeat the Thousand-Hand Projection Between Pillars, and get: Ashura Chakra, Perfect Immortal Human Body + Mu Dun! 】 [Ding, you defeated Datongmu Huiye Projection, and obtained: Blood Rescue Snare, Nine Gouyu Jade Reincarnation Writing Round Eyes! 】 Low-key? Low-key ghost! ! !

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91 Chs

Chapter 36

"The Art of Flying Thunder God."

Liu Feng used the technique of Flying Thunder God to leave the dust escape enchantment. When he came in, he threw out the special Flying Thunder God Kunai and got ready.

Far away from the range of the boundary stripping technique, Liu Feng took a deep breath, and a stone under his feet was kicked by Liu Feng.

After the stone entered the range of the limit stripping technique, it was instantly separated into atoms and disappeared.

"It's terrifying, I don't want to experience being broken down into atoms for myself."

The elimination of Xue Ji is indeed terrifying, but Liu Feng has the technique of Flying Thunder God, no matter how terrifying the technique fails to hit the enemy, it is useless.

"Flying Thunder God Slash."

The specially-made Kunai with the Flying Thunder God technique flew towards Ohnogi. Chakra and Ohnogi, who was severely depleted in physical strength, were panting, but they still avoided Kunai's attack.

Kunai flew behind Oh Yemu, and at the same time Liu Feng's figure disappeared instantly, appeared behind Oh Yemu, grabbed Kunai Supreme and cut it down towards Oh Yemu.

If this shot falls, Ohnogi will definitely die.

Aware of the danger, Onogi quickly turned around and blocked Liu Feng's blow with his rock fist.

"It's over, Ohnogi."

There was a smile on Liu Feng's face, and the moment Oh Yemu turned around, it was over. Liu Feng's ultimate move was a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Monthly reading."

Kaleidoscope Shaker Eyeball Technique, one of the strongest illusion techniques, the moment they looked at each other, the result was already doomed.

Unless you have the same kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, or a terror with powerful mental power, you will never be able to break free from the illusion space of the moon reading.

In the illusion space, Liu Feng let Oh Yemu taste what the top ten tortures are.

The terrifying mental damage caused by Yueyue made Ohnogi instantly unconscious, and he had no power to resist the Kunai that Liu Feng had cut down.

[Ding, you killed Onogi Projection and gained 100,000 points, and the blood followed by eliminating the dust escape, the dust escape, the technique of stripping the original world! ]

As a result, Liu Feng got his wish and burst out the dust escape he wanted.

Liu Feng believes that Chen Yun is definitely ten times more terrifying in his hands than in Oh Yemu's hands, because Liu Feng does not need to be burdened by Chakra.


After leaving the trial space, Liu Feng entered the training space to experiment with Chen Dun. After the experiment of Chen Dun and the original world peeling off, Liu Feng found a problem.

He can only use the technique of dust escape and stripping away from the original world. As for the stronger technique of dust escape and boundary stripping, Liu Feng does not know it at all.

"I only exploded one ninjutsu, what about the technique of dust escape and boundary stripping? Do you want me to exchange it?"

Liu Feng opened the exchange mall and looked at it. After seeing the price of the technique of stripping the boundaries, he closed the exchange mall directly.

The price is 120,000 points. Although this technique is very strong, Liu Feng is really reluctant.

"I still have to exchange for the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. The points cannot be wasted. I will find other ways to obtain them in the future."

There are two ways to obtain the technique of dust escape and boundary stripping. One is to find Onogi to snatch his ninjutsu, and the other is to draw Onogi's projection and explode it.

Liu Feng asked Xiaomeng, even if he defeated the projection, it is not impossible to draw it in the future.

Onogi's projection, if you are lucky, you can still get it in the future.

"Forget it, the technique of dust escape and the stripping of the original world is enough."

Although Liu Feng is eager to get the technique of stripping the boundary, he is not in a hurry. Even if he doesn't have it, it doesn't matter.

What's more, if the dust escape was not a critical moment, Liu Feng would not easily use it in front of outsiders.

Think of it as hiding. The more cards you hide, the better. If you reveal too much, you will be targeted and calculated. Liu Feng doesn't want to make trouble.

Of course, if trouble finds him, Liu Feng will also let others know how strong he is.

Leaving the system space, Liu Feng found Uchiha Ye.

"How is the situation in the ninja world now?"

Now that the ninja world has been in continuous turmoil, and the second ninja war is not far away, Liu Feng will also pay attention to the situation in the ninja world.

