
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · Horror
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34 Chs

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Chapter 20: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Kaito and Aoi were walking on the street together and Aoi looks up at Kaito curiously, she asks in a curious tone,

Aoi - "Kaito? Where are you taking me?"

Kaito looks down at her with a smile and he says in a gentle tone of voice,

Kaito - "It's a surprise! I bet you'll love it, i mean… you told me you loved japanese styled paintings right?"

Aoi smiles and nods quickly

Aoi - "Uh huh!!"

Kaito - "then you'll love it…"

He looks straight ahead and stops smiling, he thinks to himself

This little girl… she's so nice and cute… i can't even fathom that she eats human flesh…

Kaito - "Alright we're here."

They stop and look at a huge white building with 19 vertical stripes making the decoration of the building. On top of the entrance, there was written in big capital letters:


Kaito looked down at Aoi with a caring face,

Kaito - "In this building, lies famous paintings from famous painters such as Yokoyama Taikan or Gyoshū Hayami."

Aoi looks up at the building and as she hears Kaito's words, her eyes widen and glitter up in awe, she gasps in amusement and hugs Kaito, she says in a grateful yet excited tone,

Aoi - "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!"

Kaito - "Ahh… it's no problem, really!"

He chuckles and Aoi stops hugging him, they hold hands and Aoi rushes towards the museum which makes Kaito rush too.

At the entrance, there were 2 guards and a detector right in front, Kaito and Aoi pass through but one guard stops them and says to them in a hostile tone,

Guard 1 - "Hey hey hey… stop in the middle of the detector, or else you can't enter."

Guard 1 points to Aoi and then he points to the detector,

Guard 1 - "Kid… go first in the middle…"

Aoi nods and she steps back to the go in the middle of the detector.

Suddenly, a machine thats connected to the detector starts spinning around Aoi, it stops spinning and Aoi starts to get nervous.

The detector suddenly starts beeping and the colour red begins flashing on the detector, an alarm starts ringing in the whole museum. Aoi and Kaito's eyes widen as they realise what's happening.

Kaito - "RUNN!!!"

Guard 1 & 2 - "WE GOT SOME!!"

Kaito and Aoi started running away, the guards chase after them,


Guard 1 - "YOUR TIME HAS COME!!"

Kaito and Aoi enter a small alleyway to make the guards lost but that doesn't trick them, they enter the alley too and they face Kaito and Aoi with hatred on their faces.

Guard 1 - "There you are, you goddamn bastards."

Kaito and Aoi try to run away from the other side of the alley but as they are close to leaving it, 2 guardians with kurokatanas block them from leaving. One had dark black hair and a scar on his eye, his name was Otake Takeshi, the other had blonde hair and brown eyes, his name was Tada Tsuyoshi.

Otake looked down at Kaito and Aoi with a terrifying piercing stare that looks straight in your soul,

Otake - "Not too fast."

Kaito and Aoi look up at the both of them terrified, Kaito then steps in front of her protecting her from them, he says in a nervous tone,

Kaito - "We can… we can settle this caly with no one getting hurt…"

Otake grips tightly his kurokatana and points it at Kaito,

Otake - "You're a damn aswong. How can we settle this calmly, it can only end up two ways… you die or get arrested, fight or surrender?

No one answers and no one talks, Otake loses patience,

Otake - "Fuck this shit."

He pierces through Kaito's chest with his kurokatana and Kaito's kuragaze eye activates, Otake and Tada see it and they're eyes widen,

Tada - "It's the… it's the… h- hy- brid…"

Kaito spits out blood because of the wound,

Kaito - "GAH!!"

He falls to his knees from the pain of being impaled by a kurokatana, Otake takes his kurokatana back from Kaito's chest and holds it tightly. He grabs Aoi by the neck and starts strangling, Aoi couldn't activate her kagitsume because she is too young and her tenticula is still in formation.

She makes suffocating sounds and Kaito looks up at them in hate and dedication to save Aoi, he says in a tone of dedication and want,

Kaito - "Let her go now."

Otake looks at him mockingly and he flips him off with the middle finger,

Otake - "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do if i dont?"

Otake brings his kurokatana to Aoi's neck to cut off her neck and stops when it is touching her neck and her neck starts bleeding a little. Kaito sighs mercifully and he looks at Otake gently,

Kaito - "You made me do this."

Kaito grabs Otake's arm that was holding the kurokatana and starts twisting it until it cracks, his kurokatana drops to the floor,

Otake - "AHHHH!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!"

Kaito roundhouse kicks him in the jaw and Otake falls to the ground in pain holding his dislocated jaw, then Kaito kicks his head which makes him go unconscious. Aoi is set free by this and she falls to her knees trying to catch her breath.

Tada runs towards Kaito trying to pierce him with his kurokatana but Kaito frontflips behind Tada. Kaito kicks him in the back which makes Tada fall to the ground, Kaito punches his face 4 times in a row which makes him go unconscious, blood drips from Tada's forehead.

Guard 1 runs towards Kaito across the alleyway but as he arrives, Kaito tackles Guard 1 and he falls.

Guard 1 - "ouch…"

Kaito pulls him up and pins him to a wall, he bangs Guard 1's head on the wall violently which makes him also go unconscious, blood drips from the back of Guard 1's head and a little on the wall.

Guard 2 looks at the scene in horror and he decides not to run towards Kaito, he says in a shaky tone,

Guard 2 - "p- p- p- pl- plea- se- spa- re- me"

Kaito walks up to Guard 2 that was on the opposite side of the alley, Guard 2 falls to his knees in fear as he was shaking too much.

Guard 2 - "P-p-please…"

Kaito looks down at Guard 2 and he frowns,

Kaito - "I'm sorry."

Kaito kicks him in the face and he falls unconscious. Kaito thinks to himself,

When they'll wake up, they'll forget my face.