
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Eastern
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37 Chs

Zhu Clan history

Outside the family entrance Xiu Luo stayed silently like he is waiting for something. What he is waiting for, obviously the rewards he didn't get the rewards so he is waiting for the person who could bring the rewards.

'Damn how could I forgot about the rewards, if I go back now the patriarch will kicked me out, what should I do, what should I do.'

Xiu Luo walked here and there left and right and the onlooks were looking at him like seeing a fool. But Xiu Luo didn't care about the stares firstly because he is blind and more importantly he is more concerned about the reward. 

'My items, my items what should I do.' Xiu Luo face looks like he was about to cry.

"Little friend..." A voice came. 

"My babies I am coming." Xiu Luo walked toward the voice, he don't know who this voice belongs to but atleast it belongs to the Zhu clan members. 

"..." if you look closely the voice belongs to none other than elder Jin. Seeing Xiu Luo reaction Elder Jin forgot what he came for as he stood silent. But Xiu Luo came to Elder Jin and extended his hand with amiable smile like how a small boy ask for candy with an innocent express

Seeing this Elder Jin's mouth twitched. 'How can a person change so much this fast.' Elder Jin thought to himself because he got a good impression for this shameless fellow as he saved their young miss and solved the problem of their clan.

But seeing Xiu Luo shameless behaviour he doesn't help but his hand itches like he want to beat someone.

"Elder if you want to beat me you should throw the items and other treasures on my face with that you will feel good." Xiu Luo said as he could read the latter's mind.

"You.." Elder Jin become lost of word. He don't know what to say.

"Haa..." then elder Jin took a deep breath as he is stopping his urges to beat the latter.

"Elder..." Xiu Luo was in the same posture as he extended his hand.

Then Elder Jin removed the storage bag from his robe and gave it to Xiu Luo. And the latter started counting the items in front of elder.

"The things you asked is in the storage bag." Seeing Xiu Luo counting the item Elder Jin said.

"It is good to be cautious than to regret." Xiu Luo replied without turning his face to Elder Jin. Hearing this Elder Jin face became dark.

Suddenly Xiu Luo felt chill and he stopped counting and turn to face Elder Jin. "Elder I was joking, I was just checking whether the items are in systemic order or not." Xiu Luo said smiling as he felt chils.

"Hmm..." hearing what he said Elder Jin coldly snorted, he has eyes and he could see clearly what Xiu Luo did but just snorted as not to argue with a junior.

"Elder did you get the information from Zhu Yun." Xiu Luo asked changing the topic to hide the awkwardness.

"It was heavenly demon sect." Elder replied with anger in his voice.

"That despecible boy opened his mouth when tortured and he said that heavenly demon sect had offered him gifts and other treasures to bring Young miss to the northern region." Elder Jin said to Xiu Luo because he trust the latter.

"Heavenly demon sect..." Xiu Luo was shocked when he heard the heavenly demon sect name because that is the power that could rival whole eastern region.

In Xuan continent, the eastern region is occupied by the eight immortal sect whereas the northern region has single bahemoth and that is heavenly demon sect.

"Senior do you have any immortal sect protection." Xiu Luo asked Elder Jin with concern.

"Xiu Luo we don't need any immortal sect protection and the immortal sects and heavenly demon sects will also have to think hundred times whether to touch our Zhu clan or not." Elder Jin replied in deep voice. From his words it could be guess how much profound cultivation base is of Patriarch Zhu. 

"Senior, if the other powerhouses have to vary of your Zhu clan then why didn't I hear the Zhu clan name with other powerhouses." Xiu Luo asked because what Elder Jin said just now doesn't make sense.

"Xiu Luo have you heard about Immortal Emperor Wushang." Elder Jin didn't gave the answer but asked the latter with question.

"Yes senior I have heard about Immortal Emperor Wushang." Hearing this Xiu Luo replied quickly.

'Immortal Emperor Wushang is the eighth and last Immortal Emperor of Xuan continent.' 

Seeing Xiu Luo reaction which is not pretend but seriousness Elder Zhu nodded in satisfaction that atleast this fellow can become serious.

"Senior is Immortal Emperor Wushang is related to your Zhu clan." Xiu Luo asked with doubts.

"Yes and no" Elder Jin replied but Xiu Luo got more confused, 'yes and no, yes he is related and no he is not related what does this means.'

Seeing Xiu Luo getting confused Elder Jin decided to tell him.

"Immortal Emperor Wushang had nine disciples who were peak half immortal emperor, and after the death of Immortal Emperor Wushang his eight disciple decided to make their own sect and they devided the eastern region into eight territories and found their own sects." Elder Jin said to Xiu Luo.

"Senior you told there were nine disciple but eight disciple had founded the sect then don't tell me your Zhu clan..." Xiu Luo said as he stared at elder Jin.

"Heehee you are intelligent..." Elder Jin chuckled as he praised Xiu Luo with satisfaction.

"Senior praised." Xiu slightly bowed after getting praised.

"Yes you are right the ninth disciple is our Ancestor Zhu, Ancestor Zhu want to live in secular world and he came to borders of immortal and mortal world but here in this land he fell in love with mortal woman and they got married and then our Ancestor established the Zhu clan in this land." Elder Jin said as he explained Zhu Clan history to Xiu Luo. 

"Elder may I know from what age heavenly demon sect is present." Xiu Luo asked the elder Jin about heavenly demon sect because Zhu Clan is affliated with Immortal Emperor so the latter may know about it.

"Hmm...what I know from records the heavenly demon sect is ancient and it is present from the age of first immortal emperor which is Immortal Emperor Xuan." Eldet Jin said.

"This...ancient...first Immortal emperor..." Xiu Luo was shocked just now what he heard.

"Then Elder why the Immortal Emperors didn't destoy the heavenly demon sect." Xiu Luo asked Elder Jin with disbelief because immortal emperor that is the pinnacle realm of cultivation world and Eight Immortal Emperors could easily destroy the heavenly demon sect so why they didn't. 

"This... till now no one knew why the Immortal Emperors does not destroy the heavenly demon sect. You can consider this as a mystery." Elder Jin replied as he also don't know. 

"Then Elder it would be better to guard against the heavenly demon sect. " Xiu Luo said with concern.

"Xiu Luo you don't have to concern about Zhu clan because Zhu clan is no weaker than the other eight immortal sect and Heavenly demon sect won't attack, if they attack with full force the other eight sects will come to aid. So it is a deadlock." Elder Jin said seeing Xiu Luo's concern.

"Elder, junior have something to say I hope you won't take offence." Xiu Luo asked for permission before saying something.

"You can say." Elder Jin replied.

"Elder it is good to be cautious from hidden arrows than the open spears." Xiu Luo said with serious tone.

"Yes our Zhu clan will be careful." Elder Jin replied with a smile as he thought that the latter is concerned about Zhu clan.

"Elder I have a small request, if you could fulfill it junior will be grateful to Elder." Xiu Luo asked as he bowed.

"Say it." Elder Jin said.

"Elder I want to refine the sword and I don't have any refining method if you could have, even a normal method it will be good." Xiu Luo asked Elder Jin with hesitation. 

"This..." Elder Jin got flustered he don't know what to do because without clan patriarch permission he could not provide anything.

"Elder sorry for making you uncomfortable." Xiu Luo said politely, he know his request is somewhat excessive but he doesn't have a choice.

"Elder, goodbye." Xiu Luo said as he turn back and started walking.