
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Eastern
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37 Chs

Empress of the mortal world

Finally Bo Chang, General Hu and other came to the palace and general Hu Ran led the boss and his underlings to the hall and made them kneel on the floor.

The imperial palace hall is grand and regal space adorned with luxurious furnishings. The decor is opulent, reflecting the power and authority of the one who occupies the throne. The throne is placed on a raised platform which symbolizes the emperor authority and makes their presence more commanding. The throne is often elaborately decorated and positioned to allow a clear view of the entire hall, emphasizing the emperor central role in governance. 

But there is no emperor but the empress is seated on the throne.The empress has black hairs and and black eyes and the face is covered by the thin veil wearing a red robe. And the empress looks down to the kneeling people which are Xu clan member who had kidnapped her empire civilians.

"Greeting your majesty the empress." General Hu Ran half kneeled and respectively bowed to the empress. But the empress is still looking to the kneeling people with cold eyes. 

"Explain.."the empress told just said one word with flat tone.

"Your majesty, these people are the one who is resposible for disappearance of civilians and a immortal cultivators captured and told me to bring them to your majesty." General Hu Ran didn't said Bo Chang name anywhere in his speech. And from Chang Bo he got to know that the Xiu Luo is not coming to the empire. So he said it without hesitation.

"Hmm... immortal fairy ...the immortal fairy you mentioned is from the burning flame immortal sect." Empress thought something and then asked to general Hu Ran. 

"This..your majesty the immortal fairy didn't say anything about him but he gave me the scroll to pass it to your majesty." Then general Hu Ran passed the scroll to female guard and the latter passed it to the empress.

The empress opened the scroll and within scroll their is one more paper witten with content. The empress first read the content on the paper and then she raised her head and look at general Hu Ran and then she read the scroll which is the blood swallowing art technique and the empress become anger when she saw the content.

The surrounding minister and the general watched the empress reading and they watched her angery expression.

"Your majesty is there any problem." One old minister got up and asked the empress with concerned.

"Prime minister we will later talk about it, but first let me deal with something else." The empress said as she is telling there is no need to concern. Then the empress look down to the General Hu Ran and the others.

"General Hu, how did you get acquainted with the immortal fairy." The empress asked in a deep voice glaring at General Hu Ran. Seeing the empress attitude, general Hu frowned as he got a bad feeling. But he didn't showed on his face.

"Your majesty with the army I went to the mountain thinking that the disappearance may be due to mountain bandits..." General Hu told the make up story. Some ministers and generals were discussing about his bravery and praising him. Hearing the praises the latter got happy.

Then suddenly empress raised the paper to show it to the minister and generals and passed the letter to the female guard 

"Read the last two line." Empress said to the guard.

"I am the who captured the kidnappers and if you want to give someone credit then give it to the soldier named Bo Chang. " The female guard read the content and passed the letter back to the empress.

"Who is Bo Chang ." The empress said looking down to the General Hu. 

"Your majesty he is one of the soldier in my army who took care of the immortal fairy when the latter was injured. May be that is the reason immortal fairy said like that." General Hu said as he trying to make the story so that the empress believe him.

"General Wei..." the empress said . And the middle age man came forward wearing battle suit and he had a deep scar mark on his face which is making him look fearful. The general bowed to the empress and turn back and said something to one of his subordinate.

The imperial hall become silent and after sometime the same subordinate brought Bo Chang. The latter came and bowed to the empress.

"Are you acquainted with the immortal fairy?" The empress asked to Bo Chang having doubts as how could a normal soldier is aquainted with the immortal fairy.

"Yes your majesty." Bo Chang replied half kneeling.

"Give him paper and pen." The empress ordered and one of the guard brought out the pen and paper and gave it to Bo Change.

"Write something you know." The empress ordered but her voice was different from previous. And the latter wrote something as he understood the intention of empress.

Then the guard brought the paper to the empress and the empress checked the handwritings of the letter and what Bo Chang wrote just now. And she passed both papers to the prime minister.

"Your majesty the writings are same."Matching the content Prime minister replied to the Empress. 

"Look your majesty this Bo Chang clearly wrote that letter so he could acheive great results." General Hu Ran seeing the opportunity blamed Bo Chang that he had written the letter and hide it in the scroll. And he himself believed that is the truth and glared at Bo Chang.

"Your majesty that letter was written by me but it was senior Xiu Luo who told me to write it." Bo Chang tried to clearify he was panicked when everyone one is looking him with suspicious. 

"Look your majesty this person is admitting that he wrote the letter. I am going to punish this ..." General Hu said as he tried to move towards Bo Chang.

"Stop." The empress shouted and the hall became silent and General Wei came in between Bo Chang and General Hu. And he broke the silence.

"Go back to your position, this is a imperial hall not your home." His voice is heavy and commanding. Facing General Wei Hu Ran took a step back with frown and return to his position.

Then everything became like before. And then empress said

"Senior Xiu Luo you mentioned is the Immortal fairy?" 

"Yes your majesty." Bo Chang replied hastily. 

"Why did immortal fairy told you to write the letter not himself." The empress questioned.

"Becuse the senior Xiu Luo is a blind and senior can't see." Bo Chang said and the whole hall started discussing again because what the latter said is nearly impossible for a fairy to be blind.

"Can you explain how you got aquainted with the immortal fairy." The empress asked again. Because she had seen the second handwriting in which the letters are difficult to read which could only be written by the blind person. 

"Senior Xiu Luo was walking in the....." Bo Chang narrate the story as what happen first how he met Xiu Luo and suspected him and keep observing and then senior Xiu Luo got kidnapped by pointing the person who kidnapped Xiu Luo. While the five of them is staring at Bo Chang with bloodshot eyes but they can't say as their mouth were covered with ragged cloths. 

Then he narrate whole story but not what the content is written in the lette because the empress stopped him.

"Your majesty he is lying, how can the immortal tolerate when they were treated like beggar. He made up the story your majesty. He is clearly lying." General Hu shouted as he was saying the immortal won't tolerate being treated like beggar. And other ministers also believed what General Hu is saying. 

Bo Chang got panicked listening to the the conversation in surrounding and then replied.

"Your majesty I am telling the truth." Bo Chang replied panicking.

"Yes I believe you." The empress said in high tone as she was shutting down the discussion. 

"Your majesty, what he said does not make sense. May be he is telling the lie." One man said as he bowed to the empress. 

"Minister Shi what you are saying is right it does not make sense an immmortal will tolerate to be treated as beggars." The empress said, hearing this Bo Chang facial features faded.

"But what immortals do is not something we mortals can't comprehense it. So what he says also makes sense." The empress said.

"But..." the minister tried to say but was stoped midway as the emperor raised her hand.

"Bo Change from today onward you are going to be promoted to general Hu position."

"And General Hu will be demoted as general today onward and he is arrested being for falsely accusing and taking other credits and results." The empress said in a high voice so that everyone would listen to her.

"That blind bastard...." General Hu was dragged away as the latter shouted and cursing Xiu Luo but no one felt pity towards him as they understood that the latter told the lies to get the reward.

"And today's meeting finished. Disperse." Everyone was moved out.
