
At the Beginning, Indra Chakra Broke Out

Traveling to the Uchiha clan, taking into account the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha, based on the principle of shooting the first bird, even with the standard plug-in of the traverser, Liu Feng has always been a low-key person. [Ding, you defeat the Uchiha Madara (Junior Edition) projection, and get: Indra Chakra, Fire Dunge, Fire Fighting! 】 [Ding, you defeat the Thousand-Hand Projection Between Pillars, and get: Ashura Chakra, Perfect Immortal Human Body + Mu Dun! 】 [Ding, you defeated Datongmu Huiye Projection, and obtained: Blood Rescue Snare, Nine Gouyu Jade Reincarnation Writing Round Eyes! 】 Low-key? Low-key ghost! ! !

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Chapter 34

"Thank me for what?" Liu Feng looked at Tsunade in surprise, but Tsunade actually said he wanted to thank him.

"Thank you for saving the Vortex Clan."

The Qianshou clan and the Uzumaki clan are distant relatives, and her grandmother Uzumaki Mito is also a Uzumaki clan. In Tsunade's view, she really needs to thank Liu Feng.

"Then I will accept this thank you, but a simple verbal thank you is somewhat insincere." Liu Feng smiled and looked at Tsunade.

"You're going to have to go for it."

Tsunade was not dissatisfied, and asked Liu Feng:

"Say what you want. It's just this chance, you can take it well, or I'll forget this time after a drink."

"I want to learn magic skills. Of course, I won't let you suffer. I can teach you Muji Ninjutsu Spiral Pill."

Liu Feng stated his conditions. He was quite envious of the magic power technique. With the magic power technique, Liu Feng's physical skills were also supplemented.

"I promise you, but the Spiral Pill is nothing, and the magic power technique will be regarded as a thank you." Tsunade was very forthright and did not refuse.

"Okay, then thank you Tsunade-sama."

With a smile of Hexi on Liu Feng's face, it was an unexpected joy to meet Tsunade this time!

Afterwards, Liu Feng followed Tsunade to the training ground. She had limited free time and was ready to teach Liu Feng's magic skills now.


"It's not difficult to do this magic."

Liu Feng punched a huge rock, and then the rock could be seen torn apart.

His fists were slightly red. In fact, Liu Feng hadn't fully grasped it yet, at least his own protection measures were not enough.

If Tsunade were to use the strange force punch instead, he would definitely not hurt himself.

The strange force is to precisely control the chakra, concentrate the chakra on any part of the body, and then instantly burst into a terrifying power, which can shatter the wall with one punch and one kick.

Tsunade looked at Liu Feng expressionlessly, his silver teeth clenched tightly, thinking that this kid was a bit hateful.

What is called magic power is not difficult, when she practiced, but it took half a month to be considered entry.

I have to admit that his talent is really good, and envy cannot be envied.

"You have already mastered the essence of the magic power technique. Now you only need to master it slowly, and I have nothing to teach you."

Tsunade suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said to Liu Feng.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama."

Liu Feng thanked him very solemnly. The magic power technique is not taught to outsiders casually. Tsunade can teach himself, and Liu Feng is very grateful.

As for Tsunade's gratitude to him, he knew why he saved the Uzumaki family.

If it wasn't for the system task, Liu Feng would not have been able to save the Whirlpool Clan. To put it bluntly, saving the Whirlpool Clan was also because of his own interests.

"This is the cultivation method of Spiral Pill."

Liu Feng took out the training method of Helix Pill and handed it to Tsunade. He didn't like to owe favors, so Helix Pill should take it as a favor.

"I already said thanks, what do you mean, stinky brat?" Tsunade asked rather viciously.

"Master Tsunade, I don't like to owe favors very much, and favors are difficult to repay, so if you don't accept them, I'm afraid I won't sleep well."

Liu Feng shoved the spiral pill scroll to Tsunade, and at the same time Liu Feng was very puzzled, how could he feel that Tsunade was a little bit bad to himself now, as if he had some opinions.

He was obviously pretty good when he faced himself before, but now he is so fierce.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know, this was because Tsunade saw that he was learning too fast, and because of his mental imbalance, it was like hating the rich.