"Young Master, Sand Ninja appeared on the border of the Fire Country, and now the relationship between Konoha Village and Sandyin Village is also very tense."

Uchiha Ye told Liu Feng what he had learned.

Sandyin Village belongs to the Land of Wind and is one of the five powerful Ninja villages. The Land of Wind has a large territory, but the Land of Wind is located in a desert area, so the environment is not satisfactory.

Especially compared to the country of fire, it is almost one sky and one underground. The country of fire occupies the most fertile land and is the richest among the five major countries, so it will naturally be targeted by other countries.

Although the five major countries also have armies composed of ordinary people, the real direction of war depends on ninjas.

Compared with ninjas who can release ninjutsu, can fly over the eaves, and run thousands of miles, the army composed of ordinary people is not even cannon fodder, and at most can maintain law and order.

Ninja Village is an armed force of various countries. The country provides money to Ninja Village, and Ninja is also responsible for protecting the village and protecting the national territory.

"It's been too long since the first Ninja World War, and the strength of each Ninja Village has expanded rapidly. Whether it is for development or for the ambition in the heart, the Ninja World War is inevitable."

Liu Feng knew that in this Ninja World War, I am afraid he will also go to the battlefield.

The war in the ninja world has become fierce, and the newly graduated Genin needs to go to the battlefield, not to mention that Liu Feng is now a Chunin.

However, Liu Feng was not afraid of the Ninja World War, but rather looked forward to it.

"The outbreak of war is inevitable, I don't know when it will break out."

This Liu Feng himself is not sure, and he does not know when the war in the ninja world broke out in the original book.

Although the friction is getting more and more serious now, countries are jealous of each other and will not easily tear their faces.

"By the way, Young Master, you should intervene in the internal affairs of our Uchiha, Young Master."

Uchiha Ye said to Liu Feng.

As Liu Feng's subordinate, Uchiha Ye certainly hopes that Liu Feng can master the Uchiha family.

Liu Feng nodded lightly. Now Uchiha is divided into two camps. Liu Feng can ignore the affairs of Uchiha's clan leader's camp, but Liu Feng cannot ignore the clan members who belong to his camp.

They support themselves only by believing in themselves, and this is also the expectation of his grandfather Uchiha Cang, and Liu Feng will not let them down.

"I see."

In fact, what Uchihano meant, even if Liu Feng often showed up and showed his strength, it would be best to give pointers to his family to accumulate prestige.

"Liu Feng, I passed the Chunin assessment and became a Chunin."

Just when Liu Feng was going to go to the training ground of the Uchiha family, Mikoto came to find Liu Feng, looking a little excited.

"Mikoto, you went to participate in the Chunin exam, why didn't you tell me?"

"It's just a small matter, and I want to surprise you." Mikoto said with a smile.

With Liu Feng's guidance and Mikoto's own talent not weak, becoming a Chunin now is indeed a sure thing.

The current Mikoto, not weaker than the elite chunin, is already a genius.

"Then let's go, go to the training ground with me, and by the way, I will also teach you ninjutsu."

Some of Liu Feng's ninjutsu skills don't mind teaching Mikoto, as well as the Uchiha people who are loyal to him.


Mikoto obediently followed behind Liu Feng.

After arriving at the training ground, all the clansmen saw Liu Feng and respectfully called Liu Feng Young Master. Since the defeat of Uchiha Fuyue, Liu Feng's reputation has been very high.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, the Uchiha clansmen here are all clansmen who support Liu Feng.

Those who choose to support Uchiha Fuyue and those who support Liu Feng are not in harmony, and neither will they train on the same training ground.

There were even a lot of conflicts.

"I just have time today, so I'll take the time to teach some ninjutsu."

Liu Feng intends to teach Lei Dun Chidori to the clansmen. This ninjutsu is indeed more powerful in the hands of the Uchiha family.

Hearing Liu Feng talking about teaching ninjutsu, the clansmen on the training ground were very excited. They all knew that Liu Feng had a powerful ninjutsu skill.

Although Uchiha has no shortage of ninjutsu, powerful ninjutsu is difficult to obtain. Most of the clansmen use C-level ninjutsu.

For example, B-level ninjutsu and A-level ninjutsu are difficult to obtain, and you need to have a high status to obtain them.

Liu Feng taught the clansmen ninjutsu, and Mikoto followed Liu Feng with a smile. When Liu Feng taught, she also followed.

Mikoto felt that her strength did not keep up with Liu Feng, at least she couldn't hold back Liu Feng, after all, they had to do the task together.