"Then I will accept it. To be honest, I am quite interested in this Muji Ninjutsu."

In the end, Tsunade did not refuse any more. It would be impossible to say that Tsunade was not interested in Muji Ninjutsu at all.

"Don't call me Tsunade-sama, and call me Tsunade-sama from now on."

Tsunade patted Liu Feng on the shoulder and grinned at Liu Feng. I don't know if this girl did it on purpose or not.

Afterwards, Liu Feng invited Tsunade to dinner. He originally thought that Tsunade would refuse, but who knew that Tsunade agreed without hesitation. Originally, Liu Feng was just polite.

"Liu Feng, can you lend me some money?"

Tsunade rolled his eyes and asked Liu Feng.

"What do you want the money for?"

Hearing that Tsunade wanted to borrow money, Liu Feng instantly became vigilant and lent money to Tsunade, probably because the meat buns beat the dogs, but there was no return.

In fact, Liu Feng had already guessed what Tsunade was going to do with the money. He probably went to the casino. Although this big fat sheep kept losing, he was never discouraged.

Although Tsunade today is not big, she has been in casinos since she was a child, and borrowing money must be to gamble.

"I have a profitable business, and I can return it to you tomorrow with interest." Tsunade said to Liu Feng.

"Hehe, don't fool me, you are a famous big fat sheep, I will not..."

When Liu Feng was about to refuse, his eyes suddenly lit up, no, maybe he could make some money with Tsunade, and it would be okay to lend her some money.

"Okay, then I'll lend you some reluctantly."

Liu Feng was also very proud and lent Tsunade 100,000 taels, but he would definitely earn it back from Tsunade.

After entering the casino, it is absolutely impossible to lose money with Tsunade, and it seems that he will make a lot of money.

After eating, Liu Feng took the initiative to take Tsunade to the casino, and when it was dark, Liu Feng walked out of the casino.

"Sister Tsunade, thank you, this is my salary for you."

Liu Feng handed over one million taels to Tsunade, and then left with the thirty million taels he earned.

"Damn it, I got the money, why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Tsunade took the money from Liu Feng, and was in a very unhappy mood. When he entered the casino, Uchiha Liu Feng was fighting against himself. Those who didn't know, thought he had a deep hatred with him.

But every time she lost, and Liu Feng made a lot of money.

"Could it be that there is a secret? No, I have to ask Liu Feng for advice another day."

How did Tsunade know that Liu Feng's secret to winning was her.

Now the name of Tsunade Big Fat Sheep is not so well known. If Tsunade completely launches the name of Konoha Fat Sheep in the future, I am afraid that he will not be able to make money with Tsunade.

"Although I don't make much money, it feels good."

Liu Feng felt in a good mood with the money, but when he returned home, Liu Feng immediately entered the system space to practice.

With three times the training time in the system space, Liu Feng first practiced the technique of multiple shadows.

Because he has mastered the technique of shadow clones, it is not difficult to practice the technique of multiple shadow clones, and hundreds of shadow clones can be separated at one time.

"You help me practice ninjutsu together."

Liu Feng said to these shadow clones, the reason why multiple shadow clones, a forbidden technique that is a bit tasteless to others, is because this technique is too powerful for training ninjutsu.

The unfinished wind escape and spiral shuriken can be completed by shadow clones, as well as the practice of flying thunder god, illusion and dark line, all of which can be handed over to shadow clones.

The experience of shadow avatar cultivation will return to Liu Feng's body after the shadow avatar is released.

However, correspondingly, the feeling of exhaustion will also be introduced into Liu Feng's body, so Liu Feng will not excessively separate shadow clones to practice.

If you go too far, the only person who gets hurt will be yourself.

"Huh, this feeling is really scary, it seems that the number of shadow clones will be slowed down next time."

Hundreds of shadow clones practiced for two hours. After being relieved by Liu Feng, the feeling of exhaustion made Liu Feng unbearable. There was a feeling that he had not slept for a week. At this moment, Liu Feng decided in his heart that he would definitely not work so hard next time.